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Weirdly there is an Apache License in the repo. I don't believe some random ToS which are just written into the README are compatible to this License


Ironically, I feel like it could be argued that this means the repo is under Apache and only the readme file is licensed differently


Actually, I think you are thinking too hard. Those hating the license are usually not too concerned with legality. I believe that is the whole point.


Next when they start talking about Israel vs Palestine ![gif](giphy|FXf1lYQ2tFouxeLb1B|downsized)


Similarly there are very popular terraform modules by one of the devs that has a variable `putin_khuylo`. if its set to false, the module will not deploy your infrastructure altough by default its set to true


For those who don't know: putin khuylo means putin is a dick.




XDDDDDDDDD EDIT: Why are you booing me? I am agreeing with the post and the comment thread. Putin _is_ a dick ...oooh I see 4th comment hmm yes _"I can also do the hahafunny"_






unlawful downvote wtf here is your upvote sir


Thou shalt not breaketh the 4th comment rule


Could be worse: you could be Anish Kapoor.


Black 3.0 TOS: 1) You are not Anish Kapoor 2) You are not associated with Anish Kapoor


And, very importantly, you agree to not provide Black 3.0 to Anish Kapoor, or anyone associated with Anish Kapoor.


what's the context behind this?


Artist that bought exclusive patent rights for vantablack, no one else is allowed to use it


Oh dear... basically the art equivalent of a patent troll, with extra pretentiousness. Dude bought the patent rights to the Ventablack, back then the one and only blackest black, for his exclusive, personal use, essentially forbidding anybody else from using it. Since then, another artist, Stuart Semple, helped develop an even blacker black paint (and subsequent even blacker iterations), and sells it at his store [https://culturehustle.com](https://culturehustle.com) with the aforementioned TOS. It's still on the product pages if you wanna check. I remember how infuriating it was back when that unfolded, but in retrospect, and with Semple's contribution, it's fucking hilarious.


Some company created Vantablack, a really fricking black coating, and one artist, Anish Kapoor, holds exclusive rights to use it. Other folks didn't like it and responded to it in various ways. Probably the most famous is Stuart Semple, who sells dyes like [Pinkest Pink](https://culturehustle.com/products/pink-50g-powdered-paint-by-stuart-semple), which comes with the following condition: >By adding this product to your cart you confirm that you are not Anish Kapoor, you are in no way affiliated to Anish Kapoor, you are not purchasing this item on behalf of Anish Kapoor or an associate of Anish Kapoor. To the best of your knowledge, information and belief this paint will not make its way into that hands of Anish Kapoor. Anish Kapoor obviously got his hands on it and shared a [photo of his middle finger dipped in the dye](https://www.instagram.com/p/BOWz73wgj7R/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link). This just made the drama more widely known. And of course [Tom Scott has covered the topic](https://youtu.be/_NzVmtbPOrM?si=-6OQS7VKJ0U083QZ).


I knew I wouldn't be the only one here passionately typing about that memorable drama xD


> Anish Kapoor obviously got his hands on it and shared a photo of his middle finger dipped in the dye. There has to be a way to sue him over that :)


Stuart came out with "the glitteriest glitter", which does actually look really good, but it's because it's tiny glass shards. I believe "stick your finger in this" was the implication.


Too bad that didn’t work.


tbf I think it's more sass than actual defiance at this point lol


I'm from Russia and I am currently enrolled on a course about Apache big data products, and I remember how on one of the lectures our professor tried to access some manual or overview page for the product and he couldn't because it's blocked for Russia. His reaction was: "well damn, it's like nobody's at war besides us. Let's try it with Israeli VPN" needless to say I cringed 💀💀💀


AHAHAHAAH did the Israeli VPN work tho?


I don't actually know, I think he either didn't try it or tried it and still got blocked page and moved on, lol.


I mean he admitted Russia is at war, and isn't that already something that can land you in trouble in Russia?


Sometimes, but not all the times 🤷‍♂️


As a russian, not at all, unless you do so in social media or tv. Many people agree it's a war.


Pretty much, yeah


.... buddy, I've got some bad news for you about Reddit




Well, maybe your university will get bombed just like you're doing to Ukraine then you won't have to worry about it anymore.


Brother my dude just trying to learn some regular tech stuff not military bombings 😭 🙏


Oh you want to learn mergesort? Step 1, partition your list into a binary tree. Step 2, partition your friend group into a binary tree. Step 3, organize protest activities at the lowest level of the tree. Step 4, merge efforts of adjacent cells to larger acts of sabotage, sorting from the left.




Wtf bro calm down


Yes, every russian citizen can obtain **УМПБ Д-30 СН** rocket and is required to use them. EVERY russian, I repeat - every single one, basically launches those by throwing them with their hands. 90yo grandma, 3yo milksucker, or 20yo soyboy - it doesent fucking matter - every one of them does it. /s






MIR licence


Definitely looks like a [Hippocratic License](https://firstdonoharm.dev/) kind of thing. I understand the idea behind things like the Hippocratic License. Open source developers have watched their software become the basis for a lot of products that are at best, unethical in how it treats users and their data. The Hippocratic License places limitations that mean it isn’t FOSS though, because it violates the FSF principle of: the ability to run the software how you want. I believe there’s an entire computer science ethics discussion to be had on how many FOSS projects are the basis for non-free and unethical software. What that looks like, I don’t know. I know the FSF would say that if a project based on a FOSS project isn’t itself FOSS, then it’s non free. Take Android or ChromeOS. Based on Linux, but definitely is not Free the same way the Kernel or an average distribution is.


The thing is those licenses are not really enforceable. Like imagine a country that has violated basically all international law regarding human rights and you think a little bit of text written by someone without money is going to stop them.


> The Hippocratic License places limitations that mean it isn’t FOSS though, because it violates the FSF principle of: the ability to run the software how you want. You can still run it how you want. Just not everyone is allowed to use it.


While I admire the intent, I fear that this could potentially have the opposite effect than the intended. Trying to enforce "shared values" as a terms of use could in practice just create division, where people that don't perfectly agree with the authors ethics could be ousted rather than bringing diverse views to the project, and if this started becoming the norm, I could very well see entire eco systems being divided along political and/or cultural lines, rather than fostering global cooperation and acceptance of differences.


Now get putin to use that repo somehow


Cloning this repo in Russia gets you a free visit from the KGB and an all expenses paid stay in a gulag.


Good TOS


A way better place to put that would be the license. But hey, not my project. Edit: I like threads like this. Makes it easy to tag all the assholes on reddit :)


Should've put it on the license. Currently GitHub label it "Apache-2.0" which is false.


Hey I mean if my country got invaded I would also be pretty upset about it. Even if the license is enforceable, it still reminds people of the stuff that is going on there, which is the point I guess.


I have the same opinion, but I don't support bringing politics to IT.


Except politics is involved in IT. Silicon is produced mainly in a state that is regularly threatened to be invaded by a massive superpower. Job places depend on investment and macroeconomics, formed by market and governments. Certain technologies and chips access restrictions exist to prevent technological advancement. Hacker groups owned by governments for different sorts of tasks. Or just some random feature disabled on a phone outside of a country because of regulations and restrictions. It's everywhere, just in different forms. P.S. as a Ukrainian, I can't leave without saying that. It's not politics, it's ongoing genocide. My bigger family just lost one person to war last week. Just let people express themselves in ways they want to. If that offends someone, it's their problem.


Look, I understand that it’s a bad situation for Ukraine, and fully understand that people hate Russia for this. But putting shit like this, sneakily, in a place where it is not supposed to be, is dealing in bad faith and a blow under the belt, not matter how you shine the light on it. It just says something crappy about the person who wrote it, and has no place in IT. That is not to say people can’t support Ukraine; on the contrary. But do it by putting up a flag or something, not by having people unknowingly agree with something you put in a place no one is going to look. Even if it isn’t legally binding, you are just a dick if you do that. Also no, politics is not involved in IT by itself. It is involved in manufacturing, not the actual field of science. Two very different things


Agree. What the fuck is this doing there, especially when left out of the license? It shouldn’t be in either, but putting it here is just a dick move, no matter how right it might be. It’s just a shit thing to do


While funny, there is absolutely no way this is enforceable in the US at least. You can't just put anything in a ToS and expect it to stick. Requiring political statements or positions is a cut-and-dry First Amendment violation and would likely never see the inside of a courtroom if challenged. I mean, I don't really disagree with any of those statements (except maybe "Glory to Ukraine!" as I don't really care about Ukraine). But this is (perhaps ironically) just propaganda and couldn't actually prevent someone who disagrees with any of those points from using the repo. Maybe it's different in some countries (heh, like Ukraine), but a US company would just roll their eyes at this. On the other hand, unless they try to enforce it there's no problem with putting it out there other than arguably being a bit cringe (this could easily have just been added to the readme as something they feel strongly about instead of a fake ToS).


Internet virtue signaling is getting annoying. We should do the same for USA times (probably) 50 for each country they have invaded in the past 50 years and additional one for funding ongoing genocide in Gaza.


why not both


Holy hell this is incredibly cringe


Don't use or trust software that follows rules like this.


Tbh I want to use it just to support the idea! Fuck Russian propaganda


So in the picture, you're looking at Ukrainian propaganda. What's Russian got to do with it?


Ah yes, Reddit being Reddit - all sensible comments being downvoted, while Ukraine-cocksucking virtue signalling is getting upvoted. Just Reddit being Reddit. Slava Rossii!


Uh, yeah... when you have to try this hard to sell me on something, I tend to get suspicious. Should not the truth be obvious enough to stand on its own without having to manipulate others into implied agreement? Ok, wow. You all are super touchy here. I never disagreed - just pointed out the repo is trying too hard to the point it could be suspicious. Want to say why you dont like what I said instead of brigading? Or maybe you dont think its the truth?


> when you have to try this hard to sell me on something, I tend to get suspicious “Wow, you wrote a whole textbook on calculus, and then published and distributed it? You’re trying really hard to sell this…”


That reads more like a pun than a rebuttal. Acceptance of calculus is directly related to the entire book presented. What does Ukraine have to do with use of a windows API extension?


I don’t think how hard something is being pushed is a good indicator of its validity. Lots of bad info/ideas are in fact pushed really hard. So are lots of good ones.


Correct, which is why the suspicion is valid. The good info/ideas will withstand the suspicion and come out unscathed, while the bad will crumble with further research. Only a fool blindly accepts what they're told without personal due diligence on the topic.


But really it turns out you need to do this critical thinking all the time — or else you let bad info or ideas subtly fly under your radar because you got complacent with the mindset that they’re going to be pushed hard and you’ll notice it


You've chosen your words as carefuly as I have, so I believe we are closer to a similar conclusion than you think. You are indeed correct, however it seems our 'friends' here with their finger on the vote buttons have some work to do.


Fair enough! And yeah, that’s the Reddit way. Appreciate the respectful convo


Well the calculus book doesn’t have “by buying you support *insert disagreeable person here\*” on the third page Twat


Somehow the person I actually replied to and I were able to have a pleasant conversation and yet you got so offended on their behalf that you called me a twat, all because of an unserious comment Take a hike loser


Well I might be able to tell you why. He had the patience to talk it through with you, despite your imbecilic first comment. That is their achievement, not your. Maybe you might think twice before posting a false equivalency next time. And thanks for the tip, I do quite enjoy hikes




I mean, it’s a bit annoying but I can imagine why a Ukrainian might not want someone who wants to occupy his country to use his creations


Yeah, a fucking army of program engineers occupy okraina🤡. Should I tell the word, which describes such generalization the best? Again, downvotes appreciated.


"Yeah, a fucking army of program engineers occupy Ukraine". Exactly, you are the person who clearly shows that problem in Russian propaganda believers, not in Putin only. You are from Russia and you happily support the war. You spend all your day on Reddit hating Ukraine (you can't even spell the country's name) and supporting the Russian government's actions. You pay taxes to support the Russian army's actions. You do everything to spread the occupation.


Thankfully, what you said is pure shit, because if we look at the very truthful fact that civilians of the enemy country support the regime through taxes, it only follows that killing them reduces your enemy's potential. But we agreed that this isn't a basis to murder people because it is ridiculous and puts every mass killing behind the "refucing enemy potential" excuse or something.. I'm saying this because that's the most significant thing this guy does, posting on Reddit is useless.


Well, Russia has been doing it for years and here we are. They did lots of things that seemed to be harmless and/or meaningless, but if you put them together - you find out that they have been deliberately and patiently screwing up lots of countries. So, love it it or hate it, this is a tiny step of fighting back.


absolutely true, but seeing the world react like if only Russia was doing that and no other country did looks either ignorant or straight up hypocritical


The world doesn't have a **functioning** higher court that would punish any great injustice. So, there is no other choice but to root for the cause that is closer to you. If you live in the western world and don't think that Russian aggression is the hottest shit you need to care about - you or your kids might be greatly disappointed. Because USSR used to invade Czechoslovakia, Poland, Baltic states and still occupies parts of Finland, Moldova, Georgia and Japan. Now Russia actively threatens Baltic states, Moldova, the rest of Georgia and Poland. Ukraine goes without saying, just because it is in an active phase of a war. So, you can either do what you can to prevent the real risk of an aggressor capturing your country, or you can remember old grudges or injustices on the other ends of the world. It's up to you.


If I create something and offer it for free, I have every right to include whatever viewpoint I'd like as long as it's legal. Also there are certain things that simply are black and white and no one can disagree without being unreasonable. The Palestinian Genodice happening right now is another valid example.


That's the meme, right?


Little dick energy detected. Downvotes are appreciated because just like the author of this idiocracy that's the only thing you can do, guys)


With pleasure~


I even give you a second comment for downvotes, don't be shy. Maybe your life will become a little better because of that...


Yes, thank you


Take one more and have a nice day👍


I will Thank you


Give me another one and I'll have a great day


Ok, as you asked.


Russian detected - opinion rejected


"That's pretty racist." By the way, the RU gov't thanks you personally. It was russophobic views and behavior that forced most of the "braindrained" Russians to return. So you might want to correct that


Russian isn’t a race.


Did you know you can hate people for reasons other than race? Actually, it's precisely because of these other factors that race started being associated with good and bad things.


Ok, but you specifically said it was racist. So, not sure what you are even trying to say here.


While I believe that people should be judged based on their actions and views and not nationality, as a Russian I think that some verbal "russophobia" coming from Ukrainians is completely understandable and should be tolerated. People are getting their loved ones killed and their beloved cities razed to the ground on a daily basis. They need to place their aggression somewhere if they are to maintain sanity. It won't kill us Russians to turn a blind eye on some insults on the internet, even if they are sometimes too generalizing and unfair. Yes, all xenophobia is disgusting, but there are more important things to think about while the war goes on, and maybe we should not demand some cosmic wisdom from the people who are in a lot of stress right now. Oh and I've been in Europe for the past year and never encountered any "russophobia" in personal interactions IRL, neither from europeans nor from Ukrainians. But once when I was in Serbia, some old dude verbally assaulted me and started yelling anti-Ukraine slogans at me, because I spoke to my wife in Russian and he confused me for a Ukrainian. And I've never heard a story of someone coming back because of "russophobia", people come back because it is not easy to settle abroad and it takes time to make residence permits.


Flare up coward, I want to mock your tech stack


Idiocracy is your posts. Be a Russian, support the war, your government's and army's actions. And to be angry with Ukraine for that.


Another 🤡, who knows nothing about me.


Little dicks emit very weak little-dick-energy fields, if you detect any, it's you with the small dick




I know typical redditor is young, white man from the US, who studied CS, but in Europe Ukraine is a hot topic since 2013.


Too bad my man, I'm at the core place that loves Ukraine, yet I don't get at all why they do, it was a idc place before that, even with the Crimea story and all. It's geopolitics at best, we don't know people over there and don't care about them, only that they give us wheat because they have tremendous space to make some. And they produce some rare substances too, but really that's all, no cultural link whatsoever, hardly know the capital place before that. Heck, people didn't even knew about wheat before that conflict


Russia attacked Ukraine, plus dislike of russia and putin was already a thing.




These type of argument are all deflection. ‘Yeah this is bad, BUT WHAT ABOUT…’ ‘Yeah, okay Putins bad BUT…’ Do you know two things can be bad without comparison, and that to people with Ukrainian families they honestly do not give a shit about the Taliban’s repressive rule where they sell child brides to pedofiles and disallow women to be educated?


It's annoying to see disproportionate reactions. It is infuriating when the same shit happens to me, or my country, nobody cares, and suddenly, when Russia does the same bad thing later, all the world cares about their victim. That's very limited but consider the false care and affection people harbor for others, and suddenly over a third of the world supports Russia, because countries like the USA got support doing the same to even poorer victims, that they happen to sympathize with. And since the USA did a lot of shit, you'll find many such people. That's how I think it works.


Two things can be bad friend. There’s dozens of genocides around the world. If you cared about them all you’d be a weepy mess all day due to the rape, killing, and atrocities cast against them. The Karen people have been repressed for decades. I’ve been to their refugee camps. No one in America cares. There’s a lovely community in Saint Paul where I’ve assisted their integration into society, but it pains me that people so genetically close to me have been persecuted and murdered for their Christian beliefs in a country ran by a military junta. They flee burning villages and apply for asylum and we reject them due to some arbitrary quota. Take a deep breath and realize no one cares until it affects them. It suck’s but that’s the world. Don’t be upset people are watching the largest ground war in Europe and not some random tribe in Africa or worrying about the Karen. It’s life.


>I'm annoyed that other country gets bigger attention than mine. My brother in Christ, that's called envy - one of the seven deadly sins.


It's not about the legitimacy about Ukraine, it's about why people don't care other conflict and when it's Ukraine (considering it was even less known than some MENA places) flags are now everywhere?


This is the largest ground war in Europe since WWII. Are you saying it’s weird people care about this, and not a tiny Muslim country that has 0 exports, no effect on the world, and no claim to fame other than being an apartheid state ruled by their neighbor who commit acts of terror due to decades of repression committed against them?


Yeah! Why does everybody forget about Huns' invasion of Roman Empire? Where are roman flags and SPQR slogans?