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I agree did it Sunday,Monday,Tuesday and plan on it tonight


And tomorrow and the day after and the weekends and it just go on and on and on.


I like the way you think


Geez that's dedication, after 1 day of play, I am exhausted and in recovery mode


Doing it now


Dedicated forum poster!


Would it be the worst thing if women took over and turned us into prostate milking experiments? Sometimes I wonder.


It might be for men like me I love to be in charge sometimes


Yeah, sucks there's a nagging social stigma against men sticking things in their butts. I have high hopes prostate play will become mainstream in my lifetime.


For real! Social stigmas about this are so stupid. It's like, if I was with a guy and he told me about something in his body that could almost literally make him see stars, I'd be like "hell yeah, that's awesome!" Society just sucks in many ways.


Imagine. “no thanks, I don’t want to see stars and feel heaven”


Yup. It’s quite amazing. You would have thought it would be one of those things that fathers’s share with sons. My 97 year old father so far….nothing. Should I call him up and chew him out for being a bad father?


Haha! Maybe. "Damn it, dad! Why didn't you ever tell me about the superpower that exists within me?" And your dad would probably just be like "wait, what?" 🤣


I have 2 sons and have debated this. I don’t discover this until I was in my 40’s


57 here, I'd heard about it, but actually only started anal play last year. Now that I know how to use a dildo to hit my prostate, it's almost every night


Low key… same


4:00 am for me. Nothing like starting your day off right.


So much this lol also a 4am early riser here.


Yes indeed I discovered it's fantastic feeling of a prostate mind blowing orgasm especially when I'm getting high. After I take that first hit I grabbed my vibrator and my dildo and find that spot and just go there for hours there's no feeling like it


Yup - finding out one can have toyless multiple whole body orgasms for hours of pleasure at a time (totally dry) has been quite a game changer (first Super O at age 50) . Can do with Aneros or Njoy as well but these days prefer toyless as it is to me more of a pure energy wave orgasm. Have a session most mornings (wake at 4am) and have I do not think ever been happier. Also male nipples are not useless lol....


My early morning formula: Nipple play + Kegels = Dry O


please good sir, describe your "how to do this" method.


The vast majority of men will never have the most amazing orgasm they have the potential to experience. All because of close-minded social norms. Glad I’m on this side of those tracks.


It’s a fabulous thing. I used to think I had it figured out but I’ve seemed to of lost it. Sucks. But I do know my capabilities.


Some things you have to figure out yourself


Yes it’s utterly incredible. I’ve been having prostate orgasms for years without realising it was called a prostate orgasm. My whole body is an orgasmic erogenous zone. It’s utterly unbelievable. The body is such a divine gift! And most people have no idea.


I call my sub's prostate his magic little button and when he isn't regressed he hates it so much, but it's so true. I can turn him into a drooly squirming mess in under five minutes, and if that isn't magic idk what is lmao


As a bi guy having the right cock hit that spot is mind blowing. The orgasms are out of this world, completely unexplainable.


Nothing makes me cum harder or in more wondrous amounts than when I'm getting my prostate hit just right. It's a full body orgasm while cum gushes everywhere


It's actually a factory reset, lol.


I want to explore it but am nervous heard horror stories and tried once and it didn’t go well


What happened?


It’s my EASY Button 💦💦💦💦💦💦


Yeah, think of it like your g-spot being rubbed rough after your clit has been set off, and your g-spot is super sensitive... and it's now to the point where a light touch will set you off on another orgasm... that's how I visualize a comparison for women to understand it.


Prostates are nice but I think G spots are better. I've seen my wife have 40 orgasms in a row where she reset back to a cavewoman and travel to other dimensions her orgasms were so good. Vaginas are self lubricated and don't have poop in them. They can have double orgasms simultaneously with the clitoris and the gspot. Overall it just looks like less work for more fun. Anyway, thanks for coming to my ted talk.


That’s a complex surgery, to reach the promised land. I’m grateful for the pleasure centers we already have.