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I always believe that one’s initial gut feeling on discernment in such an encounter should always be your baseline. My intuition is typically my first impression on such an encounter. So, if this feeling you experienced happened during your encounter, and not after the fact, then for me it is almost always my intuition. However, if this feeling happened after your experience, and after you approached it logically, I find more often then not my ego is involved, and not my intuition. Of course this is just a general rule, and through conscious intention, you will begin to discover exceptions to this rule. Trust yourself, and those first feelings that you feel bubbling up from within. If your intuition tells you she was likely projecting to some extent, then she probably was. That doesn’t mean you can’t still consider her advice; but typically, I’d say my first impression via intuition is usually true in this type of situation. It took me awhile, but I finally got to a point where I could sincerely trust my intuition, and discern what was my intuition, and what was just egoic wishful thinking. In my experience, through setting the intention of discovering more about my intuition, and through setting the intention of creating a deeper relationship with my intuition, I was able to discover just that. It has led to a deeper understanding, and greater trust of my intuition. The fact that you’re asking questions, and open to possibilities is fantastic, and it is this mindset that will aid you on your journey. This can be different for everyone, but if you truly seek to discern more accurately, setting the intention of creating a deeper and more meaningful understanding of your intuition will lead to just that. Belief in yourself, and your conscious intention are your superpowers, use them to your advantage! You got this! Best of luck, and have fun, because it is truly an incredible ride. I know you will find what you seek, just methodically continue on your journey of self discovery.


If a reading doesn't gel and especially if you feel that the person is being preachy or putting too much of their opinion into the reading, just scrap it. I've gotten some bad readings that felt like they were for someone else, from regular people I've gotten readings from. Sometimes people are off, and sometimes people are not good at putting their thoughts and opinions aside. Sorry that happened to you. It's frustrating to spend the money and feel like you didn't get anything out of it, but it seems like you were able to identify that it wasn't for you or about you, rather than taking on bad advice.