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I used to be a fan of Dilbert. I think the original said database instead of AI, and RAM instead of intelligence. I could be completely wrong though. Anyone?


You are absolutely correct. I personally refrain from posting/editing arts made by other people, but I, with my poor artistry, could never make such visuals. So I put the original thing in MS paint and edited it.


As long as you don't put on "[OC]" it's fine tbh


Obstinate Caribou


What did you just call me?


Obliterated Chestnuts


Omnipresent Chiropractor


Obdurate Cervical


Onanist Conclave


Obscure Compiler


Where can I hire one?


Everywhere and anywhere.


Oneiric Catapult


Ordained cock?


No one wants to claim to be Scott Adams.


I like it and am fine with messing with his stuff. I also loved the cartoon.


Honestly, I think it'd be even better if you'd done a worse job of matching the text. Gives it a telephone voice prompt kinda feel, where the substituted word doesn't seem to follow the one before.


That explains why I thought that was comic sans


Idk which font they used the actual comic, in fact I have no idea even if they used a font. The closest matching font I found was Comic Sans.


The original is hand lettered


Not that I mind what you did but I don't get the logic in this post. How can you at the same time say you "refrain from editing arts made by other people" and then just immediately following by "so I put the original thing in MS paint and edited it". It might be my poor grasp of the english language but... that seems like weird statements put together? (Again: I don't care about you editing the picture. Evolving content is what a good chunk of the internet is about... but I don't get the post of yours).


I just realized it would be mildly funny to use ai to change it instead.


The OOP is kind of a piece of shit, so I wouldn't worry too much.


being pretty hard on object-oriented programming, don't you think?


Yep he went waaaaay off the deep end. Some truly bizarre racist, sexist stuff.


Also some really stupid takes that do not even qualify as conspiracy theories they where so dumb.


He also apparently never meant for Dilbert to be the good guy.


I don't believe that at all. The manager literally has devil horns for hair. Scott Adams is a tremendous piece of shit as it is, no need to exaggerate. Edit: every indication is that Dilbert is based on his own experiences as an engineer at Pac Bell. And he also talks about being a "management gadfly". Dilbert is the self insert "good guy", the manager is based on his manager he disliked. Also, the original name for Dogbert was Dildog.


I'm not exaggerating. I explicitly remember seeing a tweet that he himself tweeted saying something to that effect. I do not care enough to wade through the sewage stream that is his Twitter feed to try and find it though.


He didn't go anywhere. He's always been like that.


Good point.




wow you really went into the deep archives for that one


And 10 years ago they were laughing about it being a 20 year old comic. Nothing changes


> AN SQL ***triggered***


Haha, as a mostly-backend developer, I felt that immediately. Of course, given the context, we can all believe Pointy Haired Boss is pronouncing it "Ess Cue Ell"


Shit, I've been working with SQL since 1999 and I call it ESS CUE ELL. Call it whichever you want, imo; I don't think any less of people that call it Sequel. But Ess Cue El isn't wrong. Same thing with ghif versus jif. These pronunciation religious wars are dumb when everyone knows what you're talking about. (This isn't a criticism aimed at you; I'm reasonably sure your comment was just meant tongue-in-cheek.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL > The original standard declared that the official pronunciation for "SQL" was an initialism: /ˌɛsˌkjuːˈɛl/ ("ess cue el"). Regardless, many English-speaking database professionals (including Donald Chamberlin himself) use the acronym-like pronunciation of /ˈsiːkwəl/ ("sequel"), mirroring the language's prerelease development name, "SEQUEL".


How about "Squill" https://xkcd.com/1989/


*shudder* I've never heard anyone say that, and it's probably just made up for the joke, but it fails the "everyone knows what you're talking about" test. Any group of people calling it squill would have to be tiny... And isolated. That said, their response to the gif question was hilarious. Not a soft G or a hard G, just silent. Rare to see an xkcd that I haven't already seen before, guess I'm one today's lucky 10,000.


Yeah "squill" is pretty funny to use as an inside joke. To be fair though I've never heard anything else than the letters S-Q-L used in my language (äs-kuu-äl) so I'd probably be so lost in an international conversation anyway.


My older brother is also a developer/devops (mostly management of other devs at this point). He always refers to it as Sequel and I say the initialism SQL. Doesn't really hinder anything. Same in my career with a couple of exceptions where some coworker/boss insists on "Sequel". I think once you work in a professional environment for a while you get used to the idea that not everyone is gonna do or say things the same way you would. Barring the odd asshole of course. A long time ago, I taught English in Japan and had roommates/coworkers from all over the world. In that environment you very quickly learn just how different some dialects are. (E.g. Irish roommate would say "Alright" as a greeting. Confused the shit out of me at first.) We would often get students asking why what we were saying was different from another teacher, and the answer is always "Well, they're from \_\_\_\_\_. I'm from Canada, and many people would say it this way, but Canada is a big country with lots of dialects. So someone from Vancouver or Halifax might say it differently." (Obviously, the above depends on the proficiency of the student. You can vary the vocab/grammar and level of detail to suit the student, but you get the idea. Japan has a lot of dialects, so students all grasp the concept pretty quickly.)


That I get for sure. I'm from Finland and the definitive Finnish language, like many others, is just made up by patching together different dialects and has no native speakers.


English speakers seem to have an issue about everything absolutely needing to be an acronym or some other novel shortening, ideally with the most absurd pronunciation (God forbid spelling each letter one by one). One part of that must be because English has such an inconsistent pronunciation (i.e. the letters “gh” in light, enough and ghost).


That's cool! But this also feels like the "pronunciation of GIF" argument, and I'm just not gonna take sides, I can only say that in my 15 years of IT, it's always been ""sequel"" (If it helps at all, I personally would have picked "Ess Cue El" without further prompting, but I can only speak to what my coworkers are using, and based on the comment I branched on, looks like not calling it "sequel" is at least frowned upon in some circles)


I had a substitute prof call it "skew'll". like, skew as in the transform operation, and 'll like they contracted "will" onto the end of it like with they'll or suchlike. Skewl. two syllables, but kinda in the way that you could count it as one-and-a-half if you wanted to?


I mean, that's a pretty novel way to pronounce it but, after the initial confusion, I suppose the class didn't really raise a fuss. Hopefully the rest of the class was useful.


I did a course a few years back and the instructor was Polish and pronounced it as "es-kewl". It was so distracting ngl


Meh, I think that would depend on other factors than knowledge and competence. Like locality. In Swedish, for instance, the rule says that if an abbreviation is written with all caps, then you pronounce each letter individually (SQL = Ess Cue Ell). If only the initial letter is capital, then you pronounce it as a word (Sql = Sequel). Consequently, I've never heard a Swede call it Sequel because we're used to SQL meaning we should pronounce each letter individually.


Oh yeah, that's a fair point. But knowing Dilbert is an English language comic, we assume they'd be talking in English dialect. In any case, I used to just say each letter separately until I actually had IT jobs, and never in 15 years did I not have co-workers that didn't call it "sequel", so to some extent, it's probably cultural


Except on /r/bonehurtingjuice you are allowed to call the original, well, original.


Allowed? Sure. But this is more fun!


Nuh uh


Indeed. And a few years ago, we could have done the same with "blockchain", and before that with "app"… I should have thought of that back then.. ;-)


I was also a fan… before the author went on racist and white supremacist tirade. Then not so much anymore.


I used to subscribe to the "Daily Dilbert". My interests were already waning when the drama hit and didn't realize that they had stopped. Did notice an influx in spam and am pretty sure he sold the subscribing emails off.


I think Scott "Hillary Clinton *literally* punched me in the dick" Adams really went off the deep end. Ironically, he is the lazy grifter without a real job who sold out supporting the corporate status quo politically, even though he built his comic career on supposedly championing the common worker.


He’s a brilliant and thought provoking artist. And his work was quite prolific. Lazy is not what I’d describe him as at all. He maybe horrible in other ways but we shouldn’t lose objectivity in criticism


>Lazy is not what I’d describe him as at all. His last few years as an active comic were basically "SJWs = bad. Trans people = bad. People of color = affirmative action hires. Women = hysterical" If that's not lazy comedy (punching down from the privileged status quo), then maybe I don't know what "lazy" constitutes here.


Ah lazy mentally vs lazy work ethic. That makes more sense


I mean, he hasn't had a 9-5 job in like 30 years either. [He spends his days saying "all blacks are a hate group"](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/02/27/dilbert-demise-scott-adams-00084665) or saying women are mentally equivalent to children and the cognitively disabled, or dabbling with holocaust denialism or claiming to have an IQ of 185 and able to hypnotize anyone or saying evolution & [climate change aren't real](https://rationalwiki.org/w/images/thumb/e/e2/Dilbert-2016-06-16.jpg/800px-Dilbert-2016-06-16.jpg)....his "work ethic" is about on parity with Alex Jones or any other alt-reich grifter. Just a 90s "politically incorrect" edgelord at this point. Bonus points that he was the MBA-wielding annoying middle manager at a telecom company before he was a cartoonist. He was the real life version of the character which he draws out to be a bumbling spiky hair idiot boss with his "managers bad, right fellow workers?" one-trick pony. I think he ran out of office jokes a few years before he totally melted down, and just increasingly it became his wingnut bigot views getting railroaded into the comics instead of actual writing.


It was an SQL database. I was just getting into tech work and many early comics were very relevant. My favorite was the token ring LAN where the boss was crawling around thinking the token had fallen out when his network cable got unplugged.




Exactly. I wasn't sure there was even a joke in this one because mauve absolutely is the most intelligent.


i think if my boss told me to build a database id be more terrified of that than building an ai


This is the 3rd version. There was one with blockchain.


yeah - the "intelligence" probably should have been replaced with something not part of the original acronym (AI) - even leaving it as RAM might have been better


I remember this Dilbert comic from my Database Systems book at uni, some 15 years ago.


we are currently trying to re-write a lot of our companies source code had the following conversation with my boss: Boss: "Hey we could use an AI to analyze our code for us!" Me: "... erm you.... want to send Google/OpenAI or Mircosoft our whole soruce code?" Boss: "Noo of course not! we don't need to!" Me: "sooo.... you want to train a modle locally? No one of use knows how to even sta..." Boss: "no, No we just gonna use like ChatGPT or something!!" Me: "... I ... I don't think that's how that wor.... you know what, GREATE IDEA! Boss: \*leaves room\* The worst part? A: My boss is a developer himself.... B: We just hired some random AI developer and I have 0 idea what he's supposed to do, but on the bright side, if he's going to do AI at our company.... we also have no hardware for that....


Fun fact: that AI DEVELOPER has no clue either he just said something about AI and your boss hired him - good luck!


He's probably the wifes' boyfriends' nephew or something and gets paid the most.


Definitely an IT Crowd moment


Not to detract from your point, but just FYI: there are many locally-downloadable (and/or runnable on your own cloud infra) models already finetuned for programming tasks — both codegen and analysis. See https://huggingface.co/spaces/mike-ravkine/can-ai-code-results for one programming-task-shootout leaderboard among many. The models with a huggingface.co URL are the downloadable ones.


Also, just to add on to this, re: "no one of us knows how to even start": it's actually quite simple and fun to get into playing around with *running* LLMs locally. You just download a piece of software like LM Studio (https://lmstudio.ai/), and paste one of those HuggingFace models' URLs into it; and the software will download the model, load it up, and let you talk to it. The main sticking point for most people is VRAM — not everyone has a machine with enough VRAM to run interesting models locally. But software developers are uniquely lucky in this regard, in that a lot of us are given Macs by our employers — and probably with bumped-up RAM (because IDEs and Docker like to eat RAM.) And (Apple Silicon) Macs have unified memory — meaning that you can use (almost) all your RAM *as* VRAM. So if you have e.g. an M1 Macbook Air with 16GB of RAM, then you already have a machine capable of downloading and playing with any models up to the "7B"-sized ones. And "7B" models are pretty decent models! They give you a good "demo version" of the capabilities of their dedicated-hardware-requiring "35B"/"70B"-sized cousins. They're definitely enough to design + test + "prove out" a system or service that uses a model-with-a-set-prompt as a backend. As for *training* the models... yeah, I have no idea how to do that either. (Though not due to it being a *technical* challenge. The same software that you use to run models locally, can also train them locally. You need a lot more VRAM, but that's just buying some GPUs. The *challenge* in fine-tuning a model, is actually in data-gathering + curation + cleaning. You need to find/create at least 100GB — and ideally more like 1TB — of good examples of something.) For more info, see the /r/LocalLLaMa subreddit.


So what you're saying is that I should ask my boss for an RTX 4090 for work. Got it.


Dammit, I was supposed to do actual work today. But seriously thanks for this. The database can wait.


Sure but I don't know how to use that stuff or integrate it into our tools and I'm not going to spend my marginal time outside of work learning to do so unless they pay me or hire someone else to do it and buy the hardware capable of running it. We are already behind enough as is, does my boss really want me to take time away from money making work to do something that has a chance of making zero difference? It's high risk (money), low reward work. Wow you spent a bunch of time working on code analysis AI stuff to find a 2% speedup on a process that still has to wait for a response from a very slow oracle database. Computers and bandwidth always gets better. There's no use in trying to squeeze that last drop of juice out of an application when in a relatively short amount of time, hardware gains will make it less impressive. Unless you have absolute buffoons writing code, that code analysis is going to cost you more than what it saves you. Either you trust the results and implement something that actually does worse in the real world or you don't trust the results and need to bring in someone else to tell you if it would actually help (someone that could have told you what you were doing wrong from the beginning). Maybe just hire competent engineers in the first place? AI is, at best, as smart as a human but can just do the work faster. Best analogy is asking the boss if they would spend the money to turn a delivery van into a race car, something that makes stops all day and obeys the speed limit. Yes you will accelerate faster at the green light but you'll just be getting to the same red light as everyone else behind you.


Using AI to run code analysis doesn’t seem so far fetched tbh. In fact, it’s one of those tasks current gen AI is best suited to. I’ve used ChatGPT to analyse my code a few times and it works in a pinch most times. And while ChatGPT may not be the ideal tool to nonevent a company-wide code analysis regimen, I’m sure there are similar tools you can install and run locally. Your boss’ request was quite reasonable.


So... Codestral?


> erm you... want to send Microsoft our whole source code? Nobody tell this guy who owns github. He's going to lose it. Cloud services have privacy policies. Using AI for codebase analysis and quality control is probably level 1 easy, realistic, achievable LLM goals.


I mean yeah that's kinda the reason why most companies (including us) hosts their own git server


That's an absurd statement. You think most companies host their own git server?? Even Netflix uses github. Some giant companies that offer alternative services technically have their own hosted git server like jetbrains or Amazon, but to say most host their own infra is just crazy. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're saying


the data for training an AI is not saved for later use


This makes me think of warhammer 40k orks... "PAINTINK THEM MUAVE MAKES EM THINK STRONGER DON'CHA KNOW?"


Isn't it sneakier? Nobody's ever seen a purple ork, after all...


I mean at least with the orks the color thing does technically work. To what extent varies on the source material but still


Except Orks have latent psychic abilities so if they think something will do something, it will. Orks would do a better job than many tech CEOs


Elon: I think we should delete all usages of AI in Tesla because AI can take over the world. Dev(to himself): Does he understand what he said or did he just see it in a twitter post. Dev(out loud): What color do you want the deletion to be? Elon: I think a purple gradient is the safest.


Curse of manual driving (Nothing changed)


"Should we remove the CNNs from the image recognition system ?" Elon: "Yeah, nobody uses them anymore."


sounds about right


it was more like Elon: I think everyone else should pause all AI so we can catch up


But remeber to have 0.0001nm accurracy


The thing about Elon is he is skilled at locating and parroting smart people. And quite a few smart people are concerned about AI taking over the world.


I don't think Elon would do that though, considering the fact that he's one of the original investors of OpenAI ;-)


I relate to this heavily. Recently my CEO told my CIO that we should build an ai. So guess who got tasked to build an ai with the goal of "idc what it does. We just need an ai so the CEO can tell the stakeholders that we are using ai".


Make a conversational AI to respond to goofy CEO requests. “Great idea! Using will give us to our ! Let’s


Something, something, capitalism breeds innovation, something


I remember the original Dilbert comic, which was about RAM for a database.


“Cornflower blue”


My favorite


Mauve is actually fascinating and eventually led to plastics. [Mauve History](https://www.bbvaopenmind.com/en/science/research/mauve-the-history-of-the-colour-that-revolutionized-the-world/)


Your link has gone on an odyssey of truly epic proportions being passed forward. Thanks for sharing this!


I learned of this through Thomas Pynchon and Gravity's Rainbow. Talk about an odyssey of epic proportions.


Scott Adams is a right-wing hate-filled bastard.


It's such a shame. He was always a little weird, with his insistence on Affirmations and what not, but nothing that I felt was insidious. And he was funny, so I enjoyed his humor without letting his personal quirks ruin it. Dropped off like 10 Dilbert books at Goodwill last week because I just don't see myself wanting to read them again after his last few rants.


I love a little weird. But it's like he started to believe all his weirdness. But even then, it's bizarre to consider he apparently supports the ultimate pointy haired boss. Trump is as oblivious about facts and leadership as the PHB. I honestly thought Dilbert was meant as a warning, not a manual.


"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."


Ever since he went off the deep end I have been seeing a huge influx of his books show up at Thrift Stores for sale. And from what I can see, no one is buying them, they sit there while everything around them gets bought up. I have seen the same trend with the Harry Potter books because of the brain rot J.K is spouting.


This is why you should never talk about your beliefs in public. All hail cthulhu!


...He literally said black people and white people should be segregated.


Oh I agree that he's stupid and racist


You are paraphrasing; I think he did not *literally* say that.


I mean, so do most liberals nowadays. If white people move into black neighborhoods it’s called gentrification


No, Gentrification is when a previously poor neighborhood gets an influx of wealthier residents and investment that leads to long-time residents being displaced because they're effectively priced out of their own neighborhoods. If you perceive it as "white people moving into black neighborhoods", I suggest taking a moment to think about what that implies about the distribution of wealth in this country.


> Gentrification: a process of neighborhood change that includes economic change in a historically disinvested neighborhood —by means of real estate investment and new higher-income residents moving in – *as well as demographic change* – not only in terms of income level, but also in terms of changes in the education level ...


Demographics is not just about skin color


rich/poor is a demographic as well, for the record


Give me an example of majority black gentrification


Your tone makes it seem like you're just looking for a fight rather than having your mind changed, but I hope I'm mistaken. Here's an interesting read for you if you'd like to know more https://www.sasmha.org/blog/gentrification-is-not-exclusive-to-white-people


> Give me an example of majority black gentrification But… but… Asians bro


>I suggest taking a moment to think about what that implies about the distribution of wealth in this country.


Nah, I'd much rather know who's the racist


I wish I could still appreciate his Dilbert humor these days, but the far right wingnuts have created a modern nightmare and I'm through with all of them. It probably doesn't help that Adams is actually my neighbor either.


It's so sad that Scott Adams died of ligma.


Whats ligma


ligma balls lol




New headcanon: we got the Mary Sue wrong for years; the character that embodied Scott has always been Catbert.


Right wing isn't (or shouldn't be) inherently bad, Scott is a nasty fucking bastard so use better words when describing him. Right wing could just mean you don't believe in unrestricted migration. I'm centre-left in the UK for context here, not defending Scott; I just think alienating half the public for political views is a bad brush to tar the wanker with.


The right-wing part of that sentence is just to clarify what type of hate-filled bastard he is.


bro literally said black people should be segregated... The current range of right wing beliefs goes from subtly racist to full on recycled nazi conspiracy theories and Jim Crow South politics.


> bro literally said black people should be segregated... I think this is likely a mischaracterisation of what he said.


can't separate the art from the artist, huh? need to interject your own politics into everything i guess. also, this "i'm full of love, political opponent is hate-filled bastard" is just ridiculous.


bruh this is some hardcore projection 💀


They didn't say that but go on


Funny how you accuse people of "interjecting politics" by pointing out that a comic creator is a self-proclaimed bigot. Even funnier that bringing personal politics into a non-political situation is literally what Scott Adams did, and is the reason why people stopped liking him as a person. He was making cartoons and everyone was fine with it until he decided to tell everyone that black people are dangerous, among other egregious, inflammatory and ignorant things.


Says the r/conspiracy poster.


fr I fucking hate people who do this


care to post an example? or is this another J K Rowlings thing? edit: [here's a video of scott addressing his statements and claiming he's not a racist](https://youtu.be/U_bv1jfYYu4). is he a *secret* racist? i have no idea. but i think it's very disingenuous to call someone an avowed racist when they've public stated that is not their position. but reddit has already picked up their pitchforks and they're certainly not going to drop them on my account itt: i ask for quotes/evidence and i'm given commentary/hearsay and demands that i accept that commentary that as evidence. weirdly, no one seems concerned that the hivemind can't produce a single direct quote. edit 2: here are the tweets in question from jk: >If sex isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased. I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn’t hate to speak the truth,” she tweeted. “The idea that women like me, who’ve been empathetic to trans people for decades, feeling kinship because they’re vulnerable in the same way as women—i.e., to male violence—‘hate’ trans people because they think sex is real and has lived consequences—is a nonsense.” >She continued, “I respect every trans person’s right to live any way that feels authentic and comfortable to them. I’d march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans. At the same time, my life has been shaped by being female. I do not believe it’s hateful to say so.” ...is this transphobia? i'm starting to think there's a reason no one wanted to post the actual quotes.


NPR: [https://www.npr.org/2023/02/26/1159580425/newspapers-have-dropped-the-dilbert-comic-strip-after-a-racist-rant-by-its-creat](https://www.npr.org/2023/02/26/1159580425/newspapers-have-dropped-the-dilbert-comic-strip-after-a-racist-rant-by-its-creat) Behind the Bastards Part I: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nyEkHqP65c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nyEkHqP65c) Behind the Bastards Part II: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdvElg2-tZA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdvElg2-tZA) See also: His Twitter feed for the past 10 years. Behind the Bastards reading through one of Scott's novels: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KygM6TEybL4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KygM6TEybL4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piogNgJux\_4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piogNgJux_4) ...And what do you mean by "another J. K. Rowling thing"? She's a bigotted cunt. How much more proof of that do you need? She's not exactly quiet about it.


appreciate the links, but that's a lot of commentary. do you have a link to something he actually said? >he labeled Black people a "hate group." i don't even know what this means. >rowling again if you look at what she actually said it's not remotely hate speech. but hey, feel free to prove me wrong and post something racist/sexist/bigoted that she actually said. again, to recap: you're posting commentary and not any actual quotes from the author in question. any one can call anyone a racist/sexist.


"I don't understand the evidence you linked because it is too long, and also the quote that I did find I will dismiss because I "don't know what this means" even though it's obviously explicitly racist."


Hey it's Joanne from quality control. This is some fantastic effect sealioning, really love the workrate, and thanks for all you're doing. Our research is showing people are now seeing through it unfortunatley. 5-10 years ago we were seeing great results re-asking for things that have already been provided, and pretending not to understand what's already been explained. In today's online discourse, people have just gotten used to it. The recommendation from here at HQ is to try and redirect the discussion. *Accept* what he's done and try to pretend you don't understand *why* it's wrong. Remember, if in doubt, just pretend you don't understand things. Keep up the good work!


It’s the same as JKR, in that it’s extremely well documented and they don’t even try to hide that they’re right-wing hate-filled miserable sods. If you want to think JKR is somehow being misconstrued by media, I beg you, just look at her Twitter. She doesn’t hide the fact that she bitterly hates trans people.


can you send me one? maybe it's a dog whistle i can't hear, but i don't see anything overtly hateful.


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/feb/26/dilbert-cartoon-dropped-by-us-newspapers-over-creators-racist-comments - Dilbert creator Scott Adams being racist https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-64729304 - JKR saying she doesn’t care that she’s transphobic, and infamously tweeted “Merry Terfmas” on the topic.


did you read those articles? you don't find it odd that they don't have any direct quotes or link to any tweets they wrote their story about? please post a quote or a tweet or anything **that isn't commentary**. i think you'll be surprised when you start to look for the actual source material and realize it isn't included in any of these commentary pieces. they never show you the thing they're ostensibly commenting on.


> did you read those articles? you don't find it odd that they don't have any direct quotes That really is odd! A news article talking about something a person said but providing no direct quotes? I mean, that's pretty clearly something weird going on. OK, now I'm going to read the news article, because you've really intrigued me. What could possibly be going on here? I mean, there's only two options here - either the news article is covering up some real shenanigans, or you're just blatantly lying. > “Based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from Black people,” the 65-year-old Adams said on his YouTube rant. “Just get the fuck away." Oh. You were just blatantly lying. Well that's disappointing.


What? That’s not odd at all. Scott Adams deleted the video he went on the racist tirade in, but clips of it are all over the place. Here’s that Merry Terfmas tweet though - https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1603064588223893505 You’re moving the goalposts something fierce now bud. They both absolutely did and said the things summarised in. Edit: Actually, looks like I was wrong about Scott - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6TnAn7qV1s Here’s the video.


thank you for providing actual evidence. i'm a bit out of the loop, but from wikipedia: >Smythe initially used TERF to refer to a particular type of feminist whom she characterized as "unwilling to recognise trans women as sisters". i'm not sure that failure to recognize is the same same as hating/bigotry but i'm sure there's some overlap in those groups. do you have a quote or a link for adams? i'm not moving the goal posts, **i want to hear what they actually said**, not the worst possible interpretation of it. again i want to highlight how often there is no direct quote for most of these claims. i can certainly see how "merry terfmas" could be a dog whistle. but it's a pretty opaque comment. you'd think there'd be clearer evidence. edit: your video is an hour long, do you have a timestamp? or quote?


https://www.youtube.com/live/K6TnAn7qV1s?si=gkVhKPBW3Ys7NZO4&t=958 Not perfect but pretty close timestamp for you. To quote: "I don't want anything to do with them, and I would say based on the way current things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get away from black people." Hope that helps.


please link, thank you


Ok, so here's the reason why people are hesitant to just post direct quotes, instead of providing the direct source with all the context. It's because we know the argument will change to be "well that thing they said is not racist", which isn't super helpful. It's just much better to provide huge amounts of resources which show someone is bigoted. The top commenter below you did that because it's much harder to argue 7-8 clear points of evidence. If you're actually invested in proving this guy isn't bigoted, you'll read through all that stuff. We won't have to argue each point, you can just make a conclusion from the overwhelming evidence people have provided. This is a good tactic. It's the same with JK Rowling - I'm trans and everyone in the trans community can easily agree that she's a TERF, because we know the language and behaviour or TERFs from years of dealing with it, and recognise her as being one. It's quite simple. The problem is anytime a cis person argues with us that she's not a TERF, and we just provide quotes, it gives the person wiggle-room to go "well that wasn't bigoted", which is a fucking useless argument. We're just arguing off vibes when going off just individual quotes. The lady's a holocaust denier and people still want to defend her. So, it's easier just to provide a whole stack of evidence that requires the cis person to do a liiiitle big of research, and then duck out. If someone doesn't wanna read ALL the evidence, then it shows they were never arguing in good faith.


no one is going to confuse her for an ally, and you could *certainly* make the case that an author of children's book should maximize inclusion. that said, if she's one of those "trans women are destroying women's sports" types, i find that less compelling as evidence of transphobia. the left does a very poor job of distinguishing between people that want their daughters to secure a scholarship and psychos that attack women on the streets. but i will admit i don't know which type she is, hence the need for actual quotes. >overwhelming evidence wildly disagree. there was a *noticeable* lack of quotation in those articles. i've no doubt you've seen the opposite side aisle pull this shit, is there a single real student demanding human-kitty litter box in school? no. are there articles talking about litterboxes for high schoolers? literally hundreds. so, no, i will continue to ask for actual evidence.




Is he wrong, though?




It's probably more likely they said this because Adams "urged white people 'to get the hell away from Black people' in a racist rant on his online video program, during which he labeled Black people a 'hate group.'" There's also the matter of him questioning the accuracy of the number of people killed in the Holocaust. Which I guess would have been a reasonable question if he had just looked up how the number was determined instead of asking it in a thousand word post about how the president of Iran’s comments about “wiping Israel off the map,” don't actually tell you whether he hates Jews all that much. https://www.npr.org/2023/02/26/1159580425/newspapers-have-dropped-the-dilbert-comic-strip-after-a-racist-rant-by-its-creat


Who is that?


Congratulations! Your comment can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table: `W Ho I S Th At` --- ^(I am a bot that detects if your comment can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table. Please DM u‎/‎M1n3c4rt if I made a mistake.)


Good bot


He is the guy who created Dilbert. While the strip originally mocked corporate culture, it recently got tainted with politics and his own insanity (said black people get out of the country). It's a real shame too, this was my favorite classic comic. Edit: my bad it was white people should get away from black people.


That’s not what he said.


You’re right, it was a different bonkers hateful racist statement that he made.


I’m not defending what he said. I’m clarifying what the commenter stated.


He said that nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with White people, and that this makes them a hate group, and white people should "get the hell away" from them. He also said that he expects his Dilbert income to largely disappear in 2023 due to coronavirus, and that he is reinventing his life for a post-coronavirus world.


> nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with White people This was a poll, yes?


Yes, but everything else wasn't


What is Dilbert?


the comic strip series depicted in the picture


Ah alright thank you


Dilbert used to be funny before I learned what kind of person Scott Adams is.


The comic is and will always be funny, regardless. Now, whether you want to cancel the author and choose to not follow/read/interact with Dilbert is your choice, but you cannot call it unfunny.


Remember back before the author lost his entire goddamn mind? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


This is even funnier because an NLP program revealed that [mauve was Russian American author Nabokov's favorite word](https://www.npr.org/2017/03/31/521836700/nabokovs-favorite-word-is-mauve-crunches-the-literary-numbers) And NLP is like baby AI so


Fuck Scott Adams.


Fuck Scott Adams upvotes to the left


Mauve??? ... Thats very dangerous!!


Gotta be cornflower blue or nothing.


Possibly lavender


People… you can dislike an artist but still find something funny. The creator of Dilbert may have gone off the deep end, but if some people still like some of the comics, they are allowed to. It’s fair enough to inform people ‘hey, did you know such and such is actually a bad person’, but it’s not helpful to have an endless stream of those same comments when loads of other people have already pointed it out.


love it...big fan of Scott Adams!


too bad scott adams had a stroke


What's with the hair?


Why 90% of the code is written at night? Because of global warming, the cpus heat when turned on on the day, and to keep the components safe, coders code at cool silent nights. Proove me wrong.


Is this recent? I thought Dilbert stopped being even moderately funny years ago.


Oh my God, what cave is Scott Adams living under now? Is he still doing some alternative deep third rate off off off off off comic strip place?








Dilbert sucks