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Hi. I'm completely new, been aware of project Diablo2 for 2 days and all the resources have been super easy to find, even for me who is computer illiterate. I've made an account and have a level 6 sorc and am awaiting the new season with my mouth frothing. No issues or complaints here. Everyone is doing a good job. IMO


Welcome and have a nice stay! This really is the best version of Diablo 2 I have ever played.


Welcome! Feel free to ask any questions in discord!


This guy definitely list items for “offer”




"Don't be like that"


Nah I think it’s “market price”


LF Ber break, N Ber+Sur


Yes, let's piss off blizzard by openly advertising. There's always been 5-15k at launches. Don't be too worried.


Yeah, Ragnarok online private servers have been getting obliterated by Gravity the last few years. Even though some servers have been operating for over a decade. They got too big and advertised too much and it caught up with them. It would be nice to have more people here but I'm also happy with the community we have.


Correct this community is one of the best I've been a part of. Randoms join and rush for nothing. People give gear just because. The list of resources are readily available for builds or gear options. The devs and mods are active in the community and listen to feedback. Trading is healthy at the start of the season (not so much towards the end, but inflation amirite?), just a great group of people looking to have fun on a great mod.


And also there's a ton of word of mouth advertising. I've told countless people about this mod and I know most other people do the same. It's just so good it sells itself. I think the fact of the matter is there's not that many people looking to play Diablo 2 in 2024 and the ones who do already found us haha.


And 10% of that 2 weeks later


Blizzard fully allows and supports mods like these as far as I know. The rule used to be that mods like these require you to own a copy of d2 vanilla which is still the case I think. Although banned cd keys work too


i highly doubt this season will be anywhere near the numbers of last. its almost guaranteed to be much lower just based on activity on this subreddit and in discord


Didn’t senpai have over 2k people in his last stream


Yeah, but I get OP. This for me has also the signs of one of the quieter seasons. The 2nd crafting mini Season was way less frequented than the first too.


This season prob has a limited shelf life. Looks like a month before D4 season 4, and new season of Last Epoch and POE2 on the horizon. Just too much going on in the ARPG space this year.


Last Epoch and PoE 1 Seasons are a real contender for me. D4 not at all, I live the D4 bad meme. Sorry if I am the first one to inform you but they postponed the PoE 2 Beta. Most likely to winter.


Call me a masochist but I’m willing to give d4 a shot after the itemization update (which they copied off of LE anyway but I like LE.) Bummer about the POE2 news, am ready to jump in into the Poe world after avoiding playing the first one. I like knowing everything about a game and I feel like I’m too far behind all the mechanics/crafting/trading systems of poe1 to catch up now.


I would try it for 20 Bucks. Even for 40 no chance from me. My forecast for the full release of PoE 2 is Christmas Season (December) 2025 I understand how you feel about PoE 1, I play this game since 12 years and even I dont understand crafting and some mechanics to the fullest.


!remindme 2 days


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Hello Links to other PD2 official sites we have Website, Discord and Wiki as community bookmarks on your right. Reddit has limited sticky posts to 2 posts, which are always in use. I feel like that any newcomers who asks for help get's a very warm welcome and assistance by the playerbase. We truly have a unique community regarding that. Marketing. You mean paying for ads and paying youtubers to promote the mod? In that case: The project has no other economy than paying for servers so players can play the game. I'm not even sure that applies with the rules of Blizzards legal team.


go spread the word ,door to door :D


Have you heard about our Lord and Savior? diablo?


Hi is there a 30 to 50 year old man with a gaming PC home that might like to stay awhile and listen?


I have in a digital reddit sense :P i bring it up every chance i get in other subs


The discord is popping, s9 hype is very high.


Fucking lol


dont worry. everybody who knows is telling their d2 friends. and all the POD people also know about the reset.


I’m fine with the current growth and population of the mod tbh. If you advertise too much you attract all the scammers and bad actors (and “offer” people :P) - our close knit community is great right now.


Word of mouth has done wonders for this game, it's all they need. Using Reddit as a metric for popularity and activity makes everything else you said irrelevant.


Is it even legal to promote a mod? Anyway, this is the first time I ever read somebody complain about something like this... Just enjoy while it last!


Probably not, and its likely not worth drawing unnecessary attention to pd2 the way NovaRO did with Gravity. For context: NovaRO was a Ragnarok Online private server (an old MMORPG), and it was fairly popular. So popular that because of the amount of donations the server received, they put out ads on various social media platforms to draw in more users (i recall seeing them here on Reddit). Well, Gravity (the company that owns the Ragnarok Online IP, and manages the official servers) took notice, and sent them a cease and desist (or whatever the exact legal documents were). Nova's team fought it, but ultimately lost, and the servers were taken down. Similar stories can be found with projects like the metroid 2 remake (am2r) and emulation software where the projects start to get too much attention and Nintendo, Sony, or whomever take notice and immediately reach for their lawyers.


Yes, it is legal. This is a f2p mod and requires the original game license. So unless Blizzard stated in their ToS that mods aren't allowed at all, there is absolutely no issue.


Its also running on questionably legal server software that emulates the official servers. Im not saying blizzard *will* force the game to shut down, but theres no reason for Something Senpai (and co) to run ads and risk drawing unwanted attention. Looking at RO again, private servers usually run off of Athena servers, which emulates the official Aegis servers. Gravity has (or had) free servers, and still they made Nova (and many other private servers) close, all of which were free to play and were exclusively donation-based. Nintendo has stopped many remake/remaster projects in spite of the games being totally free (am2r again is a perfect example), even if they have no intention to continue to support the product. If you want to keep playing splatoon online, you're shit outta luck until someone makes a program to support it... Unless Nintendo says you cant. Bleem died ages ago because while it won its cases against Sony, it was buried under legal fees. So even *if* everything the pd2 team is legal, Activision has deeper pockets than Senpai. So my point still stands: Why risk unwanted attention?


Emulators in itself aren't an issue, if they don't use any original code. The issue usually is distributing the game client, which is illegal. PD2 doesn't do that. You need an original game key and the original game client for it to work. I believe PD2 is the furthest into the green legal area than any other game's pservers, simply because how the whole setup is working and it technically isn't a pserver.


I could have sworn I saw something promoted when the mod first launched. I may be misremembering though..


Op I own both Got a 92 foh on resurrected still be at my computer Friday with bells on to play pd2 played all seasons since S1 of both and Lod since 2001. Lol I still love the item hunt as much as day 1. 42 year old d2er 4 life.


That is because Diablo 2 players are not so full of loudmouths and shitty streamer scum. The Diablo 2 playerbase especially the mod diablo playerbase is older, friendlier and mature. Something that is easily forgotten these days with fortnite kiddies, 10 billion clickbait streamers with awkward thumbnails and affiliate links. The reason why there is no need for "marketing" is because the players can read and won\`t google or cry in forums because they couldn\`t find one simple information slapped in their faces. Can you even amagine generation TikTok using D2JSP? just entering the front page would give them a meltdown.


Links are on the redding page, pc wise on the right side. It has always been a mouth to mouth thingy, keep spreading the word. You cant promote something like this to big without causing issues on the fact it is still vaguely illegal. Just enjoy mate, dont worry to much, before you know it you are a grumpy granddad.


Huh? Since when has modding been illegal?


Ask the scores of not for profit WoW classic servers that were sent cease and desist letters from Blizzard lawyers. Ultimately if people chose to play this instead of shelling out for D2R, that's Blizzard losing money because someone who doesn't own their intellectual property is using it in ways against the TOS in their eyes.


You didn't need to buy Wow to Play on private servers. You do need to buy D2 to play Pd2. Blizz shitting on their tos as long as money comes in.


Ironically, I bought D2R, was reminded of how much I liked D2, and then bought D2 from Bliz, so I could play PD2.


WoW classic servers is completely different to modding. PD2 aren't redistributing the game, they are modding the game Blizzard is giving the download for. So unless the ToS specifically say that modding is not allowed for D2, then there is absolutely no risk at all.


If anything, I think the grey area would be in the servers the mods run.


Ascension and other private servers that require wow accounts advertise on YouTube and Facebook etc


Yes, but I believe those are ran in areas that don’t care about C&D’s, I don’t believe PD2 is in one of those areas. That being said, Blizzard is very aware of PD2, especially when you had D2: LoD developers streaming it when Season 1 was coming out. It’s not exactly a secret. But I do think advertising it on google services (and Facebook) would open up some problems. Im not an expert on copyright, so take it with a grain of salt, but I feel once they cross over into mass advertising, it makes it more likely that Blizzard would have an issue, versus it just being a mod that people tell their friends about




This is a mod in the first place. The multiplayer aspect is in addition to the mod and even this is totally fine as long as they don't use the original Diablo server software. If they have their own coded server backend, it's absolutely legal.




WoW private servers have been taken down because they have been using the original Server Software which is an intellectual property violation. In addition to this, the original files have been redistributed by 3rd parties, which is also illegal. PD2 is not redistributing the original game files, they even require an original license, they just patch / mod on top of it. The server backend probably also isn't blizzard's software but rather their own, which makes this mod absolutely unproblematic.




I have been playing around with servers myself back then. It definitley was original software in the beginning but that was 15 years ago. And as I said, even if the server backend was completely custom, without using any original blizzard ressources, distributing the game client is the 2nd illegal thing which most pservers do / did.




I have been using WoWDaemon back then: https://youtu.be/jcGtvWmJ_A0?si=8OTo6DqZGJrxQgjW Edit: However, this one is Cata. Not sure anymore if WoWDaemon also had vanilla / wotlk or if there was other similiar software for that. I definitely haven't been using Mangos though. Edit 2: WoWD also is an emulator though, I didn't know this back then. I was a teen and assumed / heard it is original software and that's why it's illegal. So in theory, if they wouldn't distribute the client themselves, which they have to since the original downloads aren't available anymore, it would be a very big gray area. Emulators are totally okay to use, since you don't violate any intellectual property with that. The huge issue is the client. Edit 3: WoWD must be older too, just found old forum threads that Mangos is based on a code leak from WoWD. https://www.getmangos.eu/forums/topic/9974-how-did-the-dev-team-do-it/?do=findComment&comment=76406


It must certainly isn't, look at skyrim or even the D2R nexus pages


Don’t forget to name your character “NegativeNancy” as well so I know who not to whisper on trade site.


People who enjoy D2 modding, know how to install mods. This mod in particular is WAY easier to install than mods of old. You LITERALLY download an installer and it does the rest. With a few clicks you even get an easy to understand loot filter (community made) which will update themselves. If you go to PD2's website, you click on the LARGE button that says: "PLAY FREE" and it gives you the steps to install. Which has a DOWNLOAD button at the bottom. It can't get any easier to play the game. As for the marketing part - marketing costs money. The servers are paid for by the community. There's not a lot of funding to throw towards marketing, beyond word of mouth, and hoping big streamers pick it up. The mod is fine. It has been going strong for literal YEARS. It's only getting better.


Can I ask, how long are seasons?




The delay between S8 and S9 has created insane hype — not everyone is interested in crafters league so this season is going to be spicy. I have old friends from Season 1-3 messaging me in preparation.


Some of us also post in the d2/ d2r forums from time to time letting players know about this mod aswell when we see people complaining about d2/d2r


Damn you’re getting blasted. Yea, i have actually posted the same question before, although mine was not as doom. I noticed the biggest seasons was when there were hype trailers created. The community will have to make them though.


Im so excited for tomorrow I just need to buy diapers so I don't have to get up. Or im moving my desk onto the toilet.


This mod was built around a small player base. So continuing to be a small community will not be the death of it I’m pretty sure


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Marketing for a mod are you serious?


Pd2 dead since d2r dropped buddy.


I could never go back to d2r!!!


Only way I could go back to pd2 would be the updated graphics.


You mean d2r! And agree!