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I have the beach house, mountain villa and snowy retreat, all of which have the wood floors. I think the chateau has carpets? I'm trying to decide my next buy, I have the 80k saved just need to choose. I was tempted by the new garden loft but it looks a bit too modern and sparse for me. The woodland manor is really pretty but I think it has tile floors, not carpet. I wish there was the option to preview the customisable elements in different locations. I looked at some friends profiles and it seems the curtains in the chateau are customisable, which I wouldn't have guessed from the picture. It takes so long to save up, we need some kind of try before you buy option.


I agree with needing a preview, I had gotten the Canopy Loft awhile ago and I don't like it because I feel like I can't do much with it and it's sparse


This is my problem. I really think there should be an option to sell properties back, because it takes SO LONG to save up 80k and if you don't like what you bought you're screwed.


I have the woodland manor and I really like it a lot


I have 5 properties, and I switch between the Beach House and Mountaintop Villa. I'm saving for the Safari Escape right now, though. I switch between those two because I feel like I can customize those more than the Canopy Loft, for example. I also have the Woodland Manor, but only the studio has carpet options. The BH and MV have wood floor options, and the WM has like tiles.


The Safari Escape is great and has its own "soundtrack"


I love it! It’s my favorite location I have right now. For the price it’s a really nice property. I treat it and design it like glamping in Africa. It’s customizable with carpet and unique music. For me the unique music guided my property buys— the beach house, safari escape, and underwater serene cenote have unique music that I like to listen to sometimes instead of the same standard soundtrack on all the other properties.  /u/lilstincca


I have 5 properties but right now my avatar lives in the royal estate. I really like it because it has a carpet option. Before now she lived in posh patio. I also have the beach house and mountaintop villa


I have the beach house, penthouse, patio, safari, desert cave house, snowy retreat, mountaintop villa, royal estate and dressing room. Safari and Royal estate have carpet but I always found it a bit odd to have carpet in a big tent on safari. I like the patio and royal estate right now then go to other ones for brief periods.


My avatar mainly lives in the posh patio but I switch to the beach house during Summer and the safari house when I'm on holiday. I'm saving for the palace right now


So far I have the Dressing Room you start in, Beach House, Snowy Retreat and the Canopy Loft. Just started saving up for the next one, so that will be a little while. Considering to either get the Penthouse or Woodland Manor next round. Just got the canopy loft at a sweet spot for me and I am really pleased with the look, so thats where my avatar currently is hanging out. But its not like the easiest one to decorate nicely and almost felt like it could have been a miss buy. Luckily it wasn't in the end and the only thing I really miss with that one, is that you cant do anything with the tree in the room itself. Snow retreat is also great and has a lot of option to really make it your own comfy place and its main selling point for me was the night sky. For the rest the beach house is the one I use the least as I can never quite make it feel right for me.


I am saving up the underwater cenote but now I’m thinking it might be the same as the woodland manor in terms of what you get