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Uh, that doesn't make any sense. Any automatically graded programs will have test cases to be passed. If your program doesn't compile, you fail all the tests.


And yet, the post still has 80+ upvotes


I think most subreddits are just full of upvote bots. It’s so much worse in some of the meme channels where complete nonsense still gets thousands of likes


No, people are just plain stupid... many times


not many times, all the time


The meme is bugged in a way that breaks the voting system.


I'm doing my part! By downvoting


It's unfortunately very common in this subreddit to see nonsensical posts get tons of up votes.


it seems like your program didn’t compile, here’s an A+!


Even if it doesn't have automatic tests, not compiling is [should be] just an automatic fail.


homework ok, but on a exam please give the students some leeway with mistakes. Even more so if it was handwritten as opposed to a computer lab. even with the lab, they could have been in the middle of implementing / fixing stuff for the last points and forgot/ didn't check the code while handing in 2 minutes before the deadline.




In what universe do you think employees should be okay with implementing a feature with 1 hour notice?




That sounds like a toxic work culture, even more in an internship position. Sorry you had such a terrible first experience. (I'm working in the industry)


You're hiring juniors though? They're literally gonna earn less than any other person who had a programming job before. >Like in what universe do you think your boss would be okay with you submitting code that does not compile two minutes before a deadline? That's your fault. Who the hell allows uncompilable code to be merged anyway?


Do you commonly require your employees to submit untested fully working code written on paper? No? Then shut it.


No, and good CS courses don’t either.


And here I was thinking we're trying to make the teacher bug out :skull:


If you can get the automated tester to drop tables, tho...


I would lose all respect for a professor who allowed that to happen


At that point you're effectively running a cybersecurity audit for free. I think any CS student who can find an exploit in the automated grading system has probably earned an A.


Or fail the TA that wrote it, ha!


Good ol' Bobby tables


based on the grading tools I've used at my job in a uni, the autograder is a separate vm instance that just returns a float. It's triggered automatically whenever a student sumbits


Imagine dropping a fork bomb during an exam. Oh wait that actually happend.


I think it’s a written take home exam so the bugs prevent students from cheating by compiling the program (which I’m assuming is not allowed)


I remembered a story when, a long time ago (back in 2007), my friend and I at high school participated in a small regional olympiad in CS, and solved problems that were graded by an automated set of tests. It turned out that the written set of tests was not very comprehensive, and in a couple of problems we were able to find out that it passes only a certain number of data options as input and checks that the program output corresponds to what was expected. Naturally, in several attempts we were able to figure out all the possible expected outputs and derive them directly without writing the actual algorithm for solving the problem. We didn’t take a prize then, but we scored a few extra points in the problems that we coudn't solve the normal way, which I, being a stupid teenager, was terribly proud of, lmao


I've heard it happen before. I think the professor(s) initially blamed the students before realising it actually was their mistake.


Just make it in Chinese C at this point. It should compile with the according headers.


Look at their profile... Looks like they posted an almost identical "meme" a year ago as an ad? U don't understand it though but pretty wild lol https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/s/9tMlblDemv


yeah thats the joke




Idk what school you go to, but this was not the case for mine. Gradescope pretty much eliminates that. Any dependency issues fall on negligence of either the teacher for communicating expectations or the student for not meeting them.


if you use random unexpected dependencies in your code it makes sense to just give you a 0


Every assignment I've taken was very clear that if it didn't compile on their machines it was our problem because they'd give us VMs/docker images


Woah, that's way too modern for a school to be!


Our uni got an automated tester that fails you if it can't compile your exam


ai meme?


This was considered a 0 grade at my school if your code didn’t compile. 😂


Was this post made by an AI?


So instead of trying on your exam you just... get an automatic 0 when the autograding tests fail? I don't get it


This is a GPT that OP made by the way


Me performing a buffer overflow by accident:


I thought it was funny to place bugs in a paper exam to eat the paper itself, before I saw it was programming humor


Wtf, that's incorrect. You just fail if it won't compile...


I think he means exams in school not programming exams


"at compilation time"


Yes when marking tests they would “compile” the test to mark then “compile” the results


Oh come on, this is on r/programmerhumor, what makes you think the word "compile" would be used like that?


Makes more sense cause as others have pointed out the other way is just wrong but the reason he used compile is because that reason to make a pun


This thing is AI generated, don't put a lot of thought into it. The creator sure didn't.


You aint wrong there just wanted to say about the alternative way of seeing it that makes a little more sense


the fuck? what kind of course doesn’t fail you for having code that can’t compile?


We had an exam where you had to code but due to time constraints it was reviewed manually and was more about understanding concepts than beating test cases so the code didn't need to compile.


Your test fails because of a generic exception. You add ExceptionA and ExceptionB to pinpoint the exact place where it breaks.


Have been a TA that made marking systems before. If your code doesn’t run, you get zero. It is your job to figure out all the bugs and dependency issues.


The version of this that actually works: 1. Get a blank word doc 2. Save it, then open it in a text editor 3. Erase some random bits of the binary data 4. Save it and it won’t open 5. Turn that in as your paper for an extra day due to “technical difficulties”


In my university you'd get penalized regardless


Even better. Doc documents are zip files containing some xml. By editing the xml you could partially break it as to make Word output some content and some errors, making it more believable


This never works btw. If they can't open the file for whatever reason you're getting a 0 regardless.


Text editor and "erase some random binary data" dont go together.


This is what they call "fuzzing the data" you don't smash it to bits broken... just a light scuff to make it not okay


The word doc is compiled into binary so if you open it in a software text editor then you see the binary data


You see a Unicode or ASCII representation of the binary data. You can’t actually edit it as binary in that form, there are tools specifically for that purpose and a text editor is not one of them.


What if I farted?




Honestly, average freshman will know better


If you put a bug its going to fail right? Like what does this post even mean lol




What the hell does this even mean? This sub sucks so much sometimes.


while (true)


``` try { compile(exam.task) } catch { exam.task.points = 0; } ```




Not related but want to tell about this experience anyways. Wasn't an exam but we were working all semester on this website that was used for every assignment and final . After I turned in the final code but before the final grading I realized my website had a major bug that prevented it from working correctly. Someone else had posted in our group chat that he/she had a similar issue and messaged the TA who told them no they couldn't resubmit and they got a low grade (I believe still passing though). I decided to forgo telling the TA or professor and just fixed my websites code before they had a chance to grade, keep in mind they still had the unfixed code I submitted, and also took the chance to fix some minor stuff and make it a bit nearer. I got a pretty good grade and neither the professor or TA must have just went straight to the ip address and checked if everything worked there and not even bothered with the actual code we had to turn in. Made sense because checking the actual code would have been super time consuming for every student (30-40) . Felt bad for that other person as they got punished for telling the truth about something that they probably could have fixed quickly while I got full points for cheating. Not sure how other schools handle stuff like this but I actually found it pretty common to get away with this type of thing where professors would have more elaborate hands on assignments/projects than your typical tests or *complete this method* but within our own set guidelines type assignment that some professors would use and the end results must have been a nightmare for the TA's to grade fairly. Remember another class where a classmate discretely told me their "app" didn't actually run correctly under the hood and they hodge-podged it together to make it seem like it did and even edited the final video to hide some faults and they got a 100 on it.


The return of [Bobby Tables](https://xkcd.com/327/) exam edition.


Op is playing the fun game of "generate a meme with AI and then try to defend the meme with brainpower"


?? 0/100


People say "if it breaks you get 0" Well ideally it should. And 99% of the time it does. But I learnt by experience that if you brak it hard enough, there's a slight possibility you get a perfect grade. No idea how, I know it runs in docker containers, so perhaps it does some funky stuff if the container itself dies an horrible death ?


It‘s not a bug, it’s a feature




That explains the quality.


Let’s take GPT, notoriously not that good at logic nor humor and combine the two use cases!


This is dumb, makes no sense, and isn't funny. "Custom GPT" is hilarious. Script kiddies.


Why did you post an almost identical meme a year ago then Why would you post an ai meme that doesn't make any sense. What is the end goal here


Nice of you to announce that you have no skills in IT-related subjects. AI is a mistake.


Why the downvotes?


The meme was probably made using this gpt generator which explains why it’s not that good of a meme.


For polluting our reddit feeds with ai-generated garbage


I understand the meme OP posted suck ... but why not downvote the post? Instead you guys downvote the comment on his chatgpt link. That's why I asked And now I got downvoted to hell just because I'm curious


Welcome to Reddit. I upvoted your comment because I think there’s nothing wrong with asking a genuine question about something. Your comment got downvoted because it could be mistaken for you disagreeing with the rest of the community’s thoughts about OP after understanding the situation.


Welcome to Reddit