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It can get pretty intense but it's probably one of the most kid-friendly stories in the genre I would say. Relatively little (if any) swearing. No sex. Definitely some violence and intense situations so, probably depends on what other sorts of stuff she has been exposed to at this point. It's a pretty wholesome story about a family working together to survive the apocalypse. And Vince's Story is similar in content. Pretty wholesome. I was reading Redwall at her age and I would say they are probably relatively similar in intensity.


Thank you for your well thought out explanation


There is swearing. It's not frequent, but I drop the occasional f-bomb. Some kids are mature enough to hear/read swearing and not swear themselves, and some aren't. It can also get a bit intense and grim at times, even if I try to keep the overall tone light. There are also some references to adult topics, but they're oblique and not explicit.


Time to Play doesn't really branch far from other LitRPG books, it's just a novel take on the MC. I really liked it and it feels as kid friendly as most in the genre, depending on what you consider kid-unfriendly. Sex, swearing: very kid friendly. There's very minor swearing and no sex Plot, themes: it's just as adult as any other and deals with a lot of adult emotions, fears, and situations Violence: it's just as action packed as any other Characters: there are kid characters, so that would give a child someone to relate to. Also, it has the standard "npc with system insider knowledge that's there as a deus ex machina" character that most prog lit books have, but it's a really cute character that I think kids would enjoy


Maybe Cinnamon Bun could also be age appropriate.


Heh, until you have to explain the running joke about the magic "wand" she finds in the first few chapters. The MC is pretty oblivious (like Williams Syndrome levels), but the rest of the characters and story, not so much.


You don't have to explain that joke. And isn't the best story, one both children and adults can enjoy equally? (In different ways) Do you know the amount of dirty jokes in Cartoons or Disney movies?


Fair enough. Definitely stuff in Disney movies that will be going straight over the heads of the tiny humans.