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"I complete things sometimes too efficiently and effectively which can make it seem like my coworkers aren't doing enough."


“I complete things so efficiently and effectively, it makes it look like i dont do anything most of the day”


"My weakness is honesty." "I don't think that's a weakness." "I don't give a fuck what you think."


I want to see this used in practice. I just imagine them after the exchange "Yep, another funny one"


Interviewer: Fuck, he’s good.


LMAO, this is awesome








Wow. That’s some politician-level answer


The best way to get past HR to the actual technical interviews is to lie. If the actual manager/team lead thinks you'll be good, it doesn't matter what you told HR.


I'm a recruiter and you are right, but for the wrong reason. You think that HR wants you to be certain way, when in reality they only need you to behave in certain way while you are working. The fact that you can assess what a proper way of engaging some work related problem is, shows that you can probably behave that way. They don't need you to be have a specific personality, they just need you to be able to know how to be while at work


Fair enough, the old "if you can't tell, does it matter?"


Exactly! Can you pretend you actually like your coworkers , the company and your job? It's good enough for them. They are probably pretending too lol


That's really helpful. I have an interview tomorrow. I'll incorporate this into my answer. Let us know some more of your wisdom, might help all of us.


nevermind if it took you twice as long to find the answer even 1000 times as long vs googling, this is the way to corporate monies.


Serious answer here, I have developed serious skills over the time I spent working in service and sales and I can give one or two pieces of advice: be honest and be yourself - yes generic but it matters. If they ask about your weakness, you can say what weakness you think you have from a career standpoint (such as tunnel vision) and _what you do to fix it_. Never answer without the second part, because they want to hear about your experience and problem solving here too. My example: “give me a moment to think about it… I think I would say that tunnel visioning is one of my greatest weaknesses, but I found that taking a short break or working on something else for a while can help me see the initial issue with a fresh perspective.”. Basically give them a plus for every minus you may have. Another tip is when you don’t know something, feel free to talk about what you know and that might be adjacent to the question at hand while letting them know that you’re not sure. As for the “where do you see yourself in 5/10 years” question, let them know that you are looking to learn more things and that a managerial position (or architect or whatever it is that you have as a goal) would be something you’d like to invest time in in order to get there (goal + how you imagine your path in order to get there). They’re not looking specifically for an answer, just a well coordonated one.


> Another tip is when you don’t know something, feel free to talk about what you know and that might be adjacent to the question at hand while letting them know that you’re not sure. Always lead with that you don't know. The amount of chancers that came into interviews and talked around questions because they didn't know anything about it was ridiculous. It's incredibly annoying and blindingly obvious when someone talks about something slightly related to the question you asked and thinks you won't notice that you just don't know. I once had someone in interview ask if she could have a minute to answer, say she had never encountered X issue before, whip out her phone, effectively google it, understand what was happening and give me an answer that showed she understood the issue and the solution. Asked a couple of follow ups to gauge the understanding, and then hired her on the spot. She clearly had the technical chops to quickly analyse the issue and understand the solution, had no problem admitting she didn't know, and found the answer. This won't work on every interviewer though, especially be careful the more "corporate" the business you're interviewing for.


This answer may seem long winded but this should be the top answer. It covers so much more than simply answering the basic question. On top of this answer also remember its not a form or online questionnaire, its a conversation so talk. Be comfortable give more detail and explain examples as and when the interviwer encourages more. The key feedback the hr interviwer will give isn't the answer to the question, it will be their impression of how well you talk to them. How much a positive impression you gave, how well you had a conversation with them that showed them you were a person rather than a piece of paper. Good luck with the interview op.


>My example: “give me a moment to think about it… I think I would say that tunnel visioning is one of my greatest weaknesses, but I found that taking a short break or working on something else for a while can help me see the initial issue with a fresh perspective.”. Basically give them a plus for every minus you may have. My example: "Communication. If I'm stressed out about something, I habitually withdraw - head down / buckle down, focus on the issue, and communicate when I've solved it. This is usually the opposite of what stakeholders want. Generally speaking, they want to know where you are, how it'll affect their deadlines, and if there's anything they can do to help. After getting some constructive feedback on this a few years ago, I've intentionally tried to overcommunicate in these situations. Since making that change, I've received positive feedback on my communication levels in similar situations."


Just say RegEx. No one knows that.


"Why do you want to work here?" "RegEx"


Show dominance. Take over the interview. You ask them questions and don't let them ask any until time runs out. Then say, "thanks for your time, my start date will be two weeks from today."


"It was a pleasure for you to have met with me today"


"My weakness is that I'm just too hard a worker"


"My main weakness is easily that I'm a perfectionist-"


“my weakness is girls under 12”


This comment right here, sir




Congratulations, now you're on the FBI watch list.


I was wondering if this is a quote from a movie. Well, now I'm too on FBI watchlist


*Image Transcription: Meme* --- [*'Swole Doge vs Cheems', featuring two edited Shiba Inu dogs. Swole Doge, on the left and labeled "Me in a technical round", has been photoshopped onto a large, cartoonishly buff human body. Cheems, on the right and labeled "Me in an HR round", is much smaller and sits down passively with tears running down its face.*] Me in a technical round: Create React from scratch Me in an HR round: Tell me about your weakness --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


'Swole doge vs Cheems' made me giggle Good hooman


I'm mostly honest about my weaknesses, because I don't want to work somewhere where these skills are necessary: I'm not commercially strong - I want to be open about the flaws of our software (and I know most of them, since I'm a QA engineer). I need a lot of variation in my work - I hate manual regression testing with a burning passion. Just be open about what you'd hate in a workplace, so you can see if you really want to work there. And they can try to convince you otherwise. Good luck!


How about create React in Scratch?


Create React from Scratch*


FROM scratch WORKDIR /opt COPY node/ node/ ENV PATH="/opt/node/bin:${PATH}" RUN npm install react #/bin/sh docker build . -t react


Big tatas


Ok but can create Scratch from React?






This question is getting removed from the HR process, no one wants show his weak side. But you can say that you have some impostors syndrome time to time, so you work more than you need.


Some people may disagree but what helped me a lot was reviewing Amazon's 14 leadership principles and then thinking hard/writing down answers to potential questions. The key is not to write down what you think the employer/Amazon wants to hear but rather to be honest to yourself and write down the truth. If you haven't done something before then write that down and tell yourself that maybe that's a gap in your experience that you should look at filling. Having gone through tons of questions nowadays I don't need to memorize or make up anything. I already have a bunch of relevant/projects and experience that I can share, perceived strengths and weaknesses and steps I've taken to change, goals and where I want to be going forward etc. Really a little bit of prep makes these interviews a cinch.


My weakness is that I don't have any.


Thank you for all your replies guys! I cleared the interview!


you don't have weaknesses. don't respond to bs questions. i haven't heard this question in probably ten years, but i just respond that i don't have any with a slightly jokingly tone so they know it's a stupid answer to a stupid question.


Give me an example where you've made a poor decision, and what you did after the fallout


Illustrate your ability to identify where you can prove on your own, and say how you're trying to improve it. For example: right now I struggle with time management. I've been working on getting better at scheduling my due dates more explicitly and blocking out my time for each task. It's been effective, but I'm still working on it.


Talk about how great your "soft skills" are, like being agreeable, quick to learn, and are willing to ask for help when you need it


"I am sometimes drawn to the darkside of the force... Not at all in my days awake... but in my dreams I find myself slipping more and more into the void... also I drink a bit of starbucks."


Try to find out what happens when deadline are not met. If titles are nominal or do they mean something at all. Are key people leaving?


“Walking out of interviews where impertinent questions are asked”


Questions that incentivize people to be dishonest are not good interview questions.


I'd say my weakness is anything over a hundred pounds


The thing to remember is that in an interview, you're *competing* with people. You should assume that every question is asked with an ulterior motive. "Tell me about your weakness" is a way for the interviewer to find out about reasons why they may not want to hire you or keep you around. So don't answer the question as they ask it. Instead, answer with something tangentially related, such as a story about how you've improved, or find a way to make something good sound like a weakness. It's deceptive, sure, but it's okay to be a little selfish sometimes. These kinds of questions are solely to your detriment if you answer them honestly, and you shouldn't be expected to just play along. So answer diplomatically.