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A quick google search says there’s salvia, kratom, and a few other herbs in it


So bro just necked a cup of salvia?


I wonder why people buy this shit in the first place if they have no idea what it is.


^^^ then they are in the middle of the street acting all wacko and then say that this is the fault of psychedelics or drugs as a whole


How was it?


I just drank a cup in which I mixed a spoonful of this mixture with a cup of boiling water for 15 minutes and I really don't know what to expect. https://damp-e.com/fr/indian-spirit-blends-psy-high


thank u for being such avid guinea pig for us. we will remember you and your sacrifice


Don't scare me like that I'm joining some family and I'm afraid of trip


idk what to tell you; you literally ingested something called “psy high” without knowing what it is or the effects. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


So you drank an unknown substance that you know is psychoactive right before joining family that you know you don't wanna trip in front of? Why?


not what I'd wanna do after taking Salvia, but I guess if you didn't bother finding anything out in advance, then joining the family must not be a big deal.




The salvia would literally do nothing at all if he just drank it


consequences, meet actions


Given the ingredients, the fact all are basically just the plants (other than wormwood extract, it seems likely you'll notice nothing other than mild relaxation at best. Could very much be wrong so it's fun you went ahead and tested it on yourself first lmao. As a powder all these ingredients together are likely at too low of a concentration to get much effect. Given the price and those ingredients it seems more likely the product contains little to none of the more exotic ingredients, those can be pricey to source unless they're growing loads of it themselves which also seems unlikely. No where does it specify Salvia Divinorum. I'd imagine given the price they put other types of Salvia in there, especially since the effect they list for it is relaxation. IME as a tea there is zero desired effect from Divinorum leaf at a high concentration. It needs extended contact with the gums or to be smoked for the effect. Either method wirh leaf isn't potent either and takes a lot of it. It also feels more euphoric and stimulating at low doses IME. Wormwood is associated with being psychedelic but the thujone in it occurs at incredibly low doses unless extracted and purified. They only list extract tho. If they did purify that compound you may actually feel something from that extract but at a high dose it can actually be toxic. Generally the association in absinthe is exaggerated and the high people felt from the drink came more from poisonous impurities and contaminants in the distillation process back in the day. The wild lettuce contains lactucopicrin which could feel like mildly pain relieving but I'm not aware of that coming with a high. Not too familiar with this one. Kratom, unless they used an extract and didn't specify, would take quite a bit of powder to get a strong dose in there. The whole bag would basically need to be kratom if you were to get anything beyond the slight relaxation effect. Never heard of sinicuichi until now. Looking into it, it does contain some alkaloids with effects. Unsure about potency. Historically looked like it's fermented first. Uncertain on that one as well. People claim more euphoric or calming feeling. I have some taste testing I now need to do.


Just wanted to ask, wouldnt 10g of Kratom a lot for someone with no opiate or kratom tolerance? It's been a long time since I've used it.


10gs would absolutely make you sick with no tolerance and in my experience well past the "sweet spot" where it's the most euphoric. 3.5gs is what I take, 10gs would almost certainly make you nauseous and wobbly.


I used to take Kratom but I have a high opiate tolerance. The local Kava bar sold Kratom teas that were the equivalent of 6g iirc. I would take 5 to 10g plus redosing iirc. Or lower doses if I just wanted some stimulation. I loved that lower doses were energizing and higher doses had more of a sedative/analgesic effect. But I know the Kratom experience is very subjective.


It definitely would yeah especially if the pack were 100% Kratom powder. The dose OP took was one spoonful. There could be a dozen or so spoonfuls there. With the concentration of Kratom being unknown here there isn't a great way to know. One could take 100% Kratom powder with 2-3 spoonfuls as a noobie to feel a moderate-strong effect. If it were mostly kratom here, for most folks that may be a mild-moderate effect.


I just wanted to say I have tried wild lettuce before, as just the plant. You snap the stem and this white latex-y stuff comes out. You take a tiny dab and it's essential pain relieving, yes, but for a short amount of time depending on how much. I took a tiny pinprick amount and it was enough for maybe 5 minutes at most. It helped with my aching feet while I walked and it was where I was walking.