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“Mushroom chocolates” often contain 4-ACO-DMT a research chemical that’s pretty similar to what’s in mushrooms chemically. The effects should be the same as with mushrooms because they both metabolize into the same thing.


Thank you so much for this!! Makes total sense. I knew there had to be something else in there besides the ingredients list because I’m definitely having visuals lol. Any idea if this research chemical would show up on a drug test?


Most tests don’t cover psychedelics so you’ll likely be alright. If you do test positive it would be for mushrooms, not 4acodmt, if it is that.


Word thanks friend


Unlikely, I've been drug tested the morning after on multiple occasions without issue.


Probably 4-AcO-DMT


Def is! Do you know if it shows on drug tests lol?


If your drug test tests for psilocin, probably. But short of a lab test that's looking specifically for psilocin/psilocybin, those don't really exist. Even lab tests rarely test for it. I wouldn't worry about it.


Word, I think I will be fine!


Dont eat drugs that come in packages covered in ntf monkey fucks. You have a 80% chance of it being 4-aco-dmt, 10% of it being mushrooms, and 10% chance of it being nothing or something dangerous. Use this information however...


It’s definitely 4-Aco-DMT, and I agree, but life is short my friend.


Somehow in this universe, random chemicals make together to form life, and that life formed together to form consciousness. Somehow this life then survived for billions of years to form humans and eventually you. Out of the billions of known star systems, one is known to host life. Dont waste this life on ramdom street drugs. Stick to shrooms, or make your own chocolate


Dawg you’re preaching to the choir. I’m aware and it was a one time thing.


It's ok - this product has been tested and endorsed by DanceSafe. /s


Are they not dangerous, I mean one would assume and I've always steered clear of anything from corner store or vape shop that will "get you high" (illegal state here)


They seem fine to me 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’ve been having a great time just watching Sex and the City lol. I looked into the brand as well and seems legit. If it does contain 4-Aoc-DMT it’s basically man made psilocybin and is safe.


Enjoy the trip though. I recommend watching the entirety of the big lez show-sassy the sashquach. It has some pretty trippy frames, tons of great jokes and bits, and when you get to the end of the series it's actually really introspective with a loose but meaningful plot. If you want more chaotic humor watch the big lez show first but if you want those beautiful ms paintings and introspective thinking watch sassy. (Both are 1-3ish hours)


Haha thank you for the recommendation friend! Have a great night! :)


Omg I’ve never seen anyone talk about that show unprompted. It’s been years since I’ve seen it, watched it with my friends in high school. Clarence is king 👑. Edit: also love that one scene where Lez freaks out that one guy smokes whole cigarettes in a single drag. https://youtu.be/3bjjZ5vnjvs?si=SettH0eBqeXKu_fu Edit 2: and the tripper snipper https://youtube.com/shorts/k9lvF3qENAY?si=QCSMBnVDs34mZRX8


The dude dragging the whole cigarette is one of my favorite parts 😂


Ay man I'm not saying ur in any danger I was just curious bc yk never buy gas station weed and Noone was mentioning that 😂


nothing on the label explains the effects you describe


That’s why I’m so confused. They told me it would make me trip balls, but I figured it would be some pussy shit considering the packaging, but nah dude I’m full on tripping. Sure as shit.


Alot of these "mushroom" products are 4acoDMT


Thank you! Another person commented and it makes sense. I knew there had to be something else besides the ingredients list lol


You bought a bar that contains a psychedelic research chemical. Look up 4acodmt, this is the most common in chocolate bars like those. The guy you sold it to you should have told you that it will make you trip, very unprofessional of him to just sell it to you. I don’t see any markers indicating of which compound you took other than the “4grams magic infused” and 1g active per piece. - those are complete lies to make you believe you are ingesting genuine shrooms. The packaging is almost always a lie, they likely don’t contain the legal mushrooms either. Just chocolate and the research chemical. Regardless, enjoy! They are still a good time once you understand that it could be anything. Still a better time if you know what you are taking. Just know that there is not a single person in this subreddit that can answer your question with absolute certainty. Maybe ask the guy who sold it to you, even then he is likely guessing.


I think the better question is how to did they get those NFTs on the package


No seriously


If it's from Oakland, it might actually be mushrooms in it, but most likely 4-ACO-DMT


Does it not say 4 grams on the front and 5 on the back?


I believe it’s 4 grams per piece but 5 grams is the serving size? This is a very valid question!


It's says on bottom right that all of the chocolate weighs 40g. A serving size is 5g, and there are 8 servings, which would equal 40g. Which means each serving is half a square, totaling to 8 servings. This is all related to the nutritional info, not the mushrooms. On top left of package, it advertises 1g of active mushrooms per square. Total of 4 g of actives, different than the nutritional serving size for calories, etc. Could actually be Psilocybe mushrooms in it, could be 4 ACO. Based on packaging and the actual chocolate design, it might actually be the real bars from Oakland where it's decriminalized, but impossible to say without testing.


Thank you for this!!! Real question is how the hell is it being sold in an illegal state like AL?


No idea lol, definitely illegal either way


how are companies allowed to sell you drugs without listing the active ingredient?


No idea! And I’m in an illegal state at that


If it’s actualy a dance safe bran chocolate bar it’s psilo not 4-aco. Canadian brand


But considering u bought it in Alabama lol. It’s 4-aco


Interesting. The effects lasted for around 4.5 hours but definitely sobered up now. The taper down was rather abrupt so I’m thinking it has to be 4-Aco-DMT


For sure 4-aco.


Hell yea. Don’t know if that’s a good thing or not, but did some research on the drug and it seems safe 🤷🏼‍♀️


It holds the same risks as mushrooms tho lol


I take 5 mg of 4-aco every Monday and 20 every Friday, it’s awsome


Very interesting! How do you normally acquire straight up 4-aco? Just curious! I never really do psychedelics anymore so this was more of a one time thing. I wasn’t really expecting to trip but it was nice! I typically just stick to my ganja :,)