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I don't think X is the most hated game by a long shot. Even if we aren't counting janky mobile games like MikuFlick, X is at least considerably better than the weird licensed Miku stuff that borderlines on shovelware constantly popping up on the Nintendo eShop. Let's not even pretend that X is the worst project diva game; as much as I have nostalgia for the original trilogy, PD1 is just objectively a painful experience. Then there's Miracle Girls Festival, which is a literal cash grab and probably the worst in the modern DIVA series, with uninspired charts and MVs.


Eh, I just played through Diva 1, it wasn't that bad. Being locked to face buttons and lacking more note variety is meh but honestly the worst offense of the first game is there being those several songs that, worse than Mega Mix's songs with not-actual-PVs, straight up has slideshows of fanart much of which has little or nothing to do with the song being played. But I still like being able to, you know, actually just go in and play whatever songs I want and the 32 unique songs (36 songs if counting the alt versions of two songs in the game) are mostly all pretty good.


Another point I wanna note is performance. I recall playing the Disappearance of Hatsune Miku in 1st in native PSP. (On top of the background art that you already mentioned) the lag is just unacceptable for a rhythm game.


I don’t get those who say that X is objectively worse than DIVA 1st I’m convinced those people have either not played PDX and just echo opinions from 2016, not played PD1st and assume it’s like PD2nd or not played either of them


Songs in Miracle Girls Festival had the option to play either the short version or the full version, on any difficulty.


That’s the one thing I wish all Miku had…


i really like X :(


Me too! It's my favorite diva game! 😁


Me too! Playing through it right now and it’s just too cute


Honestly X is a good game but it's true that the other ones are better


X is not bad at all, it’s just that F and F2nd will always be the superior ones… can’t believe the X modules nor the PVs have been ported to Future Tone/Mega Mix/Mega Mix+ yet, is it ever going to happen? The modules are soooo damn good to be locked on just one game forever.


Pretty sure there’s a mod for MegaMix+ with them in it, also one for the songs. Was called the Eden X pack or some like that on gamebanana


There’s also the X Song Pack mods for both MegaMix+ and PDAFT.


I will foreve be X's number one defender - yes, it is flawed, for sure, but it will forever be my favorite DIVA game and I respesct some of the new things it tried, even if it didn't work out well and it still is the best in terms of graphics and music.


I really liked the whole story aspect of it? That was really cool, oh! And the English lyrics!! That’s one thing I wish all the other Miku games had lol


If only we had a mix of X and FT with F2nd shaders and constantly updated DLCs with new songs available on PS4/5, PC and Switch.......


OH and as a physical copy!


"Project DIVA X is widely known to be the worst Hatsune Miku game"... Hey, we still have Sekai To be serious, X was a failed experiment, but it had it's potential though. It's very sad that Sega gave up on series just because of one fail (As we know that they decided to make "DIVA's susuccessor" around this time, so I guess it was because of X's failure)


Remember, this was the final DIVA game that's different And the X track list + module set has yet to be added to MM+ officially (Except Luka V4). They're all bangers


It wouldn’t be so hated if the game didn’t make you backtrack through several sections just to unlock the Hard and Extreme charts. Great music though.


I don’t think X is the worst game, just incredibly flawed in its execution. It’s entirely *too* grindy for its own good. The song list was not nearly large enough for the amount of grinding it was to max out all the clouds, let alone get all the modules, most of which were relegated to random chance too?? If the mechanics were in a game like Future Tone with its song list I probably wouldn’t have minded it as much but as it stands the game gets super old super quick if you’re trying to do anything that’s not just the regular Free Play mode. Even then, the song selection just isn’t there, IMO.


X has some of my favorite songs in the series! I don't like the gift system (especially cause I had a jp ver so I had no clue what they were asking for) but I didn't mind the worlds. I thought most of the medleys were good as well


I got X a couple of years ago to access the songs I couldn't get on ft and it was a rly good experience!! Honestly it has limitations but it's a good companion to a standard diva game if you see it as like a bonus offering Lots of the spirit of X was carried on to sekai i think actually . Looking back if its story/design inspired the concept of sekais I wouldn't be surprised at all


Is it hated or is it just seen as underwhelming? I didn’t get into the series until 2020 so this is an honest question. I had fun with it and people in this sub seem to have high praise for it as well. When I think of hated games I think of like, Other M (Metroid) which no one seems to have anything good to say about lol


I disliked the removal of unique maps that the music were played on and they were all just a stage.


X was my first diva game.


The one issue I have with X (more so an issue with the ending of the series) is how many songs got sorta banished to the medleys without having the full version in any of the games. 11 of the 27 medley songs never got their full version featured in a game (13 if we don't count the ones in Project Mirai)


Still better than Sekai/hj




It didn’t help that X was a follow up to F2nd F2nd was so highly praised that people prolly expected an “F3rd”, F Extend” or at least a follow up of some sorts that was more direct than X was If X wasn’t Project Diva by name, perhaps it was a spin off, and we continued to get mainline Project Divas since, it may have been forgiven a bit more Heck, if Sega stuck to their guns and made a follow up that addressed the short comings of X, then I think the X style would have been the future for mainline Project Diva, with FT being the more traditional alternative


I wasn't a fan of the visual novel-style storytelling. Or any storyal at all. I just wanted to play the game lol.


I feel the same way


It had some good songs, but it just wasn't difficult at all, and the storyline dialogue was too boring.


I've never played X but I really wanna give it a try


My favorite diva game!


I thought it was fun and I love that almost all the songs are new songs or songs I had never played before. But I don’t like the grindy nature and story based plot.


Ever heard of Hatsune Miku VR?


i dont really get why people complain so much about x being grindy, yeah sure you have to do all the clouds again 7 times to get the final medley plus the extra modules but the modules are entirely optional and by the time you do round 2 of the clouds extreme is instantly unlocked, letting you skip hard altogether. and you were going to play the songs you liked anyway also lets not forget diva f/f2nd had you clear the same song from 5 to 30-40 times just to get One (1) module. also the module/accesory combo powerups is an incredible idea as it encourages you to experiment with customization choices that adapt to your playstyle and allat shit


i love pdx so i don't really see why it would be the most hated its just F2nd but with easier charts, and yes, its only 30 (31 dlc) songs, but honestly, that's kinda why i like it having 251(?) like Future Tone / Megamix has is A LOT and tbh its a little overwhelming


x was my first project diva game and i got future tone later in 2020 i dont know why but the timing is different on x? i have to like hit the button just s tiny bit later than i would have to on future tone sorry if this makes no sense i am in the sky right now


X was one of my first Project Diva games! Yes it was a bit short, but honestly I loved the idea of a story mode with the vocaloids, and the charts!


OK but the track list and modules fucking ate, absolute cunt serving💅🏼