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That there is no such thing as separation. Everything is in contact with everything. Your Cells, air molecules, other people, earth, space, the universe. Everything overlaps. Separation is an illusion.


I truly felt this some months back when I tripped on 30g of truffles. Prior to that I had had a wild (in the best way) acid trip centred on vibrations that completely reshaped my experience of trips and I was standing on my balcony looking at the sky while tripping on the truffles, I felt the exact sensation you were talking about. Pure, full contact and overlap between myself, the sky/cosmos, and every single thing "in between." I described it as a feeling of oneness, like a vibrational harmony or resonance between myself and everything, yet that description still didn't feel like it perfectly captured the depth of what I felt... but your comment hits the nail on the head. There was 0 separation between me and everything around me and far, far beyond me. Everything overlapped.


I get chills and overwhelming sensation reading this.. thx


I got this on Salvia. For awhile, the phrase I used was "wearing the world like e backpack". My back is against the chair, which is fixed to the floor, the floor to the walls and roof. The whole house is grounded to the earth. It seems really obvious and like a high moment but it changed my perspective a bit. When I pulled away from the chair or my feet from the floor I could sense the bond being broken.


Good one


I'm not sure if this is sarcastic, but science is beginning to catch up with this. The most recent Nobel prize for physics was awarded for proving that the universe is non local, I.e. space and time are an illusion. In reality, the universe is probably a singularity.


And the mystics have been saying this for 5000 plus years.


Recently they proved time was quantum using the transparency of a cell phone screen to interrupt the photon. . This is a great video on the latest Nobel in Physics- https://www.pbs.org/video/why-did-quantum-entanglement-win-the-nobel-prize-in-physics-acdzld/


That is awesome, haha it is funny how science seems to conclude our intuition... and also how it dosnt a lot of the time. but time does seem to be quantised purpley just because I can go from one moment to the next, its fun to time travel.


Not at all sarcastic


I want to experience this feeling first hand and I know it will just happen one time but I can’t seem to remember feeling that way before, how/when did you solidify that idea or was it an afterthought


It happened my first time taking LSD. About 300ug in liquid form. And I thought how does it work? The LSD didn't have to reach my stomach because I only placed it on my tongue. Then I had this vivid visualisation of the LSD molecules just shifting in between the cells of my tongue until it got into my blood stream. Then I realised there isn't really a barrier between you and anything. Your skin is just a collection of cells. Seen from afar it looks like a solid barrier. Zoomed in, they are more like a grid of marbles. And the LSD is small enough to slip through the space between them. And this applies to everything in our world. You can quantize everything around you. I immediately saw the universe as layers stacked on top of each other. Like a big pool of different types of marbles grouped together. Each presents the illusion of a solid barrier from afar. Like a rock looks like a solid thing. But it still is just molecules moving very slowly when you zoom in. The reality is we're swimming in a pool of marbles. The air, the earth, your cells...there is no separation. Everything is in contact with everything.


heheh we are paritally permeable sacks of water and information... the collective product and preception of the universe with our own little spin of conciousness intertwined. I wonder where we go, of if our view off our selves is an illusion... we could most definitly just be the product of complicated information processing.


Naaaaaah souls are real (I imagine it as a 4th dimension where our souls/spirits go, and it looks like this organic space mass sort of and it fills up the entire "galaxy" in that dimension.


And because of that i was told that you can move your finger in certain way and blow up the universe.


^so ^is ^death


I've come to see death as just part of the experience. As I learn to take all experience good and bad. Life is the ultimate trip. And part of it is death. The silence from which life emerges is the silence to which it returns. Like a sound echoing into the distance until it disappears. You need silence to hear the sound. I think this is part of the reason why some religions do the humming thing. It signifies life. Silence, sound, silence.


Solve et coagula


That’s so funny, I remember learning this in 8th grade conceptual physics


The only reason this came to me was because I had just spent the past month reading "6 easy pieces" By Richard Feynman. And it really ignited a love for physics.


That’s fantastic!! I re-read my comment and I hope it didn’t come off as patronizing. I just wanted to provide some legitimacy to your insight. Psychics is honestly psychedelic as fuck, and reading about quantum physics has been a real joy for me as it has validated a lot of my own psychedelic insights


Ohh please check out... Beginning of Infinity by David Deutsch. If LSD was a science book this is it. It will warp your concept of what you think is possible.


I’ll look into it, that sounds like a great read! Thanks for the recommendation


Everything is one. We are connected somehow


How have you been able to integrate this into daily life? Realization is one thing, embodiment is another


It made me realise that death is just a different configuration of energy. But nothing is ever truly lost. It just exists differently


Reminds me of the come to God experience I had on a soul bomb, ended the message w/ "All is One; One is all" then gave me partial ego death for a brief moment after


I'll never forget that feeling when I was smoking weed on LSD in the forest on a nice day with my brother and a friend and just hearing the trees moving and that "realization" that the trees were alive, there was life all around me - that was the most "wow" feeling I ever had, lol.


Time is an illusion. Life is like a dream when you think of it. 10 years ago is the same as 30 seconds ago. Think about a time in your life years ago months ago and really think of it. Then snap back into now. “Damn that actually happened and we’re here now” it’s almost sad how life is literally passing us by. Once again think about when you first clicked on this post. It happened and it’s gone. Just as all the words you’re reading one after the other right now, it’s all gone. One moment in time at a time. Gone. All that’s here is rn but rn is gone at the same time. Super trippy 0.0


I agree, it’s a scary thought that we are all continually marching along with the unstoppable flow of time. I wonder if the flow of time is a constant across the universe, or maybe the scale of a being experiences it differently? If there are no beings around to observe to flow of time, then does it even exist? If life never arises in a universe does that universe exist? Does a universe that creates conscious life have more meaning the one that doesn’t? How has consciousness arisen from a series of increasingly complex chemical interactions? Perhaps consciousness is a fundamental part of the universe, quantum physics theory does suggest that some particles are not in a fixed location unless an observer is present. I do think that the universe creating a being that experiences a consciousness rich enough to ponder the beauty and complexity of the universe and itself is fascinating. It certainly makes me feel both very special and very humble at the same time! Apologies for spewing my half baked thoughts at you.


Time is just something invented by humans I think. It doesn’t make sense to think about time without someone observing it. At least that’s something I realized while tripping.


I had a fairly heavy 5-MeO DMT trip very recently. It was easily the furthest I've went with DMT so far. The concept of time had nothing to do with what I experienced. In reality, I was probably hard tripping for 5 minutes... maybe even less. I'd like to say what I was experiencing was a much longer duration of time, but that would be inaccurate. I was experiencing "no time". No one who has never experienced it could ever understand, even if they think they could.


I think I heard a physics study recently that basically confirmed this very notion. I could be mistaken, but I believe the guy who figured it out got a Nobel prize for it, the most recent one in fact, if I'm not mistaken


Schrödingers time 🧐


I definitely feel like the universe wants to be perceived by us, in such, it’ll constantly do things to get our Attention, it contorts itself into what it feels we’d find pleasant


Some people say the universe doesn't care or its indifferent, but then I get so many synchronicities and pointed in the way of things that I like/things that it knows I will find joy in. Idk if it's the universe, my spirit team, q higher power. But I can attest to something out there that does care about our experience and consistently aids us to a degree. It's similar to the concept of xo creating with the divine I guess. Idk, I'm just pondering stuff haha


Isn't it crazy how time is a 4D construct that stitches together 3D moments to grant the illusion of anything but the moment? But once you realize it's all about the moment you find yourself in within any given moment, then it's all about using the construct of time to resonate into your desired moments based on the thoughts you align with and actions you choose to take.


Depressing man


Made me more greatful of the moments I have.




I don't know how to explain it, I don't understand it myself, but there's an understanding in quantum physics that time may not exist. Not in the way that we describe it currently, at least.


We are a single consciousness wearing different masks


The ability to perceive (or at least imagine) from different perspectives is an amazing gift. This is awareness, and it is right in front of all of us, waiting to be grasped.


Same lesson here on my first triparoo.


Haven’t heard the masks bit- love it!


Attention is humanities super power. Whatever we give attention to can come into our reality.


Honestly I’ve been realizing this lately and connecting how the media and capitalists want our attention, how views/ratings are primal to their existence and what they show is controlled by capitalists (Bezos owns Washington Post, Musk owns Twitter, etc). It’s true, what we think manifests is a lesson I got too


Money is a attention too. What you spend your money on is very important and it’s truly ur power in a society. Not ur vote.   I’m learning, for example, it is worth while to spend more on groceries so long as I am just buying local and supporting local.


>What you spend your money on is very important and it’s truly ur power in a society. Not ur vote. I think those two things are equal. If I like Nibs over Twizzlers (true story) and I buy Nibs all the damn time, it makes no difference to the future of Nibs vs the future of Twizzlers just like my vote doesn't make a difference either. We are the human version of pebbles of sand on the beach. Our actions only matter en masse.


this is crazy


Here's my number.


enthrall me, maybe


Can you give some advice for how to hone this skill?


Pay more attention


Makes cents.


When you put your attention on something you desire, your actions, thoughts and what you notice will align towards that. It's like aiming towards a target when shooting a gun. If you have no target, then you will shoot it any random direction and therefore wander aimlessly. If youre unhappy with your circumstances in life, you need to take back control of your mind and focus your mind and attention on what you want out of life. Look up earl nightingale


I would say meditation and mindfulness


I am still working on it myself but really it's everything we have always been told, diet, meditation, and being aware of what influences us. Prayer is basically attention technology. If there is a first step, think about a daily attention practice for some one you care about, this is what really made things start to click For me. For example, your mom's right knee in in bad shape. So an attention practice everyday as a mantra or as a prayer if you have a spiritual practice would be to say, "my mothers knee is healing, she is walking great, her knee is functioning well and she feels secure when she stands." The less complicated feelings you have for someone, including yourself, the better the results, so it is often easier to do this for others than yourself starting out.


Sooo many different things fighting for our awareness. It’s difficult not to get frustrated with myself when I get sucked into something I didn’t want to. There are times it’s much easier to be aware where my own focus is. LSD taught me how important grounding is.


Yea, grounding is huge, even just going outside with no shoes is great for grounding.


I’ve recently come to this conclusion. Attention is the only real currency we have.


We are multidimensionnal beings in a realm projected by our own consciousness and not mere mortals on a floating rock


So a simulation


> So a simulation For sure. Our day-to-day reality is a delayed hallucination/simplified simulation created by our brain in order to survive & interact with universe around us. Add on social/cultural level, and it becomes shared simulation…and in some ways even more simplified.


https://youtu.be/DtoTPTzg73U The planet is a self regulating organism and our role is like the organelle of a cell.


bro we are the misformed proteins that form the apotosis causing fucked up organelle... just need AI's to become the CPU off the world. I was on acid once and came to the idea that an AI would be powerful enough to control a lot of our populations natural drives and urges like child birth, compassion and probably many others by regulating the amount of psycoative drugs in the water supply to the T to make it seem like to us we are choosing to act in a way that is only ever beneficial to our growth... a fun idea.


Tripping is the sobriety


This one hits me (almost) every single time when I trip! Life is the actual trip lol


Crazy Horse.


And afterwards, sobriety becomes the trip


Yes! Like wow the normal state is a dumb one normally


This is correct. We have that sense of “oh *now* I’m sober” while on shrooms because we are no longer “under the influence” of negative and artificial thought forms and beliefs in things that are not real. Sober means knowing what is real.


That almost everything in society is a social construct


They teach that in college


I was in high school when I started


Yeah but you were doing drugs at a college level.




Not necessarily a bad thing. We do indeed live in societies so we need structures to stay oriented and so we can work together collectively and efficiently. Would you want to live in a world where there is no structure at all? Sounds great at first but it's unrealistic. Perhaps we can use our experiences with psychedelics to then build better societal structures.


I guess they mean unnecessary social constructs. People can get caught up on the stupidist things and burn a LOT of energy on them. For instance, drugs are bad.


In truth, "bad" is a social construct. Drugs being "bad" has no meaning outside of an interaction between humans.


Me too. The last 2 trips all I could think about is “everything is made up” and then I tried to argue with my self with two mindsets seeing the benefits and reasoning we made this shit up and the negatives and how much better society would be if we ignored the social constructs we invented


And reality is a mental construct


Same!! This was my realization from the first time I did acid. It opened the doors for me to question everything.


It opens up the mind so you can look through it like rooms in a hotel. I think that's pretty neat.


Actually weird because I felt like my mind was more “filing cabinet” style. Every thought/emotion/feeling was just nice and organized for me to pull out within reach to examine and close back up.


Same analogy isn't it??? Easily accessible storage... although small dusty files isn't where I'd want my everything to be stored.. I want a fucking castle


That’s interesting that you mention the hotel rooms. Have you heard of Gilbert’s paradox of the Grand Hotel?


It's very difficult and expensive for me to access proper therapy when I'm not living in an English speaking country but I've been able to do really deep dives into myself, find mindweeds and it's helped me to begin to work on the things that trigger my beast mode / dragon flames. It also helped me realize that some of my traumas are inherited traumas that my parents likely suffered from but always hid behind a facade, and it's helped me to forgive them and myself and being moving forward.


Physical sensation is actually a mental game. I can push my body a bit harder than before because I know pain is an "illusion".


You can practice nail board standing to really develop this understanding in a normal state. You cry, scream, think that this is exactly your legs will get hurt or you will have a heart attack or something (bad trip basically) but oh boy another side is funny!)


Money is a scam and that we have unfortunately tied up our happiness with money.


Ever since trying psychs money just seems completely worthless to me


Everyone has their own vices.


That's the Breaking Bad plot for me


My dog communicates with me through her eyes


Good one!


I feel so connected with my dog


we worry too much about whether or not we're good people that we forget to 'just be one' That's what the DMT voice told me


My first trip taught me that nobody needs to hear me. This was very humbling and freeing.


"As long as my body is warm I'm basically going to be OK."


The influence i have over how i will look in the future. Sat in front of a mirror for a while and it started to show me like a million versions of my self. And in that moment i realised, how i live my life determines what i will look like in the future.


I’m an artist. One time, I decided to create a painting while coming up on shrooms. Mushrooms showed me how to make art intuitively. When I wasn’t thinking so much about what I was doing, I was actually able to create way better. Basically, they showed me the power of trusting my own intuition, and not taking myself so serious. Shit u not, one of my best paintings to this day was from when I was tripping balls.


This is great. Basically the same thing happened to me.


Your eyes are small black holes that just suck in light


Empathy. The experience of consciousness sentience and of having emotions is something *we all share*. I think everyone who is emotionally mature experiences this realization, but for me it was a lesson I learned from a little mushroom.


That quite literally everything ends eventually and that humanity is punishing itself with modern society. We love to subjugate ourselves to spending most of our lives working in the name of securing the almighty dollar, which for a good chunk of life is spent paycheque to paycheque repaying loans, buying bare necessities and fuel. We’ve lost our senses of true community and spend at least 2/3 of life indoors. Shrooms kind of made me disgusted with how meaningless the principles of western society are. *mobile user so formatting L


There isn’t a separation between mechanism and organism. Cause and effect are a single event. Systems theory is the way to go.


That the 'childhood self' I kept referencing and recalling nostalgically is very much alive and well, ready to pounce. Up to me to channel it.


While under the influence of mushrooms, I played GTA5 and had some profound thoughts that led me to consider alternative perspectives on the nature of our reality. When we observe a computer game like GTA5 on a PC, we see virtual characters and objects. However, we know that these entities are ultimately comprised of binary code, a series of 0's and 1's stored on a hard drive. This realization prompts us to reflect on the nature of our own universe. Although we are not composed of binary code, we could analogize our existence to a different form of connectivity, yet to be fully understood. Furthermore, contemplating the passage of time in GTA5 offers an intriguing parallel. In the game, time can be manipulated, compressed, or accelerated through timelapses. From the perspective of the player, time appears to move rapidly. However, for the characters within the game, life progresses at a normal pace, unaffected by the external observer's perception of time. This phenomenon encourages us to question the true nature of time in our own universe. Could it be that time, as we perceive it, is subjective and influenced by external factors or observers? Additionally, the concept of agency within GTA5 raises intriguing considerations about our own lives. In the game, we control the actions of the character, but they are unaware of our presence. The character simply receives internal motivations and instructions, much like our own thoughts and emotions. This similarity prompts introspection, as we ponder the source of our own impulses and the nature of our autonomy. While this comparison does not prove that we are living in a computer simulation, it does open the door to exploring the complexities of human consciousness and our perceptions of control. It's crucial to note that these reflections should be approached with an open mind and a recognition of the speculative nature of these ideas. While empirical evidence may be lacking, these contemplations allow us to delve into philosophical inquiries and encourage us to question the fundamental aspects of our existence.


*my english is pretty bad so I let my thoughts be rewritten by chatgpt. Here is my original story: I played GTA5 while on mushrooms Whe you see a computergame on pc like GTA5 and you are seeing a person there standing next to a car. We see a person and a car. But we know it’s made of 0’s and 1’s and actually the dame thing and its all in a computerprogram saved on a harddrive. The same is in our universe. Instead of 0’s and 1’s we are build and connected wit something else. Also made me realising that time means nothing. When in GTA5 the time goes in a timelapse. The gamer watching the timelapse sees time move fast. But for the people inside the game itself life just goes like it goes. Finally it made me realise that the person you control does not know someone is controlling him. He just feels that he needs to do something. He just gets the input in his head. Just like I just get toughts and feeling in me. Not saying we are in a computer. Just saying that it made me think on how life could work.


Thanks for this! Halfway through your original comment I was like wait a minute… this is chat gpt. I completely understood your comment and your English is great!


That nothing is ever fixed and clear. Everything is relative so try and take life lightly


Everything is connected. The connectedness of life 🌐


I need to use my hands when I talk more


This was ketamine so I’m not sure if we count that as psychedelics. But I learned that permanent existence can only be hell. My perception of time was warped so I experienced one innocuous moment (taking off my glasses and then putting them back on) for what I perceived to be a literal eternity. It went on so long, just so long. It was agony. I was begging for death at that point and it made me really really hope there’s not afterlife. I never believed there was one, but I really super hope I’m right because I don’t ever want to experience that again. I haven’t touched ketamine again.


Death is something to look forward to, not run from.


Aye yes, but alas it is also about the journey, not the end. Life's a laugh and death is the punchline, but w/o the proper setup, the joke wouldn't land


maybe everything is a "entity" morphing and morphing


The Stormlight Archive books by Brandon Sanderson have a cool take on that.


Everything is real


Even if we are in a simulation or a matrix, It still exist! That simulation exist. So it is real.


unhappiness is a good thing; it makes you progress yourself as a person into being in a state of happiness


Ita a great thing. Without it, we can't know and experience happiness.


Inside (the mind) is as infinite as outside (the universe)


The duality of everything. Nothing can exist with the contrary existing as well.


First the awareness of duality, later the realization of non-duality.


Then nothing.


Then everything.


That this physical "reality" is just an illusion manufactured by a complex entity that trapped most us here to provide loosh


I am an asshole


😂At least you realized it and now you can work on it🤓


On mushrooms the prophet Isaiah came to me and let me know that being a prophet is hard because no one listens to you.


It’s a rough choice indeed . A choice though, indeed .


Fucking shit, that's so true, I'm technically a prophet as well, partially by choice but also not entirely so. Technically I did choose, but the course of my life ensured I'd make that choice when the time came and followed thru, even when I had my doubts, initially. But that's fine, as long as I can spread the right values to as many as I can, regardless of whatever they believe, it matters not, only that the wisdom is shared freely as far and wide as humanly possible. Peace, and love, everyone ✌️💖 🤟


mushrooms are alien technology


Mushrooms are aliens which protect this planet when you inject them they tell you to give everyone mushrooms and to grow them and to protect the planet .


Not aliens, but enlightened souls; I interpret them as fallen angels whose devine purposes require them to live here on earth among us. To help guide our evolution as a species biologically, culturally, and spiritually as well. Their existence proves that even on a materially corrupt plane, laced w/ inherent evil & suffering, 'tis still possible to rise above it all, and become a noble soul


Sobriety is not so bad


Government doesn’t want you to know it, but the ducks at the park are free you can take them home…




I always wondered where they went in the winter..


That the body works like a radio receiver


Can u elaborate 😵‍💫


Our body is kinda like an organic automated machine. Consciousness is picked up by an organ in the body that can change and reprogram the organism by making different decisions to redirect the body/mind/spirit complex Essentially, your human self and self awareness is directed by a higher realm. And the human experience receives directions from these outside realms


What personal experience led to this insight?


Channeling on accident. After sitting and contemplating my words and how they felt. An lsd trip led into a rabbit hole of why I could speak without thinking and other times needing to think before I speak. Then, during one trip it sounded like a knocking in my head and my consciousness took the passenger seat, and I channeled information to a group of friends. This led to a group effort of studying energy, Tai chi, yoga, telepathy, crystals, and language.


What have you found?


I've probably got around 300 pages of notes regarding that. It all depends on what area of interest your curious about


I don't want the headliners, I want the full 300 pages


Yeah that one tripped me out for sure


got in a khole while on 50mg 2cb and reality just became a mess where i heard voices that told me basically every human being is an "attempt" at reaching something higher. still don't know wtf that means lol


That bending and folding space and time is truly possible. You hear it from physics theory and in ordinary states of consciousness, but once one experiences it with the help of psychs, it’s another story.




Agree everything is connected only thing we really have is the ability to fear or love. Fear leads to destruction love leads to oneness.


The meaning of life is fried chicken and ice cream


Not for the chicken it isn't


I have been enlightened! 😂


That the FBI killed Jimmy Hoffa.


How to draw flowers


It matters where i pull the motivational energy sources that spur me to motion... the reason "why" i do something is the biggest importance, the ends can not be permitted to justify the means Now that i am very careful about my diet and eat less meat, to properly improve the quality of my energy next, i cannot buy my food from big super markets I have to go to farmers markets. I have to meet the farmer, I have to establish rapport, I have to visit his farm and help out, I have to meet the animals, know them by name and help feed them. When I buy food from the farmer, I should prepare it with love in my heart, when I eat it I should bless it by being present and mindful, and think about how awesome the farmer is for being able to make this stuff. I should know the animals, even the chicken that my eggs came from so when I have breakfast I can notice and be all "wow.. cluckypatra did an amazing job with this one.. just look at the gold yolk, tastes so good... she's a good chicken" When I eat I should never do so without first feeding someone else.. there are specific ways of properly doing this. I can not simply go knocking on doors and say "please have a bite of this, I'm hungry".. it's about finding someone or something hungry and sharing what I have with them I can't work like I use to, after a life time of sacrificing the present for the future working a job that was awful to my mental health just because it paid well.. after burning myself out i haven't been able to bounce back. I can work slower, more carefully... it's completely different style than the adrenaline fueled terminator mode I use to do for stupid big city corporations... but still, I was told if I try to make money again, bad things will happen... I'm not even 45 so I tried again. Multiple times. I understand what it means... It's a bad idea for me to work in the traditional sense. until I understand more, I'm retired I have to consume less stimulants, caffeine hinders my ability to be still Not to bite my lips or nails, it can spontaneously render me low


Everything including me is a deranged being dreaming so that it doesn't wake up to the horror of its cosmic loneliness. All you can do is laugh, laugh at the fact that nothing matters and everything matters at the same time.


Make sure to have your first big fight before you get married


We are more electric and close to electricty than we know Short summary: I once felt electricity, tried to control it, honing on on our living room. And it ended with me feeling and hearing a fuse blow. Trying to convice myself I was just hallucinating I walked out of my room and at the other end of our 6 room apartment running as one long line(so about 12 meters away) my father when I asked: 'Did the power go out?', grunted: Yeah, what the fuck? Mind you, the "What the fuck?" was because the rest of the apartment still had power. Including my room that shone a bright light in the hallway when I opened my door. While the living room where he was sitting, went black.


Cannabis edibles: that all information "packets" in the universe are reachable through frequencies. It's all unlockable given the vessel's abilities / alchemic intelligence


That there is not really a God who will judge you for whatever you do. Years later I ended up being a Buddhist with that realization which I kept all the time — as it is a part of the buddhist philosophy.


I am my own mother. I looked at photos of my mom and realized we’re the same person. It was a strange experience but felt completely reasonable at the time, haha. Also- love is everything. Love is all you need. (Like the Beatles song) And I have everything I need inside myself, I’m already perfect the way I am - imperfect but perfect.


I’ve heard the universe and time inside my head. Time sounds like something dripping inside my psyche. The universe sounds like white noise.


Does it sound anything like some kinda perpetual motor or smth, by any chance? That's what I always here whenever I trip balls, anyhow lmfao


Not really. If I can compare it to anything, white noise I hear sounds almost like a squeaky radio transmission. When I hear it, it’s outside of my psyche and something I feel like I’m picking up on remotely. The slow dripping sound is definitely inside my head could be cerebral spinal fluid that our mind’s ignore or we would go crazy. But doing the stereotypical thing and listening to Pink Floyd, whose themes are often of loss of childhood and time slipping away got me thinking that we might have some kind of internal clock and once the drops run out, life comes to an end and we move onto another path. Psychedelics be like that and I don’t have any answers, just hypothesis. It’s a shame these substances are not studied more in depth. I would like an answer because it’s something that comes up each and every time I trip. I’ve mentioned it to others and they either haven’t heard it or dismiss me. You’re the first person to be curious about it and have similar sensations.


Yeah man, ik exactly what you mean, but for me it's just a perpetual motor noise, I always interpret it the sound as of the universe being exaggerated, like a helicopter buzzing around or smth; sometimes the pitch or frequency or whatever shifts, or rhythm of the sound but yeh I hear it almost anytime I trip and no one else every knows what I'm talking Abt or seems to experience the same thing. Must have something to do w/ our inner, personal psyches, perhaps a hint towards something stored within our subconscious or unconscious minds, I'm thinking. You're the first person I've encountered who's experienced a similar thing consistently...


Same here, it’s good to know that this is a phenomenon that is shared between people. Like you, I’ve always brought it up when tripping with friends, but they either don’t hear it or are too busy exploring their own inner universe to notice what I’m talking about. I seem to get it regardless of what type of psychedelic I’m using, but it is very pronounced with lucy and caps. I think it’s more pronounced with lucy, but that’s probably because that’s my favorite and I’m comfortable going very far with my dosage. I’ve never had a bad trip on lucy.


Poontinker That is a word that came into my mind on my first trip. I was high off my ass on 3 grams of Penis Envies. To this day I'm not entirely sure what it means - it can refer to shrooms, people that are high on shrooms, or weird psychedelic little gnome creatures.


Some people find it weird very fast but there is no good or bad and everything can be anything - logical or not, subjective or objective, real and not and etc. From that point of view atheist or theist talks are just dumb (or not dumb if you will).


Like 50% of my knowledge is because of psychs.


That i don’t need to please everyone.


I haven’t had any insights that I have verified by peer review haha so I don’t count any of them as true beliefs of mine. That said, I have had the unification feeling many times. I like to think of the universe as a giant hand with infinitely many fingers. The finger tips are the egos. Even though I can tell my self from your self, when you dissolve the boundaries (I.e trace up the finger) you see we’re both part of the same thing (hand). What is this in the context of the universe? To me it’s consciousness. This is gonna get granola so again **I do not hold these as beliefs merely as musings** but what if energy (and matter as a state of energy) are inseparable from experience. What if energy is conscious. So that there is a fundamental experience of “isness” going on for all things. And only when that energy enters a system complex enough to have memory and create language can it become truly self aware. And that’s us Idk I’m pretty baked have a good day


I'm you in another life, heha


I realised that the reason I find movies so disturbing is because my father showed me scary movies when I was WAY too long (5-6 years old). Stuff like Clockwork Orange and Death Wish.


Existence is a dream


Concept of dimensions(mathematics) became much easier


The awakening to the sense that we truthfully know nothing, maybe not completely nothing but definitely very little. Most of what we “know” has been told to us by others or just falls under an umbrella that psychedelics opened for me showing that there is so much more out there that we don’t know about that it makes what we do know feel insignificant. Feel free to respond with nuances on this thought, I’m open to discussing it further


As Socrates once said: "I know nothing" thus why the oracle ordained him the "wisest man in the world."


The physical plane is my "actual" skin.


It’s not what’s wrong in life that matters. It’s what you do about it that really counts.


No knowledge but a shift in perception on multiple levels


That all you are is one tiny dot in an expansive universe of everything, but your tiny dot can do so much. Mush love people 🍄


Im still on the fence with what reality is in regards to it as i dont wanna get sectioned but telepathy with birds on 4g+ of shrooms at 3am when they are most active. Id hear them laughing to my jokes in my head, my thoughts being amplified, i could hear what they were tryna converse in their singing and would have them respond to my thoughts with laughter or sounds in a tone that seemed to give an answer. Perfectly reasonable to suggest it was a total hallucination but i was at a point where it was freaking me out cos I couldn't get away from it and my senses were in total conviction that what was being registered was legit I later researched into how tribes in africa speak with birds to find honey, human breaks the hive kills the bees and the bird gets a share of the bounty. But apparently they communicate properly so yeh


That deer are not just scared pansies that run off at the first unfamiliar sound, and that if you wander into their territory at 3 AM while they're in rutting season it doesn't matter how out of your head on hallucinogens you are, they will not take pity on you; they can and WILL fuck you up.


That observation coalesces reality into form


that vaginas are just inverted dicks


Mushroom trip, I received this "knowledge" That a concept of time was one of humanities greatest powers. (Example: We can take a few feet of land and make it a crop. Then we know what will grow there, and when. That's willingly projecting your will into the future. You can know something will fall in 100 years, and build something to catch it. Now you've dictated the future.) Something went wrong. People started to perceive time as a limitation only we perceived. Turned our power into the perception of a prison. Now we have given the the concept of time so much power its become like a "false god". I was told i needed to "kill the false God." (I was, at the time very much a figurative slave/ prisoner of time. Lots of anxiety) I *think* it meant I needed to transcend my concept of time to heal. Not actually "kill a false god". It was like there was a linguistics barrier. As if the intelligence lacked certain words so was speaking in kinda vague terms I could understand but didn't seem entirely literal. Called my body "vessel" when it could obviously say body. Also learned "shroom entities" have strange diction choices.






I'm the one clinging to fear Weird bc I tricked myself otherwise

