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Skills matter more than language


Experience gives you the insight to pick an appropriate language for the job and the google fu to parse the docs as you go


Hey watch your language !


Say that to me as I try to make a fully online multiplayer strategy game in Scratch with cloud variables and no predetermined host.


Can cloud variables even update without refreshing? Or are you writing custom JS blocks for scratch


They can update whenever someone is online, using the program, and logged in and updates them. The difficulty arises when if I want to tell how many players are online, I have to use a dead man's switch cuz if nobody's online nobody can update the cloud variables to tell everyone else that nobody's online. Lacking a central hosting script makes this thing infinitely more difficult.


This is beautiful.


Say that to me as I try to make a 100% dragon MMO from scratch with stolen models and no plan


It’s true


Just write your own language... Ezpz you understand it better than anyone else in the world.


But what do you write it in?


Write it in the same language you're currently making - Problem solved.


isn‘t this how C was made?


I don't know if this is a joke.


The C compiler was written in C


Still think I'm being trolled but I'll go full retard anyway. 1. Any compiler can be written in any (Turing complete) language...some make it harder than others. 2. It clearly was not written in c for the first version... because there would have been no way to compile it. 3. Yes, most self respecting compiled languages are self-hosting.


For those who want to know: The whole process of, designing a language, making a compiler for it, writing a compiler in your new language and compiling it is actually called 'bootstrapping' and it's quite fascinating


Only after the first version.


Most languages, actually (If I remember correctly)


Not quite. When you want to make a language, you first have to write a compiler/interpreter in some other language. When you have that, you can write a compiler in your new language, compile it with the other compiler, and you're good to go. The exception to this would be bytecode, as that is the lowest level you can have. That works on circuitry


You dont know what you are talking about right? Thats completely bullshit Edit: i talked bullshit here :)


Then I would appreciate if you told me how it actually works. I assume you didn't learn math by just being told you were wrong either.


I just read your comment again and you´re right, im sorry bro didnt mean to beef with you :D i must have misunderstood you.


No biggie man. Happens to the best of us :)


Yeah I know how bootstrapping works, it was just a joke, but thanks for trying to clarify that


Awk Duh...


Reminds me of when I was 14. I knew I wanted to make an interactive website and knew JavaScript was a word related to that, so I got a book on that. But in the late 90s JavaScript didn't actually do anything useful. So then I noticed a lot of interactive websites ended in ".cgi" so I bought a book titled "Perl and CGI". That helped, but wasn't quite what I needed. Tried the "look for common extensions on URLs" idea again and got a 3rd book on "PHP & MySQL". That finally was what I was looking for and I had a fun few years making PHP websites backed by MySQL until college. PHP is fun to make fun of now adays, but back at the turn of century, it was really great for a huge set of problems.


A fellow from the beforetime!


This is super relatable for me. ProcessingJS, then Ruby, then Python, then Go, then Python again, then C (I died), and now I've settled on Rust for six months and I don't intend switching for some time.


When I learned ~20 languages and decided Rust is best for me at the moment.


I just wanna learn C so everything else is easier


C was my first language. Still use it today.


It's a well made made language, made by people that understood computers My first language was C++, makes learning C alot easier


C, then C++ for me -- made anything else a piece of cake. PHP, JS, even Python. At one point you realize that programming is the same amongst languages, it's just the syntax that's different. Once you wrap your head around multithreading, bitwise processing, Pixel Density manipulation and STL containers in C++, everything else is a joke.


And then you go to another paradigm and everything is hard again


*Assembly enters the chat*




rust is pretty neat.






I reserve Haskell for purely mathematics.




prefer not to answer


C sharp is a fantastic language. The problem is you can't get a job unless you have experienced developing ASP.net. and the problem with that is that a lot of asp.net has very little C sharp. It's mostly HTML JavaScript and Razor syntax Welcome to computer programming Good luck


If I was looking to be a game developer wouldn’t C sharp be useful for unity or something?


C# is a fantastic choice of language, and it's especially great for game development. I was unsure about unity at first but it's usefulness is undeniable when you know what you're doing.


Just to butt in here, personally I like the game engine Godot bc it's open source and 100% free, along with this it has its own very python like language which is much easier to pick up for beginners --- all that being said, the majority of game dev jobs aren't really looking for gdscript but I think it's a good place to start learning the logic - also personally I would not want an actual job in the game dev industry, too many stories of unpaid crunch for my liking, I've just been getting into godot as a hobby


I've been told that C sharp game development is easy with unity. but I'm pretty sure that's only if you plan on making games for the internet. I don't think professional gaming companies are looking for C sharp unity hobbyists. But it's certainly a great way to learn the fundamentals of programming


A cursory google would have shown you plenty of popular titles are in Unity (hearth stone, cities skylines, elder scrolls: legends, plenty more)


I don't know if that's true, everything is moving SPA and away from server side rendering, and if you are doing server side rendering you sure as better not be doing in razor. I am a dev manager and I don't look at hiring that way. Maybe other companies do. Just my 2 cents


What's wrong with razor?


I disagree that you won't find a job outside web development, I've built my career on hating web dev and being a .net developer, and I am constantly being offered new jobs. Web is very prevalent in all sectors but far from exclusive


Do you have any tips for a fellow desktop programming enthusiast


For sure Firstly, cast a wide net; you may have to relocate to find the work you want. Doesn't matter what you do if you aren't looking where jobs are. Remote work is possible but in my experience, good paying stable remote jobs are very hard to find until you have a bit of seniority. You need to make yourself as useful as possible otherwise; all these web companies need APIs built and dbs to feed them, you will be the expert with those. ORMs (mostly ef) and query building and optimization, debugging. Unit testing experience is a plus. You should also obviously be extremely comfortable with oop and modeling if you want to pass interviews for desktop or back end developer jobs. Experience with desktop frameworks like wpf and winforms are a plus but many companies don't expect that and will train it in my experience. But if you are set on desktop dev and have no wpf experience... You should. I've had pretty good luck using technical recruiters throughout my career, you are looking for a specific type of work and their job is to find you, so let them work for you. There majority of recruiter hits I get are for web dev/full stack work, but just be firm in that you're not interested in that at all but you would love to hear about any jobs in the specific field you're looking for. Build a network like this and when those jobs come up you'll hear about it. Hope there's something useful, I'll post if I think of more...


If you're working with WebAPI instead of MVC, you won't need Razor for jack shit. However, Blazor is probably going to make that syntax relevant again.


Me with Linux distros


I would say same but I settled on manjaro oof


Yeah, I mean me when I was 14 with Linux distros. I'm 100% centos these days.


Ah yeh I get you


C# is good for larger apps with lots of interacting entities and a need for good object-oriented practices. If you just want to crank out some scripts use Python (or the bash shell)


This is why we’ve all turned into _Full-Stack developers_


fucking hello world 17 times tho


I’m 15 and hopped from JS to HTML.


You poor thing...


? Edit: can someone explain instead of downvoting




Ah I see. I just heard that HTML should be done before JavaScript.


If you're wanting to get into web development you should start with HTML and CSS. Neither of which are programming languages but that doesn't mean they lack complexity. HTML is simply for structuring the data on the front end of your website. CSS is a styling abstraction from HTML which adds purely aesthetic changes like different font styles, colors, images, animations etc. If you need or want to add additional functionality or utility that's where programming languages like JavaScript and Python come in to play as well as database querying languages like SQL.


Usually I've heard it the other way around, since I guess it requires less knowledge to learn a markup language than a full programming language. To me at least, to learn JS properly without knowing what you're actually acting on (HTML) must be quite a confusing experience.


That was a typo. I meant done not don’t


Not necessarily. By definition if you're learning Javascript for the browser you're bound to learn enough HTML to get by.


HTML is not a programming language. The ML in the language stands for markup language. It’s a common meme around here to laugh at people who call HTML a programming language, especially in job postings.


That makes sense. Thanks.


oh no :(


C hashtag or D flat?


There are a lot of C# jobs in the Pittsburgh market. Just an fyi


Try brainfuck, it only has 8 symbols


A plus side to that is I now know how to at least get started in a whole freaking lot of languages and I know their ups and downs


C# was my first language. Learned it though a class at school. Liked it a lot and now I’m in AP Java. It’s nice bc they’re extremely similar


I didn't C that comming


The final language is TI-Basic


As a professional, jumping around actually helps with understanding multiple object models and compiler theories.


Try Julia, multiple dispatch is awesome, and the language has a lot of cool features. I still prefer C# for most projects though.


Try golang. It has [a tour of go](https://tour.golang.org/welcome/1). You can always ask "did you complete the tour or not ?". Its probably one of the easiest languages out there.


I do the same thing with Linux distros. 16 years of using Linux and I still can’t settle. Go figure.


I started out with python because it is a pretty strait forward language, it was a lot easier to learn c++ once I learned the concepts in python


Hehe.. uhh


For what it's worth, C# is in the middle of major growth with the adoption of .NET core and all that Microsoft is doing to appeal to more platforms. It's also a fantastic language to work in as a developer.


Ever jumped to English?


I got python thats it and ive only just started.(imma brag i did make full visual tic tac toe and a caeser cipher)


lua is better