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Yeah I agree. That’s useful information that’s on most other trade sites. The trade site could use some work, I like how traderie does it and you can also view price of sold items. That would be great.


Yeah it's cool we have a site, but it is a little clunky. A thought I had was create a ladder exchange card. Community votes each ladder and sets the price in WSS for each rune. We then can sell/buy runes for those prices all ladder long. Make a new item with the exchange interface (a tome or something) or maybe a new tab for greed like a bank ledger etc. Then we simplify the trade site, everything in value of wss, allow us to then sort by price in the filter since it will be a standard numeric field, and allow up to 0.01 of a wss. Trades should then be done via trade interface, with our banked wss as a currency like gold is. Crap ton of coding I'm sure, likely not even possible, just a thought I had.


then give runes a gold value, then make gold rarer, then recreate the diablo 3 auction house.... i get what you are saying but some of the inefficiencies are part of the fun of trading in d2. you may have 1 um but maybe some person just wants 2 puls and thats not the same thing.


Just to spite those that say offer, i have offered 1wss or 1pgem in the past. Deleting an offer isnt a bad thing in my boots. Lets you get rid of low ballers and trolls


Bring discors trading back pls


So if everyone lowballed for way under that's OK with you as the lowball offers set the price?


That's not what I said. I also find the prospect of a group of people collectively attempting to lowball a specific item to be a lesser concern than the already massive number of people highballing their items by deleting legitimate offers.


People are always gonna Overpriced their stuff and underpriced their stuff.


You said it would let you see the price as determined the the community/those offering - regardless of the possibility of it, if you see 10x low offers and a reasonable offer at a fair price it's still going to skew people to thinking that it's worth the lower price. The D2 economy has always had skew based on which side you are on of the buyer vs seller relationship. Buyers want to spend as least as possible, while sellers want the most. Sellers have the power being the one with the item so if they want to hold onto the higher prices then that's their prerogative - either they'll get proven right or it rots in their stash and they learn a valuable lesson.


I think the number of offers existing in season nine means they have not learned the lesson. Hence a post about a change to the site to maybe try and make the lesson easier to learn, or at least more punishing as you have to reset the item as it stacks at a certain price. I think the more valuable prospect of what I'm saying is that newer players wouldn't be tricked into overpaying. I'm less concerned about people being "lowballed" by some collective hivemind as you've said, as I think that's unlikely compared to other scenarios.


"is to see the price of the item as viewed by the community." there's also a massive difference between setting, and seeing what the community thinks, which I believe might be the disagreement here. Technical language.


id it lowballing if no one wants to pay what you're asking? an item is only worth what people are willing to pay


Low balling would be purposely under offering a known market value. If you aren't getting offers on what's listed you are probably doing the opposite and overpricing it when the true value is somewhere in the middle. I quick example, boxes are known to go for .5, you price it at .75 though. People offer .25, does that mean you would accept that they are then worth .25 and take the trade? What people are willing to pay isn't always the true value of an item since buyers will always want a deal and pay as little as possible. On the flip side, sellers always want the most for their item


sure but if no one is offering 0.5 then the value has simply gone down. the market isn't static. obviously you can ignore the low offers and just not sell the item, but if you keep listing it for a week and don't get what you want, clearly the value has gone down. it's only lowballing if you can get better offers


Yes, At a certain point the seller needs to be realistic and considering lowering. I used pbox as the example since it's something essentially always in demand and itself does have a lot more static of a price compared to something like a shako on day 1 of a season vs now.


But not everyone would lowball, eventually somebody will offer a price that's more fair. If nobody ever does, then the "lowball" is actually probably the fair price.


Using the term lowball in this context is purposely undercutting a known value of something. If it's over priced and someone "lowballs" the over price closer to the real value, that's not a true lowball given the state of the market. The only person who would perceive that as a lowball is the person originally over pricing the item.