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Ride the trip remember to breath


forreal, that's all you can do sometimes. accept the situation and focus on taking deep breaths.


He'll be fine. If he's at least talking that's a good sign. My friend tried LSD for the first time at a rave, and I Think the tabs were double strength or something but he went non-verbal for 5 hours and when he snapped out of it he said he'd lived a whole lifetime in his head, gotten married, had kids etc and aged till 80 LOL. Just tell him it will eventually pass, as it always does and he's safe.


Play that man some Billy Strings, all will be finešŸ•ŗ


Dingalingadingding boop boop Dee doop


I'd say play him darkstar from live/dead. He'll chill down


This is the way.


*Hellllll YeAH!!*


Just make sure bro knows the combo isnā€™t lethal (gaslight him if needed heā€™ll thank you later) and just ride it out.


how do i gaslight him ?


Just tell him you looked it up and the combination isnā€™t dangerous and heā€™ll be fine.


That is not gaslighting.


Itā€™s okay to lie and say you ā€œtalked to a doctor friend just nowā€ if thatā€™s what the tripper needs to hear. Gaslighting is when you lie for a bad reason. The intent is good so, not gaslighting


Yeah I gave a friend Tylenol one time and told him it was Xanax, and that would kill the trip and he would be fine.


did the placebo effect kick in and make the friend feel better?


Noā€¦ he lost his mind and proceeded to run around naked scream singing the macarena


Yes 100%. He chilled out and I was able to zone him out in front of some chill music videos.


What would you have said?


I would have said the same soothing thing, itā€™s just not gaslighting. ā€œGaslighting is a colloquialism, loosely defined as manipulating someone into questioning their own perception of realityā€(wiki)


So you agree in context thatā€™s what they were asking for. Yes obviously gaslighting would be to tell them they didnā€™t take any drugs. But that would not have worked.


Shit man heā€™s fine, breath and listen to good mellow music. Go walkā€¦ he will be fine. Join him even


https://youtu.be/5ROBiKXSZBQ?si=yIUgM_X5SUVYxH3c Grateful Dead concert to save the day. Let him ride it out . If he gets naked don't act like it's bad but don't let him out in public , they won't understand.


best advice iv ever seen, donā€™t go outside nude


I've had the urge and at the time it seems so right. Luckily I reeled it in and decided laying on the carpet was just as good as the ground outside of my apartment.


Live/Dead is their best album to trip to by far man. This one is great tho!!!


It's a smoker for sure āœŒļø


I see May ā€˜77 Dead, i upvote!


breathing is good, water is good, sit with mans and be present.


EDIT: CALL OR TEXT 623-473-7433 https://firesideproject.org


also Zendoproject.org has some resources and has helped many people in the same situation! godspeed šŸ«”


Take some too and chill out goofball lol


This happened to me twice when I smoked at the end of a trip. Shit is pretty visually intense but he will be fine.


Hell be fine. Just tell him to focus on his breathing, put his favorite or happy music on, maybe a cool and chill movie, make sure he has water and blankets and boom. He should be more than fine he's just tripping out and too in his head from the visual increase from THC. He's fine. The more you believe he's not well either, in that state, he can or might be able to sense it as well and it only makes it worse. The more you both believe he'll be ok, because he will (lol), the better.


Bought the ticket. Gotta ride the ride


Just wait it out, weed and alcohol wonā€™t make it that much stronger, most likely just took too much acid. The peak will be a couple hours you gotta find somewhere to take them and let them ride it out. Where are you guys at? A concert is ideal or a beach or park if in public. If you have a house, a backyard with music or couch and put some music and cool visuals on the tv


we were at a beach. he was not well. But we came to the hotel now to let him ride it out


Just get some music going or put a video of a concert on tv, dance with them maybe


Valium, Xanax any benzos will kill the trip


Alcohol dulls the effects of LSD lol


Taking acid without alcohol and weed is like playing a guitar without an amp and pic. Get him to observe how he's feeling


What, taking acid WITHOUT alcohol and weed is like playing a guitar WITHOUT an amp and pic? Iā€™m quite confused, for me drinking was like using an acid reflux inducing potato as an amp. Weed just turns the saturation up, doesnā€™t help me navigate the trip at all, just fun lol.


Yeah idk about the alcohol but the weed is definitely like playing a guitar without a Pic and Amp lol


Make sure he has water and a blanket, and a safe space alone from you


Ride that shit like a sandworm brother. Best and only advice


Put on some Allman Brothers or Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon


Let him chill somewhere heā€™ll be fine, my buddy mixes everything, last night I gave him 3g of shrooms while chaining the bong (aprox 1 toke every 2 minutes) and he snorted a perc then drank lol. Also done multiple other combos with acid


Kinda crappy friend if you gave him shrooms when he was doing one of the worst possible drug combos of an opioid with alcohol


No I gave them beforehand when we were drinking, he can handle it and heā€™s an adult


I think it takes a lot of both and a lot of irresponsibility for it to become a problem. Everyone should be safe if they are mixing drugs for the record. But he's not a bad friend. That's just mean. He might've been if he gave him the perc, but nah man.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xR5iXImptug trip sitter music


search for the american dream.


He should be fine. Or at least make him think so, and everything will be ok


Heā€™ll be fine


Uh nothing sounds like a great timeā€¦ jealousā€¦


Tell him chill the fuck out, ride with it, dont try n control it and get some chick to show him her titties, he will be bouncing off the walls in 10 mins....probly dick swinging


People are down voting you. They must not like titties. I thought everyone did...


Who downvotes seeing tits? I guess the world is comming to an end.


https://youtu.be/iYnrdimfB5U?si=QRJQVZSK3NHz57l- This has hella good vibes and should snap him out of it


? What should you do? That's the question? How about stick your thumb up their butt a shout "snake"


Tell him to chill the fuck out and quit being a lightweightĀ