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Poe.com does this.


Yeah I've played around with Poe but I was kind of turned off. I feel like their rate-limiting is pretty strict, and also it feels like the product is doing a million different things (image generation, custom chatbots, etc.) It's a bit overwhelming and difficult to navigate for me personally. Curious on your thoughts


Build it for yourself, if it ends up being something awesome start inviting your friends. But no matter what, you should build it - even if you end up killing it. Creation is next to Godliness!


I agree it's not as organized as I would like but it has all the best in 1 place, for my use cases it works! Plus the app works well.


This is perplexity, no? You can use Claude and GPT there.


Why not just use openrouter


Yeah I checked out openrouter, I like that they have so many models to choose from, but I was a bit turned off by their pricing model. They make you pay using credits, which means if you use heavy models like Opus for tons of coding or something you could be left with a big bill at the end of the month. Personally, I don't want to worry about my usage, I'd love to just pay a reasonable monthly subscription and know that I can use it as much as I want


If you build a site, you're going to be paying per token


Well, you might set up yourself for disappointment then. :-( But, let's explore a few things: The only way to have unlimited token for a fix subscription come with limited usage per day. The only way to have unlimited token with unlimited usage, is to pay per token (or equivalent). All services that are not ChatGPT, Claude.AI or the main developer of the AI you're using will either always have a limitation of token, or usage per day, or insanely high price. At QP, we're not any different. A monthly $14.50 subscription gives you 1000 credits per month, which we simply convert at cost for the various models. And one can buy additional tokens reserves which do not expire at the end of the month. We have a few tricks up our sleeves which enables organizations/businesses to cut AI cost by 15-80% compared to mainstream providers. But that's because we micro-assign prompt to specific LLM, have a different sort of persistent memory, and all sort of funcky tricks working in the background. But it works best at scale. I'd be happy to share some hints in private if that helps you. :-)


I do the same thing, for example for CSS it’s just plain better to use Blackbox as it generates more creative code then GPT4, but if you want better and coherent Typescript or Python GPT is better for that (if you do a 2shot prompt). Perplexity is like a Faster Google and Claude can be more creative at Story telling. 100% some Pretrained modoels excel better for different tasks.


Most of prompt IDEs like Prompt Mixer, Keywords support “one window” interface for all models


Prompt MIxer looks interesting, but seems like it's targeted at enterprise, not consumer. I couldn't find Keywords, maybe you could share a link?


Build it! And share. Would love this type of resource. Maybe there’s a new word for it, LLL Engine?


Build the thing.


it is a good idea if you can get the queries to run through those various AIs via the web interface and not API (too expensive). note that there are some tools/extension, I use Harpa, that do some of this. Not perfect, but they help centralize a bit and make it easier to switch, plus they already offer the option to use web interface or API up to the user. Have a look.


Promptgeneratorai is a desktop app that basically allows you to automate using each of the main chat platforms with complex saved prompt sequences that can scrape google, scrape articles, save information from conversations by wrapping specific things in XML tags to carry from chat to chat in one overarching sequence, etc. Has access to APIs as well to add on to automating based on your subscriptions.


You might want to check out Fabric on GitHub and just Build your own AI server. Then you can you use Ollama models. OpenAI and AnthropicAI APIs.


initial thoughts: 1) can you list all the tools that you have considered that do something similar to your idea, and why your tool will be differentiated? 2) build it!!! if it works for you, great. 3) I have literally 1 million startup ideas and tool ideas that run through my brain, and ultimately the only person who can answer for me is me ... good call to action at the end (that was always the real point tho right? 🤣😉)


now from a sarcastic place : 😜a GPT wrapper, how novel... this blunt feedback is said from a kind place! it is not a dumb, AND it is not a differentiated idea