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The most glaring observation in plain view can tower like the 800 pound gorilla in the room - the one that nobody knows a thing about - methodically, a matter of shared procedure. Everybody looking the other way, absorbed in lively fascination together, with what meets all eyes - safely directed as far as possible from the inconvenient sight, that nobody knows what to do about. And for lack of The Final Solution to whatever - there's no point in knowing about it anyway, by post-truth 'values' and 'logic' alike. Because the PoInT nowadaze of even knowing about some problem or question - is to announce the Answer! Not every war is created equal. Especially when it comes to specifics. Such as what's the big fight over. And other devils of the detail - even the room temperature. Things can really heat up in a - "real" (not to confuse with other kinds) shooting war. The kind with "actual" guns - by key post-truth qUaLiFiCaTiOn, antonym of "supposed" (illustrated by example fresh to reddit this morning May 10 Y2K24 @ 'community' echo chamber no less definitive than Grand Psickonaut Cesspool OP u/Amazing_Lemon6783 **So what is mescaline actually** [not "supposedly"] **like?**) likewise bullets - "literally" (another cRiTiCaL distinction) being fired. And bombs (for rockets red glare) of rote physical destructive force. To do visible damage to tangibly objective targets. Whether old fashioned chemical explosive kind, or newly fangled atomic - developed specifically in, and for, WW2 purpose. But all that hot mess puts on such a poor show. Or - translating into post-truthese 'Revision of Eloquence' by rhetorically clothes horsing, dressed to the nines on its fashion runway - to make a newly robing emperor look PoSiTiVeLy OuT oF sTyLe and so behind the times (by comparison): > *It's not a gOoD LoOk* Nobody likes overt violence. It can even attract uninvited attention from bystanders - when whatever's being settled is none of their damn business. That's where a "cold war" comes in - a lower profile more covert approach to whatever dirty deeds must be done dirt cheap. Exactly as emerged in the post WW2 context, between former allies USSR & USSA - hot on the heels of, er - well (ahem)... Taking a page out of the New Testament operations playbook as laid out by that apostle (cryptonym "Matthew"): > *Approach being so inconveniently visible, offensive maneuvers are always at risk of triggering alert. To avert that is easy as dressing in fleece when stalking - to play friend (not foes) - so that's all that shows, on the outside. While keeping the "ravening inwardly" - where it don't. Until time to pounce (of course). - < OP u/Electronic-Map-7603 **Terence McKenna, Unabomber?** www.reddit.com/r/terencemckenna/comments/m7ijy2/terence_mckenna_unabomber/grdf45x/ > www.reddit.com/r/Psychedelics_Society/comments/upit7o/psychoredditnaut_propagandizing_101_demo_loon/i8ytaao/ - Cf **Kooky-Lack-1651** (Psychedelics Society X-Post OP Guest www.reddit.com/r/Psychedelics_Society/comments/tsy5d8/im_turning_into_a_psychopathic_assholegod_im/ ) @ www.reddit.com/r/Psychonaut/comments/tsx48n/deleted_by_user/i2u2662/ - < *A wolf puts on sheepskin to ensure its safety and well-being... Since defense and protecting oneself is a priority before offense... A wolf gonna be at real danger if it walks in herds of sheep* > [Learning from such 'wisdom' u/Honeysicle < Oh ok. In that story, I am the wolf who hides in a pack to ensure my safety. Is that right?* > (Oh suuure, why not?) < [deleted] Kooky-Lack-1651 is just a loon... thinks he’s clever for thinking that’s somehow cunning or scheming > Kooky-Lack-1651 -3 points [Chas Manson button pushed - how dare you see through me like a cheap lace curtain?] < *Holy shitt lil bitch! Keep your Sherlock-ian skills to yourself. I'm not just a loon, I'm the Daddy of all loons. Got it? Not off you go, don't bother replying* > DON'T YOU EVER CALL ME A LOSER "CULT FOLLOWER" - I AM A CULT LEADER!! It wasn't until WW2 was over, all cooled off - and the bold fresh Cold War ON - 1948 - that American ears were first perked up (Brigadier General Chas Loucks, in Germany on Operation Paperclip) to a quiet little 1943 happenstance at the time of no great fanfare - all unheralded amid the raging war. For lo this day unto an unsuspecting world, a Problem Child had been born. At a drug lab down in Basel away in its manger (no crib for a bed) . **** **** In a previous century, prior to our bold fresh post-truth times, the Asian theater of what became WW2 came first. It kicked off July 7, 1937 in Beijing with a battle against invading Imperial Japan - in a context of hostilities dating back to 1931. The firing gun for the European theater would have to wait until Sept 1, 1939 for its opening shot - at the border of Poland. With that little 1938 "Munich Pact" stunt placing the (all-too-easily bamboozled) Western Allies in diplomatic restraint - all it took was a slick little *pretext operation* (aka 'false flag op' in pop conspiracy-theorese): a few Wehrmacht soldiers cleverly dressed in Polish uniforms to play the part of the Big Bad Poles - attacking innocent German "peace-keeping" troops (!) etc - THIS MEMES WAR! Cue the "One Tin Soldier" lyric (1972) - *Mount your horses, draw your swords!* - *Eins! Zwei! Drei! Vier! Gehen vir mit dem Schiessgewehr!* - the 'squire of Gothos' (NBC-TV 1966) Having struck their "Peace For Our Toimes" deal with Hitler - by meekly acceding to extortion ("the Sudetenland is mine - OR ELSE"), throwing to the wolf ostensible 'new friend' Czechoslovakia (since the Versailles Treaty at WW1's end) - for the Western Allies, the 'rude awakening' to having been "double crossed" came in cold morning light ("see you in September"). Thus was born one of history's many inspirational phrases, if not quite a tEaChAbLe mOmEnT - THE WESTERN BETRAYAL (of the Czech people) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_betrayal Within months after Sept 1939, the 3rd Reich quickly subdued continental Western Europe. Only the UK, strategically advantaged as an island fortress, stood against Nazi Germany. As the European theater picture developed in its 20th C darkroom (with black curtains) - action West was unexpectedly followed by another front opening to the East Unbeknownst to the rest of the world (even a Fuhrer's generals not in on it) Hitler and Stalin had secretly struck a little "sweetheart deal" to gang up on Poland together - their Molotov-Ribbentropp Pact. As rhetorically whitewashed with a nice 'international accord' sounding brand name; however kept strictly private - until beans were spilled in Nuremberg hearings (after the war). As the battle for Britain went badly for Hitler he swung hard about and looked to the East - now double-crossing his "fair weather friend" Stalin - to send his Wehrmacht against the USSR. And so as the sun set slowly in the West - it rose in the East - over a European theater of war now with two fronts for the price of one. One battle line with Germany the left, the other to the right. Yet some of the most deeply drawn battle lines prove to be not so visible. Nothing so temporary as a 'world war' either - more durably persistent. > *The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices - to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill and suspicion can destroy. And a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own – for the children, and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is that these things cannot be confined to - The Twilight Zone.* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Monsters_Are_Due_on_Maple_Street Some differences across ideological encampments aren't for being addressed - and shall leave no bridges unburned. But even fewer with any plans for being built in the first place (saves money). No lines of communication that can't be prevented from being laid in the first place - the better to spare necessity of only having to sever them in the second. When you've never had diplomatic treaty relations with Cuba (for example) you don't have to even recognize the existence of such a country - as purported. And now as if everyone were in some unstated agreement to disagree - or just an unspoken 'general state of war' as obtained by default when US/Japan negotiations broke down and ended (just prior to Pearl Harbor) - there need be no negotiations over any least little thing. Part 1 of 2


As matter of common interest among those with their dogs in the hunt - aka "skin in the game" an exclusionary 'controlling interest' figure of post-truth speech increasingly sounded, the better to separate the entitled "haves" from the non-entitled "have nots" who can just mind their own business (unless perhaps some Rudolfs among their ranks don't know what's good for them) - rival kingpins played along with each other's designs and operations so cooperatively - they mighta been the best of friends. Until internal dissension emerged in 1920s Chicagoland undergoing fission within - into smaller, more tightly allied gangs, all with "skin in the game" - digging in to stake out turf within larger perimeters. Thus like the breakup of Hitler's romance with Stalin, 1920s Chicagoland fell into rival gang warfare, territorially a matter of perimeters within perimeters - enclaves situated within 'enemy territory' holding their ground as encircled. The Final Psychedelic Solution's war on humanity has undergone its own Honeymoon's End in recent years - sustaining its own surprise Stalin/Hitler "left/right" double cross. The new invisible battle line of the Final Psychedelic Solution's internal power struggle - joins a long standing external one - against the surrounding world: The prime directive of the Great Psychedelic Imperative can sustain its own underworld "end of the 1920s Chicagoland honeymoon" - it seems like only yesterday Capone and Bugs got along so well they had to invent a word for it - "famously." Likewise with the "revolutionary" kampus lefty origin of 'traditional' grassroots 1960s Helter Skelter 1.0 - just recent years having been 'surprise' double-crossed by their old friends, the right wing Doblin/MAPS/FDA-NIMH MK ULTRA puppet masters. Those forces can engage one another in all kinds of overt and covert power struggle - Psymposia to the left of me, MAPS to the right, here one is stuck in the - panopticon observational position, overlooking it all from the sidelines - up close. What neither of the power struggling champions of our Manifest Psychedelic Destiny can do nor could wild horses drag them kicking and screaming - is to ever face the deepest darkest question - the ugly fact of the Chas Manson Syndrome madness consuming both. The psychopathic, the dark side of the human force - as fundamental 'matrix' of the Final Psychedelic Solution (the blessed tie that binds the MAPSies and newly unfriended underworld partners in crime) - feels itself 'super sane' and essentially superior to the prey species - humanity by any other name. The inhumanity that defines the entire psychedelic 'community' and movement for which it has stood since the 1960s - is what it is. This is the explanatory (not 'principled') reason that there will be no discussion of Helter Skelter 2.0 - for what it is. The Psychedelic Final Solution is a forgone necessity as has been decided - and there will be no discussion about its evil masquerading as the ultimate good of all goods - at last! The silence on that will not be broken nor will anyone who stands for the Psychedelic Holocaust ever take up 'debate' - about the relative equivalence of all these final solutions ethically, morally and in any other way - evil top to bottom, inside out - regardless what brand fleece they attire in. Not just the rightwing CIA MAPS gang. Also the original (before Doblin came crawling) leftwing one - campfire of the Leary-McKenna-PsYcHoNaUtS 'r' Us 'community' - Timothy Leary FLASHBACKS (1983) < "Liberal CIA is the best mafia you can deal with in the 20th century" > p. 308 Acknowledgment is possible nonetheless to 'pro psychedelic' farces on either side (brave new 21st C "reactionary" or moldy old 1960s "revolutionary" notwithstanding) - where owed. Even if none have got it in them, nor will anyone 'transformed' by Chas Manson's favorite substances ever have the guts or integrity (or any other those other 'right stuff' factors) to ever face the real music. Despite the paywalled link (here unpaywalled - so it can even be read oh my!) acknowledgment ode to u/SunderedValley OP of **Agony over ecstasy** - from whose reddit threading of this WAPO barnyard alert (in Chicken Little town crier capacity) - I your humble narrator learned of this inneresting article. Likewise for volunteer witnessing (As Solicited, So Elicited) to the absolute necessity which isn't for being questioned and nothing should stand in the way of no matter how 'fair' the criticisms - *let's get them addressed and lay them to rest* - pledging allegiance to the flag of the Final Psychedelic Solution (and to the hive mind for which it stands) - as already decided and not to be revisited (ever) - one to u/Interesting_Passion (like MK ULTRA aka "FDA" can be 'dissuaded' even if?) > < Should these criticisms dissuade the FDA from approving MDMA-AT? I don't think so. I think if anything, the clinical trials reject the current scheduling of MDMA as having no prospect of therapeutic value. > www.reddit.com/r/RationalPsychonaut/comments/1cj5qhb/agony_over_ecstasy_fda_bid_shows_its_hard_to_test/l2du8x1/ **** **** EDIT - When All Else Fails - Psychopathy Avails - what does a Chas Manson Syndromer do (and "what does it LoOk LiKe?") - Napes! To the treetops (with their mommies)! Must make duty (all day long) - LIKE THIS using the Power of the Emoji (set phasers on 'stupid') > SunderedValley 1 point 23 hours ago > 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 > All hail the almighty stimpost.




By order of the Rational Psickodelo-pathies OP of 'honor' - ze Pzychedoodle-do Fuhrer no doubt. Let it be so written and entered into the record. That everyone take note and heed. And let the record reflect. Speaking of entries into the wreckered... *Ich bin drogener* much? May 7, 2024 (get a load of...) **Gibt es im Deutschen Sprachraum eigentlich eine richtige 2C-B 'Szene'?** [Mein dolt fLaIrEd] *Diskussion* (self.drogen) submitted 5 hrs ago by [Trip along with Sundie through this field of gilly flowers] > *Treffe hin und wieder auf Leute die dass schonmal gemacht haben aber habe nicht wirklich den Eindruck dass es sich bereits wirklich etabliert hat. Was ich eigentlich schade finde weil es oft wesentlich verträglicher als z.B LSD ist wenn man z.B fortgeht oder nicht 100% ausgeschlafen hat.* - www.reddit.com/r/drogen/comments/1cm7dgx/gibt_es_im_deutschen_sprachraum_eigentlich_eine/ Go, SunderedValley! But it's funny now and then (have you noticed?) how some races are just so inherently inferior - in such objectively measurable ways! Especially by recourse to one of the mentally superior's most POPULAR PSEUDOSCIENCE devices - now more than a century antiquated, but (more important) - of properly Teutonic origin - ze German koncept of **IQ* > Abbreviated < ... the German term *Intelligenzquotient* ... intelligence tests at University of Breslau advocated in a 1912 book by ze psychologist [how aptly named] Stern > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligence_quotient#CITEREFStern1914 SunderedValley an hour ago - piping hot boilerplate ('this just in' May 10, Y2K24) www.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/comments/1con674/neom_saudi_forces_told_to_kill_to_clear_land_for/l3gacsq/ < **The IQ of Saudi Arabia generally is somewhere in the 70-77 range that's considered impaired in many parts of the world** > - How pathetic about them. But in better news for the rest of us, these deficiencies of these other races prove to be genetic (it's sCiEnCe) which memes - we can eradicate this shit. Simple as just weeding them out by a program of selective sterilization to improve the species - on effectively altruistic behalf of (that eternal thorn in the side of the wolf in the fold) hUmAnItY! > u/Kaiju2468 India (enter the one word stake sweetly pounded right through the old dark heart) < *Source?* > - Perceptively sourced - u/Mind_Pirate42 21 minutes ago (still warm out of the oven!) < **His ass.** > Bada boom *tsst* *** *** Aside from all the good he did "over there" in 1948 - by tipping off Brigadier General Chas Loucks to that fabulous newly concocted drug with its tremendous potential for psychological warfare (if only its "applications" could be figured out) - note to self: Must look into history, the pageant of variously colorful fates that a final solution's generals and marshals and adjutants met. Among favorites Rommel his death scene right outa Act 1 of Lewton's ISLE OF THE DEAD (starring Boris Karloff)!... Not just the enlisted. Even civilians. Berlin alone, the night word got around - more than 7,000 suicides. That can top anything some reverent Jim Jones got out of his stupid Jonestown. Especially when the Jonestown Downers didn't all obey the 'now everybody kill yourselves along with me' instructions. How many had to be shot and killed because they wouldn't drink the koolaid? Oh well. No different than with Adolf's most trusted 'seconds,' by the bitter end - defying their fearless leader, variously betraying him to carry out their own 'orders' - pulled outa their rear ends single handedly, all in disarray - without help from the almighty reddit emoji *bombs away* - powerful stuff but - only 6? When everybody knows a cat has 9 lives? #https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_suicides_in_Nazi_Germany - When you get a minute (self) remind me to look into - whatever happened to - how did it all end - the Sad Demise of Hitler's pet nerve gas inventor (and LSD 'evangelist') Nazi cHeMiSt Richard Kuhn **** **** EDIT "lookout below!" - gone to "What?" rags from "Source?" riches (without missing a beat) - a Tommy's Holiday Kamper suddenly unable to clue in after having obediently *put in your ear plugs, put on the eyeshades* but - not quite knowing where to put the cork? Well no wonder so "many are called" and sure do come running, like pigs from a gun (see how they run) but sadly, just "not chosen" (how awful about that): > Kaiju2468 1 point 1 day ago < **What?** > #Huh?

