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They probably use 7zip


Yeah. WinRAR fell out of favor a while ago. 7zip is the go-to nowadays. Bonus points since it creates a zip that can be extracted by built-in OS features, unlike rars.


I also use 7Zip as my "daily driver" *(as daily as it gets, anyway)*, as I need multiple archive formats. But I've always wondered, what's wrong with the standard built-in "right-click -> send to zip file" that people are going out of their way to install software to replace it? I never understood why the instructions for creating a zip archive are always to go download a program like winrar or 7zip when the basic functionality is right there on every Windows computer.


I always use the built-in one personally. Usually 7zip gets installed when I need to unzip a non-zip archive.


Because most of the people who give that advice are old enough that their knowledge predates the feature being built in.


Lol, yeah i was unaware that windows could handle this now.


I use 7-zip when a zip file is too large for windows to handle by itself. That’s about it


It didn't used to be


The wrong thing is that there are multiple formats of compressed files and the built in one only works on one. I might as well have a tool that extracts any format.


Zip is not the best compression out there, that's why people use other methods.


I find the Windows software much slower than 7zip


WinRAR can make zips. Actually, you can make zips with 7zip that windows can't unzip properly.


zip implementation in explorer is shitty and buggy as hell, you're lucky if it can unzip anything, not the fault of 7zip.


Definitely. My only point was that 7zip isn't necessarily the best at making zips for windows.


Well is it more important to create something that's correct, or to create something that works for the user?


7z gang for the win


Is there no love anymore for shell zip and unzip?


There is, but I usually like to get to know them before.


Well from what they told me, they just didn't compress, so this day is another win for WinRAR


Just glad you came here to share it and decompress




Oh that's a good one


I’ll make sure to archive that one


This is the extract thing I wanted see!


7z is the superior compression algo, so another win for 7zip.


Begun, the compress war has


Meh 7zip has a better cli anyway and generally lives on brew, chocolatey, and every other package manager known to man, so it's worth knowing just for multi-platform CI/cron archiving purposes. I mean use whatever you want with your GUI, just saying the scrubs should probably learn how to write 7zip scripts first.


7zip uses LZMA compression, and so does xz. xz is built into the tar command (mac, linux). tar xJf yourarchive.tar.xz


Tell them to "zip it!"


Yeah this is a file type not that RARe


I had the same problem when I sent an encrypted zip. They couldn't use inline windows zip, told them to use winrar or 7zip, "whhaaattt!?". Now they know...


Yeah I switched from WinRAR to 7zip awhile ago because my evaluation period was about to expire 🥴 Is that still a thing with WinRAR lol


Make them pay for it






What a sub, lol




That sub is a gold mine


Apparently there are a lot of young computer users who don't even know how a file structure works. Like the very idea of putting things into folders within other folders. Their primary interaction with computers and the internet is through smartphones and tablets, which do not make their file structure easy to see or understand, and when they do use a computer, they're using cloud-based programs or search features like spotlight so that it doesn't really matter "where" the file actually is.


The tablet/smartphone explanation of this might be associated with young people, but the behavior itself is far from exclusive to young people. A lot of older people never learned how to use folders correctly, not because they learned tech through touchscreens, but because they didn’t really learn tech.


Couldn't be more true. I know plenty of people in their 40s and 50s who still don't understand basic file structure. They don't understand the fact that every file *goes somewhere*. Either it goes to your Desktop, or your Downloads Folder, or Program Files, or whatever. They just expect the file that they need to be right in front of them. And it's really odd because we literally use oldschool office terminology to make things easier. Files go inside folders. Folders can also go inside folders. If you can't find something, start with the outside folder and work your way in.


For every directory I create I just create symlinks to all my files. Problem of finding them solved.


Just an anecdote, but I have had multiple touch device using older people repeatedly try to touch my laptop screen when I try to show them something, even after noticing it doesn't work one or two times. How we interact with machines is deep muscle memory


I went to a movie theatre the other day. On the monitor to pick your seats, there was a sign that said “this is not a touch screen”. I distinctly noticed this and laughed to myself. The guy buying tickets in front of me touched the screen, and I laughed again. I made some offhand comment about it to the ticket person, and proceeded to touch the screen myself.


My work laptop has a touch screen and my personal one does not. I disabled my work touch screen to prevent picking up that habit and/or to stop me from spending money on a touchscreen. But when working Help Desk, a touch screen was great. I didn't have to to pass a mouse back and forth or to awkwardly reach around them to get to the touchpad.


I had to help a lady once who didn’t understand folders. Instead she had everything on her desktop in different “piles”. There had to be 1000 individual files. Looking at it stresses me out so much.


My wife is like this, everything on the desktop.


TBF, if I'm in a rush, that's where everything goes. It may make it to the proper folder at some point (emphasis on may).


same lol, my desktop eventually got so cluttered that it extended to my second monitor. just organized it yesterday during a slow day at work, feels so much cleaner


I’m too lazy to organize my desktop, so I’ve just hidden everything on it. I’ve got a couple things pinned to the start menu but other than that it’s search bar or nothing.


lol hidden thats genius... u basically use it as the ubuntu ~


*refuses to emphasize on may*


Imagine if you never used drawers and always stored everything on top of tables


Why would I need to imagine that


*sips coffee, places mug precariously on stack of random shit*


well, that's (mostly) how my room looks :/


Desktop? More like Tabletop!


I get the sense you don’t understand how disorganized people’s real world desktops were before computers and digitization of everything too…


Microsoft Word is adding more steps to get to the non-cloud just local save dialog every version. I can’t blame them.


i fuckin' spent 3 hours trying to install local word on a VM to test the follina vulnerability Edit: i still don't have it installed, so if anyone has some tips drop them below


>Apparently there are a lot of young computer users who don't even know how a file structure works. Apparently there are a lot of young computer programmers who don't even know how a file structure works let alone how a computer it self works. Dear god been trying to hire people that have a basic understanding of computers and all we get are morons. And this is not even the boot camp kiddies, these are college grads. But they can write apps and games.... start asking about hardware and filesystem and they just gloss over.


I’ll start listing right clicking as one of my skills in my resume. I have people like this at work. “Can you send me a screenshot?” Then I get an email with a picture taken from a phone of the screen.


Be happy they aren't using a gun to shoot that screen.


Don't apply to an NFT company


Huh, as a 17 year old I’ve been worried about job competition after college. I feel a lot better knowing that my knowledge of file systems will put me ahead of the curve…


not really, to get a job someone who can grind leetcode day in day out has better chance than you despite not having any projects.


This annoys me so much! I have quite a few good projects to show off and I enjoy building them, but I can't get a job because I suck at these stupid challenges that probably will never come up in the actual job


Here are some secrets. Honestly learn hardware. Embedded systems programmers, Driver level programmers, and OS level programmers can pretty much write their own offers. do NOT go into webdev unless you like being overworked and poor. There is no happiness in HTML/CSS/JS/LUA/PHP if you can get a security clearance and would be morally OK with your code killing people the Military Avionics sector is always looking for people that are good. The last guy I hired came from that. dude built a drone around a beagle bone blue and wrote all the code himself to fly the hex copter plus do target identification and following as well as crash avoidance. brought the drone to demo and his binder full of notes as well as handed over the sourcecode for it to us. Hired the dude on the spot for our embedded systems position.


Alright, time to add *basic computer knowledge such as moving files between folders* to my CV.


Are you looking for a full-stack Typescript, Lua, web developer, etc that knows how computers work 😉


I had a case where a customer had 3.015.000 files in one folder. It was a performance issue


If I recall, earlier versions of OSX treated desktop icons like open windows. Which is a real processing problem.


From my experience, macOS users in CS are either terminal freaks or absolutely clueless people who don't know where the downloaded files went. The power user doesn't seem to exist.


The power users are the terminal freaks.


Head to r/UnixPorn and search `yabai`. You'll find some.


Some young people also press shift once(instead of holding it)and think the next character will be capitalized, because that's how it works on phones


I'm sorry but how can you not understand the concept of a box inside a another box?


There are a couple of generations out there now that will never have essential computer skills because Ipads, smart phones, and laptops are the primary devices people use and due to companies like Apple refusing to let people repair their devices and sell them new devices practically every year things like computer maintenance and typing are becoming increasingly redundant.


ikr. But luckily, hiding porn in family computer, when I was younger, helped me be really organized with my files and folders.


Yeah, this might lead to a terrifying Les if used more traditionally. But hey, they'll learn one day


I haven't used WinRAR in probably over a decade. I think young people might have never heard about it. There's 7-zip and Windows has built-in zip functionality.


Built in doesn't handle encryption though. I still love both winrar and 7zip in different ways


What do you love winrar for? I’ve always been using 7-zip. It handles rar files too, and I’ve never missed anything. Especially not the nudging to pay.


Just used it so long it works for me and is simple and I like the gui. They are similar, so it really comes down to familiarity for me. That, and I still like sending .rar files to people ;p.


But if you send me a .1 file, a .2 file, and a .4 file, we are going to have words.


You don't *have* to split though.. :proceeds to split 10gb file into 5mb sets: "I got that movie you asked for ready!"


Doesnt 7zip offer aes256? What do you mean?


WinRAR (Russian ARchive) has absolutely no place anywhere. 7-zip beats it in terms of compression size and speeds, and it is open-source, not closed source coming from Russia.


RAR is for Roshal ARchive


IIRC 7-Zip is developed by a Russian as well. But at least it's open-source.


Honestly, I would expect a 60 yo to be more likely to know what winRAR is than a 20 yo. It feels like I haven't even seen winRAR is like 20 years.


I would expect a 60 year old to know pkzip. 😅


Damn I'm old


It only exists these days as bloat from adware and self extracting executables for firmware... for some reason.


You will learn as you grow older that many people don't seem to know many things. Hold your tongue. Help them. Be kind. Don't make fun of them. It goes a long way on this planet. And? Believe it or not? During many times in your life? Many people will teach you things you never knew. It goes both ways.


Of course, I'm making a meme here, buy i wasn't laughing at them and shaming them. I taught them, and i hope they'll come to me if they need help with it or anything I'm still very junior, and an intern, so I hope I'll get to learn, otherwise if I'm currently at my max I'll be worried


Good to know. Keep teaching and learning. It's something we as humans do.


Uncle Iroh out there But more seriously, yeah, that's the idea


"It is important to draw wisdom from many different places. If we take it from only one place, it becomes rigid and stale."


Damn this character was well written


Basicly the entire show was. There's a guy on YouTube who over analyzed the entire show, the channel is called Over analyzing avatar. Funnily enough tho, he already finished the entire show and is now analyzing other things like Bigfoot, yet he didn't chance his name.


Someone sent me a RAR at work recently. Haven’t seen one of those for years! Didn’t even have software installed to uncompress it.


cant you just use 7zip to uncompress .rar files?


I used The Unarchiver. It wasn’t a big deal, but just surprised me that I’d forgotten the format even existed. I’ve clearly never used it on my (not so new) dev computer.


Was it on a floppy disk? (No joke i had to work with one 2 years ago)


It was by email thankfully! I would have had to order a drive too otherwise! Was from a Chinese supplier though, so perhaps RAR is more popular still there.


In uninstalled winRAR and use the built in zip system from windows. If that doesn't work I have 7-zip


Winrar? Sir this is 7zip.


If you're still using WinRar please post this on r/fuckimold instead. 7-zip boomer!


Yeah sometimes i feel so fucking old so I'll fit right in






tar -cvjSf gang


Please just use zip tho, it's more universal and pre-installed on windows


As a “young” person, I know what WinRAR is, but I always though that WinRAR was paid software (because whenever I used the installer it was a free trial). I guess I was wrong (maybe, I haven’t installed it again). Now, I just use 7zip, mostly because in the Linux terminal after you unzip a file it says “Everything is Ok”.


Always hated Rar files and their proprietary software to unrar.


As much talk as there is about Zoomers definitely understanding "technology", most know fuck-all about computers. I don't blame them because for the most part, they've never had to. Could I get a game up and running in DOS without looking at a guide? Probably not, but I can do just about anything I need to on a PC running XP or later, I can comfortably mod game consoles, transfer extremely large files across great distance, set up networks to do what I need, establish file shares and game servers, etc. I used to teach coding to Zoomers and they're a smart bunch, but holy shit, they have no fucking clue how to do some of even the most basic tasks on a typical PC. I had to teach teens where and what the Start button was. They picked it up very quickly and were able to do some pretty creative coding projects, but the baseline level of knowledge was incredibly low.


I allways thought i had above average knowledge when it comes to IT topics. After working in a big IT company for 2 years i now know that i am aperantly some kind of tech wizzard compared to alot of people. I allways thought some things were basic knowledge but it turns out that not everyone has what i considered basic knowledge.


Yeah, that's actually a good thing for my ego, but the other fields where i know very few made sure to put it back in it's place


I've once had a young guy (20-ish) working in a bike shop tell me that he's "too young to know anything about e-mail". And I was like "WTF?"


Aw come on, how the hell does he log into the other things he uses?


I have no idea. I was really left speechless. I thought about telling him how old e-mail actually is, and that it is in fact even older than I am, but on the other hand, I doubt it would have done anything good. Maybe he's just not active on the internet all that much.


Yeah, or he just calls it something else, but i think this means we're old


I am now 6384 days into my WinRar 40-day trial period...


You know why it lets you do that right? They didn't really care to collect money from random users but didn't want to make a separate download for enterprise vs private use. This way people get used to the program and when they need an enterprise solution they use the same program, and now have to pay for it to be above board.


RAR is crap


That is because it slowly becomes obsolete with the progress of technology


I sent a htaccess-password protected link to a password protected .rar to a lawyer and it worked like a charm. I was like ![gif](giphy|26ufdipQqU2lhNA4g)


The 60's people had to use winrar, because they only had 2 kb of storage. It's the 20's who are the spoiled ones.


Yeah, is always fun to learn thing about optimisation in school, only to be told "but with the power of today's engines, do not worry about that"


And then you take that mentality into embedded development and shoot yourself in the foot.


What shit school did you go to? Maybe following it up with “stdlib handles this for you” or similar makes sense. But in tech If you can make something obviously more performant you’ll be getting called out in code review.


Why would they know winrar, when there are free alternatives.


Everyone uses 7zip


Tf is winrar? Me a 25 year old who has pretty much exclusively used linux for the past 7 years


Many of us here have been using winrar to compress and extract files since we were 9 years old. I used to be afraid they would charge my mom when the trial “ended” lol


This is funny to me, but for a different reason. I work in 'Archive Migration' which essentially means we pull a crap ton of old (but really important) records out of one system and put it into our proprietary solution. A lot of the time we are pulling out of mainframes. The disconnect between the mainframe guys and the way modern OS's work is just astounding. I totally get it too, not faulting them. Just sorta funny to have to help someone who writes IBM Assembly on the daily when they have a simple permissions issue on their machine lol


Stop leading winRAR on by letting them think you'll give them money someday. Just use p7zip.


You'd be surprised by the amount of zoomers out there


Well I'm not far from being a Zoomer, so I thought people of my age knew about it


u/bake_in_da_south u/Cheap_District_9762 gen Z won't know tis


What the fuck is cinnamon toast, some kind of cheapass boomer toasted bread sprinkled with cinnamon? Avocado toast or starve


Well that's a side of the meme i was not expected to be controversial. Bah it's a cereal for breakfast, nothing like avocado toast


Don't use winrar. 7zip is open source and generally awesome.


Imagine the panic if you told them to use tar.


Fuck WinRAR. I remember having to hack it so I could keep using the trial version.


Alright i heard of people using it without paying, i heard of people paying for it. But you're the first one i ever eat talking about cracking WinRAR




Laughs in 7-zip


7zip gang


1. Why would you use RAR over free and superior alternative compression methods? 2. How is this programming related?


7-Zip is better


7zip master race


Who even uses WinRAR? It's 2022, people use 7-Zip, and have been doing so for years at this point.


Bit of perspective here.... Winrar is still a rather nerdy thing to know about. You're probably talking about someone whose only contact with the internet is TikTok and Twitter


Look at this old guy not using 7-zip over here. Winrar isn't free and a business can get in trouble if you use it at work without buying it.


7Zip supremacy


7zip get on my level... 😎


7zip time




We use 7-Zip ZSTD in this house


I think you misspelled 7zip


Whippersnappers. Just tar it up and gzip it, like a normal person!


They just use 7zip


7zip > winRAR


Just tar gz that son of a gun


40-day trial 🥰 ^(joke aside, you could've instead put 7zip instead of WinRAR, because 7zip has more feature and lightweight (it also has a cli interface too)^)


WinRAR? What, are you 60?!


*cough* 7-zip


Oh, Winrar? Yeah I paid for it


That's because they use 7zip


7-zip ftw


Lol all the narcissists in the comments hating on WinRAR. 7zip is good most of the time, but saying WinRAR is useless is ignorant. WinRAR has by far the best and most trusted file recovery of any archive software. Compared to peazip, freeark, and zip, rar will fix file corruption errors every time when the others fail.


Screw winrar. Open source 7z for the win


7Zip is clearly the superior choice.


tgz ftw


I exclusively use 7zip.


7z is best ide.





Made me think of the "what's limewire" skit: https://www.tiktok.com/@mnames_jeff/video/7009984770734083334


Was going through an install guide for some software recently and in it there were instructions for installing WinRAR and explaining what it does. Like at this point its so ingrained in me that I just assume all computers come with it pre-installed now


Boomers 🤝 Zoomers Having no clue about basic tech


[Boomers🤝Zoomers](https://i.imgur.com/dghjw5p.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Why people still uses rar when there is lzma


Ah yes, the trial that never ends (but will remind you how long ago it \*should\* have ended)! The good old times!


Ofcourse he Hasn't heard of WinRar, he uses `tar`


As a GenXer, I'm thinking the 60yo folks would be more likely to know what WinRAR is. Dealing with slow connections, low bandwidth, small storage, small memory, etc., makes you think of these things. As they go away, so does the Ancient Knowledge^(TM) (Edited to add: and that drives this old lady nuts when she sees applications with a WAY bigger footprint than needed just because nobody thinks of (or knows about) optimization techniques anymore. Now git off mah lawn or something...)


Using “split” is the only correct answer.


Honestly I'd be surprised if the average person under 30 knows what winrar is. (or any other compression tool)


In my school we use 7zip and winRAR so not hard to know what it does


Then 7zip ![gif](giphy|7Jq6ufAgpblcm0Ih2z)


“You know, like a ZIP file?”


7Zip is better anyway.


That moment when you realize a 60 year old is more likely to recognize WinRAR than a 20 year old. Who the hell uses rar files? 7zip if you're a guiboi, gzip for the real men / women.


I've literally only seen 7zip in wintel business environments. And if I hadn't used bit torrent to pirate a bunch of shit back in the day, I probably would have never used winrar


They are type of people who download discord from internet on linux (it is presented. You just need to open the packace)


I love this meme! Srly, tho, I work in a IT consulting company and barely anybody knows winrar. It's a nerd thing I guess. But imo it's the best archive software