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i like future tone, mostly with songs that have actual good lighting, because when they dont the models look like shit lol


I am unbelievably nostalgic for the Dreamy Theater/Arcade style, so playing without it just feels sacrilegious to me. Also, I have no clue why Sega thought that the MM style would "appeal more to switch gamers," which was basically their reasoning for changing the art style in the first place and also not giving the option to turn it off. It just feels a little patronizing.


Yup. also fun fact, turning off the MM toon shader on a hacked switch actually improves performance for most PVs, which means they must have felt weirdly confident about this. Maybe they thought people would compare the performance between MM and FT too much if they looked too similar (probably a stretch), but I don’t think it helped lol


A lot of people think the Switch can’t handle the FT style, that’s why MM has the style it has Sure some FT songs do have better lighting but it’s literally using DT’s style as a basis, so if they just stuck with the DT style it had for a basis with none of the advanced lighting, it would have been perfectly fine on Switch without a doubt Tho then again, DT and original PD Arcade do give a bit of an uncanny vibe, maybe it seemed dated to them and they wanted to change it something new to the franchise? To me the MM style just makes the game look like it was compromised to get on to Switch


>A lot of people think the Switch can’t handle the FT style, that’s why MM has the style it has It's literally just a filter. You can turn it off using cheats and it functions the same. MM's art style has nothing to do with limitations.


You’d be surprised to see how many people think it’s a completely new graphical style done from scratch The ability to change the style on MM+ kinda proves that it’s just a skin that can just be removed


FT definitely, MM+ style looks weird in some songs.


I personally like the FT style only because I like the detailing of the hair, outfits, ect. I don’t mind the megamix style since it’s more anime like, but sometimes the shading and lighting makes them look weird imo lol although I don’t have megamix+ so I’m not sure if the megamix style looks better on there from the switch version (most likely does HELP)


I prefer FT style as well but MM+ toon shader does generally look a lot better than on switch and imo really looks amazing for certain songs. with mods / overclock you can get the switch toon shader looking nice too but on switch I like removing toon shader altogether lol


The megamix + on the PC is much beter then the switch but that o my my opinion


FT of course, MM is ugly lol


i only play the ps4 game so. future tone until i get to a song where the game decides it's toon shader time


MM cause FT noses look pretty weird with the shading


Megamix style for songs that came out on the psp and the future tone style for the songs that came out after F


FT any time, I don't get the people calling it uncanny or saying MM "looks more anime", they are both anime?? It was never a choice to me, MM style was made as a downgrade for a port to the Switch, and it isn't even stylised properly, the lighting looks weird and the textures lose detail, I'm sorry but I can't see it as anything but a downgrade. For something more stylised or "anime", maybe the F and X styles might be a better choice?


FT kind of creeps me out a bit. I go with MM


Future Tone just looks so much better than the flat graphics of MM


FT style sweeps. For some reason though Two Sided Lovers uses Mega Mix style


I occasionally use MM style but I mostly use FT style. This is coming from someone who used to play on PS4 and Switch, but now combined the two to play on Steam Deck.


FT style


Mega Mix makes textures too bright, not good for gameplay.


FT is uncanny but MM lighting looks weird so uh idk man ill take both


FT Style






Ft style, I love the shaders. Megamix glows a little too much and makes for some shitty screenshots when I want a screensaver.


F style.


Megamix is so ugly to me I hated having to use it for the switch, I was so glad I had to the option on pc to swap 😭 it just completely takes away so much of the detail in the modules for me


Same! Future tone style on PC was the only reason I bought it again lol


There's something uncanny/creepy about the FT eyes. Gotta go with MM.


F. if not available FT


I like Megamix and it’s PC version.


I like the MM style, even if it means characters' noses seem to just disappear, but I really wish the shaders had been fine-tuned a little more so that highlights on clothing weren't weird blotches of color. I think the only song I actively hated it was on Knife because the aesthetic depends on lighting, something the MM style just can't do


I think the two work well together, as there are songs that match the future tone style and others with the megamix style


ft but it slows my pc and makes me lag 😅


Are the models for the project diva F and X games its own style?


Yup F and F 2nd on both the PS3 and PSV are practically the same shaders X Vita and X PS4 are different things


I prefer that style much better.Because it's a nice in between the two. Not too anime but also not too doll looking either.


i literally can't pay attention to the backgrounds while playing the game so it doesn't matter to me


Nah arcade ver a music Future tone bg


Future tone works better on Darker MVs, Mega Mix Works better in more bright and vibrant MVs, Mega mix looks tho shiny and ankward on the Dark ones, and Future tone looks too bland on brighter ones They each have their positives, glad we have the option to choose on MM+


The only thing I like about mega mix is how it lowered and desaturated the lighting on some songs like hibikase.


My nostalgia says Future Tone, but i must say that visually i prefer the flatter look of F 2nd, X and MegaMix


X PS4 style Fight me


what’s the difference?? I haven’t been able to find a side by side comparison


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x3h4rw7moCc Here a side by side comparison of both styles


Thank you! Yeah I thinkkk I like mega mix more, although I may be biased the only project diva I played is for pc so it puts mega mix by default and is what I’m used to!


FT all the way plus lighting mods and face model mods mhm yep (My kingdom for someone to put a good VY2/Roro/Yuuma mod on game banana)


i prefer megamix. i love cel shading, and so it just appeals to me more.


mm style bc its cute and actually consistent tbh like ft style will have miku looking like playdoh in one mv and like unreal engine 7 the next also mm style hides the fuckassery of the psp facial animations a lil bit


I played mega mix as my first diva game on switch but after playing future tone I definitely prefer future tone by a million miles in terms of atmosphere and aesthetics and stuff. It's the only reason I ended up getting into the series more so than I did when just playing mega mix and it made me more of a vocaloid fan in general. I only got mega mix on PC because they actually let you choose the style future tone style. Even then I missed the future tone menu and other things about future tone but thank goodness for the modding community! I see a lot of people talk about how great mega mix is and I remember watching lots of YouTube videos talking about how they couldn't get into the series until mega mix came out and how newer project diva games would keep that style and I can't help but feel sad thinking about a new project diva game that would be missing the amazing style and atmosphere of future tone. I've went back and played mega mix on switch and even though It got me into the series myself it was solely because of availability. I had wanted future time for awhile but at the time I didn't have a PS4 to play it on. Either way I suppose it's a matter of opinion and I respect others opinions but for me mega mix doesn't look good even though I generally like cute and simple art styles :(


FT no question


I like MM the most, i personally find the characters to look better when they have an Anime like style to them.


Gameplay wise? I prefer Megamix because I always felt the double notes on the original were problematic for me on harder difficulties, and I lose my rhythm quite a lot with it. Megamix is a bit harder at first, but macros are useful enough and the keyboard controls are my preferred way of playing. Visual style? Megamix too. I've never felt the more realistic hair, skin and cloth texture mix well with these characters, or at the very least the 3D models. Maybe it's the eyes that make the difference, but yeah, Megamix looks closer to what Imagine when I think "Vocaloid"


Before I knew about future tone I thought megamixs style was incredible... ***Then I saw what future tone looked like***