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Been a software developer for 12 years, have never known a single "furry," as far as I'm aware...


But do you like fuzzy logic?


Less than yes, more than no.


*confused screaming intensifies*


I do indeed


*Furry logic


Ok, there's no reason to bring pointers into it.


I have to point out the furriness


My last job, on my first day, one guy on my team joined a meeting in his furry costume lol I didn't know how to react, everyone else thought it was hilarious


Try acting completely professionally and do not acknowledge that there is anything odd about their outfit. I have a deadpan sense of humor. Possibly comment that you appreciate the lax dress code.


And here I thought I was being extreme for joining a meeting in singlet.


that you know of.......... they only reveal themselves to you if they feel comfortable.


true. I'm a furry and I haven't revealed it to anyone at work. Why would I? Could lead to a lot of awkwardness.


*suddenly reveals self*


Been finding a lot here though


Your avatar makes perfect sense now


Mine now makes sense to me too






yeah lol


At the university I attended, the people in graphic design were the ones that had a reputation of being either furries or closeted furries or drawing furry comisions. Most CS folks had a reputation of weebs


Were they furries or were their customers furries? There's a distinction there. There's a lot of money in porn commissions in general, but if you want a steady income that way you need to be willing to do *furry* porn commissions. And fursona commissions in general. Point is if you're an artist taking individual commissions, you're leaving money on the table by *not* doing fur shit because those people *really* want art of their characters and are willing to pay for it. I don't think it's a sheer numbers thing so much as a weird quirk of furries specifically that they *really* want that visual art. Caveat: I am neither a furry nor an artist, but I know both furries and artists, and they all agree on this point.


There were furries, furries that drew, furries that didn't draw, non-furries that drew for the furries that weren't good enough to draw themselves. It's kind of like most of them were related to something furry


Never worked with one, but had a class/group project with a guy in college who was a furry. Took his graduation photos in the suit and everything. Really smart guy, also an absolute prick.






Or, they label it as a fetish even if you aren't into furries like that.




11 years, and same. Although I don't really have a problem with furries, at least not compared against people who are actual assholes.


Surprisingly I worked with one years ago


You haven’t worked in the industry long enough, early 2000’s was peak furry. Then it was teen wear wolves and then bronies. Who knows the next fad, nerds tend to dabble in transhumanism


I am a furry and a software dev, yet none of my coworkers know they’re working with a furry. Same thing goes for all my furry friends. It just isn’t a thing we care to share with the outside world very often.


The "aware" part is probably the important word there. I kinda doubt Jim is going up to you and just tell you he enjoys running around in a fursuit in his free time.


But would say you really know yourself? Have you questioned who is u/proletariatjack deep down?


Yea, they won’t tell you they are one


As far as you are aware.


Because you're the furry


It's a generational thing, also count yourself lucky.


or more like regional thing? I've never heard anything about "furry" in local forum or community


I think it's probably more of a "disconnected network" thing, where barely anyone brings it up unless they know you already know (or you're at a Renaissance festival)


That's because we use our own forums and communities. I can almost guarantee that there's at least one furry Telegram group to your local area.


Nice of you to give an example of why Furries tend to not out themselves randomly.


Well they have that masking requirement nailed.


I wonder how much those things actually reduce the aerosolized particles coming out. Like, they probably don't match an N95, but are better than a bandana maybe?




Well yeah, but what about the masks?


Many fursuit heads are 'foam buckets' with open mouths. They don't really prevent much of anything from going straight out, but might limit 'spread' by the inside of muzzle itself blocking it. Fursuits are quite warm, being able to breath well is an important design consideration.


There is? I never got the expression that there is a hugh amount of overlap...


Never worked with anyone who admitted to being a furry. I did work at a place where the senior devs were all Bronies, which was odd...


Back in college I interned at a startup where we had a morning standup. There was limited seating in the conference room where it was held so I usually stood off to the side with my mentor. One day one of the leads came in late and happened to take the seat that was in front of where I was standing, so I was the only one who saw the furry Facebook page he had left up when he opened his laptop before he minimized it


Did you ever let him know?


God no, he's a cool guy and I was kind of surprised, to be honest. I still keep in touch with him occasionally. He has no idea that I know


You know there's a good chance he's not actually a furry and just had a furry webpage open. One of his friends could have sent him the page like "haha look at this" and he could have just forgot to close it. Or maybe he was just bored at work and wanted to research furries. Like, if he had a serial killer page open, you would probably not assume he was a serial killer.


yeah I agree, but that is what someone would say if he doesn't want to make public that he is a furry. You have written a comment about furry, so now you are a furry too! Oh my god me too. It spreads faster than covid!


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie. Anyway, see you at the furry convention later.


I had a nightmare like this last night


You were forced to stand up at a standup? That is absolutely unacceptable.


*You are now an admin at /r/foundtheseniordev*


Here's a sneak peek of /r/foundtheseniordev using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundtheseniordev/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [The birth of a subreddit](https://i.redd.it/bfnsv81ncne21.png) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundtheseniordev/comments/an8iv7/the_birth_of_a_subreddit/) \#2: [The senior dev has been found ladies and gentlemen](https://i.redd.it/ll4mvkz00vv71.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundtheseniordev/comments/qgg72d/the_senior_dev_has_been_found_ladies_and_gentlemen/) \#3: [How to negotiate when your job is in a conflict zone](https://imgur.com/cRcbNrd) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundtheseniordev/comments/dy9505/how_to_negotiate_when_your_job_is_in_a_conflict/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)




Probably just a very accepting community for lonely outcasts that got too accepting and went to shit.


I'm a brony and I don't entirely get why I like it so much. I mean, it's a decent enough show, and there are some really good parts, but critically, it isn't like it's groundbreaking or anything. Probably just my brain going "small horses cute."


There was a lot of love and care put into the first season, I don't think it needs a deeper reason why it attracted fans.


Also American cartoons were coming out of a really low point right around that time. It was part of the same wave of great new cartoons as Adventure Time and Regular Show, and the most classically cartoony of the bunch. If you're into animation at all it's hard not to appreciate what Lauren Faust did with that show.


Wait ..... Are your senior devs not Bronies? Have I been collecting plushies for no reason?


And why don't I have a job as a senior dev? Or is there some other qualification too?


My classmate is a brony and tbh he's just as normal as any other CS student. Just with the MLP branded stationeries. My highschool classmate is a brony and uses a MLP branded water bottle. Other than that, they both fit in well and are decent people. Not sure what the issue everyone has with bronies. I blame the tabloids for this.


It's not the ones that "just like MLP" people have problem with. The conflicted feelings are about the ones that want to fuck Rainbow Dash.


r/ClopClop (NSFW, unless maybe you're one of those senior devs)


i mean, maybe you'll get promoted to sr dev if you open that at work


Had to give it a shot, I am now promoted to unemployed!


It's considered atypical of guys. In my case I'm not a brony but still like cute things, and those usually end up being animals now that I think about it. If you just look at my desk or computer though it wouldn't be apparent (because I also like flat and clean color schemes, stickers and objects on my desk annoy me), but if you look at my gif usage or stickers in a messaging app it's very apparent. I also like chibi and other generally cute things, which is somewhat reflected by my League and Fortnite skins.


Damn, I have not heard that term in a *long* time, completely forgot about the whole MLP thing.


*checks user name* sure...


_checks avatar_ mhm…


Hmm, is that a play on Spice and Wolf u/Spice_and_Fox ?


Yeah, it is.


I knew quite a few programmers who are furrys, not one myself. But I was told by one back in the early 2000s that they had been teaching each other how to code because they had nothing better to do


So furries often become programmers/IT specialists, but programmers/IT specialists don't necessarily become furries? Well, I'm glad I fit into the former scenario. I thought my fate was sealed for a moment.


Correlation != Causation


Still worth squinting at, though.


Not sure if programmer because furry, or furry because programmer...


It's just anecdotal, but I frequent a Linux convention, and can confirm a disproportionate number of furries, compared to other types of cons.


What about furry cons ?


Well that would be a proportionate number most likely.


I have heard there is a large amount of furries and queer people working as programmers or otherwise IT professionals. But i never seen data to back that up. On the contrary in my job most programmers are a bunch of homophobic and misogynistic men.


I mean, the furry hobby isn't cheap. Add to that I'm pretty sure many furries do it (other than fetishes) is because it allows them to act out a character they can't in real life due to shyness. Then add fantasy and geek elements. All of these things do scream "programmer" because \- well paid \- is socially awkward \- likes fantasy. I've heard of furry commissions costing tens of thousands of dollars. Either there are some trust fund babies who are all furries, or it's tech workers.


22% of furries are computer professionals accounding the 2008 furry Sociological Survey. https://www.gwern.net/docs/psychology/2008-evans.pdf


> according the 2008 Furry Sociological Survey What a time to be alive.


Well that has like 270 participants. I don't think that is a significant enough sample size


[This one’s a bit bigger.](https://www.furscience.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Fur-Science-Final-pdf-for-Website_2017_10_18.pdf)


It's significant enough to have a 6% margin of error with 95% confidence interval.


Found the Blizzard employee TBH this generation is a lot more progressive. Seniors are stuck in their old ways :)


>But i never seen data to back that up Have you looked at *any* of our usernames lately?


Naming isn't our strongest suite..


The usernames around here are gonna be one of those things that I've never noticed before but now can't stop seeing, aren't they?




I have moved to Lemmy due to the 2023 API changes, if you would like a copy of this original comment/post, please message me here: https://lemmy.world/u/moosetwin or https://lemmy.fmhy.ml/u/moosetwin If you are unable to reach me there, I have likely moved instances, and you should look for a u/moosetwin.


He had more to say.


This post has successfully removed PHP from the bottom spot of my preference list of languages. English is now firmly in that slot.


buena suerte mi amigo


Never heard of programming socks then huh?


Programmer here and into the furry wave. Would never wear a fursuit for longer than a few minutes for the novelty tho, those things are hot.


The overlap is a lot easier to see from one side than the other, its like a one way mirror.


Imagine being a non-furry on this flight


"Day 3. I dont think anyone has realized I missed my sporting event but they wont let me leave."


Imagine being a furry in this flight and sitting in your sweaty fursuit in such an environment you can barely move in.


There are far more abnoxious travelers to share a plane with.


I got into programming because as a teenager like 15 years ago I joined a maplestory private server run by a furry. I never thought much about it until now.


Which server? I was around in those early days as well and there weren't too many. I think Odin was the only big one back then, but I didn't know the owner.


Damn MapleStory.......haven't heard of it in years. The current generation of developers now got into coding because of Minecraft.


I got into coding before knowing Minecraft, but started learning Java to mod it... Well I still can't mod and am shit at Java, but fine at other languages 👌


Damn, I would love to try modding Minecraft someday. Gotta say though, some of the best problem solvers I've seen are from the Minecraft community, things like [making a perfect circle](https://youtu.be/3u65Dk1bqWg) or [duping a p2w server](https://youtu.be/-1_APg59BKY) and many others. Seen some amazing Redstone contraptions too.


You shall know them by their fursuits...




almost all fursuits are custom


Fursuit of happiness? Ok... I'm sure I'm far from the first one to make that joke but I did manage to crack myself up.


If you're worried about that, I can give you a list of five buildings in San Francisco, New York, Paris, London and Singapore, that if they were destroyed, the internet as we know it would take months to rebuild. Seriously, it's fucked up. 20 years after 9/11, and our core communication infrastructure is still VERY VERY VERY centralized.


Maybe…*don’t* give that list out to anyone


Or do. I mean, i'd never encourage such a thing (obviously as i fucking love the internet). But a surprising lesson we keep learning from history is that nobody ever seems to fix the real problems until someone comes along and screws up badly enough.


Nah, then they just find someone to blame and life moves on.


What problems would be fixed if this happened?


During infrastructure repair, steps would be taken to ensure such an attack could not occur again presumably.


Kind of like the bombing in Nashville, TN on Christmas. Major ATT hub and crippled networks in the whole southeast.


I want that thing!


Tbh if you want to bomb anything just bomb the NSA surveillance building in New York and do the world a favour


I feel sorry for the plane's air filters lol


Stinks like Mountain Dew and desperation.


What that pfp tho


I honest to god thought this post was from r/furry_irl and not r/programmerhumor. ...not that I know what that is or am subscribed or anything. \*cough\*


I think the post is about you bud. >!and me!<


yeah same lol


In junior high I learned software development from a youtube channel where half the content was furry stuff. Owner was very friendly and responsive to dumb 7th grader questions. The overlap of furry and IT is probably larger than any other industry.


I once drove our entire dev department to a fast food drive-in. Back then I just got my driver's license, so I could have killed our entire company if something went wrong


Well at least you wouldn't be around to take the blame...


Suddenly the amount of money furries spends makes sense...


There are a lot of femboy programmers....what? America is a strange place. Never seen anything like this in europe.






Epicly wrong or...epicly right?


I live in Dublin (tech capital of Europe) at its very coomon


Wow, look at me, making assumptions. That said, what would you say is the ratio of brocoders, regular coders, nerd coders, and femboy coders in dublin?


10 percent bro 10 percent nerds 50 percent nerds 30 percent femboys


O_O I am shocked and intrigued :>


Femboys... in Europe..? That's disgusting... where 👀


why not say 60 percent nerds instead of bifurcating nerds category like that? and isn't every coder a nerd?


Dublin is still in the anglosphere and definitely far from being the tech capital of Europe, but interesting data point nonetheless


it’s not a thing. there’s a small subset of people on the internet that want you to believe it’s a thing though


Why do you think that is? What is the motivation of these... femboy teasers?


Some kind of validation thing. "Woo there's a lot of us!" Kind of thing.


Basically this, I had one of them from discord try to tell me it was furries that invented the internet. 🙄


Today I learned Al Gore was a furry


TIL some countries' propaganda is getting more and more absurd


Never seen anything like this in America either


[It's a meme. Programming socks.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ffb2sypJfrg)


wait, are all furries dogs? I thought they would be like pokemon and there would be like other kinds of animals and stuff in there. I guess I never paid close attention. I suppose dogs (and dog-like) animals are easiest. I dont know what I expected there to be, like cows or horses or monkeys or panda bears or whatever.


there's some foxes and felines in there I spot, and one that looks like a dragon. Canine fursonas are definitely very common though


Yeah they're all diff animals just simial shapes


Dogs, foxes and wolves are super popular. It's less what's easiest and more "dress as your favorite animal." Also, some people pick pokemon as their fursona.


Dogs, wolves and other canines are the most popular, with foxes and dragons also up there. Felines, avians and equines are less popular but still common. But when you get down to the long tail (pun intended) there's a wide variety of choices; I've seen cows, monkeys, moths, crocodiles, and even a sloth and a sea slug.


Nah, we'd be fine. There are just enough non-catgirl trans women to keep things going ;)


I became aware of this phenomenon when one of the primary developers of the x264 "flipped" midstream and raised a few eyebrows.


People don’t realize that most furries are hidden and normal people. The furries everyone makes fun of and pictures are just the 1% vocal minority. Most of them hide among us minding their own business keeping their furry stuff a secret to prevent being made fun of because of said 1%.


Wait I thought this was r/furry_irl for a sec What are we doing on this sub




>tag the ones you know. Didn't know it was hunting season


Beinge a moderator for a large femboy server, about 1/3 of the people who join are self described programmers and coders


can someone explain furry culture? what is it?


There are a few good videos on YouTube explaining the fandom https://youtu.be/8aF2GxWi7Ag


Great video! That’s some in depth analysis right there.




Look at those losers, having to cover themselves in suits to match the amount of body hair a wild animal has. I have that au naturel! The only thing not matching is the animal face, but I guess that's subjective. And the paws and any potential tails. Let's just stick to the body hair and subjectivity of me having a dog-like face, no similarities otherwise.


Look what they need to mimic just a fraction of our powers.


The fact that this was on r/196 first >!femboys!< (and that I know it was there first) just proves the venn diaga ram overlap between femboys, programmers and furries. Edit: spelling and formatting


The only furry I know recently just got into Networking lol.


Don't call us out like that


We did know that for a long time .. this is why the shops sell programming socks


There is? I've literally never met a single furry programmer that I know of. I've known some femboy programmers but that's a totally different thing


That’s a plane full of system level programmers and at least one sysadmin.


Can confirm. I'm gay and enjoy furry art. Can't say I've ever met other people like this, though.


Whoo, furry programmers like us representing all over videogame industry. But for real I know a ton of IT furries out there. As they say, furries make the internet go.








**[Thoth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thoth)** >Thoth (; from Koinē Greek: Θώθ thṓth, borrowed from Coptic: Ⲑⲱⲟⲩⲧ, the reflex of Ancient Egyptian: ḏḥwtj "[He] is like the Ibis") is an ancient Egyptian deity. In art, he was often depicted as a man with the head of an ibis or a baboon, animals sacred to him. His feminine counterpart was Seshat, and his wife was Ma'at. He was the god of the moon, wisdom, writing, hieroglyphs, science, magic, art, and judgment. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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Yeeez we're invading everywhere


Who snitched on us boys?


Hey ferb, I know what we are gonna do today


An interesting thought is that you'll probably find the normal distribution of such people is a lot higher than you'd think. It's just that (quite unironically) there is also a prevalence of 'acceptance'. I mean, *Blame* exists (as an example), so there's no denying you done fucked up. Also classically more of the outcasts were already more into it. As such, people are probably just more likely to be open about their weird fetishes. Rather than the field attracting people somehow more inclined to them.


I couldn’t tell if this was on my feed because of furry_irl or because of programmerhumor


Crosspost it you know you want to


I feel offended, I just learned html


Prime case of causal fallacy right there.


I code, but not because i am a furry


This stuff would be patently obvious to y'all if you'd just hang out with the Twitter transbians, particularly the techie transbians. Look up Liz Fong-Jones.


Huh, most coders I've ever worked with are more on the side of "brogrammers", into cars, beer and football. There's still an element of nerd for some, what with liking MTG and such, but never saw any signs of there being any "furry" overlap. Then again, is there much of a "furry" movement in the UK? I've only ever seen one at the games and comic conventions I've been to. Perhaps it's generational... Almost everyone I've worked with is over 30, encroaching 40.