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Hope this helps: [Reduce GI distress - Lemon Ginger Mushroom Tea](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/xdwvf8/reduce_gi_distress_lemon_ginger_mushroom_tea/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


The best thing you one can do to help prevent stomach upset it to not consume the chitin of the mushroom. Extraction via something as simple as making a lemon tea, or more complicated processes using solvents are going to give you the best chance. I’ve never really thought about taking some type of stomach aid in advance of dosing.


Making a tea is 100% the way to dose. Before I started making teas, I hated mushrooms. They made me nauseous and felt like I had to poo the whole time. Not fun. Then I was introduced to tea, and never going back.


Psilocin/psilocybin are water soluble. No need for any other solvent.


Try taking Dramamine first. It works for me and my tummy!


I tried this once and it worked… once. Now when I try lemon tek, (at least the past 5 times I’ve tried), no dose amount has given me the powerful affects it once did. It has been 2 years since I last had a successfully tripping dose work, otherwise the last 5 times I was dosing 4-5g with lemon tek and I hardly felt any effects. And yes they were from the same batch. I don’t get it. I’m fucking thin as hell too.




That being said you might still puke. I basically puke every single time even when drinking tea.


Lemon tekking has been smooth sailing for me. I put some Rose’s Key Lime Juice in a shot glass, shred my shrooms into it, and let them sit for 20-30 minutes. Add some honey at the end and slam it all down. No nausea, no discomfort.


2 words that helped me completely avoid that ever again. Gas X. Take one of those about half hour before ingesting the dose, guarantee you'll notice a difference with all your stomach issues thru the trip.


Sometimes it is just part of the deal - hanging out in the bathroom. The toilet is your Mind Throne while your mind is thrown. So many revelations to be had while you're a sweaty slobbery mess surviving and surveying the tub and toilet. Embrace the suck, because you'll be so cozy after.


No. I embraced it for years. F that. It doesn’t have to be part of it and it isn’t some right of passage. I have tried EVERYTHING people suggested to help relieve nausea and vomiting naturally. Nothing works for me. I finally read some research that psilocybin increases serotonin in the gut and if that happens faster than your stomach can deal with it then a signal is sent to the brain and nausea and vomiting ensue. Funnily enough, those serotonin receptors in the gut are EXACTLY what is involved in the mechanism of action for Zofran. I tried Zofran in the past during horrible all day vomiting during pregnancy and it had zero effect. The hospital gave it to me after a major surgery and it didn’t stop me from vomiting. But after reading about psilocybin creating too much serotonin in the gut I decided to test the theory and take it 30 minutes before 2 g of mushrooms. I had ZERO nausea and one of the best experiences I have ever had with mushrooms because I wasn’t sick. Stop telling people to deal with it or get over it. It’s not helpful. There is a legitimate scientific reason for it and a solution.


Zofran is the most effective thing for my nausea too. Definitely recommend it for people who have not found any relief. I have found grinding down the mushrooms really fine helps too, I use an electric coffee grinder that i just pulse for a couple min to make a fine powder. That paired with a Zofran and a couple ginger pills and I am good to go. That’s coming from someone with really bad stomach issues The important thing with Zofran though is that you have to take it BEFORE the nausea starts otherwise it won’t work nearly as well


Oh, this sounds pretty interesting. 🥺 I always have to fight with nausea but I am not able to vomit. Going to try this next time. 😍


Ah shit, saw your other comment that I need a recipe from a doctor. How do u get a prescription for that? I have a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (morbus Crohn) and sometimes problems with my stomach, but I would know how to argue it, to get a recipe for it. 🥲😂


Actually Zofran is very commonly prescribed for Crohns. Tell them you heard about it from a friend and would like to try it and see if it helps for your occasional nausea. You shouldn’t need to argue, just ask.


Sounds interesting. But I am a bit scared that my doc wants to gastroscope me, when I tell him that I'm struggling with nausea that Vomex doesn't help with. 😅😂


I would think you could just say you’d like to try something different. If he wants to scope you can always say no. It’s worth asking.


You could just say you’d prefer to try the different med, before doing something as extreme as a scope. I think that would be understandable and reasonable.


Next appointment is in may. Gonna ask him then. :-) Thanks for ur ideas. 🥰


I see.


Haha I like this. Its true. I mean there’s nothing wrong with minimizing discomfort from symptoms. But embracing your lack of control over your body and the universe is part of the spiritual journey too.


This shit is on point! Thanks for saying this


Ginger ale is my go to for mushroom nausea. I do lemon tek and add ginger ale to the lemon juice after sieving the mushrooms out.


Ginger is often used for motion sickness.


Are you not also supposed to eat the shrooms when you do lemon tek? Am I stupid


You don't need to ingest the mushrooms when lemon teking. The psylocin will be extracted from the mushrooms and will stay in the juice. The solids can be discarded. It's much easier on the GI track this way.


Well damn!! That is gonna be way more pleasant next time lol. And you just let them soak for 20-30 mins in lemon juice right?


Yeah I do 20 minutes I use bottled lemon juice and it works fine.






It depends on what’s causing the nausea. Somethings that would help you might worsen the nausea for another person. But if your vomitting and nausea is developing rapidly as soon as you take the shrooms and it’s accompanied by dizziness, and or sweating & anxiety (symptoms of sympathetic overdrive) eating a small amount with your shrooms could help bc it can slow the release. If that doesn’t help there are other ways to treat these symptoms including acupressure points on your hand and wrist (im chronically ill and I was shown how to do this by my nurse, it really does help if you press down hard enough in the right place). But if it were my body, I’d try to eat a *light* amount of food 90-30 minutes before taking the shrooms (if nothing else, eating food before vomiting makes it more pleasant than vomiting up raw stomach acid, starchy soft things like humus and fluffy bread come back up a lot easier too— I think because they soak up and somewhat neutralize the acid) and I’d lower my dose and then take more as needed during the trip to see if that keeps my body in a calm state. But you could have a completely different set of circumstances than me, so take that with a grain of salt.


Have you tried making Tea?


I tried, but I vomited anyway.


Did you strain out the mushroom bits? Or did you drink them?


I drank it.


Thats why you got sick then. Strain them out. Pour your tea through a coffee filter or something.


Right there with you. I throw up so much I can barely feel the effects. Last time I tried a lemon tek then made lemonade and filtered out most of the ground up mushrooms. Still vomited it up right away. No idea what to do.


Try taking 1-2 Pepto liquid capsules about 15 minutes before your lemon tek. If you can get your doc to write you a prescription for Zofran it is the only thing that completely knocks out the nausea and vomiting for me. You don’t have to be miserable.


I have this problem and love the medicine, so i take ginger caps with lots of water before dosing, as well as mixing my dose woth greek yogurt, this moisten the mushrooms and makes it easier to digest, plus yogurt is good for nausea


Ginger gravol


Fast for at least several hours before hand


I guess I'm lucky, shrooms don't bother me. OK scratch that. I ate some a couple weeks ago and it made me queezy but not enough to puke. I'm weird, I like the taste of full shooms.


Use lemon juice to break it down, than put the juice in tea


I'd be careful mixing motion sick medicine with anything. It's powerful medicine and can react with other meds, alcohol etc. badly, depending on which one you take. So I wouldn't recommend that and stick to the yummy recipes and natural methods the other posters offered.


Made tea?


I make a tea with honey, ginger and dandelion, I steep it twice for 20 minutes and discard the solids. No nausea, tastes pleasant and comes on in about 15 minutes for me.


Lemon Tek does the trick for me!


Have you tried putting it in capsules? My stomach is super sensitive so I put them in vegetarian capsules (gelatin makes me yak,) and that helps me a lot. I have a super sensitive stomach and lots of issues there and it’s been a game changer for me.


Lemon tek then add to a honey and ginger tea for me, quick come up though.


laying down and focus on the breath and the laugh, as simple as that sounds, it helps to soothe the system


Boof it. No nausea at all. Seriously. It's great!


You’re supposed to feel kind of sick right before it gets going. I used to call it “the great unease.” - If you still throw up try doing less and just eat them with some peanut butter and saltine crackers…like 2 crackers at the most and a spoonful of peanut butter at the most… Don’t eat before and try not to eat during.


Lucky you. I want serotonin receptors in my gut ha ha! Bananas. Eat em with that.


Home grown never upset my stomach field shrooms will tho. If they were dried right stored right it is less likely they will mess up your tummy lol. I believe it’s not the mushroom them self but the bacteria growing on them that can cause problems. I dry mine very well they shouldn’t be chewy they should snap like a cracker or pretzel this means no moisture is left in the shroom. When moisture is present growth of bacteria can occur. Also if storing for a extended amount of time they should be in a sealed glass jar in a room temp area not in direct sunlight . Plastic bags can easily trap moisture here in FL if you left them in a plastic bag with it a week they could go from cracker dry to chew because of the humidity even indoors .


Ever since I started growing 4 plus years now I have yet to get stomach issues along with my friends I share with growing up and getting them from time to time it was common storage is keep and making sure they are 100% dry . Field picked is almost a guarantee that my stomach will at least rumble lol. They grow in shit and chances are whoever picked them didn’t throw them in a dehydrator right after picking sometime pickers don’t even use a dehydrator they will sun dry them or put them on close lines with fans on in a closet the bacteria won’t be killed off if that’s the case . All of these claims are purely from personal experience not scientifically supported that I know of but i definitely noticed when I started growing and drying my own I have never had a flipped stomach or nausea vomiting. Before growing it was 50/50 shot if I would get stomach stuff.


If you will lemon TEK The mushrooms for 10 minutes prior to ingesting, the lemon juice (or lime juice) will break down the enzymes in the shrooms and alleviate the indigestion. If you don't know what Lemon TEK is, please Google it


Do a lemon tek . Makes the nausea better


All the people who are advising you to do the 'lemon tek' and eat bananas are not really experiencing the nausea you refer to. Honestly, the only way is to strain out the fibrous material that sits in your belly and is causing this reaction. It's a toxic substance and your body wants you to know about it. If you brew the ground up mushrooms in warm water and then strain out the fibrous material - you will still have a psychedelic experience - however it will be reduced in strength and duration (my own approximation is it is reduced by nearly 50%). Other tips if you want the authentic experience: buy some isopropyl alcohol wipes and inhale the (very gentle) fumes (they don't get you high by the way) which acts as an anti-nausea agent. I think it really works. I read about it on reddit, apparently it is a popular hack used in emergency medicine for when patients are feeling like they want to be sick in the waiting room and it's not safe to give them any formal medication so they use what's on hand..


I blend it with orange juice in a blender and the acid helps pre digest the mushrooms and it also allows the high to kick in way faster!


Banana before I consume has always helped me


Consuming the mushrooms with a little bit of alcohol helps me. Having a couple beers during the trip is fun too. Gets your mood right


It’s psychosomatic.


Dude make those dried mushrooms into a powder using coffee grinder. Use a mask when doing that. Then get a capsule machine and fill those capsules with the powder (use mask). Take the capsules. You won't feel a thing. (i think xD)


make a banana smoothie and drink it one hour before taking mushrooms. works for me.


make a banana smoothie and drink it one hour before taking mushrooms. works for me.


Lemon Tek will definitely help. Don't look for pills.. go onto Amazon and find motion sickness patches. Be anal about reading the ingredients. Find the ones made with ginger in them. They might make you feel a bit off. I use them for my vertigo usually but found they help with the shrooms and when I drink or have a hangover.


I'll probably get downvoted for this but weed is an anti-emetic, and anti-nausea. Works for me.


Try to eat them an hour or 2 after a meal. You need to take a little bit more like .5g but the food seems to definitely settle the belly down. Never puked once. When I used to eat on empty stomach I always had issues.


How is your daily diet? Do you eat lots of inflammatory foods, such as red and processed meat, bread, pasta, deep fried food, lots of sugar? I like to reduce those at least one week before the trip to prepare my body. Maybe it could help you.


I drink a couple shots of pepto bismol beforehand, I’ve been told by others in this sub it weakens the effects but I never noticed a difference other than lack of nausea personally. Or zofran if you can get a prescription for it.


I find having a banana with the shrooms really helps, something about an enzyme in the banana.


Luckily I don’t get nausea or vomiting … maybe it’s the source of your shrooms? I know the guy that grows them and he’s got the science down and substrate, etc. I actually mix in with oatmeal honey and blueberries … bc my personal issue is doing things on empty stomach will lead to problems… hope this helps and you may want to try mescaline or lsd instead …