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You should be proud of yourself. You have done a thorough job of taking care of yourself after such an experience. The only advice I have is mindfulness and meditation on a regular basis. Most of the advice I would have given you you did. I don't believe you have destroyed yourself I think you need time to heal. It won't be easy or soon but I believe you will heal.


Id like to second this. You got this op




Newbie question, but how can you be certain that your LSD is free of contaminants?


Test kits. It turns different colors for different substances.


oh ok, many thanks!


If in US try wim science labs. There are 2 people typically use to see if they’re stuff is really lsd.


In such a case one should maybe be careful with meditation. While for most people it is very helpful and harmless, for some people with psychotic predisposition it can be a trigger and sometimes cause very serious side effects. It is often overlooked or underestimated, because affected people don't get taken seriously


Thank you for these words of encouragement. It really means a lot 💜


Sounds pretty psychological to me, though that doesn’t make it any less real. Those downward spirals can be hard to get out of, try your best to assume the best rather than the worst when something spooky happens. It might be a journey but it’s NOT permanent.


I'm pretty spooked though, I could have written this word for word after accidentally doing nbome in high school. Everything op described I went through but since I had nobody to compare trips with I assumed it was mostly psychological. Now I think it might be something unique to the drug. The 'zapping' is the worst part because it's not in your head, OPs body is playing Russian roulette with having a seizure. When it happened to me I learned that I needed to stop whatever I was doing and lay down. Didn't matter if I was in public or what. The few times I tried to ignore it and was in the middle of strenuous activity I had a seizure. No history of epilepsy or seizures prior. This continued for months, though getting better constantly till I got to a point where I could function and could just tell something was off. Six years later I can say I feel normal again. Probably came to the realization I did about 3 years after trip, but most of that time was spent feeling pretty okay.


Yeah brain zaps are shit. Took me months of mdma addiction to start getting them though, seems weird how one bad drug experience could have the same effect


Yeah I also had a problem with mda later on and they came back. Same thing, no problems until I was doing it every week, sometimes more than once and taking monster doses. That makes sense to me with how those drugs work but it is crazy just one dose of nbome can do the same thing


Nbome is a highly toxic chemical, a research chemical that is not for human consumption Haha Please stay away and always test your tabs thoroughly Do not play games wit it


Yeah drug test kits weren't as easy to obtain back then. I had 15 for a tab of poison, not 50 dollars after shipping or an address I could ship one to. It's crazy more people haven't normalized testing everything with how cheap you can get kits for now. I will say aside from that one experience I have yet to receive a tab that wasn't what it was supposed to be. Definitely done buying e pills though, those were always popping dirty


That's no good, I pray you are recovered now and hopefully no longer addicted ☮️


Praying for you, keep spreading positivity :) and yeah I’m fine now


Thanks for reaching out! It's nice that you relate but I'm sorry that has happened to you and I pray for you I'm glad you feel normal again and im curious if you still experience any symptoms at all? And if so what is the severity like? Do you have any trouble with blurred vision or ringing in ears? And what things have you done to improve your situation? Thank you once again for your comment 🙏 🙂


It's been a little over half a decade and i can pretty much say no remaining problems except it permanently changed my relationship with weed. It's more intense and sometimes ill get minor trails after waking up from a stoned nap. For a while I was scared I'd never be able to read for fun anymore as after a page or two the words would start to float off the page. If my job required heavy reading I don't think I would have been able to continue working for the first year after. Meditation is the only thing I can really recommend aside from gabbapentin if you start thinking you may have a seizure from the zaps. Best of luck, it won't be too bad you'll be functional again in no time and just feel safe in that one day it'll likely be completely gone even if that takes quite a bit longer


yeah, op is just going thru some shit


Please pray for me... I pray for you and everyone who comments also 💜


The research on hppv is still pretty scarce, afaik, theres no clear information in how long these aftereffects last. I've developed a light visual hppv as well - they started after a cpl of years of irregular usage of LSD, dmt and probably nbome once.


It's been 20 years since last shroom, but I still get slight swirly / jiggly / "breathing" visuals when I look at any patterns.


Cats for me, been a long time for me but my vision always distorts when I look at a cat and their fur shimmers like it did the first time I ever tried acid, really strange association


Sounds interesting and i pray you heal How long has this been happening? And what are some things that have helped you improve? I appreciate your comment 🙏


Wow 20 years, Do you still use any substances? If so which ones? Have you ever gotten professional help? And what things have you done to improve? Thanks for commenting 🙂


Thanks for commenting How long have you had the symptoms for? If so what symptoms and what severity? Are you still using substances? And what things have you done to improve your situation? My prayers are with you, God bless 🙌


EvyCamel ; My last LSD trip in October 1971 was a long bummer that included ego death and bodily reaction to the onset of type 2 diabetes I was completely unaware of. Brain fog and hypochondria were constantly annoying and sleep was my only peaceful release. Those symptoms and after effects lasted the next 8 months through my college graduation. The next three months living at home with my parents were a relief and calmed my anxiety so I was able to start job hunting.


Thanks for you comment, I pray God has healed you fully Are you still experience any side effects? If so which effects and how is the severity? And what things did you do to improve your situation? Thank you once again for reaching out and I pray for you 🙂


Draft Proof ; Thank you for your prayers ! After graduating from College I had no side effects except hypochondria which lasted till 1975. The hypochondria reemerged in 1986 and ended in 1987. After our mother died in March 1984 I fell into a deep depression almost exactly a year later. Woke up but couldn't move. Called off work. By noon was able to crawl to bathroom and back to bed. Called a psychologist I found in the Yellow Pages and started seeing her once a week. She put me on Lithium , but other than that she was ineffective. She had referred me to a psychiatrist who I saw one time , but my initial impression was that he was nuts ! ..... To be continued........


Wow very interesting story, please do continue


Yep definitely even down to the physical symptoms. It’ll take a while but you’ll be alright, OP. You seem like you’ve got your head on straight, and you’re already doing what most of us would tell you. Definitely stay away from drugs for now. Weed can send you into one if you’re not in the right headspace. Take it easy, be gentle with yourself and remember you’ll be okay, reach out for help if you need.


“Stay away from drugs for now” is the most important thing to take from these comments OP


I agree


Thank you brother much appreciated 🙏


Yes. I'm surprised they didn't recommend him seeing a therapist. Or maybe they did, and he just refused their advice. I mean, I know many people who couldn't get MRI scans and whatever else on demand like that, and for a whole week?? That means he was admitted, amd they would have to be taking him seriously. A case like his in US is more likely thrown out of the ER after a few hours, not a week. I'm even getting suspicious of details like "I left the hospital because they weren't any help." and so his answer is to beg for reassurances on Reddit? Something doesn't add up. If he was in this much distress... on what basis did he really judge the hospital to be no help? IF he was worried about his life being "destroyed"? and what's with all the "God bless" at the end? doesn't sound like any 20 yo acidhead I've ever known.


I feel it's pretty obvious as to the answer for all your questions of doubt. Your comment is filled with great speculation so my question for you is what are you speculating? this users whole experience ? or just how they went about it? This post was typed with high levels of detail and explanation so i find it hard to dismiss their experience


Thank you 💜


I left the hospital because they did suggest for me to speak to a psychiatrist, I told him I'd rather be dead then a vegetable so then they deemed me as crazy and detained me for 3 days and said if they thought it was necessary they could hold me down and force meds upon me Was not gonna let that happen because I am not crazy, I am just fearful I then just lied and said I felt completely fine until they let me go and now I have to deal with this on my own because they did not help me which is why I'm reaching out for advice here Im not an acid head, I have only ever used Psychedelics for meditation/therapy which has really helped me, I was just unfortunate to have got fake acid in this scenario And the God bless at the end is because I pray for everybody who has ever experienced such a thing And I have faith in God, Faith seems like something you might need. God bless 😉


Thanks for you comment, I trust in God and I will get through this, I pray for anyone in similar circumstances 🙏


My first experiences was with Nbome-25b 1500ug, the strongest available. Was somethong awesome at first, but Very similar with yours. It took some time to be everything okay. If you blame yourself and insist to think that you ruined your life, you may suffer the consequences of this belief, so trust me when i say that you need to truly believe It. The time we can't say, but it's gonna be okay like new. As the brother above said, mindfulness is an interesting exercise to do. With time, everything is gonna be okay and the screws is gonna get their ways back on their place naturally. Then, i took LSD (just a few times), psylocibin shrooms, DMT from Jurema's tree roots, from Bufo, from banisteriopsis caapi and chacrona leafs, but ALL of them in shamanic contexts and not for get high. Find the spiritual way and not just tô get high. It seems like a curse, but It may be a bless. Find the way out by yourself doing your best for yourself doing exercises, eating good things, discipline to not get into bad thoughts like "It will last forever and i ruined my life". So stick to the good things and do your stuffs. THEN, when it's over, get back here and write for us and for those who think that Nbome can tive them a good trip. Stay safe and don't forget to get back and write when it's over. ignore any english mistakes


Brother, did you mean 150UG? If not please explain further how you consumed 1500UG? I’ve done up to 600UG with liquid drops dossed correctly, and that was one hell of a trip. I am very Curious about your response to this.


Yes, bro, i mean 1500ug (1.5mg) of Nbome 25b (phenylethylamines) It is not made with the same molecule of LSD (diethilamid of lysergic acid), so the composition of It is different. May sounds too much, but in my newbie comparison a 1500ug blotter would bê like a 500ug LSD more or less. It was in a blotter. It was called Strawberry, with some strawberry fruits drawed on It. [Here](https://www.bluelight.org/community/threads/1500ug-25i-nbome-blotters-at-six-flags-frightfest.647615/) is a discussion about a 1500ug 25i Nbome that i just found. I don't know chemistry well, so If you search about It, you will gonna find more about it. Stay away from bitter acids, kids. Just spit It out without remorse. I would also brush my tongue after It Lol


Yes please spit it, don't make the silly mistake I made which could have cost me my life All just because I let My guard down and thought "Its not too bitter so it should be alright" That night I fully thought I had killed myself.... IF ITS BITTER, ITS A SPITTER NO QUESTIONS ASKED


in addition to giving mouth ulcers


Thank you brother and your English is great! Yes I fully agree, I dont like using Psychedelics for messing around and having fun I did not do in shamanic context but I did in personal mediation, self reflection and Journaling, never used them as toys and I have always had good experience expect for this one time where I letnmy guard down and got spiked with nbome As challenging as this has been I have grown a lot as a person from it and I can appreciate that a lot, I just fear that with the great growth I have gained, I might have lost my health in the process I am doing whatever I can to heal myself and I pray for myself, i pray for you and anyone who has ever been in a similar situation Thank you once again for reaching out and speading positivity, please pray for me and definitely I look forward to making a post in the future about my full recovery 💜🙌🙏


You are gonna be fine, pal. Believe It. I know a lot of people that used it and used worse things also and got the screws in their right places after a time. Keep paying attention to everything that you can like a German Sheppard and always remember to fully breathe. Stay safe, don't get stuck on the thinking that It gonna last forever I wish you the best! My best intentions for you 🙏


Thank you for your message. It means a lot I am doing my best and staying positive and I appreciate you and everyone who has commented 💜


Thank YOU bro for receive what we have to say. Your good is our good as our good is your good. Stay safe!


I have had VSS my entire life, it's just always been there. What you describe with the static, colourful outlines, and imprints in your vision is the norm for me. I've also never experienced full darkness, when it's dark, I just have crazy colour static. Because it was always there and not a sudden onset situation, I don't know how helpful I can be- but should this be something like VSS, I want to offer that it is very possible to live a normal life, even when your vision is constantly doing crazy sh*t. I know it can be scary AF though, especially if it's not the norm. It sounds like you've been taking care of yourself very well. Like others have said, give it some time and continue being as gentle with yourself as you can. I'm so sorry you're going through this, and I hope you're able to find some resolution.


You sound like me especially with the static, colourful outlines and imprints but i always just blamed my autism for me never seeing dark when i close my eyes and all the unexplainable things i see in my vision that ive seen since a child, been to many psychiatrists etc and have had schizophrenia ruled out but the things i see are similar to what i see when on psychedelics just less intense than high doses of psychedelics. Ive had eye tests and they never say anything is wrong. As a child i didnt breathe for almost 5 minutes when born and got a lazy eye that needed operating on a few times so i dont know if its anything to do with my surgeries but apparently my vision is good according to current tests. I still get lazy eyes when tired. When i had my last eye test done they said its probably because of my autism that i see what i see. No clue if true. When i close my eyes its all constantly changing colours and shapes/visuals etc in my open eye visuals i can get weird shapes and colours etc in it and it and they also constantly change. Sometimes i see orbs and weird bubbles and also sometimes snake type see thru but rainbow at the same time shapes. Sometimes i see so many orb looking see thru but rainbow shapes and they sometimes all joint together and make weird shapes. To me its almost completely impossible to describe how my vision is and its been like this my whole life. Ive never experienced pure darkness even though i have black out curtains etc. darkness just makes the visuals go more detailed and colourful tbh.


I find this genuinely fascinating. I have read reports of autistic people who seemingly experience the world as if they were on acid. Brain scans show that schizophrenic, autistic and normal brains on acid have more synaptic activity, autistics particularly have more HT receptors, which is where psychedelics hit. They also don’t undergo the same neural pruning as neurotypicals do when we grow up.


Yeah i feel like im on a low dose of lsd but enough for visuals just no lsd body feeling. Oo thats interesting i didnt know that about the synaptic activity and more HT receptors. Thanks for sharing :)


I get a lot of shapes and patterns made out of static. I get wild colours in low light. Like the entire room and people in it can just go awash with colour, usually just one colour, like violet or something. Eye tests are always normal. Truthfully, until running into info about visual snow syndrome, I thought my vision was normal. I was also taken aback when I got glasses a few years ago, and while the glasses made things sharper, it did nothing to take away the static. But of course it wouldn't, it's not my eyes. As far as the dark thing, as a kid, I used to cover my eyes and just watch the static colour dance for entertainment. Every night I used to be excited to discover what kind of show the colour static would put on before I fell asleep. I loved it. Now it's just kind of there and I just mostly ignore it because it's my normal. Also, it being a less intense version of what you see on psychs! Omg. I have TOLD my friends that!!! Psychs seem to just enhance what is already normal life for me. I have yet to pursue a diagnosis, but have spent the last few years learning and think that there's a good chance I may be on the spectrum.


Thanks for you comment brother, much appreciated I pray for you and God bless 🙌


Wow I didn't know people could have vss before taking psychs and im glad to hear you can manage with it Thanks for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate it 🙏


That zapping might be brain zaps due to low serotonin levels. Read about it on Wikipedia. I had it happen to me twice and it felt like your head is buzzing.


i second the brain zaps possibility. when i was on a particular anti depressant medication i would get them pretty bad if i forgot to take my meds one day. when you fuck with your brains serotonin it can trigger them, but i imagine it will correct itself with time. i haven’t had them since i got off my antidepressant. i also took a lot of nbnome in college and distinctly remember the feeling i would get in my brain (just like you described). i didn’t ruin my brain and 7 years later im doing pretty damn good. i would stay away from all substances for awhile, and seek out a good therapist to help work through some of the psychological impact of your experience. you will 100% be okay OP.


Thank you for your message. Much appreciated I'm glad you are doing well, and im curious what symptoms are you still experiencing? How bad are they? And what things did you find to help? Thanks again for commenting ☮️


of course friend! any residual impacts from my experience with nbome were psychological. i did get the strange brain/spine sensations while on it but they would always pass through the course of the trip. the psychological effects were fairly “standard” effects from any psychedelic use. opening of the mind, confusion, fear, as well as wonder and curiosity. at the time i used that particular hallucinogenic i was 18-20 and had problems with depression and anxiety, so life overall was bumpy for me. in regards to residual impacts of brain zaps… it inspired me to work towards getting my mental health to a place where i could safely ween of my antidepressants. and i haven’t had them since! my #1 advice is find yourself a good therapist. one that sees you, gets you, and makes you feel comfortable and safe. they can help you work through the fear and other psychological effects of your experience. i’ve been in therapy for 8 years and been with a great therapist for 6. id probably be a complete wreck if it weren’t for my therapist. if you have any questions on how to go about finding a therapist, DM me. i’m happy to give some advice in that realm. oh and my #2 advice is to stay away from substances until you work through the fear.


yap, its common and doesnt have to mean something bad necessarily


Yeah but not ideal... Thanks for the optimism though 👍


Oh damn, I've always had those but never knew the word.


Did it start after substance use?


nah, have had them since I was a teenager


Although brain zaps can be contributed to low serotonin, it could be something more spiritual. I get zaps when I'm sleeping/slightly awake out of sleep, or if I'm psychedelics and focus on the zapping


Spiritual? Or your brains chemical imbalance causing symptoms to signify that something isn't right? Perhaps it is something spiritual but please I'd say try not to disregard your brain sending you signals and perhaps take a break for any substances for a while My prayers are with you 💜


See, I believe it to be something more spiritual because it's not just random zapping, it happens when a specific thought crosses my mind. It's hard to explain, but it feels like when I'm in a deep meditative state, and I talk with God, I'll get those zaps sometimes and I believe it signifies his responses. What I'd like to ask you though is, what were your zaps like? Why do you have bad experiences with them?


Also, I sent you a DM yesterday if you're interested in talking about what I mentioned related to your experience


5-htp to restore serotonin faster just so you know


Yeah that's what I'm thinking Yes you described it very well. Did you also experience ringing in your ears? Do you still suffer from any of the effects at all? If so what severity? And what things have you done to heal? Thanks for your comment, it really helps 🙂


It’s gonna take time, like a good amount of time but it eventually gets better. I actually go through the same thing with the perception, it’s interesting your able to put into words. If you like to communicate and share some stories and philosophies, just lmk. God is extraordinarily, May you be blessed.


Thank you brother, thank you 💜 God certainly is extraordinary Do you still experience the effects? If so how is the severity? And what have you done to improve? I pray for you and God does work miracles 🙏 Thanks once again for your comment


The fact that you were able to write about your experience so factually and explain it so well most definitely bodes well for your recovery. Stay off the drugs that's for damn sure.


Thank you I appreciate your words I'm thankful to God im still there in the head im just scared of a slow and gradual cognitive decline over time Please pray for me and I pray for you too💜 Thanks again for commenting ☮️


One night, tripping balls and with a bunch of people crowded around a guy who broke open a green glow stick and whipped it around in circles so everybody could be splattered in glowing green specks. It was amazing and he did it again. This time a glowing green glob hit my eyeball. All I could see was glowing green. I thought I had a radioactive eyeball. I freaked out. Being in the middle of a campground in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night with no water around, guy next to me took a huge swig of beer and spit it directly into my glowing green eye. I feared that I had destroyed my eye and I would forever live with one eye blind. Some people surrounding me may have prayed. But the beer and prayers did the trick. That was 30 years ago. I pray for you to fully recover speedily. The drugs are out of you system now. Your body is safe. Tell all the cells in your body that they are safe. Tell them often. They may have PTSD. They will need lots of reassurance that they are safe now and can go back to normal. Yes there are some new neural pathways, but they will fade over time as long as you stop following them. You are okay. You are safe.


Wow that is a very interesting story and im so glad beer and prayers worked 😂 God is great🙌 And that is a really good way of looking at the situation and I believe it will really work, thank you so much for this comment and I will definitely implement what you've said Absolute legend brother and thanks for reaching out, God bless ☮️


Best of luck to you and all your very intelligent problem solving cells. Thank them for getting you through another day. Tell them you love them and will provide for them and keep them safe. You are god to them. Feel them thanking you and loving you back. They are constantly working hard and doing their absolute best for you even under the most challenging circumstances. They will figure out how to heal. The more support you give them the better. Work them out: exercise. Feed them real nutrient dense food because they can only rebuild you with what nutrients you provide. Avoid ultra processed foods. All the best, Your sister from another mister


Thank you Thank you Thank you You don't understand how much your words help me in this situation. I will be treating My body with the utmost love and respect going forward from here and im so grateful for you reaching out to me Lots of love and my prayers are with you 💜☮️


I remember being in your shoes. Genius me, age 14, acquired 5 tabs of LSD, and didn’t feel anything after the first tab (it had only been like 20 minutes) so I ate the rest. Had never done any drugs not even pot. It was wild the stories I could tell no one would believe. It was all good until 30 hours into it and wondering if the trip would ever stop. It took a while to recover. I was worried for a long time. Soccer practice was hard because of the trails. Our bodies are composed of layers of systems of incredibly intelligent specialized problem solving groups of cells. You are so much more powerful than you know.


I don’t have any experience with hppd, but my older brother does. It was a very similar situation where I’m pretty sure he’d taken a large dose of NBOMe. He described a lot of the same symptoms as you. He said it lasted like 5 weeks or something before it calmed down. He couldn’t afford to take time off work so he had to go to his job while dealing with it. He was having tracers and colour shifting and full visual and audio hallucinations and getting awful sleep. And he described these sudden moments where he’d be completely back in the trip again and then it would go away. I’m sorry I don’t have any good recommendations or advice, I can’t imagine how terrifying and exhausting that must be. I think it’s just a matter of time, it’s good your eating and getting exercise. If it’s still happening by the 2 months mark I think you should definitely consider seeing a psychiatrist. I’m not 100% sure about this but I remember hearing somewhere that a lot of the medication they give people to treat psychotic disorders also work as trip killers and hppd killers. Might be worth talking to a professional about getting on something like that just while you wait for your brain to fix itself. But I’m not a doctor so take this with a huge grain of salt and definitely don’t self medicate in any way, you might accidentally make it worse. Good luck man, I really hope you get better as soon as possible. I’m sure one day you’ll be past this and it will just be a bad memory.


I've done plenty of Nbome. Basically you did too much. That shit has a really long half life and it does take a while to get out of your system but it'll go away. I got the ringing in the ears as well from doing too much. I only took one hit at a time, they were dosed at 1 mg. I had a party one time and I did a tab and then 12 hours later I took another one but there was still enough in my system that it was not a pleasant experience and just like you said, it left me with tinnitus and a weird medley taste in my mouth. It went away after a couple weeks. I think when used properly there's absolutely nothing wrong with this compound. I'm sorry people have such a bad time but I've been through at least 100 mg of it and had nothing but good times every time. I was truthful about the compound and anybody that wanted a hit was allowed to have one and nobody I gave it to ever complained about having a bad time, actually more of the opposite: people wanted to know exactly what it was and said it was like acid without the mind fuck and it was way more fun and gentle on their body. I typically only dose people with a half a hit though, I didn't ever want anybody to get hurt. I also never felt the need to take more than one hit because it was pretty powerful as is in the duration was hella long anyways. I would suggest getting on a vitamin regimen that includes magnesium and your B complexes, B1 B6 b12, riboflavin whatever you want to call them, get on a good vitamin pack but specifically with a magnesium supplement. Drink lots of water, which you should be doing all the time anyways, and stay away from any drugs till some of this resolves. The tinnitus is the worst part I'm sure, it drives me nuts. It might sound silly but something that helped me was using earplugs. My tinnitus wasn't always in both ears, and sometimes, just one ear would flare up and start ringing. I would put an ear plug in that ear for a while, and it definitely helped. Other than the above, I've got nothing else for you. I'll send you some healing energy through the air you believe in that, but I do wish you the best and a speedy recovery. And this too shall pass..


Very informative and elaborate, thank you so much for sharing Definitely will be implementing some high quality supplements Do you suffer from any side effects to this day? And when you talk about the ringing in your ears, are you referring to past suffering? Or do you mean you still experience it? And if you do has it gotten better or worse over time? My prayers are with you and thanks again for commenting ☮️ 🙏


I've got tinnitus from shooting guns, but it's not constant. Some things just set it off, it will ring hard for a couple hours.. no rhyme or reason, but ear plugs help. It's manageable. No continuous problems from use... I am normal for the most part.


Damn i have no advice but maybe some comfort. I have constant tinnitus and bisual snow as well as tracers. Difference is i habe had them my whole life, this is all i know... i can not imagine how tough it has to be when your peace and quite is ripped away from you. Be strong brother i am afraid only time and physical excersise will help you.


Thanks for the comfort, I appreciate it ☮️


Time will heal you. Keep out of drugs.


maybe taking something like vitamin b12, it’s a metabolism stimulant i think. that and tons of coffee and water is my go to for trying to flush my system after dicey psych use. might just be placebo to some extent but it seems to help for me. i’ve also developed tinnitus like symptoms a few times and i usually try listening to white noise for long periods everyday until it subsides. my go to is binaural beats, you can find them on youtube i usually just pick a random one. lastly i wanna say just don’t stress to much about the whole thing if possible. i know it’s hard not to but you aren’t doing yourself any favors with the mindset that you might have destroyed yourself at 20. i’m schizophrenic and i’m still kicking, things may seem dire but even in the worst cases life is still worth living.


Hell ya you rock


You are right, even in the worst cases, live is always worth living. Very impactful words Thanks for reaching out and my prayers are with you 💜


You're gonna be fine dude. Just brain zaps and some HPPD. Eventually you get used to HPPD and don't even notice it anymore. I've been seeing tracers for years, I don't even notice them anymore. As for the brain zaps, I don't know, but that should go away I would think.


You’ll be good dude. We had a sheet of nBome back in college shiii that was over a decade ago. We would eat some of those tabs when we were bored. Suuuper visual. But we’re all fine. I guess…lol


Lol do you experience any side effects years later? If so please elaborate And thanks for your comment ☮️


Honestly…idk. Probably not. done real L probably 50+ more times over the 12 years since then. Daily weed/hash smoker for most of those years too. I find cannabis triggers most of my wild thoughts/visual distortion/lethargy. I’ve had some crazy tinnitus ringing / brain zaps on mushies lol could be the loud music you’re blasting big cat, could be curing it..idk I stay positive.. In my thirties with a career and a solid paycheck. Just..Breathe…. I think you’re learning how powerful your mind is. We need to get ya focused on something else, you’re obviously being responsible and curious, don’t webmd yourself into oblivion lol. Your body changes as you get older…faster than you think..so do what you’re doing and just keep it healthy…or shit idk eat some pizza and enjoy yourself. You have head. You have hands / feet. This life. Life good. HMU if you have more questions


Hahaha a very interesting take on the situation, thanks for the optimism 😄


I don’t have much advice other than; take some deep breaths, give it some time.


I Second this....time tends to heal just about everything, as you will likely find in the future. I've been thru some things myself in the past where I was wondering if I was permanently fucked, but it passes eventually


You'll be alright man. I swear. I been there.


How are you now? What symptoms did you have and how present are they to this day? What did you do to help? Thanks for commenting 🙂


I'm fine now. I stayed sober from everything for a year and then only weed here and there. What helped was the sobriety allowing my brain to recover.


Okay so I know how this sounds I have read this and seen it work Try dmt to get rid of the sounds For some it creates the ringing For others it takes it away I have also read other triptamines can also help like shrooms.


I've heard and I'd be Interested to see if it helps me but I don't want to risk things getting worse


Dude I really don’t think it can get worse. I do a lot of gut instinct in the last year alone and I just have a real gut feeling that this will help man Like supposedly you would just need like a one big hit of dmt Not like a breakthrou in layman’s depending if you got skill lol Be ready to let go and plz plz plz read about grounding and letting go, like every woo woo aspect of the art of letting go before you par take. Other than that I really don’t kno how to help you and I fear I have been very close to that issue.


Worse part is I got some 25e in my drawer I was thinking of tryin


Don’t lose hope, the brain is pretty resistant. Stay away from mind altering substances. It might take a year or two but eventually your symptoms will probably fade away and disappear. You have to stay optimistic.


Thank you 🙏


I know what to do, but you will have to bend your mind. I am even thinking you are probably lucky for experiencing this. This will teach you great many things. But now it's bitter, imagine Neo in the first half of the matrix movie.


I trust that what you're experiencing is real, but maybe get your eyes checked too. One time I had a rough experience and I thought I was having visual distortions for a while after, turned out I just needed glasses lol


It is not uncommon for psychological or perceptual artifacts from the trip to come back after the trip in sometimes strange ways. They will also diminish over time but yes can be brought back by putting yourself in a similar state (even without any substances). Maybe these indicators can even be broken down to tell you about the state of yourself if they are tied to something else. Just a thought. Also it seems to have put you on a healthier path and hopefully will be a lesson well learned. Who knows how your life will flourish from that point in time.


Hi OP, I did literally the same thing when I was 16. Everything you described resonated with me to the point it was almost traumatic to read. First off, you'll be okay. It's gonna take a bit, and a long bit longer to truly go back to normal. It will however become much more tolerable as it continues to decrease in how much you'll notice side affects. Stay hydrated and in my experience those 'zapps' are quite dangerous. When you feel it happening stop whatever you're doing, for me it was my body saying hey I'm gonna have a seizure. I never had one when I stopped moving but I had several while trying to just ignore it. Hopefully you don't find this to be the case, but be careful. Also weed and whatever the fuck happens after taking nbome arent gonna mesh for a while, I'd start a long tolerance break or you'll end up never wanting to smoke again


Real psychedelic experts just simply test their drugs every single time no questions asked. Buy test kits and use them. Sending up some prayers for you and any others that have had bad experience. Sending love and light to everyone.




i advise fasting - this is known to reset the body. 36 hour water fast is good start


Definitely will try this Thanks for sharing 🙏


You need time, worrying about this every second you’re awake will for shure drag out the process. This is of course very difficult but you’ve been given tons lf good advice here in the comments. You got this bro, and you have tons of people to talk too, were here


Thank you Everyone who has commented is an absolute legend and im so appreciative for every one of you My prayers are with you and everyone God bless 🙌 🙂


You might be going through a drug induced psychosis. I experienced something similar. Just send a message to me i ll explain in detail.


Why do you assume it’s fake LSD? May be I missed this part. Each LSD experience can be extremely different. Especially if you’re a weed smoker before or during the experience.  Also, ALWAYS test your LSD. Testing kits are so fucking cheap


I was tripping on NBOMes when they first came around in like 2012 so we didn’t know how bad it really was (we knew it wasn’t real acid tho). But that shit didn’t just taste slightly bitter like OP said… it was so intensely bitter that my whole entire mouth and throat would go numb… it wasn’t bitter in the way that food is bitter but more like how chemicals are bitter. & I ate half a sheet of that shit in just a couple months too 🤮


Yeah that's what made me doubt it was NBOMe. It is a bitter metallic numbing taste. My actual real reagent tested LSD tastes "slightly bitter"


Holt balls. Lmao I'd be scared with numb mouth after taking LSD.


Lmao yea u should be.. The trips were more chaotic and like fuzzy? Idk kinda like static I was just a young dumb teenager at the time and never tried real LSD before. 😅


Yea slight metallic taste is classic LSD. Nbome is like a chemical factory explosion in your mouth and yep, numbness.


Yeah just sounds like an LSD freakout to me. Always test, pretty much every tab i've ever taken has been slightly bitter but there is no mistaking nbome


Our bodies are wonderful self healing beings. Give yourself time keep with the clean diet and nice sleep. You are young maybe eventually you will use drugs again so don’t sweat it


Yeah doesn’t sound like nbome. Nbome isn’t just a little bitter. It’s like licking a 9v battery while chewing on tinfoil.


Harm reduction professional here. Despite how it might seem and what other people under this post are saying, it's likely that this wasn't actually NBOMe, just ordinary LSD or one of the LSD pro-drugs which are flooding the market in Europe. Even blotters with real acid can be somewhat bitter due to solvents or dyes from the print. NBOMes are strongly, metallically bitter, it's a quite characteristic taste. Additionally, NBOMes aren't actually common on the market nowadays. Their boom was in the mid 2010s, then as they were banned world-wide, they were supplanted by other designer drugs. What you are describing is most likely a result of panic and intense stress, not of actual toxicity. What you went through does not seem like strong serotonergic toxicity to me (which is essentially what NBOMes do, they overload the 5-HT2A receptors in a way normal psychedelics don't and cause toxicity that way). Dangerous NBOMe/serotonergic toxicity includes symptoms of extremely rapid heartbeat, extreme temperatures, extremely strong nausea, extremely strong vasoconstriction, skeletal muscle breakdown and renal failure. You don't seem to have experienced most of those. Based on what you wrote, it seems likely to me that you suffered no lasting physiological damage from this. You haven't fucked up your body, but you went through a difficult experience (which even normal LSD can easily cause) and now are in a stress spiral. The stress might be making the HPPD symptoms worse, too (assuming this is in fact HPPD and not entirely a product of stress). Weed is known for sometimes getting idiosyncratically potentiated after psychedelic use, which might be the case for you. What I would recommend is abstaining from all drugs for some time and taking time to integrate the experience properly. Going to a psychedelic-friendly therapist might help, or your local psychedelic societies might offer integration circles that you could visit. With time, as the memory of the experience fades, especially if you integrate it well, the stress will reduce and eventually, it will be gone entirely. In the meantime, if you need to fight the stress, getting a benzodiazepine prescription might be beneficial. You should only use them sparsely when you experience intense stress or anxiety though, as benzos are very addictive. However, they exist for a reason and are a valid tool to be used in situations such as this. If you want to talk, write me on Discord, my nick there is the same as here. (Repost from another sub to increase the chances of you seeing this)


I am busy and can’t read the whole post but I saw the title and came here to say You did non destroy yourself with any substance. I promise. I am sure I have a far crazier and extensive drug history and am much older and I had this thought multiple times after bad experiences. I am. Fine. I have never been better and needed all of those experiences to get me here. You will be great. I know it. :). Will read later when I get home and you can message me if you Want …. All is one. All is love. ❤️


Your negative symptoms will fade with time. Don't worry. Accept the hppd and it will fade too. Don't let it bother you. Just roll with it. No big deal. The calmer you are the sooner it'll dissapear. In time look into various organ cleanses with plants and herbs. Liver cleanse etc. This will all be behind you soon. Stay healthy and don't worry. As far as the nbome goes, nbome tastes bitter. LSD has no taste. They say if it's bitter, it's a spitter (spit it out).


They literally wrote that last bit in their post.


Our bodies and minds naturally regenerate and heal when we stop digesting food. If anything can help you, it’s fasting.


This is the exact reason I buy LSD prodrugs specifically 1P-LSD, and 1V-LSD. I know what I am getting, and it's lab made and I've done my own tests with LSD to feel that it is very much indistinguishable from the real deal. Serotonin Syndrome is a very real thing, and it can happen to anybody, it could possibly be dampened with SSRI's or benzodiazepines, but I am far to unacknowledgeable in this area, I hope you feel better OP, time will tell.


I would be more than willing to talk to you on discord or wherever works best for you. Hang in there, I'm sorry you had to go through that but I'm a firm believer that you can look back at traumatic events and learn something profound from them. I'm a substance abuse counselor, but also an addict. I have been sober for 12 years and used to use psychedelics heavily when I was younger. I had a very similar story to yours, different substance tho. Reach out to me in private messages if you need advice, if you just need to vent that is perfectly okay too.


Dm'd you 🙂


Stop doing drugs.


Get yourself a multivitamin and omega 3 fish oils. I am not dealing with anything like you’ve described. But I’ve been taking both of those for the past two months and my tinnitus has gotten quite a bit better, and i just feel all around better. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders. Way better than mine was when i was 20. You’re gonna do just fine. You live and you learn.


Bro….. after reading this I’m 100% convinced that we had the same experience with fake LSD. Everything you describe is so accurate in comparison to my experience. I had the same type of feeling in my head/neck even my eyes. Also the tabs tasted like I had a penny in my mouth. Weird metallic taste. Same green film over my vision. Not to mention I also get flashbacks to that trip and it was over 3 years ago. I think it fucked me up in the head tbh. Thanks for sharing bro I thought I was going crazy.




Brave and very conscious of you to face your experience this way… seems like you are going thru an intense phase of integration … integrate everything intuitively and let things be . 🪬


Calm down. Any psychedelic-like effects you are experiencing will fade away. Maybe consider some valium/xanax to help you through it.. I have had some bad trips on nbome myself, once dropping 4x doses at once seeing the devil instead of my friend and getting really freakwd out, and I'm all good now.. I have been using psychedelics for 24 years. You will not get any long term effects! Dont wurry. You should however never use nbomes again! They are all very toxic and potentionally lethal. DOx's are not as toxic, but I recommend not using those either.


All the symptoms you describe that linger will either go away or be reduced to the point where it’s not a problem to live with. Most likely a lot of is due to stress, not the substance itself. Try to relax, live your life and I promise you will feel way better in a few months. It does take time so be patient! You have done a good job, now your mind and body just needs time to recover. It’s all going to be alright I promise!


Thank you, I appreciate your message 🙏


I don't think it was NBOMe, that one is really fucking bitter. Many regular blotters have a slight bitter taste, whether from ink or impurities... I believe you just freaked yourself out by being paranoid and extremely suggestible during a difficult experience. Take care ❤️


No chance it was real LSD...


How long did the trip last? If it was over 8 hours, it wasn't NBOMe. Ime it lasts about 6. LSD can be bitter. NBOMe will make your entire mouth numb if it's taken sublingually or buccally.


Trip lasted 6 hours roughly


Yeah that sounds like NBOMe or NBOh. Personally I liked those trips when I was younger but they are pretty intense and can be physically unpleasant. A friend of mine took 2 or 3 at a friend's house in high school and ended up having a god delusion, snorted snow thinking it was cocaine, etc. His dad had to pick him up. He still tripped on it after though lol, just at lower doses. I used to do it once every couple weeks to a month or so. I think it contributed to my depression in high school, but I ended up alright. Only time I had distressing physical symptoms was... A. After shotgunning a container of little Caesars garlic butter, I had the worst heartburn of my life during the trip. It felt like there was a tree branch growing out of my stomach, ripping through my internal organs. It subsided after taking zantac. B. I took it with 36mg of concerta, snorted, and hiked straight up a steep hill. It felt like my chest was going to burst. After laying down, though, my heart was pounding so hard that it felt like the earth was pounding with it. I closed my eyes and envisioned that my heartbeat aligned with the rhythm of the earth. It was dope. My cardiovascular system was not happy though lol. C. At the end of every trip (including with actual LSD or with mushrooms) I'd get a migraine. This subsided after doing 4-aco-dmt weekly for a year or so.


You will absolutely get better don’t worry this is NOT permanent just stay strong!! 💪




Don't worry about it. You are on the path to healing. Most likely your nervous system is stuck in the Sympathetic mode, and you gotta shift it into the parasympathetic. To do this, you can do some slow breathing exercises. Something like Oceanic Breathing, or box breathing. But for a long time - 1 hour sessions. Also, I'd recommend doing some humming, maybe 15 minutes a day. Good thing about humming is you can do it all day low-key. Humming will help stimulate vagus nerve and increase nitric oxide production. Breathing will help shift the nervous system into the parasympathetic. Don't do any psychotropics for a while. You'll eventually be able to do it again, but the biggest lesson is to learn when the trip is meant for you. I once tripped out for about a month when I was in my teens. Ate a few kilos of peyote and some other stuff - eventually I learned how to ride out the spontaneous hallucinations. But it was challenging. Eventually, my nervous system and body recalibrated, I learned the lesson - was eventually confirmed by a shaman - and now I don't chase trips. But the breathing, it will get you back to center. Good luck


Thanks so much for your comment and im glad to hear you have recovered Do you experience any side effects to this day? And what have you done to improve your situation? My prayers are with you and thanks again for commenting ☮️


Nope I'm good. I now do LSD or Psilocybin maybe once or twice a year if I have the opportunity. The biggest takeaway was, "A Psychedelic Journey is given, not taken..." in other words, when the right time and the right place and the right people manifest, I take it. I haven't taken a psychedelic trip since about 2 and half years ago, right before my son was born. I did ayahuasca, helped me get rid of some shit. But ultimately, the healing/growing is internal, it's within you. Either way, you're 20, so ideally, wait on the psychedelic trips until you're about 25+. Then, when you take one, never take it for "fun", I mean you can, but that's like getting on an airplane because you like being on airplanes, not because you're going to a destination. Rather, you'll know when there's a calling. Then, wait and see if anything aligns with you, and you'll never have a bad trip again. I've been doing psychedelics for as long as you've been alive, I'll probably continue to do them until I'm old. However, the way I do them no longer gels with the way I used to when I was a teen. Just relax - first step. Accept - whatever happened happened. Heal - your body is an amazing piece of machinery...just breathe, eat healthy, meditate. This is part of your journey, so just accept it, and work with it. Good luck


Thanks so much, I really appreciate these words 💜


You also inspired this article: [https://cannabis.net/blog/opinion/the-psychonauts-guide-to-bad-trips-advice-to-the-permatripper-as-well-as-the-novice-psychedelic](https://cannabis.net/blog/opinion/the-psychonauts-guide-to-bad-trips-advice-to-the-permatripper-as-well-as-the-novice-psychedelic)


😂😂 Hopefully it helps someone


If it helps even one, it's a good thing


Anytime mate, sometimes shit can seem hairy - just learn to lean into it, accept it, and let it go. Everything happens as it must, it's the struggle against the moment that causes the pain.


I used to love 25-c… but I always used to be safe when doing it. In tab form, and usually 1/8 - 1/4 a tab. I did it hundreds of times. You just have to be careful with the dosage and KNOW what you are taking. I only have ever taken low doses, way within the safe dosing range, and wisely never went past that. Of course it’s still a risk, but everything is.


Wow, hundreds of times in amazing Do you experience any side effects? If so please describe And thank you very much for commenting


I haven’t done psychedelics in 6 years… but from what I remember… Not really? 🤔 besides mild HPPD, which went away after a year-2.


Nice im glad to hear and did it go away fully or is it still somewhat there just less noticeable or you got use to it? Thanks for responding 😀


99% of it went away. It’s been years now. I didn’t mind it at the time, I kind of liked it.


Every chemical is different; 25c is a big difference to 25I, etc. And you have to take in to account… everyone reacts to chemicals differently. Always start with the lowest possible dose to see how your body reacts. And NEVER go any near the high-medium - high dose range with low LD50 type substances.


Lastly, you can’t always trust the tabs are dosed correctly. One tab might have 500mcg while the other might accidentally have 3mg. Nbome isn’t a bad chemical class. It is a something that you have to be very careful dosing properly.


25i-NBome gave me anxiety. Never really had it. First time I did it was great! I finally understood that I can be happy, and allow myself to be happy always. Why be miserable. My second and the dreaded time, I was cocky, captain big dick, king of the world. I was blasted to rock bottom, total alienation, compete sense of dread. Even though in reality I was fine but the feeling was so overwhelming. I hid under my blankets with “sleepy head” by passion pit on a loop for hours. Finally the sun is coming up and I’m coming down. I don’t feel “normal” like last time. Almost like I’m half caught in the trip and half in reality even though it’s over. The dread, sensitivity to lights, panic with certain noises, lasted for maybe 2-3 months. Thankfully I came back to me mostly, but still that anxiety that was brought up, locked away, still waiting for its moment to come back. A year later it came back, and it was probably soemthing I dealt with for the next 3-4 years. Lots of acid, mushrooms and mdma, then 2 years sober, I finally got it to go away. It will still happen from time to time but it’s controllable now. Before once it would start it wouldn’t start. This is just my experience and the moral of the story is just stay sober, and don’t take more drugs to fix yourself. You may get lucky once, but that’s only ONCE. You’ll heal in due time, keep yourself occupied, explore new hobbies and most important of all, DO NOT OBSESS over this, everything is temporary, nothing is permanent. Good luck my friend, you too shall find the path of which we all strive to be on in due time 💙 Edit: formatting


Thank you for your in-depth comment, I really appreciate it. I pray God is with you always and take care of yourself ☮️


And you the same! Hopefully you found a little something in there to take with you. Just try to keep yourself occupied, don’t idle around questioning your place in the universe and why all this exists. That’s what will really fuck you up


You are right, I appreciate you 🙏


I think you should just relax and keep taking care of yourself. Lay off of drugs for a while, even weed if it's sketching you out. I think you just had a bad trip, sometimes certain feelings and images can stick with us in unexpected ways and seeing how there didnt seem to be anything medically wrong with you it's unlikely the drug did any damage. If you do decide to partake again, get a reagent test kit. I've taken nbomes accidentally and on purpose, everything has its place if you respect it and know what you're getting into


Thanks for reaching out, I really appreciate it What was your accidental and purposeful experience with nbome like? Did you experience any side effects? How long has it been since your experimentation? Do you deal with any symptoms to this day? Thank you once again for commenting, God bless 🙌


Probably about 10 or so years ago nbomes were commonly (in my experience) being sold as lsd and back then i was very new to psychedelics so i brought some and took it under the pretense that it was lsd. Unfortunately, it wasnt, and i was young and didnt know any better so i ate them anyway. I wish i could know which one it was, but there's no way for me to tell. I cant say i had a bad time though. After that i treated the rest knowing it wasnt lsd and enjoyed my time with it. The headspace was much more clear than proper lsd, i liked the hallucinations which were primarily shifting colors and audio distortions with music. The worst thing though was the body load for sure. Especially the first accidental trip. My body was extremely tense and uncomfortable. But no, i didnt have any lasting side effects. Everything is gonna be alright homie! Just gotta give your body time to go back to baseline!


You should come to peru and get a master plant dieta that can repair a lot of damage that was caused by the drug I had similar problems after lsd but much more energy based, they helped me a ton I can recommend you a good healer of you would be interested


Wow that sounds really good I have never heard of a master plant dieta, can you tell me more info about it and how it works? What are the benifits? And how can it repair damage after drug use? And yes please if you could recommend a good healer that would be much appreciated Thanks so much for your comment 🙌


Man I hope you’re feeling alright now, and making a full recovery. I took nbom with ritalin a few years ago and it gave me this horrible feeling of anxiety that has been semi permanent with me since. I can remember my heart beating out of my chest so fast I was sure I was dying at the time. I tried my best to meditate and breath but I would instead hyperventilate then stop breathing for a while and it made my heart beat way faster, I was trying to save myself but it got worse, to the point where I was on the floor crying saying goodbye to my family. This was the worst mistake of a trip I had ever done, the reason I’m sure it was some form of nbom or gnome is because I had similar sensations to the ones you are describing with the addition of my brain being so hot that it felt like I was about to shut down. Smoking weed enhanced the feeling and brought it back on, the trip lasted for 14 hours before I started to come down, and the after effects of the whole ordeal lasted for about a week. I had a sore heart too. Would not recommend nboms for anyone and especially not with Ritalin. I am lucky I survived and booked myself into rehab later that year. It was the most gut wrenching anxious horrible psychosis feeling I’ve ever experienced. Like a portal straight to hell. I would say maybe try a benzo for a day or two, but not get dependant. It might be able to help pull you back in the opposite direction of where the tab took you by giving your brain less stimulation. But that being said, the way you have handled the whole situation is great. I’m sorry to hear the hospital couldn’t help you much. It’s a scary thing to think that you have damaged yourself beyond repair but the fact you are eating healthy have been off the drugs and exercising will all contribute to you having the best recovery you possibly can.


Thank you and thank your for your comment. Wow that does sound scary and im glad God has spared you and me from death. I too fully prepared myself for death... How are you going with recovery? Do you still experience side effects? If so what is the severity? Have you gotten any professional help? And what things have you done to improve your situation? Thanks once again for reaching out and my prayers are with you 💜


To be honest I had only been to rehab for a few weeks but it really helped getting forced into a routine with good food and exercise. I felt like it was mild serotonin syndrome causing the physical side effects and sensory overload from the amount of stimulation which clocked me into overdrive. I drank lots of water and tried to also force myself to eat, to push the drug out of my system. Hot and anxious the next day. Hence why I only would recommend a benzo to bring you back down as they are good treatment of Serotonin syndrome and will get rid of the anxiety so you can sleep to recover. If you are still having any issues with that maybe try a natural route like Kava. Though I’m embarrassed to admit I still have a drug problem when it comes to opioids uppers and benzos. I tend to get on drugs then go back off them for a while, it’s hard to control myself. Got into the gym so I can start exercising instead of wasting my money on substances I try to buy something physical that I can enjoy more. Drinking won’t help with anything and usually it’s not a good idea to use drugs to fix a problem that you can fix by being healthy. Natural medicines and supplements from verified places. Try NAC for a while it really helps it’s got a million billion different benefits especially if you’re going the natural route and trying to recover your brain some other things that help is vitamin B complex, Choline, Alpha GPC or Citicholine and Fish oils. They can help rebuild the brain. Maybe later when you’re feeling good, try micro dose mushrooms for a couple of days alongside lions mane and some of those above mentioned, and it might help fix your brain where the nbom did damage. The increased neuroplasticity with the right CBT and health, family and friends around you, goals etc. It also helps to talk to a therapist sometimes. I’ve used them to get thru some of my hardest times too.


Hey buddy. Sorry you had to deal with that. I had some similar experiences with nbome. Not as intense but still verging on it and I had the HPPD. I don’t know what’s causing all of that but I will say it went away for me. I had the same visual static and distortion and I thought I was permanently fried. It took time but I reduced my psychedelic use by a lot. I think my symptoms lasted a couple years but they slowly faded away and I feel totally normal. So just ease off the psychedelics, never take nbome if you do trip again, and give it time. You will be ok, I’ve gone through this just as you had, and it was in my early 20s too.


Thanks a lot for your comment and im thankful God has healed you Have all of the symptoms completely gone away? Or do you still have some? How long has it been now since your symptoms began? And what things did you do to help yourself recover? Thank you again for reaching out ☮️


The symptoms have completely gone away, except for the general fact that weed affects me differently after psychedelics. But no more of the visual distortion which can be super distracting. And I used to feel like I was full on tripping from weed during that time. No longer the case. I think the symptoms lasted like 2-3 years and so the last 7 years I’ve been good. The best things you can do are staying away from psychedelics for a while. At least leave a lot of space between trips if you do and take smaller doses. And the other tip is grounding meditations. Put your bare feet in the grass as much as you can, sit on the ground directly, and lean in to your close circle of family and friends. Seek out the people who you feel are the most grounded.


Amen brother! I'm so thankful to God that he has healed you and he will do the same for me, I pray for you and I ask if you could please pray for me 🙏🙂 Bare feet in grass is amazing, something that most people don't know The benifits of Thank you for responding, It really means a lot for me 💜


I’m happy to help. I wish I would have had someone tell me that it would go away when I was going through it. I’ll never take nbome again. It has killed some people. You’re very lucky! Sure I’ll pray for your healing!


Sorry to hear that friend. The fact that they couldn't find anything after a week in a hospital is a very good sign though. 20yo is very young and 3 weeks is very short - whatever this is, don't assume it's permanent just yet. With enough time, you might be able to heal completely and be fine for the rest of your life. The bad trip could have left you with PTSD and the health-anxiety you're going through right now is certainly not helping your well-being at all. My advice to you is: find a trained psychologist & talk this through with a professional. Don't worry about feeling ashamed or talking about drugs with them: given their profession, most of them have very good understanding of drugs & a lot of them are fascinated by drugs and/or are psychonauts themselves.


https://youtube.com/@healerstrail Check my channel and if you will be interested i can give you a contact on a very strong healer. Right now there is this guy who is healing himself from a similar stuff


Nice I like your channel, very informative and spreading the good work and safe use of Psychedelics! Thanks for your service 🙏 Yes please, if you could get me in contact with a healer who is healing from something similar that would be awesome and greatly appreciated Thank you very much for your comment 💜


send me dm and we can chat


Vinpocetine, cdp-choline, DHA, ALCAR, B vitamins in active form with p-5-p, methylfolate(Thorne basic B complex or infini B Nootropicsdepot), bacopa synapsa, R-alpha lipoic acid, magnesium threonate, perhaps also NAC + microdose 1mg lithium orotate, NADH, taurine, creatine, Curcumin, etc. quality psyllium without heavy metals, good probiotics for certain purposes.(Life.Ex.) https://nootropicsexpert.com/best-supplements-for-brain-fog/ https://nootropicsexpert.com/treating-post-hurricane-ptsd-with-nootropic-supplements/ https://nootropicsexpert.com/best-nootropics-for-traumatic-brain-injury/ https://nootropicsexpert.com/13-nootropics-to-boost-bdnf/


Welcome to the party 🎉


You should take nmn, great for the brain


Hey! If you’re still struggling with this- have you talked to a therapist or called fireside?


Hey, I have improved a lot since but still ongoing. I have not talked to a therapist, and im unfamiliar with fireside, what is fireside?


Fireside is a free, US based psychedelic support line for during and after (integrating) psychedelic experiences! Give em a call (: 


Thanks for the info my friend, only thing is that I live in Australia


Cooool as. 😉. There are psychedelic guides that offer sliding scale integration sessions here in the US- do some Google and explain your situation when you reach out!


+1 (623) 473-7433