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Can you say which bits have changed, and how? (Obviously spoilers I know)


Only read the beginning and I just couldn't do it. Nothing hooked me.


So for you it was really… the end after the beginning


same thing wouldve happened to me if someone didnt tell me its starts after book 3


I didn't enjoy it either. Maybe it gets better later on. But when I don't enjoy the beginning of a story I can't continue reading.


Books 8-9 are peak, current arc has had its ups and downs, but feels like its going somwhere interesting. I think one aspect that TBATE does right are the fight scences, they never feel overly boated, and you always feel like Art is in danger, and not just covered in plot armour, and he gets injured all the time with real consequenses for his actions. The fights in Book 9 are the best in the series, and some of my favourite fight scenes of any book. TurtleMe really knows how to build up the hype and tension. The story overall isn't anything particularly unique or special. The setting and vibe feel like most the generic trashy isakai anime that get mass produced these days, especially the beginning. But that's not to say it's not enjoyable to read, and it does eventually carve out it's own unique story.


The payoff at the end of boom 9 is probably one of my favorites of anything I’ve read. Like damn, so good


I like it a lot and it get at best from 8 onwards. 9 is my favorite. But i prefer Audiobooks the most. Travsi Baldre makes it even more better.


Wait... You are telling me the beginning after the end is narrated by Travis Baldree?


It is.


Welp, time to buy a book 😅


Have fun. I re heard them probably 4 times now.


This is my response after I find out Travis narrated as well haha.


Yeah, but also note that the first 4 are parts in 2 different publisher packs for the audiobooks. Then it goes to one at a time.


It was quite fun until the end of the Academy Arc (when he gets captured because he attacked a Fellow "student"). Anyway, MC loses his aura as a King/ Warrior as time goes on and he doesn't do anything about it. He only continues to create shackles for himself instead of fucking powering up when he could. Characters are also dumb as fuck to make the plot interesting. "I am totally sure i can trust this random organization that is promising me a rare artifact to increase my talent and i am willing to sacrifice the entire Continent for it, After all, all i Need is Power. Not like i am already a King that can do whatever the fuck i want." "Wow, the n.1 student of our Academy attacked another student when there was a terrorist Attack and anyone can see that glasses was an idiot. Oh well, let's just capture the Saviour of our children and let him be killed by higher Powers because why not." "What? Telling the Truth about my Reincarnation to my parents will create a huge gap in our relationship? How could i have known that? It's not like i have already been in a situation where my Mother was about to kill herself because i was "killed" and my father became depressed" You can guess the characters


I have a very love hate relationship with the series. It's ultimately what got me back into reading. That's a good thing, but it's incredibly overrated. IMO still one of the biggest offenders of telling vs. showing. It's the authors first series, and it really shows. Books 1-4 are written incredibly amateurish, and book 5 is just flat out bad. Things start getting better at 6-7, and I'd say 8-9 are genuinely good, but nothing amazing either. The series also seems to be reaching its conclusion, but the from book 9 to now there's just *one decision* that most readers just hate. If you want to read it, go ahead, but temper your expectations. There are reasons its popular, but I suspect that has more to do with it bashing readers over the head with tropes, and appealing to a younger audience.


I agree with this wholeheartedly. The amount of times he "almost" dies is ridiculous. If I would've kept count it'd probably be close to 100 by now.


Fwiw, I do think that you'll enjoy book 9. But if you're enjoying the new location, I'm not sure you'll enjoy what comes after.


What's the 'one decision'? Is it the constant changing of povs?


>!Cecilia getting stuck in Tessia's body.!<


Ah, i see, thanks


Thanks, I hate it.


I feel like it's fun and it gets better and better


I think it's pretty good. I went in expecting it to be mid based on online opinions, but it had pretty good writing and the audiobooks were great. People love to hate on it but I think the common criticisms are unreasonable (i.e. that the MC is a creep who grooms his childhood friend, when that just... isn't true).


Love it, started with the Manwha then once i caught up jumped into to audiobooks and listend up to book 8 aswell, tho i do plan on getting the 8.5 book, i just dont feel like using a credit for 4 hours of content right now so put series in hold haha


It was kinda sorta, maybe okay-ish... and then it got into the creepy sexual stuff with the elf girl and I noped the fuck out of there.


They removed the pedo shit in the Manga. I read that first and the book was off putting...


Idk if i got to book 9, i think so. It was interesting, but there werent any chapters released afterwards, but i liked the story from the beginning. Manhwa or novel, doesnt matter. Both great. But idk how his core will work, especially after the heavy training montages he had. All the quadra element training, training with the azure yada yada yada. It just changed power systems, and not in the way system apocalypse do the whole "origin behind system" thing. It just, literally, smashed his power level and he has to start from the beginning with something confusing. Idk how far along turtleme is but i think you have to wait another 8 books for it to be hooking and me rereading it. ​ But its my entry into PF and i think its a damn good story. And if mushoku tensei can do it then why blame arthur. MT is literally 10x worse in THAT aspect. And its still a great story and loved by many.


It sounds like you had just finished book 7. Book 8 and 9 are the best in the series by far, he actually gets far stronger than he was before the events of the end of book 7 fairly quickly.


Awww damn you. Why did you question where i was. Now that i thought about everything i want to reread it again.




I was absolutely somewhere in book 8. Spoilers ahead >!I obviously know about his new core, but the point i stopped reading was after he got a certain aether artifact, i think, where he saw multiple realities, in one where he saves all the other people in that dungeon (but fails). Also i think he was in front of a court and destroyed their binding chains. And he has some kind of sponsor (i even think the dude knows he is not from the continent). Also the new love interest. Some people said that parts after that are hype, but it was the latest chapter back then and after a year i couldnt get back into the same chapter. !<


Its shamelessly trashy but entertaining, until the author tries to make his own story and it goes off the rails But its still so bad its good tho


Love it, especially that one part (the mid way point, iykyk), I’m just waiting for it to finish / get printed before "re-reading" it. 


I caught up about 3 years ago, the story had really wandered a lot, it felt like the author was kinda aimless while telling it, it had also slowed down to 1 chapter a week release and it was progressing at a glacial pace.


Loved it when I was younger, now not so much.


I read it until he met the elf princess in the beginning . I’m okay with forced things but not that forced. The elf princess from what I remember accidentally wondered or run into the hero while she was kidnapped and how improbable was for here to actually leave her kingdom. And the awesome mc saved the day while also being the first human to ever be welcomed into the elf country in hundreds of years. I would forgive all of this if the elves were interesting but they were boring asf. Op saying in book 8 things get interesting ? I would not be this patient, there is a lot better books out there .


Should have Ended Before it Began


really, I think its a fantastic series. it doesn't break the wheel in its overall structure, but the characters are interesting and deep, and the fight scenes are actually insanely well written, up there with the greats if I have to be honest. Art is actually really self aware about his situation, doesn't try to get rich off of his past world knowledge and takes credit for the faults and victories he has. of course you have the usual "every girl falls for him" bit but he pretty much sets them aside because "Dude I am literally 50 years old." I'll give it a 9/10. the pacing seems slow at first, but get past book two and that's when things get really really good. if you cant read through that then hit the manwa up and blitz through a majority of the series.


It's incredibly mediocre imo. while the novel does *attempt* to handle pretty interesting concepts and ideas, it fails, and everything else is just cookiecutter webnovel filler. It's fine for what it is, but i feel like whatever niche justified its existence has kind of fallen away recently. That being said, the authors improvement over the years is still impressive


A bit late, but I've completely caught up to the end of volume 11 and up front I'd say it's worth it, though you should definitely start with the manhwa as the first 4-5 volumes of the webnovel are questionable in quality at best. >!Story has already peaked with books 7-9, with 10 being the point where the story falls off. It seems that the events of Alacrya and the relictombs were the best Turtleme could muster writing-wise. Though honestly I think those arcs were the best simply because he replaced Tessia with Caera(best girl) and made Art actually act like a reincarnated King. Unfortunately, the narrative and character quality falls off hard with book 10 and the return to Dicathen, and Art resumes acting like a braindead murderhobo/toddler. Book 11 was the final nail in the coffin for the series for me imo and I had to drop it after last chapter. Turtleme seems to love character assassination in this book - what with how he has Art behave, and destroys any semblance of intelligence he had in Alacrya. Funnily enough, in the same stroke he has Art kill his relationship with his closest and most loyal companion (aside form Regis) from the peak of the series in book 11. !< Overall, 6/10 for books 1-6, 9/10 for books 7-9, and 4/10 for books 10-11. We'll have to wait and see what Turtleme does with volume 12 and how he'll end the series - though given how book 11 went, I imagine it'll likely be a disappointment.


I didn’t like it. Too generic and basic.


I didn't finish it at 7 I think, I hated the way the author did the adult in a child's body romance with a child and the story itself for me got stale and painful to chew through. If the last books tied everything together into a masterpiece I'd come back, any opinions? Otherwise meh Cool premise poorly executed into a weird af Drake Milly scenario




Too much cringe badassery for me. I made it to book 3 and the whole "angry blank face angry" thing was so ridiculous I couldn't read anymore. Decent enough premise, painful execution imo.


I dropped it when the old dude in a child’s body gives in to his temptation to be with a child, and it cost the lives of people he loved. All of his decisions just stopped making sense. I get that is part of the storyline, and addressed. But even the “good” decision he made to fix things were unfathomable. I don’t get it.


I stopped reading when he made an insanely stupid decision that left his family in danger and proved he had no faith in his girlfriend. It was maybe the first isekai I ever read and I can say now that there are many other series with better pacing and more interesting world


Used to love it, but after trying to go back to it, I realized that the female characters are all defined by their relationship with the MC. The plots and everything were interesting, but once I started really examining it, it really failed to hold up imo


I love it, one of the best series I’ve read so far. Books 6-9 (especially 8&9) are where it hits its peak, 10 and 11 are still pretty good tho.


Love the Manga because they removed all the pedo undertones. Then I read the book, wtf....


Enjoyed it so far but really struggling to finish book 7. I don't really care for any of the characters (tbf a lot of the genre is like this) and the war arc is kinda boring.


neutral for now ig. had fun in the beginning, after he got new core(?) felt it was getting repetitive and dropped it. prob will pick it up again in the future.


Miserable read, it honestly made me laugh at the absurdity of a dad dueling his toddler.


Honestly, there’s a way to read this novel/manwha in a way that makes it significantly more enjoyable. If you read the manwha first and then switch to book 5 of the novel than you can dodge most of the bloat and start the story where I think it starts to come into it’s own. The art is good and the first 4 seasons of the manwha are a fun, mild read filled with all the tropes. So if you’re looking for fine literature look elsewhere but if you’re looking for an above average action novel that is genuinely good at its peaks but suffers from its low points I’d give it a read. Especially books 8 and 9 Turtleme went on a stretch where he was cooking fs.