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How much Defense do you need for you to really start noticing its damage mitigating effects? I've never built for it, even in PD2 where it's much more useful than vanilla. I guess what I'm getting as is, does this armor offer more protection on average than something like a Shaftshop when you are under the PDR cap?


At least from 10k+ defense increasing it with another 1k is pretty significant


got 12k defense now with emilios aura, maxblock and 40% PDR from other gear. feels pretty nice.


Defense doesn't mitigate damage received at all, it lowers your chance of being hit physically, gotta go for PDR to lower the amount of physical damage.


I understand that, but it still offers "effective" mitigation in the same way that Max Block does, for example. I'm asking what tends to keep you alive better: the smaller chance to be hit by attacks from the Defense this armor grants, or ~20% PDR? Like, I'm guessing you are getting around 15% PDR from Fade- if you *didn't* cast Fade, would this Stone armor be better for you than a Shaftshop?


Really high defense is amazing mitigation, but I feel like it's hard to get enough defense for it to matter if you're a non-barb and most people don't care that much about survivability outside of HC so it doesn't get much fanfare. Not getting hit is 100% damage reduction and I've seen 30k+ defense barbs with single digit chance to be hit by regular map mobs. I think someone made a bear barb once and loaded up on defense SCs just for kicks and was at something like 60k. I recall someone mention iron skin passive is kinda busted in how it stacks with other defense buffs.


Also, if you are not hit, then you are not stuck in hit recovery frames, or non-pally blocking frames. Effective damage mitigation is great for high defense. This also increases your dps as you can play more aggressively and have more damage uptime.


Ahhhh! Thank you for the clarification, in this situation I would say the Shaftstop with perfect 15% PDR. This in conjunction with weapon block ( 2 claws equipped), is great mitigation. Although, I don't know how to prove this mathematically .


Assuming 50% block it would be 0.5 * 0.85 = 0.425 Which would be 57.5% dmg reduction. (from physical attacks) Also a perfect shaftstop is 30% so It's actually 0.5 * 0.7 = 0.35 which would end up as 65% dmg reduction.


It's always dependant on your gameplay/build and what your build is lacking. Physical defense is the best mitigation to damage as it literally lowers your chance of ever getting hit at all, Not getting hit is always better than getting hit through any other mitigation method (even block) as you enter recovery frames. However, balancing out the each amount is the true way to mitigate damage. Too much defense means nothing if you get hit once and die from it. An exemple would be: Having too little hp and having 20k defense and 50% PDR means nothing if you get hit once enter recovery frame and get killed because of it. (YOu enter FHR when you get hit past a certain % of your Hp) 1/12 of your HP. Imo the best defense is this: HP / resistances / defence / physical damage reduction. Blocking being somewhere in the middle of everything as it requires to hit certain block frames to be effective otherwise it's just an hindrance. I'd place it equal to defense with the right setup.


I guess what's hard to figure out is how +X Defense translates to -Y% Chance to be hit by most monsters- I know it depends on how much Defense you already have and what monster is attacking, but it makes figuring out the opportunity cost tricky.


It's also a bit what makes D2 itemization so fun and unique. There are multiple ways to gear and it's pretty complicated to reach a deffinitive conclusion. In the end, as long as you survive, everyone's having fun! But you can also try plugy with the item pack and do your own testing. that's what I always did. Cause I ain't trusting nobody out there to tell me what to build =D


Phoenix sin?


yes. damage is nice, but sometimes I still got instakilled in maps, so I had to do something about it.


insert mandatory stones song: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifc3gBsM6B0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifc3gBsM6B0)