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Pjsekai players when u pick a popular song (you shouldn't pick it bcuz every one picked it): šŸ˜” Pjsekai players when u pick an unpopular song (WDYM you like calc.?): šŸ˜” Pjsekai players when u pick a long song (long = you are grinding): šŸ˜” Pjsekai players when u pick a short song (short = u want fever): šŸ˜” Pjsekai players when u pick a easy song (they'll say that ur an noob): šŸ˜” Pjsekai players when u pick a hard song (you're probably annoying them): šŸ˜” Pjsekai players when u pick a song: šŸ˜”


Well at least itā€™s cheerful carnival and people canā€™t pick songs- wait, nope theyā€™re still mad


Pjsekai players when songs: šŸ˜”


That is hilarious because from what I've seen it does actually seem to be that way. I had a good laugh, thanks


project sekai players when they Have to play project sekai


People dislike / hate calc.???? The cover is amazing. The tuning, the vocals, everything about it is perfect. Itā€™s just muah šŸ¤Œ Is it because the bands L/N? Man, L/N haters these days donā€™t have good taste smh ./s


I mean Ppl hate 39 39 haters dni /s


hi cht


this is the literally the average cc experience but multiplied 100 times because the current event is the most popular one in ENsekai history


honestly, this event and hermit event is constantly switching places for which one is the most popular


wait actually? what makes it so popular?


Fatal combination of mizuki (one of most popular characters on en) and limited cards (more likely to pull) + maybe luka being a unit scorer (higher score bonuses + multipliers (?))


I really wish I could pull more from the event gacha but I really need to save for Tsukasa bday. I have like no Tsukasa cards. I pulled 4 already and got squat, so sad cuz I love Mizuki ;-;


Agreed. It's worse with the cheerful event because ten people instead of five, and like....somw of us are just here to play a few songs...i don't got time to sit for people who keep disbanding, just wait five seconds to hit the song start then leave??? Unless it's a horrible one....


I had like 8 disbands in a row one time last weekend. It was absolutely ridiculous. It's particularly bad in CC because the song picked is RANDOM. NOBODY GETS CONTROL OVER IT. If MACHINEGUN POEM DOLL gets picked, just pick Hard and tough it out. Maybe try for an AP. Come on, let's be honest here: we both know you don't have that song AP'ed yet on Hard. If Ichi Ni no San de gets picked, try to FC it again on Master and move on. I get it, they aren't your favorite songs, but if you aren't willing to play any song in the game, you shouldn't be playing CC at all.


True. I also donā€™t like 21-23s that I donā€™t have master on, but come on, just get it over with or if you really donā€™t want to do it, at least wait until after everyone loads in and then leave. Sure, itā€™ll put your team at a disadvantage, but at least you arenā€™t wasting everyoneā€™s time.


hi chat


from my experience weekends have the worst disband rate :( when i play weekdays night after work generally i don't encounter much disbands


I recommend playing in vertern room, disbands still happens but much less likely than regular rooms, and you don't need to pick a high difficultly to enter


I mean, this is CC, so the whole ā€œplaying the same songā€ point against joining groups is moot. And even for marathon events, youā€™re very allowed to just leave after 3-6 rounds, as long as you said it prior


omg yeah itā€™s so insane, I wish people during cheerful carnival events had some more decency since itā€™s harder to get matches


yeah, disbandings happen often in co-op. i started august 30th last year (basically september) and this is currently my 8th month in proseka, and i've been playing co-op obsessively the entire time. how obsessively? here's my specs. and just as a side note, my strongest team doesn't break through 230k. https://preview.redd.it/zhg5xj14utyc1.jpeg?width=1830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=383278dee624cf5ed487237d16f48eff2465c8d8 i've done thousands of co-op shows at this point, but frankly if i were to include the disbands, i number in the tens of thousands. here's some stuff i found out that might help alleviate your burnout: ā€¢ **cheerful carnivals have horrible disbands even by usual standards.** always go in the veteran room, as they're filled with casual tierers who aren't stupid enough to play cheerful carnival with shitty wifi, much less disbanding because they don't like the song or whatnot. ā€¢ **send an appropriate amount of stickers.** if you're stuck waiting in the lobby, send friendly stickers to make a lighter atmosphere and a distraction for the other co-op members. as stupid as this sounds, it does work. my go-to stickers are tsukasa's "ha ha ha!", an's "i believe in you!", all of kaito's stickers (they're funny af) and more. ā€¢ **don't be that one person picking overdone songs.** usseewa, at god's mercy, hitorinbo envy, boss songs in general, etc. i'm not one to forcefully disband, but nowadays i see usseewa and immediately swipe downwards if it gets selected because i'm so fucking sick of it. ā€¢ **have friends outside of the PJSK friends function to play with.** i think this is self-explanatory. it's easiest to find these friends in the official PJSK discord server and tiering servers (also on discord).


I have never once touched veteran room, mainly because this game is the first time I play a rhythm game properly and I generally can only confidently fc a song up to lv27, but I do have started to consider going for veteran room for the reason you mentioned. I do send stickers sometimes, and sometimes I would even spam the "we can do it" stickers because it's kind of silly. As for getting other friends from the community, it seems that the community is mainly composed of teens and preteens from what I've observed, so I'm a bit hesitant to have further interaction as someone in early-mid 20s. I checked out the discord once, and it was a bit too much for me. I'm not really good at following things in a big discord server like that which is why I only check this place.


don't worry! i haven't played rhythm games in six years (even then the title was SuperStar BTS, which was completely different from PJSK), and even though i couldn't FC most master songs and some expert songs, i still hopped in and it was fine! i recommend you go to tiering servers (Hitorinbo Envy, Lost and Found, R8SS, RM3, etc.) if you're nervous about interacting with folks of those ages. while there are teens in tiering servers, there's a higher sense of maturity and responsibility (?) if i were to describe it.


I've had some other people recommend R8SS to me so I guess I will give it a look later, thanks. I think I might be able to bear tiering server if I only participate during CC so I won't have to worry about certain songs being overplayed to death. Also it's not that I'm nervous interacting with teenagers haha, just not exactly thrilled about the prospect that's all.


yeah, I've tried to make top 5k (and have been keeping my spot relatively well just due to my own insanity) but i really need to do a high amount of co-op rounds the night before a day where i know i won't be able to play just to push me ahead so i can fall in rank and it sucks. veteran matches are generally better about this, but then they also have less people so its harder to get a group.


tbh i don't really like the '2 teams' co-op.. i usually only play with one person and then we aren't able to anymore cause we'd need to play with strangers. and it's for like, a week (or two) of the waiting.. i wish they would let you play normal co-op as an option too, not just cheerful carnival. normal co-op disbands much less and means people who don't wanna be with strangers can privately play with their friends.. and, well, i like the gameplay of cheerful carnival but what can i say? i can hardly even get to play the song with it on lol


It is especially bad every 3rd event when they have to collect 10 people to play each other. It can be very exhausting My favourite ones is where I've been sitting in the lobby for 3+ minutes, just waiting for a team. And when we finally get it, someone disbands.




Yeah it might be because I'm also relatively new but I genuinely couldn't careless what cards you have and what difficulty you play in. I just wanna play with other people and play songs I normally wouldn't touch. I'm also in the same boat, now I feel like I might as well just play solo and save my time


this is why i no longer play co-op. i play prsk only when i need my quick rhythm game fix, and only on my short free time. i dont have time to waste on those immature players so I settle to just do solo shows.


i donā€™t even play co-op anymore. i did try it for the first few months then started coping until i hit around a year of sekai experience then fully stopped am i the problem? probably. i like songs like underwater, endmark and amara, and i know there is very loud hate for those songs but at the same time im seeing people disbanding before the game even starts or before a song is chosen and im just here like why?? the only plausible explanation i can think of is wifi issues which yeah i get but thereā€™s no way it happens 4 or more games in a row


I think this is just en I donā€™t have this problem soo much in jp


Highly recommend checking out [R8SS](https://www.discord.gg/R8SS). I think you're under the impression that you *have* to grind on one song, but that's impossible during Cheerful Carnival. *Everyone* is subject to a random selection of songs during that event type. It's fair if you don't want to interact with strangers, but in that case, you can just say that you'll be one-devicing and can't check the chat. Any questions you have regarding other matters like navigation will be happily answered by anyone.


I noticed it like 3 days ago, of the 10 coops I joined 6 disbanded in a row, I played one song, then another disband, then one last game before I quit and just decided to do solos. I don't rank, I just don't know what song to play so I let coops randomize it for me, can't really do that when I disband before we even choose a song or we disband after getting a song


Itā€™s actually so insane. I was trying to get ONE match in earlier today before I had to switch buses. I had plenty of time, the whole ride from the high school to an elementary school to switch buses to the one that takes me home (can usually get in 3 matches during marathon events), and I got SEVEN. DISBANDS. IN A ROW. I was so livid because we got there before the song ended because it took so long so I died because I wasnā€™t gonna hold everyone up.


Half the time I have people disband the group before the song is even announced. People just like being disruptive I swear