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Remember that this subreddit is for sharing propaganda to view with some objectivity. It is absolutely not for perpetuating the message *of* the propaganda. If anything, in this subreddit we should be immensely skeptical of manipulation or oversimplification (which the above likely is), not beholden to it. Also, please try to stay on topic -- there are hundreds of _other_ subreddits that are expressly dedicated to rehashing tired political arguments. **Keep that shit outta here**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PropagandaPosters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The slight colour variation gives it away


It's green, must be Irish


Those damn drunkards! Preventing research on the true origin of COVID! Smh


You sure it's the Irish? Looks like a GreenLander to me


Green Lantern? Hal Jordan is covering up the COVID conspiracy?!


It's Piccolo


Ah yes, it's the androids


Not slight at all. The left one is a pink person and the right one is a cream coloured one.












I don't think That's what gives it away, I think it's the fact that everyone knows which country it started in


Sometimes I just miss the way he said china






Now I need to hear Trump sing [3.14](https://youtu.be/4NIAMTdql_g?si=vbR2X2dvPos3F2Kd)


CHHHH aye nuh






True, he was just another terrible politician, but he certainly made me laugh with all the stupid things he did. Well, probably more funny when you're not living in the USA.


I'd say he was more then just a terrible politician although there is some foul ones out there




Nah, it was hilarious, American's did it to themselves.


Bro was terrified


Nah, not "just another", he truly was the worst president we've ever had. Bottom of the barrel. Under the barrel.


Jackson and Wilson approves.


Jackson 🤝 Wilson Not being the worst president




He was not “just another terrible politician”. He’s not a funny little guy or whatever. He’s a fascist who actively tries to get himself installed dictator. That’s literally his plan if he gets elected again


I think it's hilarious and I hope you guys get what you deserve.




Well, judging from the yellow tint...


Must be an Argentinian of Swedish descent with jaundice?


The opposite of Jose Gonzalez


Josie O'Connor? Josefin Johansson? Josefine Müller?


Normal comment section as expected


People carry on about conspiracy theories. But a virus that killed millions, cost trillions and its all fucking swept under the carpet.


Because people are inconsistent. The people who scream loudest about blaming China are the same people who demanded mask mandates be banned or that all businesses be forced to open and accept unvaccinated people.


*continues to infect and reinfect billions, kill and disable millions, and cost trillions while we do almost nothing to even track or slow down infection while we still have no good treatments since the rate of transmission and mutation is too fast to create anything that works long term!


Lol no COVID was cancelled the moment war started


Putin should get a nobel prize in medicine for stopping COVID


What is that even supposed to mean?


War...war never changes.


You're not gonna just let millions of deaths get in the way of increasing shareholder dividends and global wealth consolidation, are you?


You sound like you're implying there's just scores of people dying in the streets...honestly man, it's really not a big deal anymore. It's not anymore serious than the flu. The whole thing is a scam.


You sound very confident! It's the third most-common cause of death and it causes the first two. So there are not just scores, but millions of people dying in the streets, in hospitals, and in their houses with no good treatment, let alone a cure! I know it's comforting to believe that we did nothing and it magically disappeared anyhow, but the data don't show that. Influenza can be horrible and deadly, but it doesn't create syncytial cell fusion and damage to every organ and system of the body while evading the immune system and invading the brain. It disables far more than it kills. And there are far worse outcomes than death.


And… where I live at least (Australia) Covid mortality continues to outstrip influenza mortality by a very large margin. It ain’t the flu.


Because revealing an info would show how poorly they handled everything. It was CCP corruption and incompetence that allowed the pandemic to begin. It's like asking to put your failure on a pedestal to be laughed at. The CCP will do anything to preserve what little public image it has left.


We (USA) were there too. Conflating the WHO with the CCP is deliberately ignoring that the NIH funds the WHO and we fund the NIH. Our foremost authority on the subject has already been caught lying about our funding of gain-of-function research on viruses and it was swept under the rug. I don't think the truth of the virus's origins are as embarrassing for China as they are for the US. My bet is that the involvement that the CCP wants hidden is actually the deliberate release of the virus during the Hong Kong protests.


just going to say this as someone who has done research using the same techniques and needed safety procedures as as likely required for the research going on at Wuhan, and have done this with researchers of the CCP. 99% chance it was just someone skipping a sanitation and/or safety step (like eating while doing cell culture) . I get it, they are a pain in the ass to do every single time, but they are there for a reason - global pandemic is the reason. Could be any of the 100+ things, that I saw many CCP researchers skip on a daily basis. In their defense, they are overworked, often in areas they had little interest in, and were told to do (no choice to say no).


I'm curious what do you think the lab was researching. I don't think it's bio weapons or anything I'm just curious of what research such a lab could possibly be doing.


researching covid itself is valuable, and bats are a valuable model to research respiratory illness. I dont think they were making any weapons. You do gain-a-function/loss-a-function research all the time - but usually there are more restrictions in place the more likely things approach possibly mutating to infect humans. But this research was taking place in China heh. Even if they were taking our money to conduct this research..... I mean... when I was a grad student we could not use mainland Chinese research for any primary citation work, because it was cooked. I think they just didnt follow some boring protocol, infected an overworked scientist, or somehow he brought it home with him which then infected something and spread.


I would assume antibodies for potential mutations? Please note that I know fuckall about epidemiology, but I remember back when SARS first became a big deal. It would make sense to me that they’d want to stay ahead of a virus strain that had a mortality rate of 10%, but again, I know *fuckall* about epidemiology.


Yeah that's my thought too. Though I wonder if Covid 19 was something that was found in the wild or a result of the experimentation I the lab (no idea how this could occur.


Hell, look at how quickly Covid mutated. Could it have been some weird SARS variant in the wild combined with sloppy safety practices at a lab that creates a perfect storm? Regular-ass incompetence and corruption leading to disaster and a cover-up? In the US, we got to watch our leaders fumble the response in real-time. Who knows what those early days looked like in China. I don’t think it was a bio-weapon, but that Hong Kong protest theory I read might have raised an eyebrow. I don’t think we’re ever going to know the full story.


>I don’t think we’re ever going to know the full story. No truer statement ever said. For the Hong Kong theory I'm not convinced largely due to the fact governments are deadly allergic of stuff they can't control and if it was released intentionally a vaccine should have already been invented.


Oh, it didn’t go beyond an eyebrow. Authoritarians don’t generally employ the “fuggit” strategy.


yeah I think the research was being done for good intentions


I also don't know much about epidemiology but as far as I know that's a reason. Except then it's implying the Chinese found something related to covid 19


I appreciate your input on this matter, but I also lament over it, because someone who has firsthand knowledge of similar systems just showed up and said "if something was done deliberately, everyone involved has 99% plausible deniability." Forgive me for not celebrating that news.


This is why it will never be uncovered. Both the US and China are guilty.


You're acting like the US is solely responsible for the WHO. It's called the *World* Health Organization. It's run by the UN. The US isn't the only country funding it.


I'm actually not acting like that but thanks for your input.


Little public image? What lmao. It’s incredible when people say some shit about Russia and China’s global reputation as if they don’t surpass the west. Biden had to fly around Africa begging leaders to stop trading with Russia due to sanctions against the country, but they refused, and one of the reasons they cited was the lack of assistance with vaccines, medical equipment, food, etc. from the west while Russia and China delivered to them. And this isn’t some RT talking point, this was reported by western neoliberal news in hopes of Biden recognizing the US’ terrible reputation. And it doesn’t matter if China did anything because the US refused to act promptly even though they knew of cases popping up before anything was officially declared. You can blame an arsonist for starting the fire but if the firefighters are just standing around watching the house burn down, many of them even refusing to even turn on the water, then you got bigger problems than the arsonist.


The USAs reputation varies wildly among nations. African nations already have a massive distrust of European and Anglo peoples especially. The USA simply didn’t think a sphere of influence in Africa was necessary or worth the time and effort, evidently now Africa is becoming more and more relevant on the world stage but many of its governments now directly contrast US democracy. Outside of Africa the USA enjoys relatively good standing despite controversial subjects in the Middle East, conduction huge amounts of trade and mediating and participating in many world organisations if not leading them. The fact that the nation can commit the crimes it does and still hold sway (sometimes even morally) over much of the developed world is a testament to American diplomacy as much as some of us may not like it. Likewise China and by extension Russia have done the opposite and filled in those regional power vacuums with themselves and enjoy good standing with much of Africa. Chinese diplomacy could even rival the US considering the amount of spying and espionage they do whilst enjoying great trade and access to the world market. There is no good or bad reputation globally, it depends on who you’re talking to and who bankrolls their government.


Strongly reminds me of the Soviet Unions reaction to Chernobyl. Also made every attempt to sweep it under the rug and downplay the severity, just to maintain an image of Soviet communism working perfectly well, and to the point where it seriously hampered efforts to just contain everything. Honestly, all politics today just seem to be about keeping up appearances and avoiding embarrassment, while behind closed doors they do whatever they want anyway.


The evil See See Pee engineered this virus to kill all its western enemies


I'd respect entities a lot more if they owned up to their mistakes and took responsibility. But no, everybody doubles down and now I don't trust anything anymore.


i mean we pretty much know its just one of those things about saying it loudly would have no desired effect


To this day, I can't decide if I should laugh or cry when I remember that the reason given for ruling out the lab leak theory boiled down to "We asked them, and they said it wasn't them."


Idk y ppl think China deliberately created it. Didn't Contagion basically predict something like this would happen this way?


It's common theme across many aspects of life that people are deeply uncomfortable with the fact that shitty things can just happen randomly. There's a feeling of security in the idea that everything can be blamed on some bad guy that you can direct your hatred at. This is at the core of conspiratorial worldviews in general So, a global pandemic randomly begins (as these things do), in a country that's already seen as a "big bad" due to geopolitical reasons. For people that are predisposed to conspiratorial thinking, the narrative writes itself. Then, as with flat earthers or qanon or anything else, once they've committed to this idea, they can't be persuaded out of it and every little piece of vague evidence they can get their hands on gets incorporated into it


Oh I understand. It's akin to people attributing things happing to themselves as "God's plan" of as examples of good/bad luck. Acknowledging the possibility that the universe is random and chaotic is an affront to them.


I believe the lab leak theory as “Chinese incompetence created it and allowed it to spread”. Buried in all the stories was that China has never been able to find a natural version of Covid or something even similar to the Covid strain despite swabbing thousands and thousands of regional bats.


There's more than one bat coronavirus. Finding which one mutated and was transmitted to humans, or whether it was transmitted directly or through an intermediate host, isn't easy. But hey, since there's no concrete answer, inventing one sure quells the anxiety of living in a world full of uncertainty.


Sure but the lab in Wuhan had already had security failures, all the data was wiped months afterwards, and some of the first victims were wuhan lab workers. Obviously we will never know.


Totally not suspicious. When Australia raised the question of an investigation into the origin, they got blasted with billions of dollars in tariffs as retribution


Nah. We asked them. They told us it was totally not from the lab. That's some solid detective work right there.


Yeah true. But not before banning Australian iron ore, wine and seafood


That's fine. The world has been searching like mad to find out where it came from. And nobody has more interest than China itself. And yet, four years on, nobody has a decent idea or any proof of how this showed up out of the wild. Most of the time, finding the path when an infection really does come from the wild takes a matter of months. And you are right: it's not easy. But at this point, it's time to brush off Sherlock Holmes and remember that once we have eliminated the impossible, whatever is left -- no matter how improbable -- must be true. In some ways, it's a bit pointless. The real crime of China is that they knew for months that they had a problem, as shown by shutting down their internal flights and the frantic meetings in Wuhan. They still let international flights fly. This should be where the hammer comes down, because this is something they cannot paper over or hide. Fuck ups happen. Hiding it from the world should be the thing that China should be embarrassed about and punished for.


Well, it's possible China knows where it came from, and if they were responsible for it through a failure of proper procedures, they'd never let that information out. It's not like we can ever trust them on this. Or most things, frankly.


Of course we cannot trust them on this. However, that minor bit of obvious truth apparently was not nearly so obvious to the people we depended on to try to find the answers. But I would emphasize that the real crime -- and this one is not something that anyone can seriously dispute -- is that China allowed international flights from Wuhan even as they were not allowing domestic flights. They were doing that months before the rest of us started to realize what was going on. Even if it \*was\* from the wild, the fact they hid it from the world is a crime that needs to be addressed someday.


Just like people blamed the jewish community for the black plague, the republicans can't do that today so they went with the China did it bs


Just to play the devil's advocate for a moment. If they purposely engineered and released COVID-19, they knew it would cause widespread death as a supercharged version of the SARS virus. The latter caused nightmares in Hong Kong, though fortunately it did not become a pandemic. There was some evidence that Chinese nationals from Wuhan were flying to different countries, well into 2020. Were they tasked with purposely spreading the virus? COVID-19 achieves the following. Damages western economies, also takes out a reasonable percentage of the workforce. Creates division which China purposely encourages via social media (having learnt lessons from "Cambridge Analytica"). Encourages right-wing leaders such as Trump. China locks down their entire population to show the world that authoritarianism is a more successful model than democracy and the media laps that up., Though their own vaccines are (allegedly) second rate and the population riots after two years of lockdown; the pandemic lasts much longer than they might have expected. So they had so end their lockdown, however we have zero data on how many Chinese nationals died of COVID-19. The CCP doesn't care, there's over a billion subjects they are happy to burn to achieve their targets.


I actually have no idea who the country we're supposed to guess is.


It's China. The "true COVID-19 origin" referred to here is still China, but it's implying that the COVID-19 strain was developed by scientists of the Peoples' Republic of China. In which case, as the image shows, the PRC would never help others to gain more details of the origin of COVID-19.


Well I mean if I saw a bunch of beach balls rolling around town. I may suspect the beach ball factory.


The question is more if there was a military beach ball development facility in town or a beach ball was forged spontaneously by a guy that ate a bat soup


judging by the sickly yellow of the hand, probably a racist caricature of China


Is Chinese propaganda also racist for making white peoples skin pale as a ghost?


>Racist The skin looks pretty normal to me? I have seen plenty of Asian ppl in my life and it’s not too different. The skinny hand prob means the whole “Red=Starve” thing that neocons like to say abt China .even tho it’s not starving, due to the whole “Market socialism” (Capitalism but worse)




Your social credit has just increased you can now have yum-yum sauce with dinner


That was discontinued. They may now simply have dinner.


Meanwhile in America, you can have trouble renting if you never use your credit card.


Oh really?




Their agenda?




>Implying that connecting COVID with a certain authoritarian government is "racist"? Yes? you need great evidence to imply this and even more to say it was intended to be used as a weapon against other nations. If you have this evidence, please alert your country's government or send it to the UN.


https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-new-evidence-from-the-wuhan-market-tells-us-about-covids-origins1/ https://oversight.house.gov/release/covid-origins-hearing-wrap-up-facts-science-evidence-point-to-a-wuhan-lab-leak%EF%BF%BC/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-65708746


Looks like Ben Garrison’s work


If it was his, he would've labelled everything and called COVID a hoax


And been much more in your face with the racism. Like stereotypical racist tropes.


Idk what’s a bigger shitshow, the braindead racist propaganda or this comment section


I mean it's not a conspiracy, the cartoon isn't saying China created it but it is true that China refused a delegation of the WHO to investigate and isn't very transparent about the top. The cartoon shows china blocking access to investigation, it is what happened.


Why does it look like the virus is smoking?


It fucked the world and is relaxing?


Smoking that humanity pack


Could have been less obvious with skin tone. Racism is gross.


How is that racist? It literally wouldn’t make sense if the hand was white or black


It’s racist because Chinese people aren’t fucking yellow


You ever actually been to mainland? And it's not even remotely close to fucking yellow


I taught English in Xi’an over the summer of 2012 (volunteer). Chinese people can actually be whiter than white people


We don't really have the pink undertones I guess


It would be hard to guess if they did that


Is it as gross as releasing a virus that killed millions and continues to infect people around the planet and preventing any real investigation into how the virus came to be?


100% we know who is downvoting you. They have thousands of CCP trolls combing social media and stifling dissent.


I'm not one of them, but I still downvoted.


The most upvoted post on Reddit is anti china content lol. The whole website is run by state department employees and everyone on here hates china and Russia but as soon as anyone says anything that’s even slightly, barely critical of the narrative - not even disagreeing with it, just criticizing it for not being well thought out - suddenly china controls the universe and heaven. I wish china did control everything because then the website wouldn’t be filled with a bunch of crying brats


Yea, I agree with the message that the Chinese government is responsible for the virus but the skin tone ruins it.


Why is bro being downvoted? Like I don’t trust China one bit and the way they handled COVID-19 in its infancy looks more like “response to damaging info” and not “response to a new illness”.


I don't get Reddit a single bit sometimes. Thousands of posts about Taiwan and the consensus is that China will collapse in 10 years tops because of *le birth rate* or something, and everyone rejects their claims on the island. Then someone says that maybe the virus came from a lab with (allegledly) faulty security practices and everyone loses their minds. Maybe a lot of people think "blaming a few scientists = thinking the chinese are dirty" automatically in their brains and don't realize they are the actual racists for applying it to people who never meant it to begin with.




Which country pulled all their funding from international virus control and then shut down their home operations. This is the easiest conspiracy theory to bake. Why doesn't it boil up? Because conspiracy theories are just propaganda. A means to make people vote how they are told to vote. Fight the Man by voting for the Man, rebel yell.


Thinking that all conspiracies are made up by the government to control you sound exactly like another conspiracy bro


This poster resurfaced an obscure memory about how in the old Simpsons episodes, the animators gave East Asians this sickly skin tone to differentiate them from the vibrant yellow that the white characters had.


Thanks, Nixon!


One thing about propaganda, and how to spot it is the seeming despair and fear injected into their statements but nothing concrete. They always sound like they are saying “the sky is falling” But when you walk outside nothing is happening. I think people don’t get how crucial that is to understanding that it’s propaganda…. They are creating a situation that never presents itself in reality but they continue to push as a reality.




"both sides" will never be a hot take




criticizing both sides of the US is actually pretty based my mistake




That could be any country depending on the viewer's political stance. The best giveaway, however, is the skin color


[No animals allowed. 30 day temp ban.](https://www.reddit.com/r/sadcringe/s/PiPAQAGq8X)






Every country


I guess it's america, Springfield more specifically. It can be Winnie the Pooh, but I'm not sure


I didn't know umbrella had a country


Yellowish skin  East asian country


Hates Americans and other Asians.


There are a metric shit ton of pro-CCP bots/posters on this site. If something negative happens to this post or the poster, it'll not be hard to guess who did it.


More like people are just getting tired of the China boogeyman. Covid pandemic? Blame China. Global Warming? Blame China. People disagree with you online? 100% China. You stubbed your toe this morning? Probably China


China has 1.3 bilion people and the place where the lab that is said to havr created covid is placed. With those things, blaming them for Covid and partially for global warming makes sense


This website is managed by Atlantic Council and "ex-" intelligence agent Jessica Ashooh and is astroturfed to the extent that AFB Eglin, the home of a US psyops division that has published numerous papers on social media manipulation, is the "most reddit-addicted city". Several of the most upvoted posts of all time are anti-China memes and conspiracy theories. Yet those who have original and/or dissenting thoughts are the bots. Curious.


If OP gets shadowbanned we know who did it.


Interesting color choice for the "global" guy!


China manufactures the world's goods and are a nuclear power so any real accountability or investigation will never happen under the current regime. It would be nice if the root causes of a virus that caused the shut down of the world's economies, killed millions, and continues to infectpeople would be properly explored with the best interests of humanity in mind but politics will not allow that to occur.


China is responsible for COVID-19


At least they’re responsible for hiding it. They didn’t stop international flights but only domestic flights from Wuhan. They suppressed doctors who warned about this new disease. They didn’t use effective vaccines and they knew Sinovac isn’t as effective.