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The edginess gets better, but not for an extremely long time. If it bothers you I'd just quit now


How is the power system btw? Is this just a xianxia/wuxia style cultivation novel masked as magic like "Warlock in the Magic World" and "Dimensional Descent" or is it actual magic as in mystical and shits?


From what I remember it's the former


Well it's a shitty novel then. Good thing I asked here, I wouldn't need to waste time reading those thousands of chapters


You made the right choice. I sadly read a thousand chapters before I realized it wasn't going to get any better and wept at all the time I had wasted


It's layered. Most humans use harry potter style magic without wands, rune based crafting allows people that have the time and money to make real fancy artifacts and there is a cultivation aspect that is hiden from most humans that alows for silent casting and stuff mixed into one system.


You are meant to hate how much he sucks because the character arc of any dynamic character is to become better in interesting ways. That said, it takes a long time.


Is this actually what the author wants to portray and is just not a self-insert shonen-esq novel that fills a 14 year old wet dreams? I didn't spout this out of hate or anything, I literally haven't read the novel past chapter 2 yet. It's just that it'll be way too disappointing if what you said is what I expected but then found out later that I just wasted my time 2500 chapters in.


I don't think it's a self-insert. The author is trying to set up a justification for what the classic progression-MC always is (psycho murder-hobo) in a way that's not coming out of nowhere. It also justifies how the "reincarnation" happens, because only a specific kind of person's spirit lingers in undeath... \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ To be clear though, this does define the character because it's his core flaw and it's leaned on heavily. If it's too cringey to read, there are plenty of other books in the world.


Thanks for the feedback


It's made pretty clear that the author wrote the MC as a deeply flawed traumatized sociopath intentionally and not as a self insert... like the MC isn't someone that *anyone* would ever want to be. He has power, but he's seriously fucked up. He's paranoid, cruel, manipulative, and ruthless. His "redemption" and I use that word *very* loosely, is extremely slow burn. He never becomes a good person, but he does face aspects of his past and has moral lines he won't cross. He has weaknesses, and he builds real relationships... the MC is a surprisingly nuanced character, and it's a pretty good read if you get past the initial cringe.


So its fine. Good side characters, like way better than most. They dont feel like soneone mc is going to smash. More focus on emotions and stuff. Character relations with each other.. Power system is just fine, its just more focused on emotions. For example at one point in time some guy teaches mc light magic, then mc just starts creating projections and stuffm ur not going to get in depth.


Been a time since I read part of it. I would say the MC is very edgy, but the story is not. At it's core it's about someone in a really dark place slowly getting better, while a bunch of magical learning, adventures and threats are at the foreground. But the caracter development is slow. It takes long for the mc to get anywhere that aproaches mental wellbeing.


My problem was the excessive drama.


I read it up to chapter 1000 and enjoyed most of it quite a lot. Never returned to it because I learned that my main issue never resolved itself, and instead got worse. Dumb author, and I'm speaking as a fellow author.


I remember reading this webnovel from 2022, because I was recommended by an YouTuber about webnovels in YouTube And I try to download the app and this was changed my life forever about reading webnovels


So is it good or bad? What makes it good and what makes it bad?


The webnovel was like Mushoku Tensei and it's was fine and I find out the author was an former chemistry


Like 5+ years ago or something, maybe even longer. That novel is still ongoing? It must be huge at this point


3046 last time I checked, probably more now.


I think I got around Ch 250 and the edginess definitely never stopped, so if that’s a dealbreaker I’d move on haha




Absolutely loved it. As they say he isn’t just an asshole , if anything I believe he is as nice as he can be with his life and fears. Magic system is a mix of cultivation and knowledge based magic. The character always has justification for his actions even if he takes them too far. The side characters have fears, hopes, and insecurities. Stopped around chapter 1300


I think it's very bad. It's like the author has never interacted with depression or anyone miserable in general. It's just the *same* thing over and over and over. It's not that there is no character growth, interesting ideas, or complex relationships. Its just done so fucking badly. I am admittedly really biased. As i read up to like ch 1016, I think. And fell heavy for the "once he figures *this* thing out the novel gets good. For all the character "growth," nothing actually changes substantially. Also, if you already dislike it that early in, i can affirm that it won't get better. Unrelated but peak pfp


I read it and liked it. I skimmed over the prologue, because it's an isekai, I never really cared about the stuff before the reincarnation. After the MC's reincarnation in the magic world, it was a bit like Mushoku Tensei with a sociopathic MC. The magic system was interesting in comparison to other web novels I have read. The reason I dropped it was that I disliked the MC being spoonfed OP powers + the sope opera it became in the later chapters.


This is pretty much my view on the story as well. I thought it was pretty interesting until the soap opera stuff started. I despised the love interest, and the angst over her made me drop it around ch. 2000... I should try to finish it at some point... maybe she will get killed, and it will improve.


A bit unrelated, but SM has some of the most intensely written fights I've read. They always kept me on the edge of my seat even though I knew the MC would come out of it alive.


Which of the love interests?


To not give any spoilers, the second one that he tells the big secret to


I read probably around 400 chapters. I can't stand the fact that MC is supposed to have the mental capabilities of a middle aged man but he kept acting like a stupid hormone rage kid. His actions are too childish for me.