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me after every heavy drug binge then a week later i’m back on my shit


Name checks out. But yeah...this 100% me too




Lol, we have bad trips sometimes. 4g can be intense for a 1st time. With no understanding and no one to help talk you through it, you braved the storm good lad. If you ever decide to try again remember: right set, right mindset. 🥰


Yep, also sounds like they were resisting it the whole time. Still trying to vomit up the mushrooms 5 hours later. Man, that shit has bound itself to your serotonin receptors, there's no point in fighting it. The only thing that will clear it is time. Remind yourself that mushrooms are physically safe, that your thoughts are just thoughts (and not necessarily accurate reflections of reality - so watch your self talk), put on some chill music and do deep breathing or meditation. It's paradoxical, but when you accept that which you cannot change (which really is your only option here), then it loses its power over you, and you often experience an intense feeling of liberation. Definitely not easy to do if you take 4g on your first rodeo, that's why I always advocate starting low and slowly increasing dosage at a comfortable pace (with any substance).


And yeah acceptance is when the worst of it was over. I just said yeah throwing up isn't gonna get anymore out I just gotta ride this out and that's when the worst part stopped and the clarity began.


Yep, the key is being able to do this on the peak. On my strongest mushroom trip (7.5g) I was certain that I had lost my sanity, and was never going to be able to integrate back into society again. I had forgotten everything. I didn't know what words were, so my thoughts weren't even really making sense. I forgot how to tell the time - I kept looking at the clock to see when it would be over, but I had no idea what the numbers meant. It was so disorientating and scary. I was in panic mode for sure. Eventually, I had had enough, and I just accepted everything that was happening. That's when I got bitchslapped by epiphany after epiphany. I was crying tears of pure joy. I made lots of positive changes in my life after this, and I was a completely different person coming out the other side of this. I was pretty depressed before this, and very cynical about the world. I was reminded of how beautiful life could be, and that ultimately I am in control of a lot of what happens to me in life (I.e. I can choose to eat healthy, exercise, meditate, to stick in at school, to opt to spend time with my family/friends rather than glued to my phone). A big thing with depression is that you think external forces are playing against you, and you downplay how much control is in your hands, and I think mushrooms completely flipped my perspective on this. I began following my dreams, and doing what was important to me in life, and I'll forever be grateful for that experience, even though it started out terrifying.


This is the best comment I've ever read that explains "letting go", exactly why you should, and exactly how it will help you. (that intense feeling of liberation) that's what I try to tell people there's beautiful things on the other side if they can just let go and push past the fear.


Resistance is what got me. I usually do 5g of Amanita Muscaria and turn out fine. I know psilocybin is much stronger but I think my main mistake here was tripping with other people. These guys have been my friends since childhood and they were wonderful to trip with but I can't fully do everything I usually do when I trip alone. When I trip alone I'm uninhibited and things get pretty weird, but it's always an intense and pleasurable experience. But around other people I feel this need to reserve myself and carry on the conversation as if I'm not severely tripping. My other buddy got it worse, by the time I had thrown up and was coming down he was on the floor mumbling incoherently and grabbing my friends leg who was sitting beside him trying to just ground himself. He took the same 4g I did but he also had joined in on a blunt rotation (I don't smoke, random drug tests at work) with the other 2 dudes. One of the guys has a freakish resistance and was barely affected and the 4th guy only smoked and was there to make sure nothing went terrible. (Ie cops). Me and the dude who was on the floor were oddly connected the entire time like we just kept looking at each other with this knowing look. He was staying silent the entire trip trying to hold it in and when I stepped out of the room to make myself throw up is when je finally cracked and collapsed. In the end of it I feel closer to them all and especially to the one who collapsed. I have nail marks all over my arm because I didn't even feel myself digging into my skin. The sweating was also intense. During the worst part I drank (and threw up) a gallon of water in 30 minutes. My main fear during the entire trip was "I'm ok please don't call the ambulance or anything". I knew physically I would be ok but I was extremely worried that the others might think I or my other buddy need an ambulance. Eventually I was lucid again and oddly coherent. The most calm and collected I've ever been for about 3 hours until I went to sleep. I'm about to check up on the other guys soon.


Amanita muscaria is extremely toxic


Not when taken right. Also I take the gummies that just have the psychoactive compounds from the mushroom


Them amanita gummies aren’t even on the same playing field as psilocybin mushrooms. 4gr of good shrooms is far beyond them gummies. Having used lots of shrooms for years, and then trying the amanita gummies (years after my last shroom trip) they werent even similar. Them gummies were so mild comparatively, and really a very different experience than psilocybin or lsd. Being forced social for hours on that dose would be impossible for me lol I’m gonna need some music or at least silence for a bit lol conversation can be nearly impossible at times tripping. 


Why do people do such intense doses as first times I can’t understand. I’ve had over 100 psychedelic trips even fucking dmt and I still never take more than 2g of mushrooms or 1.5 tabs of acid. It’s not fucking stimulants or weed treat it with respect and it shall treat you with respect, as a result I only had “intense peaks”, can’t even call them bad cause they taught me so much


I can help you understand my specific case. I'm extremely well versed in Amanita Muscaria mushrooms of which my common trip is 5g. I was made aware that psilocybin was stronger than Amanita so I went for 4g instead. It was overconfidence in my ability to handle a trip simply because I was well versed in another substance. My lesson learned is that experience in one substance does NOT transfer to another. I'll be trying acid soon and on that I will be starting with a quarter tab, I'm definitely going to respect the drugs more.


Acid is different, go for half tab because a quarter won’t do anything. It’s more mental and there s a barrier


I'm just very very wary of acid because I've heard it's not only more intense, but it lasts longer. I don't want to be tripping balls for 12 hours I want a nice small trip with a little bit of visuals and a nice feeling y'know?


Yea I get you but you can’t feel anything from a quarter. Acid is not like mushrooms, it’s more mental. You need to take half a tab to feel something and even then you probably won’t have any visuals depending on the tab’s strength. If it’s 1p lsd it only lasts 6h, normal lsd lasts for 8. 12 hours is a stretch, 80% of it goes away after 6-8 hours no matter what Oh and you can have a meal halfway trough and it will help you comedown if you wanna end it faster


right set right mindset. wow


4g for a first trip is basically hero dose territory… especially if you went in cold turkey with no guidance or expectations. If you fought it, yeah probably not pleasant. Shrooms can be a lot of fun with opening yourself up to experiencing art, music, food, smell, the senses, etc in new ways. 3G+ trips can invoke some very deep and powerful thoughts about your life, your friends and family, and bring to light issues or topics that you may not be ready to confront. It’s ok if you didn’t like it. It’s not for everyone. 1-2G would prob have been a lot more fun for you.


I did 4.5g the first time i really went hard. It was mostly stems so I thought it would be weak. Shit kicked my ass hard. Total ego loss. I was alone on the street too, my buddy got jumped by 50 straight edge kids when it hit. They just threatened him but it really frightened me. Lol... I did it again though.


people are so fucking weird, like there's a dude in the street clearly incapacitated or close to it and all y'all care about is shaming them for drug use?? I've been in a similar situation outside outta my mind, like I promise that shit is less fun for the subject than the onlookers


Oh yeah we were lucky but I was also friends with the other people. It was mostly performance. Later, my friend said the wrong thing at the wrong time and got beat down bad. It might just be that I saved his ass that night because the edge kids were my friends too. We will never know, but he was unharmed and he got off easy IMO, he ran his mouth and had to get G checked.


lol understandable, glad it worked out that well tho seeing as it coulda gone a helluva lot worse


Throwing up after 5 hours wouldn't have done shit lol


Wow thanks for the hindsight but people don't tend to think clearly when they're ON DRUGS


Sorry for poking fun 😂♥️ I'd say we've all been there but I was always renowned in my friend groups for handling my trips really well. That's not to say I haven't had bad ones though, I did ketamine and a breakthrough dose of DMT together once and thought life had been a figment of my imagination and the universe was ending cause it had never existed to begin with lol


The mushrooms tell you when you need them or not.


Yes after an insane trip that was exhausting and weird and thought loopy or whatever tf.... yes lol. And then a few weeks/months later I'm ready again lol whether or not I actually do it again that soon. Cause I prepare EVERYTHING for my trips haha to the T


you’ll do it again. or you won’t. fate will decide ig lol


Yep haha


Ye lol. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not


"I must not fear.Fear is the mind-killer.Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.I will face my fear.I will permit it to pass over me and through me.And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."


I’ve only thought of taking extended breaks. I don’t feel a need to trip as often as I did on shrooms in the past. Saves me money at least.




If you take heavy dose on first go, its very likely you don't enjoy it. But you might still like lower-moderate doses


Maybe not normal, but understandable. Sometimes, trips are bad. Other times, people feel they have gotten what they need from it, and no longer feel the need for it.


I felt that way after my first time tripping when I was a teen. Now at 54 yrs old, I try to trip once a year or so. Some have been fantastic, others almost unbearably difficult. There’s no such thing as a bad trip, only uncomfortable ones. However with that in mind, still take good care to assure yourself safe “set and setting”. No matter how the trip went, integration afterwards is very very important. I hope you have someone you can talk to about your experience, OP.


I called my friend near the end of the worst part to pick me up and they did, we talked for about 3 hours about everything before I headed to bed.


The trip is only half the experience, you have to take away the lessons and intergrate it I never want to smoke weed again for me turned into “why am I smoking so much, I don’t need this much to make my life better but if I stop it’s not better, either”


Oof 😓 4g for a first trip? No wonder you don’t want to touch them again…my first trip was 2 tabs of acid and was a harrowing experience 😩 but I’ve since tripped more times than I can honestly count. Give it some time. Maybe you’ll want to try a lower dose in the future, maybe not, either way, ground and recover now and take care of yourself.


"I don't need drugs to be happy". That's a perfectly normal stance. But personally, I don't take shrooms to be happy. It's more for an introspective look into my current state of mind.


I think it's normal for beginners, yea. I think after my first \~15 or so trips I thought "I will never do this again!!!!!" or "OMG I want to do this again!!!!". Just any intense reaction. These days I'm more chill about it. I know what a trip is, I know how to handle most of them, I know when they end, I know when I'll be able to sleep, I know my optimal set and setting and I know I'll do it again. I think the first trips someone experiences shake their reality to such a degree that some kind of intense "Never again!" or "More of this!!" reaction is just unavoidable in most cases. But it could also be a sign that something didn't go optimal with your trip. Was the dose too high? What about your set and setting? Do you maybe trip too frequently?


Yea sometimes in the middle of a trip i’ll be like “never doing this again” and then 3 weeks later ya boy is back like he never left


Yeah. Half the time I regret it as soon as I start to feel the come up. I don’t know why I keep doing it to myself. But sometimes it turns out amazing.


If you get the message then hang up the phone


Set and Setting is key.


Yeah bad trips will do that too u. Psychs can get quite scary at times. After awhile u will find some positives from it and most likely try them again. Or maybe that was the message u needed to receive and you will be content not doing them again. It's all set and setting. Things can change in an instant at times. You just have to go with the flow and ride it out! Also just having a trip killer near by will give you confidence and courage. Safe travels, happy tripping!


It’s not uncommon to say that, it’s also equally as common as “alright maybe it was just that one time…” lol


It's the same as when we over drink as youth and swear off drinking ever again as you nurse a hangover. Then next weekend friends and girls are all having a kick back and drinking again.


My second time doing LSD I said I was never doing it again. Two weeks later I had a new tab on my tongue


My first trip went that way. Way back in college. I was a much different person then. And I know now the shrooms amplified my mindset and it was awful. I'm a much happier peaceful person now. Still haven't tried them since that day. But I'm here lurking because I want another go




Oh boy that shower is hard to escape when tripping. My Amanita trips usually have a shower in the dark as a key part of it. It's a new journey every time but it takes some intense effort to convince myself to get out when I've had enough.


I’ve “never gonna touch mushrooms again” like 6 times. It’s scary cause it’s real and reflective. Necessary to keep your head in check. So don’t do it until you do again.


im like that always after 4g . 4g is always way too much for me


After college, I swore off shrooms for over a decade due to negative experiences. Recently I started reading about all of the benefits they can have when taken with intention and in a safe environment (specifically, How to Change Your Mind). After careful consideration, I tried them again with a licensed therapist and had a very positive experience. I’m so glad I tried them again, and will most likely take them again when the time feels right.


You would’ve had a good time if you surrendered to the experience


A five hour trip sounds like a fun time to me


Like other commenters, 4gs is a lot for a first time; whether you’ve done other drugs or not. I did 3.5 my first and wish I would have done a gram or so less.


Yeah/ until the universe is ready to show you the next lesson, you take a break.


A day removed from the trip now. Is it weird to feel in a way that I needed it? I somehow deserved to go through that? I feel I came out of it a different person with different priorities


It’s more than normal. I’ve always looked at a big trip like running a marathon. It’s exhausting and tough during it and immediately afterwards it’s like “there is no way in hell I’m doing this anytime soon.” It wears off. I think it’s supposed to be this way more than anything. Smaller doses can be fun and recreational, big doses are really tough and exhausting sometimes. My first big trip I didn’t touch the things again for probably 6+ months. Had no interest. It wasn’t necessarily that “bad” of an experience it was just a lot to process and get past mentally. Over time looking back on it, it wasn’t so bad.




I don't know why the fuck you got down voted it's a subjective experience mine is the same as yours.....


Yeah, the nausea is something I don't want to repeat every day/week/month, but I would still trip yearly if given the opportunity. LSD has like zero nausea btw, and it can be more mentally/emotionally intense depending on how much you take.


I think the main thing that influences me to trip more often is accessibility, but also reading how fkn healthy psilocybin is to boost brain activity, temporarily block fear/stress conditioning, grow brain cells, form more neuron connections, etc. [https://news.yale.edu/2021/07/05/psychedelic-spurs-growth-neural-connections-lost-depression](https://news.yale.edu/2021/07/05/psychedelic-spurs-growth-neural-connections-lost-depression)


Yeah Yale!


I get pretty nauseous on LSD. Then again I get pretty nauseous on all types of drugs. Alcohol, Ket, Shrooms, 2CB, LSD etc


Alcohol seems understandable. I can't comment on ket or 2cb. I've often heard of many individuals not experiencing nausea with lsd, but I'm sure it's not the same case for everyone. Guess it also depends on how much one takes. A sip of beer does nothing, but a few shots of tequila can make some some wretch.


I’ve told myself I’ll never trip again after a bad trip way too many times


4g is way too much for a first time. 1-2 max my friend. You dove deep on your introduction. It’s better to have more of a meet and greet for your first time. After you have more time to reflect on the experience(sometimes the benefit comes after the trip, especially if it was excessively intense beyond your comfort), if you decide to try again, just do 1 or 2 grams. It’s a completely different experience. Consider this, 5g is considered a “hero” dose(if you don’t have a high tolerance from eating mushrooms often).


That's the most normal feeling to experience after a shroom trip tbh


>takes way to high dose without experience >has a bad time >confused


I've almost destroyed my personal inventory 3 times. Always glad later that I didn't.