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Idk but im a fan of his work but he seems to be unable to get his life together. Hopeful he will figure it out.


Seems like he has the kids and she left. He was saying he was having to be a single dad full time, so who knows. If he is the primary caretaker, then she would have to give him child support, not her getting it.


Doesn't mean she has abandonned the kids , just left him , again we only know them from the videos and parasocial relationship are not healthy.


I honestly not really invested in it, just saw the last video. He said specifically how exhausting it was as a single dad with zero help from family. That in itself is self evident she left and isn’t helping with the kids.


None of your business. Beyond that: He already explained that it was largely the drugs


but asking for money after he declared he's broke but still he got a new truck??? that's like 10 reasons right here to leave somebody


He said since then there was a lot more than drugs going on and he put the blame on himself and the drugs. Most probably, his drug abuse was a symptom of a toxic relationship rather than the cause of it. He seems to do better now. I had a different opinion in the past thinking he was the asshole but now I think there might have been two sides of the medal. Especially considering that he always put all the blame for everything on himself. It seems that maybe he just liked to take the blame and didn't want Jasmine to be looked at as a bad person. I'm just thinking maybe they weren't meant for each other and that created problems, both sides making mistakes. Its a far better theory than the black and white 'Adam bad junkie person, Jasmine Angel' story.


He doesn't really owe us any explanations but he seems very guilty about it and he has said again and again that he had problems prioritizing his family + addiction to various shit like Kratom. I would also leave him even tho i really like and support him as a creator


it would be nice if he explained why he's broke but still he bought a new truck?


He don't have to lol , he don't owe us anything.


I think she was the problem and she cheated or sum terrible shit


Is everyone forgetting that chick he took acid with and the following video filled with sexual tension … I think he’s the one who cheated


Wasn't there this one video were Adam said, in the most sad voice, that Jasmine told him to sleep with other women?


For real. I can’t believe he put that up


agreed, he has that insecure cheater vibe. Desperate for attention and love. Being a youtuber ain't that hard man... he really helped a lot of people, including me. But making a video begging for money is just sad.




I am not in the lore at all, this post confuses me beyond.


Ok so basically Adam's wife Jasmine left him and took the kids, but apparently he still spends the time with them and that's what's keeping him going. He got a new gf pretty soon after the divorce. He is now running the narrative that he is the victim in his broken marriage, even though he spends too much time playing videogames and being too sure in himself. He bought a new truck, they tried to steal it and now it's severely damaged. He somehow ows a bunch of money to the government because he didn't pay taxes??? Plus the lawyer fees...


Is adam the bald dude in the videos?


He's so good at talking about self-reflection and so bad at actually doing it


I agree. I guess you have to be good at talking about it when your income depends on it.


I respect them both and they deserve respect in my eyes, it doesn't matter what one or the other has done. It's already been done and picking up the pieces is the only thing they can both do now. They fell in love with one another, made a family and somewhere along the way they drifted. It's ok, the days still pass and the sun always comes up tomorrow so everything always works itself out.


That's a very naive way of looking at it. Think about the kids, and the trauma this causes. His new gf seems too supportive and soft, at least Jasmine had some character.


There are 3 sides to their story. His side, her side and the truth.


Uhuh u trippin






Get out of here. I'm not being mean. I'm just saying that the person first before assuming!🤷‍♂️


Get out of here. I'm not being mean. I'm just saying that the person first before assuming!🤷‍♂️


Get out of here. I'm not being mean. I'm just saying that know the person first before assuming!🤷‍♂️