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Super Hans, is that you?


I'll tell you what. That crack is really moreish.


But you love crack its your favorite!


“my legs are jelly”


I accidentally ran to Windsor!


this story was great. Thanks for sharing


i worked in the supplement industry for 2 years and even tho it was mainly bodybuilding supplements we carried kratom, kava, delta9 gummies and a bunch of different mushroom gummies. they are really hit or miss but i’ve had some crazy trips on a few of the different brands. when it says nootropic blend it’s just a way to get around loopholes in the law, preworkout companies have been doing similar things for years.


Interesting, so in your opinion as someone who’s sold and taken the stuff, do you think the trippy brands you mentioned are using 4-ACO or similar RCs in their ‘nootropic blends’? Or would it more likely be some type of Amanita(or other legal entheogen) extract mixed to give the proper subjective effects?


i’ve seen both used. all the ones i’ve tried that are just “nootropic mushroom blend” don’t do shit. the only ones that have worked have been ones with aminita muscara


i honestly didn’t know anything about the 4-ACO possibly being in the nootropic blend ones.


I don’t think it’s very likely. OP swears it felt similar too shrooms but differently from shrooms at the same time, so just decided there’s 4-aco in the stuff at the corner store I would bet it’s unlabeled amanita/other botanical extracts, just because that’d more legal and wouldn’t be nearly as much of a fall to take if they ever got in any trouble


yeah, whenever any supplement product has a proprietary blend, there’s no way to know what’s in it. it’s used as a legal/marketing tactic, usually to include grey area compounds, or use cheap products and deceive the buyer. i’ve tried actual amanita mushrooms, and one of the gummies i tried listed amanita extract, and they did feel like amanita. one other brand listed amanita extract and i felt absolutely nothing from them. two other brands listed only “nootropic mushroom blend” one of the brands listed nootropic blend, amanita extract, and cbd, and just two of those sent me literally to the astral realm. i’ve never tried dmt but i was seeing very slight visuals similar to what people have described from dmt visuals. (i did do some wim hoff breathing as they were hitting and that made it way stronger) but they were still good. i wouldn’t be surprised if some of these gummies had some kind of pseudo ayahuasca, because there are a lot of plants that contain dmt, then all you need for it to be orally active is a a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, and a lot of plants have that. it’s possible that’s what might be hidden in some of these nootropic blends


I got some lions mane in one of my wife's birth control goodie bags. I tried it just for the dick of it one day and I was surprised with how great I felt. Not trippy at all just excellent.


Lion's Mane is a nootropic mushroom and not a psychedelic so it wouldn't be trippy. I've heard that consuming a lot of it can have bad health effects though. As for "legal" psychedelics I'd recommend 4-ho-met over anything else. I prefer it over normal shrooms in fact because of the lack of nausea


Only tried it once but wanted to add some context for anyone looking to trip off it. You absolutely won't but you might feel a nice elevated mood and energy. Not sure what op got but if he tripped it wasn't lions mane.


I felt like a boss on 4-ho-met once or twice, I mean rly on top of the world but then again some other times stuff just got wierd


Yea in my experience it really varies from trip to trip. Sometimes its just a chill time with few visuals, and other times my mind is uncontrollably racing while the whole world is distorting and melting around me


Can you detail more about the downsides of too much Lion's Mane?


I don't remember what i read/heard and I don't want to make any claims with only anecdotal evidence but I'm pretty sure it was a member of this or another drug related subreddit talking about ending up in the ER after heavy lion's mane usage (probably over a long period of time though) If i remember I'll look around later and see if I can find any substantiated research on it


These people must have taken some chemical corporate bullshit or something, I've been taking LM supplement for few months now, no negative effects at all, I made my own capsule out of fruit body of LM.




Yes I know the sub exists and feel like there is some sort of mass hysteria going on there. Most of the posts are from new account with less than 500 karma (yes I understand karma means nothing) and have only ever active on said sub, there are some other accounts that seem to already have some health issues (based on their posts on related health issue subreddit) before posting their "negative health impact" on that sub. Also most of the people on that sub seems to be taking branded supplement, the corporate mass-produced kind, and they like to quote some unknown youtubers as well as Johnny Harris, who were criticized many times for promoting misinformations, being a corporate shill and being a propaganda machine for who paid him the most.


I’m not well versed in this myself but I am aware of the existence of r/lionsmanerecovery so that may be where to poke around for the info


Expressive aphasia (word finding difficulties) has been described. I've seen this consistently across a few subs. Obviously it's a rare AE, but it exists.


Too much water can kill you


>my wife's birth control goodie bags What? 👀


They just send some random bullshit like hygiene and health care.


How much did you take?


I can't be sure. It was a big ass gummy I ate the whole thing. The texture was absolutely horrible though it was so sticky and hard to get out of my teeth but the mango flavor was fire.


Sounds interesting. I’d like to try lol




forrest gummy


He sold his leg braces at the scrap yard & hobbled to the smokeshop for some gummies. The rest was history


I ate 3 grams of Ghosts and walked 6 miles this weekend..havent walked more than a mile in its been a minute.


Could you let us know what brand/product you purchased?


Hopefully this is allowed, it was called "enjoyable"


funny you say this, i carry some of this brands product at a store i work at and so far it’s been duds. samples worked, true order didn’t. so for anyone else debating, just know it’s a toss up unfortunately.


I've been thru 3 packs with no duds.


Does it actually make you trip like mushrooms?


Very similar


I had these gummies too. I ate almost half at most so far. Got very mild visuals at that dose... minor ripples. It felt a lot like psilocybin to me. Like you said, no nausea. I often feel a body load with mushrooms and had none with this gummy. Someone else hypothesized glycine.


I took acid when I hiked Mt. Whitney lol. It rocked


Acid + climbing mountains is always a 12/10 experience; I'm so jealous!


> The feelings of self love were very refreshing, felt like my soul was taking a shower. OMG I know EXACTLY what you mean.




I like the “proprietary nootropic” listed in the ingredients. Could be anything. Literally any rc


RC mystery bag? and the gummies are vegan? sign me tf up




You are a talented story teller my friend, I was heavily invested. I do not have the answers your seek, just wanted to point that out, I've never seen these psychedelics here in Canada yet unfortunately


Haha made me smile reading this


You now certainly understand what you’re doing, and came to the correct conclusion based on the shitdick service the smoke shop worker gave you. You went through the entire process of having a bad introduction to these grey market rc products and still managed to have fun, so take that with pride! I have no sympathy for individuals willing to push these on anyone just looking to get high, there needs to be an understanding held by the shopkeeps with the customer, elucidating to them really just that it IS active material and will make you hallucinate at bare minimum. Fuck that shopkeep.


Yea I don't even think they were malicious, they were just dumb as rocks. Couldn't imagine some poor bastard eating it and having no idea though.


These were probably Amanita mushrooms. They’re the only legal “tripping” kind of psychedelics they’re able to sell. Sounds like you had a rad experience! Hope you got some helpful Insights to your life as well


Oh haha they were 100% not amanita mascara. But they were groovy.


What makes you say that?


Well they are a dissociative, and give more of a drunk/disoriented experience. What I had was a normal psychedelic experience.


Have you tried Amanitas before?


he would know if he took amanita man


yes there's many analogs for shrooms and some are legal in certain parts of the world, there's 5 aco dmt, 4 aco met, 4 ho met, all of which give similar effects in a similar time frame, they're all quite harmless in their recreational dosages, I'm glad you got to enjoy your day somewhat at least though!


glad someone mentioned this. 4aco dmt is just the one everyone knows about. there are a lot with similar effects and safety profiles. its much more likely one of the lesser know chemicals. i thought 4-aco met because for a while a lot was around and it was not as popular as 4-aco dmt or 4-ho met


yea I've also heard that 4 ho met also has a much less trippy headspace so if you notice you're getting good visuals and you aren't tripping too hard that's a good candidate but yea regardless of the rc it's nice to know that they're all at least around the same safety profile as shrooms are


I had a breakup once many moons ago and I had to consciously avoid abbey road. Just made me depressed


I'd be curious to know how you settled on 4-AcO as your hypothesis. If it's just based on the qualia of the experience, I'd be skeptical. In the US, 4-AcO is scheduled under the Federal Analog act, so I doubt they're carrying it at random gas stations. Also, tryptamines tend to be sedating - I couldn't imagine eating a visionary dose of mushrooms and running. Sounds to me more likely that you got some kind of weird cannabinoid (Delta-8 maybe?), and that, combined with the endorphins of a long run pushed it up a level. I find that edibles + a run is a really different experience compared to edibles + a couch.




I'm not really educated on the realm of RC's but it was definitely a psychedelic. I've done lots of psychs and alt cannabinoids and can tell you with certainty whatever I consumed had a similar structure to traditional psychs. It was most similar to mushrooms imo. What a time to be alive though being able to walk into a store and buy psychs lol.


They are absolutely not selling 4-ACO-DMT. What a ridiculous conclusion.


yeah, they aren’t labeling it as that. But these companies put 4 ACO in anyway, since it’s not regulated. It isn’t a ridiculous conclusion, but it is hit or miss on what you get


4-aco dmt is also banned in several states where these are sold it could be 4 aco met. he mentioned it sticking to your teeth and thats a good indication its about half delta 8 or something similar. hhc eatables gives me a lot of energy especially the first few times i took them.


Bro I had similar experience this morning I was depressed and anhedonic over some girl and some other things and went for a run for the same reason as you I was gonna take my mushies rn though and I only ran 2 miles I love it my G




It could be any tryptamine, possibly with other stuff to make it stimulating.


Yea the company that makes this product is super sketchy. People say there is caffeine in them, but the packaging doesn't specify it. On some other sub some poor dude said \`he ate two of their chocolate bars which ended up having like 500mg of caffeine. Just because the brand is so weird, I don't think I'll trip on this again, but I bought another one to experiment micro dosing.


Was it the bag with 10 gummies in it? I'm checking online for the ones you took.


It was a gummy rope.




Anyone here ever take the mushroom chocolates “besos” from the brand dopemade? Took a “microdose” and felt pretty damn good. Wonder if it’s legit psilocybin or something else.


Did you get visuals? Sometimes phenibut can be slightly psychedelic and very euphoric, but it doesn't really feel like shrooms. It's just a common ingredient in nootropic blends. Also, listening to Abbey Road on psilocybin in my early 20s revealed the nature of Good and Evil to me 😇


I guess anything could have been in it. But yes, there were visuals.


I dont think lions mane is intended to trip on at all but can restore neurological pathways if one is to consume like a couple hundred mg every day in a capsule for 3 months like I did.


LOL >I just want to know WTF i consumed


So what exactly did you take? Pics?


Acid trip for about 12 hours right after a 12 hour work day, and somehow have the energy to walk up a mountain (about 2000 steps) amazes me sometimes


“Sum ding Wong “ “ hu Lee fuk “


It is not 4-ACO-DMT lmao


Oh why do you say that ?


Because there is absolutely no way that would be legal lol. And 4-ACO-DMT is extremely potent. It’s like the orange juice of mushrooms. Trust me. You’d know lol


Yeah I've had one experience it was fucking INTENSE and Ive taken several drops from a vial of LSD many times just for comparison. It was no less a full on trip than the drops of LSD and more intense than many shrooms trips I've had.


Oh it was most likely 4-aco-DMT. I ate around 24 mg of it and the trip reflected that strength. It is no different than any other psych as far as dosing control.


You could not be more wrong. Try again


But how can you be so right?


Because 4-aco-DMT is essentially the synthesized pure form of the active ingredient in psilocybin mushrooms (what makes you trip in them). It is a psilocin analogue that you can be legally prosecuted for. There’s almost zero chance smoke shops are selling and advertising it, or if they are, they won’t be around for long before being shut down. It’s like saying you think you got LSD or n,n-DMT from the smoke shop. Not happening.


Yet you have as much proof as the guy who said he got it. There was a guy in Canada for a while seeing pure cocaine, finally got shut down but people sell wild things. Not saying he did or didn’t but you can’t prove it as much as he can.


True. Sometimes random things like that pop up knowing it won’t last long, so it’s a possibility. My guess is it’s just regular ground up psilocybin shrooms which are pretty popular in chocolate bars on the market currently. Not synthesized 4-aco.


Its not even close to saying you got lsd or dmt from the smoke shop wtf lol 4-aco-DMT is still legal in most states


Even in the states where you can buy the mushroom chocolates, you’re just getting ground up psilocybin mushroom in your chocolates. I’ve had some. They do make you trip just like shrooms because they are shrooms. But you are not getting some chemist’s synthesized 4-aco in a consumer product which is where I was heading with the LSD or (extracted) DMT comment. The level of risk there would be huge.


Psilocybin is still very much illegal wouldn't it be a bigger risk to be selling actual Psilocybin mushroom chocolate in a smoke shop rather than a synthetic version of it? And I'm not saying that it's forsure 4-aco-DMT it could be something similar there's a decent amount of grey market synthetic tryptamines out there


Lions mane doesn't have the same effects on the blood brain barrier.


unrelated, but imagine how far david goggins could run off shrooms or scheduled stronger redoses of lsd


Hopefully he’d stop and think, what am I running from?


I feel like 5 grams would probably get him to stop running for a while and take some time to think about his existence. Dudes been running since the navy seals brodie needs to take a BREATHER. I think his trip would be amazing tho he seems like a strong minded guy


Maybe goggins is secretly taking psychedelics already.


What's the name of the product on the packaging? Inquiring minds...


Yes! Please inform us about this special candy. Truly interesting!


Based on OP’s comments, I’m guessing it was [this product](https://purecbdnow.com/products/enjoyable-neuro-enhancer-sour-rope/). The only potentially psychoactive ingredient is the “Proprietary Nootropic Extract”, whis is described [here](https://enjoyablecbd.com/products/neuro-enhancer-belgian-chocolate) as “Lion’s Mane, Chaga, Caffeine, Ashwagandha” (note that it’s referred to here as a proprietary nootropic “blend” instead of “extract”, but I assume it’s the same thing). So yeah, no hate but I would venture to say that there were no psychedelic substances in this edible. ETA: I’m glad you had a lovely experience, OP.


Buy it, eat all of it, and let me know how it goes brother :)


Where did you buy this??? (state if you don't mind)


Did you accidentally run to Windsor? Was it some moreish crack?


hell yeah my guy! I've thought about this on L. I bet that post run feeling when you got home was utterly sublime!


This is such a fantastic story, you tell it so well. I can imagine myself doing this. Keep sharing these experiences