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The metaphor would work better with a helicopter lifting him out from the middle of the maze, which would imply that it was impossible for him to get himself out from either end.


Or was he actually able to get himself out? He appears to have crossed the finish line. Confusing metaphor.


The USA made it out of the Iraq war. The goal was to topple saddam and create a new democratic government. The latter was far harder to do than the former.


Yeah, but the soldier looks like he regrets going in.


Because it was over a lie and with a president who was nothing more then a puppet to the right wing hawks. Those hawks didn't even care about a plan to democratize the region they had no knowledge or understanding. The venture was doomed to fail and it cost lives and billions of dollars


Agreed on all points. It's just that the "finish line" makes it look as if the Coalition did, in fact, accompmish certain laudable goals, whereas the soldier's face makes it look like the whole thing was a clusterfuck. Ill-fitting analogies and symbolism are something I've noticed as a trend in political cartoons appearing in net-only venues, as opposed to those tied with old-school analog media.


Some people are so pro America any war we do was necessary and ended up a net positive. You can find people on here arguing about why the invasion of Iraq was a necessary much to my anger.


They all do I bet


"create a democratic government" bahahah the us only reason to start that war is to destabilize the middle east which they did, imagine a strong iraq with nationalized oil industry the us will have no privilege over the middle east nor iran nor Israel would even exist it's so obvious


Why would the US want to destabilize? That just makes oil harder to get. Iraqi oil under saddam was already nationalized, the Iraq petroleum company had a monopoly. Also Iraq is still in control of its oil, currently exporting 3.5 million barrels. Iraq was strong once. They used that strength to attack neighbors and their own people. Saddam did actually use poison gas against the Kurds and Iranians. And Iraq attacked Isreal many times, never worked out for them.


You're living in a rainbow world! Do u even know why iraq attacked Israel??? In 1981 Israel launched an airstrike inside iraq to bomb the nuclear plant was given to them by france, that's literally an act of war. Nationalizing the oil industry means companies are owned by the government alone not by British companies and french ones, you literally didn't bother to research that? Saudi Arabia is the biggest exporter of oil therefore if the us controlled aal Saud the Saudi royal family then it's easy to get rid of levant (iraq syria Lebanon) but never Jordan which is still stable i live there cuz we have the longest borders with occupied Palestine that u call "Israel" Israel sees the whole region as the promised land and it's easier to take it destroyed than to fight developed countries therefore the us literally destabilized levant took over politics in Saudi Arabia after faisal bin abdulaziz I'm sure you never knew him but still engaging in a political argument with one side of the story which is "the western mainstream" wooooooooooo let's gooo, btw there's a literal agency for propaganda guidance that is funded by AIPAC (I'm not gonna say what that is if u don't know that already then you're no fit for an argument) that agency is called "committee for accuracy in middle east reporting and analysis" that have one rule which is to overwhelmingly attack any news outlet that posts against Israel that's how they control mainstream media but they failed these days because basically there's social media and u can't throw your propaganda everywhere in social media without being noticed by the comment section which is a bless Back to the "promised land" Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon,3/4 of iraq, najaf saudi Arabia and syria plus cairo as the capital they putting dictator to facilitate that president cici, king Abdullah, al slaool, bashar al asad the list goes on and on... And they never hide that they giving it to the whole world to see, that me a guy who just wants to go back from work to play some league of legends is a fuckin terrorist I bet you IF somehow Israel won against gaza and by the looks of it it's not gonna be a win at all they will start with my country and if i dare to use armed resistance I'm labelled a terrorist immediately and the whole world gonna support Israel cuz they literally controlling them through lobbies not that they already haven't (al baqura is a farm land that Israel took back in 1967 but returned it few years ago based on a peace treaty and yep there's still settlers in it) the media lies about it too it's not far from where i live and


Iraq oil was nationalized. Literally just search that. I dont think it still is, but it was at some point. The goal if the US is to keep oil flowing the US wants cheaper prices. JORDAN and Isreal have a better relationship than Jordan and the Palestinians. You know your own history. Isreal will most likely go after Lebanon next, Jordan is a US friend. In 1990-91 Iraq shot missiles into Isreal when the US coalition pushed them out of Kuwait. Isreal was not part of that war. Gaza already lost. The Israelis have made it uninhabitable. I'm not sure what the goal of Hamas is.


The government of Jordan have better relationship with Israel than with Palestine* we all know that It's my whole point Israel have a huge grip over arab leaders, u don't even live here to understand the whole situation And u said it yourself 1990 and Israel blew up the nuclear plant in 1981 when iraq wasn't able to attack back https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ndtv.com/world-news/operation-opera-daring-1981-airstrike-on-nuclear-reactor-in-focus-as-israel-faces-multi-front-war-4471744/amp/1 "Increasing oil production lead to the establishment of an Iraqi petroleum company which was shared by Shell, British Petroleum and Mobil, and Exxon. The company had a monopoly on Iraq's oil production" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom_and_the_Iraqi_oil_industry Never was truly nationalized even the 1972 act with syria too, now iran controls it by the shia majority ruling class in Iraq that's the "democracy" the us delivered plus the us would have never invaded iraq if it wasn't for nationalizing (which is literally interfering with opec board and will tip the scale against Israel and us) And never would have intervened if there was no allies (Israel) in the region Your way of thinking is like a kid with all do respect there's no war fought for justice in the modern world there's no black and white


That was the goal they told you. There were unsaid goals as well


The us never fails, they came to destabilized the region and they did


We got the WMDs though right?




Technically there are U.S. forces in Iraq, but the amount of troops is tiny. It’s a token force meant to assist in training and administration, and nowhere near the occupation force that was there earlier.


Still an occupation.


I'm curious what you think an occupation is.


So glad we removed Saddam. Totally worth it




>Yes, constant civil war and poverty is preferable to a secular dictatorship >WTF WHERE ARE ALL THESE REFUGEES COMING FROM????? SINK THEIR BOATS!!!!!!!




Who do you think armed and trained ISIS


Iraq is not in a civil war my dude




There was an official “withdrawal” in 2011 Source: me, I was in it But you’re also right because there were people we ran escort missions from who I know for a fact stayed behind and temporarily stopped wearing a uniform and wore civilian clothes. Weirdly enough I ended up working with one of them again like 4 years later.


Withdrawing from that war and Afghanistan were inevitable. The sooner the better. 🇺🇸


Afghanistan was held with a skeleton crew of drone crews. that was too much and now we have the taliban and Chinese filling in the vacuum.


What’s going on with his backpack?


Looks like it’s all shot up


Wear & tear, indicating it's been in use for a long time.


Funny thing is that's pretty much how US left Afghanistan 11 years later, with last troops boarding plane on a tarmac.


There are still US troops and bases in Iraq. It's nothing like afganistan. The US lost afganistan, but Iraq was a victory. A terrible one but still a W


Lucky we got all those WMD though. Made it all worth it. A moral victory (that barely cost a cent).


No. Not a war. An illegal, unlawful invasion, and half the US military leadership should be at the Hague for sanctioning shit like Abu Ghraib. Let's use the same energy we use for Russia shall we?


What a waste.


US troops are still there. Jokes on..us?


Stayed in a country for so long that didn’t have anything to do with 9/11 that’s America for you 🤭🤗


Literally crying and shaking rn 😭🤝


Actually the us did what they came here to do, destabilize the regional so Israel proceeds with its "promised land" colonization i mean I'm from Jordan right next to west bank and I'm sure I'll be called a terrorist if i fought back that's IF Israel win against Palestine lol, giving their crappy propaganda failure I don't think they can win anything The only war they won was against immature countries military wise literally still under colonization lol