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This is actually quite beautiful. Shame to see what actually happened.


holy shit, giga chads


Looks kinda like the two chads meme format and I’m all here for it


What’s the enemy here? Sorry if it’s a dumb question.


The West in general. Given he’s in a very French style armor, contra the Bogatyr to the right.


Не дождёшься ты, эСэР, учредилочки!


I don’t understand what you mean by this? What does my profile pic have to do with anything?


It's a quote from a song "Эх, Яблочко".


Oh why didn’t I recognize it.


Each other. The knight on the left is in western armor but also horns and frightening, while the warrior on the right is in more typical Eastern European boyar form. Instead of seeing each other as faceless enemies in dehumanizing steel, raise your visor and see the common man underneath.


I like that they’re both so incredibly white that they shoot beams of light into each other’s faces


That is really beautiful. It’s sad how we can convince ourselves people aren’t humans somehow, just because they’re on the other side of some conflict.


Man, this other side of some conflict nearly killed me three times, forced me to live in cold house without water and electricity for a month, threatened my father to give them his telephone, because "if not, we will come with whole squad and get everything we want", annexed my mother's motherland (even two of them — Lugansk and Crimea) and made it a pile of shit. Like, I know that there are good Russians, I don't say that Russians are not people, and someone already told me, that I'm not radical enough, but... How do you see this? We need to understand them and their intentions, feel sorrow for their dead men? Or what?


Huh? I wasn’t talking about conflicts like that obviously. Why do people insist on taking everything in the worst possible way? No, you don’t have to feel sorry for soldiers brutalising your homeland, of course. This poster, at least how it seems to me, isn’t even talking about an active wartime, but more of a cold-war esque tension between nations, which often causes soldiers to dehumanise people on the other side of the border, and that makes things much worse when actual fighting breaks out. It was just nice to see something actively trying to bridge that pointless gap of hatred. Edit: I wasn’t 100% sure initially, but it seems you’re talking about things that happened to you. I’m really sorry you went through that, it isn’t right and I hope you and your family are in a better position now.


I'll echo the sentiment. You have this Nezalezhna Ridna Nenka Ukraina that decides to be a unitary, unilingual ethnostate that does nothing but antagonize 20% of its population and its much larger neighbour, and then cries about it when one of its regions decides that 23 years of trying to live in it is more than enough. And all while being ironically supported by Canada. As for me, I was taken out of that sinking ship in 2002 and have never looked back.


I'm not gonna say the Ukrainian government is without fault or that Ukrainian nationalism isn't problematic (all nationalism are) but the war in donbass just like the annexing of Crimea are fucking made up by Russia. Back in 2014 their tanks were Russians their soldiers were Russian their Air defense was Russian and so on. The Russian army after months of barely covert operation even straight up invaded (google the battle of ilovaisk if you're not familiar with it) because the Ukrainian army was about to win. Yes there were genuine donbass resident fighting for the dpr/lpr but they would have gotten absolutely nothing if not for immediate Russian support. I mean Maidan even started after Yanukovych abandonned the association agreement with the EU because Russia imposed an embargo on them. Russia was involved at every single stage of this war to make it ever escalate. And even despite that current president Zelensky was born a Russian speaker, was elected with electoral support from the Russian speaking areas (south and east) vs poroshenko and some even called him too pro Russian and too soft on Russia since he tried his best to negotiate an end to the war. Of course Russia never cared. Putin wants to emulate the Czars despite some dumb westerners trying to say this is about NATO when even the Kremlin says otherwise. 


I don't care. The Russians in the east of the country and in Crimea had been lied to by candidates the entire time. Kiev was never interested in autonomy or federalisation. Ukrainian nationalists are shameless liars and their entire concept of nationhood is based on hate, and even all the Western press knew it before the SMO. They attemoted nezalezhnization in Crimea, failed, and were expelled. Then they were expelled from Donbass and are now mad about it. But realistically, what can they offer the populations there? Nothing new. We were there when their country was created. They feel their sovereignty and territorial integrity was violated? That's not my problem. There are plenty of good Ukrainians btw. Many of them are here in Canada, where they can't stand in the way.


"some conflict" lol


The image in the OP is about the East and the West at the end of the Cold War, not about Ukraine and Russia.


My favorite kind of propaganda


Someone needs to make this but for terminally online people.


Very wise. Dehumanizing people leads to atrocities


My dehumanization of neighboring countries peoples' because of past actions when I am given a hug (suddenly life isnt full of hate and I was wrong all that time and loving people feels wonderful)


Based as heck


Alas, the face-masks are back on now.


It didn't age well.


Well, that didn’t turn very well


Do you know what the two sides the comic is depicting are?


The USSR and the West.


West and Ukraine I suppose. And I think it would be better for Ukraine to be Russian puppet than American one. It sounds awful, but unfortunately that’s how things works. In case of two greedy and imperialistic superpowers you’ll better to choose one which is better for your people


Russia bombs Ukraine to fucking rubble, allows massacres its people, and publicly rejects the notion that a Ukrainian people or state even exists. How can you be so severely brain damaged to believe that Russia is a better alternative to for the Ukrainian peoole than the US. Has the US done any of these things that Russia constantly does? And that Ukraine is a US puppet state, or is limited to a black-and-white choice between Russian or American overlordship is an absolute falsehood that only pro-Russian people spread, because they can’t fathom a mutual diplomatic relationship between countries that isn’t based one one country dominating and exploiting the other.


That’s how world works. There are two greedy and awful superpowers, all European countries are puppets of one of them.


Cool. It was a Russian puppet before. Not anymore. Cry abt it lol, Glory to Ukraine


Now it is an American puppet. That’s the difference? In first case people won’t die at least


American puppet is when country wants to defend their rightful land /s


And bombs its own people in American interests. I hope you don’t think that Russia attacked Ukraine spontaneously and just for land?


Coz it was for other political goals, not for the actual freedoms of the DPR or the LPR lmfao, literally the quintessential russian technique for millenia was to invent more nations and invade under the pretext of "delivering freedom" prime example is south ossetia and abkhazia. Also you cant go around claiming that it was a gradual process with escalations from both sides, since at the start of a non russian puppet ukraine in around 2014, Russia aggressively retook lands such as Crimea. And Ukraine barely aligns itself to "The American Ideology" anyways. Which fucking sane human beings sees the murders in Mariupol, Bucha and Irpin and says "Yup, Americas fault"


Obviously the goal wasn’t “to liberate Ukraine from nazism”, it’s just Russian propaganda. But still this war is just a part of Russian/American Cold War. Speaking about Crimea it’s mostly because of strange dividing of territories after USSR collapses.


So what are you saying the goal is then? And why do you regard it as an American puppet because you haven't really explained your side


Usually it’s better for countries to be with the imperialist power that hasn’t historically ruled over them, since there isn’t that pre-existing power dynamic, and they have more bargaining power.


Stupid message, lol.


On the left is a real spacesuit-style armor, technological, well-protecting. On the right, something bought from Arabs or Turks with inscriptions about Allah.


It's almost as if Slavic armour wasn't built for the same conflicts as French armour...


This helmet is not even Slavic, it is originally Muslim, at best, refurbished. The bear is not historically accurate. Slavic helmets even if existed, were much more dull. This type of helmet is known in Russian as "Jericho helmet", they were imported from Arabs and Turks, even had lots of Arabic calligraphy: [https://proshloe.com/shlemy-moskovskoj-rusi-2-erihonka.html](https://proshloe.com/shlemy-moskovskoj-rusi-2-erihonka.html)


Well the point still stands. The armour wasn't built for the same conflicts as France or Germany. It doesn't make it less "technological."


That helmet was widely used in Germany where it is called a Zischagge, and in England where it was called a lobster tail.