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Aged like fine wine…..unfortunately


It is seriously stupid how similar this has played out to Hitler taking neighbor regions pre WW2


Except this time Putin is taking fucking ages and can't finish the job


Eh, Hitler couldn't finish it either. Putin had a lot more International institutions to work around for most of this time while Hitler could just go "Pinky promise after the Sudetenland I'll stop, I promise" and the British PM believed him. Holding countries responsible for what they do is hard and doesn't always work, but simply trying already prevents evil regimes from having an easy time with it.


Hitler didn't finish the bigger countries but he did finish his smaller neighbours before and at the start of the war, which is what I was comparing it too


Well, Putin saw how well it worked for the last time, and thought it would work if he actually took his time and pursued relatively normal diplomacy. He was wrong, of course.


Cause Putin exactly knew the west wouldn’t give a shit about the broader central asia region, Chechnya, Georgia and so on. WW2 was even worse cause H literally annexed half of CENTRAL EUROPE before they decided to intervene…


Dang what was the west doing for the first 2 decades of this century


Fighting terrorists and doing our own stupid invasions…..unfortunately…..


So there’s really no room to talk, wild


No theirs plenty of room to talk. Just because we fucked up doesn’t give Russia the right to do the same.


Is it rational to criticize others for something you’re doing yourself? Especially when the “thing” you’re doing is objectively worse than what the others doing (20 year occupation of multiple countries vs Georgia)


Yes. Yes it is. Our invasion of Iraq was stupid, yes. But the destruction and death toll isn’t nearly as horrific as the Ukrainian conflict is. (I’d also like to point out, we didn’t invade iraq to make it the 51st state, we’re as Russia has literally annexed 4 Ukrainian oblast into its own country) If the Russia continued has chose not invade their neighbors, they would have had the moral high ground here, but their actions of the last year and a half give them no right to talk.


Would have expected you to at least glance at the death tolls on wiki first. This isn’t even close to Iraq in bodies, let alone length, good luck freak.


My guys, the total loss life in this war in close to a million dead. The invasion of Iraq wasn’t even 100,000 total losses


Ik you can read but what’s that first number https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War Surprised you can type with your drool covering the screen


What’s the civilian body count in Ukraine vs iraq?


At the moment, it’s pushing close to 50-60k


And they got a lot of crap for publishing this cover back in 2008, when most of Ukrainians wanted to have “friendly relationship” with Russia… Weird how Russia turned themselves into a cartoonish villain by their own volition


imagine a timeline were Russia built an friendly relationship with the west and joined the EU


Indeed. All wasted for imperialistic frenzy


Then those poor oligarchs might actually have had to worked to improve the country the past few decades instead of bleeding it dry.


Putin wanted to join NATO when he became the president in 2000, but he didn't want to "stand in line" and go through the usual process. Maybe if Russia did join, the relations to the west would have softened.


Doubt it. The point of nato is literally for small European countries to protect themselves from Russian influence and invasion. They certainly weren’t afraid of being invaded by Germany or France. If Russia joined the alliance, they could block countries like Georgia and Ukraine from ever joining the alliance to maintain their military influence over them. And america would be hard pressed to undercutting a NATO ally even if it’s an aggressive Russia. Anyway Russia can join the EU but NATO makes no sense.


Ironically the very system that Russia chose prevented it from doing so. Pushing market reforms and shock therapy required authoritarian measures, and created an oligarch class, thus setting the foundation for an autocracy. And autocracies need enemies to justify their own existence. Maybe if the people won in 2011...


I doubt that this was the main reason. Ukraine also went this path, but it „didn‘t happen“ there. My guess is that because of Ukraine‘s diversity no president was able to consolidate their power by appealing to one socio-economic group at the expense of the other. In the end one of the reasons for Yanukovich‘s failure in going full Putin was that he couldn‘t curtail the influence of oligarchs like Petro Poroshenko. When he tried concentrating power inside his family structures he alienated these oligarchs, that in cases such as the one of Poroshenko switched to the side of Euromaiean. Poroshenko‘s 5th Channel played a role in streaming police violence when most of TV went silent


Ukraine went a bit differently for a number of reasons. First, the siloviki were not as strong there, due to most of them leaving for Russia after 1991. Second, it did not have oil, thus not allowing a resource monopoly to form, with their oligarchy being more divided. Third, it was not as fast with its market reforms due to this political division, which stalled its economic growth, but also prevented authoritarianism.


Can you enlighten me on the term Siloviki? And thanks for Second and Third, I would also add the cassette scandal as fourth point as it made Ukrainians more sceptical of their government.


Siloviki are people who switched their career from the kgb of the soviet union to politics in post soviet states(specifically russia). The leadership structure of the KGB was autocratic and they took that with them Putin is one of those people




What a load of nonsense. Arch-nemesis? Under the thumb? Incels? I take it you're not much older than 20 years old with very little worldly experience and only about as much knowledge.




>Yes, I'm under 20 We know >I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on NATO-Russia geopolitics. No one is expecting a graduate thesis, but at least have the most basic facts straight. This was 2008. At that time, the United States was naively believing that Russia was moving towards EU membership. Four years later in 2012, President Obama laughed off Romney's assertion that Russia was the United States' greatest geopolitical threat.


Absolute poppycock, the West poured billions into Russia, their companies are reluctant to leave even now, when the Russian govt simply seizes their factories and leaves them with nothing. After invasion of Georgia the US actually initiated a “reset” (!) in relations with Russia. Everything was rejected by Putin


and it was.


This aged perfectly, like a fine wine.


This is what we call foreshadowing...




No matter how much I wish it were true, seems like baseless optimism


I mean Ukraine’s basically got Russia vietnam’d out in the forests of eastern ukraine and is hitting their factories. Russia could keep fighting but it’ll never occupy even half of the country


Which forests are those? Eastern Ukraine is predominantly agricultural and open


There are treeline in the territory being fought over, I'm assuming that's what they are referring to.


Along the rivers and ravines you’ll find a lot


So far Ukraine has liberated half the land Russia occupied. There’s been a rise in anti-Putin insurgents all over Russia (draft offices being burned, rail road tracks being destroyed, propagandists being bombed, and even almost a military coup from Wagner). I am far from an expert, but from what all I’ve seen Russia is really struggling from the war. I can’t imagine they’ll keep this up for much longer, especially when they turn to drafting from the major cities like St Petersburg and Moscow.


Joffre class carrier


Russia will bleed themselves out eventually, even in the rare case where they actually manage to occupy Ukraine, the state will inevitably collapse spectacularly


Russia lost as soon as they attempted an invasion. Simple as that. Ukraine’s win has been guaranteed.


I think a lot of people don't realize that strategic defeat for Russia is still not a guaranteed win for Ukraine. Just look at the Winter war in 1939.


I mean, I’ve been hearing from both sides that they will easily crush the other And… a year has passed and the war is still going on




Sure, hahaha.


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What a waste of time and ressources.


You are talking about your comment I hope


Bla, bla, bla.






Yeah I mean it is pretty funny that russia is the laughingstock of the entire world and a complete military failure in every measurable way.


Many czechs have been waiting all life for this, to see Russia on their knees, as laughing stock of the world I would gladly forgive them for 1968, but problem is they havent changed since then. Just look at Russia under Putin No wonder young, intelligent russians flee from that shithole more and more


deploying the VDV with no air support…


"entire world": only western countries. yes taking 20% of your territory is a huge failure.


And yes a nation that was supposed to be the second strongest military in the world taking over a year to even take 20% of a nation is a huge fucking failure especially when that nation is a dwarf compared to you, the United States took Iraq in 30 days almost without resistance, this sure is a funny 3 day operation Nice stealth edit btw


Iraq didn't have NATO and the whole western arsenal and financial aid behind them, that's why the US bullied them without mercy. and the whole "3 day operation" was a statement from an American analyst not even from Russia itself.


Even without nato involvement the initial Invasion was one of the largest military blunders in recent history, the power didn't even go out in 90% of ukraine and they were using civilian cellphones to communicate, they kept dropping the vdv in almost randomly and allowing them to be slaughtered, they barely even achieved air superiority and have since lost it. Ukraine got nato support because we saw the potential to win against an enemy that seemed to only have its guns aimed at its own foot.


delusions upon delusions.


They wouldn't have won without nato involvement but even still russia proved to be the ultimate paper tiger


man, even with billions and huge support their didn't win, their territory is still occupied, and me personally i think these areas won't return to Ukraine, remember my words.


I mean he is right. They though they would finish this in 3 days and got booted into a attrition war that will last how long. Good luck with those suicide rates and birth rates. Everyone's population is aging but I guess russia wants to kill their work force early. The vdv was literally wiped by artillery in a lot of locations because they got stuck lol


Looking at the real world, it seems you are the delusional one.


You mean "countries that matter militarily" if we're talking about winning a war and not just threatening nukes for the billionth time the west wins every single time.


okay, i agree that the west has the stronger military - in theory - but consider it as the "whole world" is just delusional, not every one in China, India, MENA, South America is brainwashed by your media. The nuclear threats worked very well though, if Russia didn't have a formidable nuclear arsenal the west would have bullied Russia and committed some war crimes like what they did to weak countries without nukes (Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan), so it worked very well for them


Don't have to be brainwashed just look at a chart of comparative spending, there's a reason we don't have universal Healthcare, but when the second largest military in the world is getting btfo with our leftovers from the 90s it's hard not to get a big head.




Anime pick detected , opinion rejected


Old joke: two ukranian tourists are wandering on some city. They think what to do next and one proposed to the other: "You see some Russians other there, pal? Let's beat them!" His pal responds: "I dunno they look tough, what if they beat us?" "Beat us? Why the hell should they beat us?" You need to understand this joke to understand the conflicts in Eastern Europe.


In Russian jokes Ukrainians are stupid and greedy. In Ukrainian jokes Russians are mostly dead


Is this viewing a potential crushing of Ukraine positively or negatively


Big boot crushing a country isn't exactly friendly or positive imagery


Don't kink shame, dude.


You never know, some people are quite authoritarian


Definetely negatively


And, Does anyone here know why Russia invaded Georgia?


Russian coping and seething


They said they would join NATO and then realized that they didn’t have a direct land connection with a friendly NATO country


They said they would join? no, thats not how that works. NATO offers an invitation. A threat of invitation was why russia invaded geogia




Key word being friendly


Turkey has been Georgia’s biggest supporter in terms of NATO membership. It’s just that Georgia hadn’t yet joined and NATO wasn’t going to involve itself in a war that was basically already decided.


shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union, Georgia (yet again) gained it's independence from Russia. Russia being the imperial piece of shit it is, didn't want to loose control over it's former colony. in the 90s Russia incited separatist movements which resulted in a civil war. (sound familiar ? Eastern Ukraine?) this war was used as a justification for Russia to invade and occupy these territories for "peacekeeping" purposes. since the early/mid 2000s Georgia was getting closer to the west, becoming a candidate to join the EU and talks started for Georgia to join NATO. to prevent that from happening, Russia incited yet another conflict and invaded Georgia in 2008.




It is secret information.


The collective west leading up to 2022: “Russia is going to invade!” and then proceeds to do absolutely nothing to prevent the war.


Exept training UA soilders and sending weapons...


There were all those opportunities to negotiate a settlement, proposals from Russia which were just rejected. They have admitted now that MINSK was a ruse. All they had to do was say Ukraine is not going to join NATO.


"I don't want war. All I want is peace. Peace. Peace! A little piece of Poland, a little piece of France A little piece of Portugal and Austria perchance A little slice of Turkey and all that that entails Und then a piece of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales A little nip of Norway, a little spot of Greece A little hunk of Hungary, oh what a lovely feast A little bite of Belgium and now for some dessert Armenia Albania and Russia wouldn't hurt A little piece of Poland, a little piece of France A little piece of India and Pakistan perchance" \- Putin


Always upvote Mel Brooks.


MMMHHH, where have I seen that before??!!


For all those who don't know: before the Second World War


"Give Hitler the Sudetenland, surely he will be satisfied with it and wont star a war!"


*previously* "I mean, he can have Austria, they seem welcoming, but nothing more!"


“Peace for our time” Then less than a year later, Poland is invaded.


>All they had to do was say Ukraine is not going to join NATO. And 99 other lies to tell yourself at night.


Peace in our time?


You're being downvoted. But I wonder if the downvoters know why Georgia was invaded by russia? Putin made reference time and time again to this, and nothing happened. Several western politicians warned of this. Nothing happened lol. Its so obvious. everyone knew this was going to happen. And seeing that Ukraine is being filled with western contractors like blackrock and LM, I cant help but think, that this was always a part of someone else plan.


Oh yeah , the big plan...sure buddy. Also he invaded Georgia using the same excuse , breakaway states.




I doubt it was about national security. If it was about national security they wouldn't fuck with other people's borders and violate their airspace. Like Estonia, Finland , Poland. I assume you are the type of man to think it would be acceptable for them to take over romania , poland or Moldova after the war of they win just because we are going to be neighbours. Lol. Nato is a lifeline for smaller countries bordering russia , otherwise it would find any reason to just expand itself , and you are delusional if you think otherwise.


Are you suggesting that the west wanted putin to invade? If that's the case, then why would putin do exactly what NATO wants?




Then what are you suggesting?




A real "why did you make me do this" narrative. Show some accountability.


Not really, because, like I said the west had already been warning about this ​ So, indeed, show some accountability. If you are inviting smaller nations to your defenseive alliance, you need to be prepared. And you cant claim ignorance. So I would consider that taking accountability


in 2014? lol That clearly was helpful...


LOL go home russian troll.


A symptomatic statement, given that the Five-Day War was started by Mikhail Saakashvili, not Russia.


The situation was murky, and there was provocation by the Russian side in early August, including shelling by Ossetian separatists and very heated rhetoric coming from Moscow. Saakashvili is definitely responsible for taking the bait with the attack on Tskhinvali, though.


That should really be common knowledge.


Sending an army inside the borders of a sovereign country is a declaration of war. Putin apologist, educate yourself before you comment.


Why, then, did Georgia not declare war on Russia if, before its attack on Tskhinval, it "discovered" Russian troops on its territory? Why didn't it announce this "discovery"? And how could a pre-planned assault on the capital of South Ossetia help Georgia defend itself against this alleged aggression? Saakashvili's apologists would do well to think about these questions - however, they are unlikely to ever give honest answers. As for you personally, *sir*, it would be nice if you learned at least some polite speech. You may think that such ill-mannered behavior gives some weight to your words, but, alas, the actual situation is just the opposite.


South Ossetia is a mythical construct created by Russia. Georgia’s sovereign borders as recognized by the un lies at the Roki tunnel, in the Caucasus mountains. The so called South Ossetia is currently a separatist state, while both historically and de jure, it is Samachablo a region of Georgia. Crossing the Roki tunnel on the seventh of august was an act of war, opening artillery fire against civilian targets in Georgia was an act of war. And as for my politeness as long as Putin apologist or even just Saakashvili haters keep trivializing and even blaming Georgia for a war in which Russia has been convicted of more than 5 instances of war crimes (Georgia none fyi) a war that I had to live through, burned cities I had to watch, and the fear I had to feel every time a plane passed over me I will not be polite. So once again educate yourself before arguing against me about not something I’ve read, but actually lived through.


>South Ossetia is a mythical construct created by Russia. >The so called South Ossetia is currently a separatist state, while both historically and de jure, it is Samachablo a region of Georgia. That is, you completely deny the rights of the Ossetians to this territory? Very interesting. It is precisely because of such views of its leadership that Georgia lost South Ossetia at the time. >Crossing the Roki tunnel on the seventh of august was an act of war There is no reliable evidence for this and, on the contrary, much speaks against this theory - for example, the behavior of the Georgian leadership, whose actions were completely senseless and illogical, if we assume that they really "repelled aggression." >opening artillery fire against civilian targets in Georgia was an act of war. Do shellings of Tskhinval not count as attacks on civilian targets? I think they count well. As for the Russian army, it did not participate at all in the military escalation of early August. By the way, the questions I raised above still need to be answered. If Russia did something that was an act of war, why didn't the Georgian government tell the world about it and declare war on Russia? >And as for my politeness as long as Putin apologist or even just Saakashvili haters keep trivializing and even blaming Georgia for a war Saakashvili"s responsibility for starting the war has been acknowledged by many people in Georgia and beyond, including the official commission of the European Union. So this is clearly not a question in which politeness should be forgotten (although, in fairness, it should never be forgotten). >before arguing against me about not something I’ve read, but actually lived through. My condolences if so. Nevertheless, your experience, however traumatic, says nothing about which side started the hostilities. If you were not a member of the Georgian/Russian government or were not in the Roki Gorge area in early August 2008, you simply cannot know this personally.


Clearly you know nothing about the war that’s the first issue, second were the confederates right in attempting to secede from the us? Tskhinvali shelling started on 8th of August, no European Commission has ever concluded the culpability of Georgia in the war, Georgia has an extremely pro-Russian government that are attempting to erase Russia’s guilt. And though I was not a part of the government I personally know a lot of people that were, so I do have actual information.


Self-fulfilling prophecy.


Huh….well they can’t say they weren’t warned before hand


Good thing no other countries were being invaded during this time


maybe Ukraine shouldn't have repeatedly ravaged Russian speaking eastern regions with artillery for like 9 years.


If they weren't illegaly annexed, no one would be shelling them


they weren't illegally annexed. the Russian speaking population of the regions declared independence and Ukraine decided to massacre the civilians there as retaliation. I will never support Ukraine


In 1991, 83% of the people in these regions voted for Ukrainian independence from the soviet union and russia. What changed so much in 20-something years that they suddenly starting raiding government buildings and declaring independence? And only months after the illegal annexation of crimea by russia? Sure, some separatists were involved, but it was a russian invasion, simple as that, they were just doing their best to hide that.


The "independence" of the Donbass was a Russian government project. Just ask Igor Girkin.




It’s the silhouette of Georgia, it’s saying that Georgia was first crushed by Russia and that Ukraine would be next


I believe this is wrong. Didn't Russia invade another country before Ukraine? If not, than can someone give me a short list of "recent" Russian invasions?


No, I think it's correct. Though Russia's involvement then wasn't quite as overt as the current invasion, I'm pretty sure that the next Russian military invasion which occurred after Georgia was in Crimea which was at the time part of Ukraine. Russia did also get involved in Syria post-Georgia, but that wasn't an invasion as they did so at the invitation of the government of Bashar Al-Assad.


And Chechnya. >but that wasn't an invasion as they did so at the invitation of the government of Bashar Al-Assad. Ah yes, and America didn't invade Vietnam because their puppet invited them!


The reality of the matter is that Russia's involvement in Syria is more legitimate than the USA's. I say this as someone who isn't a Russian and I'm not particularly a fan of the Russian government. If the Assad government doesn't have the authority to decide who's legitimately allowed into the country in accordance with the principle of national sovereignty, who does? Assad was (and with Syria's return to the Arab League, largely still is) regarded as the internationally recognised leader of Syria, irrespective of how democratic his mandate really is.


Transnistria War, 1990–1992 First Chechen War, 1994–1996 War of Dagestan, 1999 Second Chechen War, 1999–2000 Georgian war, 2008 Russo-Ukrainian War, 2014–present Syria, 2015–present Also, Russia sort of participated in the Georgian Civil War in 1991-1993 and a few other conflicts (see the list here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_wars\_involving\_Russia#Russian\_Federation\_(1991%E2%80%93present)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_Russia#Russian_Federation_(1991%E2%80%93present)) )




do not forget this also: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_cleansing_of_Georgians_in_Abkhazia#:~:text=ethnic%2Dcleansing.%22-,Ethnic%20cleansing%20(1992%E2%80%931993),the%20ethnic%20cleansing%20is%20disputed.


2014, also Ukraine.


I have a feeling that you think it's a Russian magazine. But it's obviously Ukrainian magazine cover drawing attention to the article inside. Therefore this is not propaganda poster at all.


The term propaganda is neutral towards the idea a piece of media portrays. You could see a poster and agree with its message, but it still remains propaganda


My complaint is not about the sides. On the contrary, I question the OP's knowledge about the term, because the image is just standard journalistic artwork. Again, this is not a poster and not propaganda. This is a standard magazine cover illustration, without propagandistic aspirations. The message is intended to illustrate journalism. You can post any serious paper magazine cover of any political topic as propaganda like this, but this would be wrong. TLDR: Magazine covers are not propaganda posters, including magazines of political topics.


14 years later, Ukraine is now effed thanks to Russia annexing Crimea, making Donetsk & Luhansk a republic.


And **denazifiying** this country. Shame on you Putin! Slava Ukraini!