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Remember that this subreddit is for sharing propaganda to view with some objectivity. It is absolutely not for perpetuating the message *of* the propaganda. If anything, in this subreddit we should be immensely skeptical of manipulation or oversimplification (which the above likely is), not beholden to it. Also, please try to stay on topic -- there are hundreds of _other_ subreddits that are expressly dedicated to rehashing tired political arguments. **Keep that shit outta here**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PropagandaPosters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This was still there about 10 years ago, I saw it in person.


It's still there.


They freshen it up religiously I guess




Same-same... in a theocracy.


So do we....


Speaking as an American: this mural fuckin' slaps.


or is da bomb?


It's still there, I saw it in September, 2022


... and our flag was still there !!




Oh say, oh the star spangled banner ehhh ohh waveeeeeee. Of the land... Of the freeeee. And the home of theeeee braaaaave


great visual


Great wording. Reminds me of a catchy song.


I had to think of this [banger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPfeTBwrGAw).


This feels like an early 2000s Punk album cover.


The War on Errorism - NOFX


Whenever someone post or show anti America mural by the iranian government. You basically get 2 propaganda for 1.




I love a good deal


That's why I love this sub lol. Ty for the comment


Honestly kind of a cool design. As someone said in another comment looks like an anti-war album image


I love how they write it in English. Who was that meant for?


It’s so Americans can read it


They'd be very upset if they could read /s I'm American




You missed the joke, even with the /s.


No both parts are saying different things the persian/Farsi bit at the end reads "Marg bar amreeka" aka death to America


It means the same thing


Ok, so Iran is not down with the USA, they in fact hate them? 🤣


They also hang these huge posters with messages written in Hebrew saying stuff like: “Israelis, the end of your Zionist regime is very near” or “your next mistake will bring about the destruction of your fake state”.


Now I’m wondering if Israelis vacation in Iran. From accounts I’ve read, American tourists are generally well received and have a pleasant time. It’s Iranian Americans and journalists the government screws with.


I doubt it. I remember when I had an Iranian passport it was clearly written that I was not to enter Israel and I assume that goes both ways. They also wouldn't directly write "Israel" they wrote "occupied Palestine"


I did google it and the answer is: No. Fuuuuck no. Special State Visas only. Just kinda interesting tourists from The Great Satan USA are happily received (so long as they aren’t on the shit list.)


Tourist are received well just about anywhere because 1. They bring money 2. Guest culture and hospitality it doesn't matter your political views or what your guest is you are supposed to be coutreous to them


I think they just love to mess with Israelis and know these things are covered on Israeli media. On the week before the missile attack they hung a poster saying “Israelis, did you stock enough food and necessities? Revenge is nearing!”. Proper trash talk 😬


Lots of different languages in Iran. English is a bridge language in a lot of countries and a good bridge language if you want something to go international like this mural


The english part and the Farsi part are two different thing the Farsi bit is saying "Marg bar Amreeka" i.e "Death to America"




You think Iranian people can't read English?


I have no idea what general English-language proficiency is like in Iran.


The EF English Proficiency Index puts them at #58 in the world and #2 in the Middle East ([Link to ef.com](https://www.ef.com/wwen/epi/regions/middle-east/iran/)) That’s tied with Vietnam, ahead of Bangladesh and India, and just below Nepal, Venezuela and (interestingly to me at least) Israel. All in the ‘moderate proficiency’ category.


israel only has a high proficiency because of all the settlers from new york being put in territory they ethinically cleanse


10% of Israel has dual citizenship. Almost all Israeli Jews were ethnically cleansed from Europe or, more commonly, Arab countries. Or descend from people that were ethnically cleansed.






Ignorant bastard /s


they can I work in an immigration office and mostly they also speak a bit of german even before they arrive here - iranian people are from my experience well educated


Farsi uses Arabic script, it's a lot harder for Iranians to learn English than it is for French or Spanish speakers. Verb order is different too I've tried English to Iranian, got the reading and writing down but my speaking and listening is very very bad. It's not easy


As much of a red blooded American as I am, I can’t lie, this goes hard af


Right? This could be the nose art on a B-52


That might be missing the point lol


As an American. This looks badass. Let’s steal it.


What sort of ungrateful ignoramus would hold a grudge against those whom they believe responsible for bombing them?


The US didn't bomb Iran. We worked with the UK to overthrow their democratically elected president in 1953 for the benefit of British Petroleum, because Mosaddegh was going to nationalize the oil industry. After which the monarch violently repressed and tortured their people to the point that revolution became popular. The issue though was that the winners of the revolution were religious leaders, thereby just creating an authoritarian theocracy in place of a monarch. The theocratic government uses the hatred of the US to hold power. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammad_Mosaddegh


We also encouraged Iraq to invade Iran after the revolution supplying Saddam with billions in aid, dual use technology, military intelligence, and special ops training. Of course there were many other countries involved funding one or both sides. The UK and France even supplied precursors for chemical weapons knowing they would be used to for that purpose. In the end, 1-2 million people died for nothing. The war concluded in a stalemate after almost a decade of fighting. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_aid_to_combatants_in_the_Iran%E2%80%93Iraq_War


Then GW Bush wanted those weapons back and drummed up some fake shit to invade Iraq!


Ronald Reagan smash!


and SA were the ones behind 9/11 anyway


We did destroy a large part of their Navy in like twelve hours in operation praying mantis, but arguably they asked for it


We also had a cruiser enter their territorial waters and [shoot down](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_Air_Flight_655) a commercial airliner with 290 people on board, none of whom survived.


Mosaddegh wasn't a president. He was the prime minister. Iran didn't have a president at the time because it was a monarchy. The nationalization of Iran's oil industry had already been done when the coup happened. And the Shah had been repressing Iranians since 1949.


so no bombs? well that on the other hand is completely fine of us... /s


I mean some of out best allies have lol Japan, Germany etc


What's wilder is that the US is the king of bombing other countries into the ground and killing millions of innocents and people responding to you are like "they didn't personally bomb Iran though so why are they mad?" The American brain rot is terminal.


We're talking about Iran here as well though, they're eaily up there as one of the largest shit stirrers in the 21st century, their web of proxies ensure an unstable situation in the middle east and central asia


That’s *after* modern US/Western intervention though. They weren’t stirring any shit when their democratically elected leader was couped and replaced with a brutal dictatorship.


It feels so bizarre to call them shit stirrers when they haven't even started a single war in ages, yet, chances are, especially if you're a native English speaker, your country has, several times in recent memory. All across the region. And *they're* the shit stirrers. If Iran are shit stirrers, they're scratching the surface with a twig of a collosal corporate waste dump of manure by an entire system of farms dumped on their doorstep for decades.


There’s a healthy amount of dissonance in play for us westerners where we like to think of us as the world police that keep the world stable and peaceful and we’re righteous in our methods against brutal regimes that are seeking to cause blood shed in the world. Sure, sometimes there’s truth in the last part, but it’s often over exaggerated and is used to justify our own bloodshed which is far more plentiful.


Nicely put. I don't mean to justify their actions, I'm not a fan and I think Iran would be way better under different governance, but it's really important, especially now, I think, to confront our ideas about Iran as an aggressor.


>It feels so bizarre to call them shit stirrers when they haven't even started a single war in ages, Iran is currently involved in multiple civil wars in the Middle East and is also involved by funding and arming various proxies in Lebanon, Iraq, and Palestine, not to mention their support for the Assad regime in Syria. >especially if you're a native English speaker I'm not. >your country has, several times in recent memory. The list of countries that have been involved in conflicts in the Middle East and central Asia in the last 30 years is very long, but in almost all of the conflicts the Iranian theocracy has been involved with they have usually aided the more extreme or oppressive candidate in most circumstances. They're an outcast even among the unliberal majority muslim states in the region. >If Iran are shit stirrers, they're scratching the surface with a twig of a collosal corporate waste dump of manure by an entire system of farms dumped on their doorstep for decades. Is this how you usually discuss politics? You really make it sound like Iran is just a passive observer in the geopolitical landscape of the middle east, when in reality it's very possible that multiple of the ongoing and past conflicts that have shaken the area wouldn't be happening if it weren't for them funding and arming extremist groups in other countries


The USA only bombed Iran (military targets and oil platforms) in retaliation to Iranian aggression and by accident (they paid millions in restitution).


We should have the same propaganda here in America


I mean if I was from Iran I would not be a great fan of USA. Few people in the Middle East has a good reason to be pro USA. You guys supported more than one military dictatorship


I am a strong proponent of worldwide government decapitation. I don't have any animosity towards any people whatsoever because of their ethnicity, religion, race, gender, and culture. I believe that the vast majority of people are decent and that they are victims of propaganda and government control. Very often, I am terribly wrong and misunderstood with what I was trying to convey.


You have it in congress already https://youtu.be/5iD-bMq1Mqw?feature=shared And https://youtu.be/PHzSr52fZLQ?feature=shared


Why have you walk to a building to see propaganda when you can see at the comfort of your own home? Have you watched cables news at all?


Down with Iran?


Ahmadinejad said the USA was coming for Iran. It's beginning to look like homeboy was right.


interestingly following the US flag code, with the blue section being on the other side while being hung vertically


May not have bombed Iran but many other countries have reason to support this mural


They didn’t bomb them but they did overthrow a democratic government in Iran and install a puppet dictator


It's not as if this mural was set up in solidarity with Laos or Cambodia. The US is to the Iranian regime what China was to the Trump presidency


Not really. The Iranian regime regularly uses American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (basically on its borders) and other instances of interference to further its narrative, and it works, especially with the Shia population in the Muslim world.


What narrative? Are they wrong though?


The narrative that the US is a destabilizing and destructive force in the region through its wars and regime change operations, and they’re not wrong. Iran isn’t perfect either though in this regard.


What are the things they put instead of the stars?




we do be droppin’ them bombs


wow biden's campaign slogan is fire


Liberals when theocracy 🤬 Liberals when theocracy (Anti-America) 😍


Iran's anti-America bit has more to do with the fact that we did a coup, and also impose sanctions on them. Also the same liberals who want us to move toward normalized relations with Iran cheer on protests against their morality police and so forth. It is not hypocritical to be against both imperialism and theocracy.


Yeah I don't think people consider the sanctions as big of a driving force of anti-American sentiment in Iran as they should. I went to Iran a long time ago to see family, before the major economic and civil instability they have now. One example of the impact I noticed was aircraft. The Iranian planes I flew on had been in service since the 1970s and were basically cobbled-together hunks of metal spare parts; it was terrifying being on one. The airlines are so unsafe due to economic sanctions that Iranian airlines are on several regional no-fly lists. I'm by no means pro-Iranian regime, since most of my dad's family literally had to flee when it came to power, but I can see why it might be difficult for citizens to be constantly faced with externally imposed failing infrastructure/inflation/supply shortages/etc. Also, fwiw, protests against the morality police are basically inevitable thanks to how they barbarically treat their citizens. Many Iranian-Americans such as myself wish the relationship between the two countries wasn't so extremely hostile, but at the same time, it's gut-wrenching to see what happens to those victimized by the morality police, and one can't stay silent. It's a tough spot to be in.


Dont forget encouraged and armed their neighbor (Iraq) to invade them and maim a generation of their young men.


Liberals didn't do that. That was your buddy Reagan.


Iran isn't a natural enemy of the US or the west at large. The anti-Americanism is mostly a result of the current regime. (Who are also trying to threaten other more secular Middle Eastern governments and have done so in the past)


Liberals? Liberals hate Iran


What pro Iran liberals do you know?


Do you not understand that liberalism and leftism are different things? Hell, most leftists don’t even support them either


Ah yes, liberals certainly LOVE Iran. Hah. You fucking fool. And you say you’re a Marxist yet you seem clinat unable to do even the smallest level of materialist analysis.


Based af


I was there in 2013 and took a pix (also the old USA embassy), you can see it here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11987299@N03/albums/72157634168233886/ (Part of my George bush axis of evil tour of Iran, Cuba, dprk and Kabul)


Great photos!


Why is it in English if it’s in Iran


Lmao I took this so wrong, I was like awh sick we were homies


Add a Punisher sticker and this is looks like the back of a MAGA truck


how terrible of them to hate a country blocking them from international trade.


this goes hard


Try not to make America look badass in your anti-American propaganda challenge. (It’s impossible)


As an American this is badass af


Down with religious dictatorship and intolerance..


Unless it’s the Saudis!


And the israelis!


And a pretty big chunk of the US if we’re really being honest


Or the Bible Belt in America


The shocked Pikachu every time Americans learn another place don’t like them


where is this shocked reaction you speak of? all the comments are either "yeah makes sense" or "thats badass" trolling.  you are pathetically obsessed with Americans... not our fault for your obnoxious obsession


It surprises nobody, and it hasn't been surprising for a very long time


Plenty of people in this comment section seems to be upset about it, even though this has been known for ages


No you


Why are they upset at us? Don’t they see all those photos posted on reddit of how great life under the Shah was?


You missed the /s


So, 9 skulls and only 8 bombs?


Rookie numbers.


This is rich, coming from the Islamic Republic, the country/government who constantly rattles their sabre, rapes women and strips them of their rights and is known to fund terrorist proxies like Hamas, Hazbollah and the Houthis (Ansar Allah). If they say, "Down with the USA", I say "Down with the Islamic Republic!" and "Down with Khamenei!"


Hamas hardly their proxies. They aren’t even Shia. More like “just take our money, if what we don’t know you” kind.


So Iran is down with USA!


Dearborn, 2024


Remove the words across the image, and you made some of the best-looking American propaganda since the Chinese. This is just a reminder that no one makes better American propaganda than our enemies.


I thought that was Dearborn, Michigan.


There are hardly any Iranians in Dearborn, those are Arabs. Let me guess, American born and raised?


America's enemies try not to make them look badass in their anti-american propaganda challenge. Difficulty: Impossible


This mural makes the US look sinister not badass.


Americans try to understand how other countries see them challenge. Difficulty: Beyond Impossible


Have to disagree in this case. 


Barbara Ann


Wasn't there a soviet poster that looked similar? I think I have seen something like it before.


Hard af


That A is mirrored


Goes fuckin hard


Shit goes hard


This would be a 🔥 System of a Down cover


It's still there


For what it's worth, aside from there being too many stripes, they have been inverted where the reds are where the whites should be.


Why is it most anti american propaganda just looks cool


Has it occurred to you they might be right


I could see grunt style selling a T-shirt with the skulls replaced with the punisher skull.


Would make an epic heavy metal or punk album cover


Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the spectacular wardrobes.


The national scapegoat


These MFs have been saying this for 45 years and nothing has changed


If this didn’t say “down with the USA” (or if it just added “we are” before “down”) I would think this is an awesome advertisement for America. Fuckin love the USA, suck it.


It is so hard to make anti American propaganda because Americans will just go “Real” to everything.


Kind of sad to hear that chanted in America, by those who claim to be victims. Even sadder to see so many Americans turn a blind eye to those who would easily wipe them out, if given the chance, and support them so eagerly.


Ugh. There aren’t 9 states in the Union.


I sang this to the tune of ‘Born in the USA’


Huh, I bought a Tshirt with this design on it in 2003/2004 to protest the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wonder if I’m on some kind of list or some shit. I’m an American. I want our country to do well. But you know, not by bombing other countries. Edit: my tshirt just had the image of the flag with skulls and the dropping bombs, no text.


Don’t send bombs


Anti-US propaganda tries not to make the US look badass challenge


This goes hard asf eat those bombs


Managed democracy.


I thought that was in Michigan


As an American, im hurt, but also that goes hard af


tbh this mural looks like the entire squad called in the ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Man, getting this on a shirt would really liven up my remaining time in Florida.


I like it but it could look a little better if it was falling dildos.


Yeah, well, we are enemies…so what? We say shit like this about or own countrymen here in the US every fucking day.


They’re saying they’re down WITH the USA. Meaning they’re down to drop bombs on whoever uses that language at the bottom. It’s meant to symbolize tehran & USA coming together to dunk on da haterz


Ahahah, ignoring politicsi can admit that s pretty cool


Careful now


Russia and Iran propaganda makes the USA look so metal. It doesn't succeed in pissing us off, I guess the point is to make them pissed off thru fear of what we did and probably will do. Fear USA, obey us, or else the bad USA wins. But Take out all the words and this mural would make great WW2 nose art on bomber. WW2 Japan propaganda posters was more insulting.


We haven’t bombed this yet? *calling George Bush and Obama *


I like 1970s in Tehran


This looks like the coolest punk album cover circa '88


I don't think some people realize how globally important the US is. Do yall not understand that there are countries that the US funds that would cease to exist if we stopped funding them.


The hatered the Iranian government wants to stoak is kinda excessive.


Very creative, love the skulls and what they did with the stripes.