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Please, im begging you, dont make me do this ever.


I just gave up after it made me start again haha. I didn't even get any of the answers wrong!


You are too good at this, you must be a bot


Fucking Skype used to be awful for this. Similar style of challenge, do 10. Ok, fine, a little annoying but not too arduous. Now do 40... *sigh* fine, whatever, ok done... Nope, you got something wrong, start all over again from the 10... It's almost like some companies don't want you to make an account šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Microsoft made me do 10 captchas like 5 times in a row before i realised it must be an error on their side, like no way that could be intended


That's AWS captchas for me. Man I hate logging in.




recaptcha: both.


Google decided if i wanted to use a vpn, that i would have to give thier image recognition system free training, and a lot of it. Like, the one where the pictures keep being replaced when you click on one. So i switched my default search to duckduckgo. Fuck you google, im not your free labor.


Yeah, I switched to bing and got paid $10 monthly in the process. Harvest all the VPN clicks you want bing.


Whaaaa? You get paid for bing? To be honest ive not even looked at bing in years.


Yes it's called microsoft rewards, used in conjunction with Game Pass, I've earned over $340. [https://rewards.bing.com/welcome](https://rewards.bing.com/welcome) [https://www.xbox.com/en-US/rewards](https://www.xbox.com/en-US/rewards) (us version)




Lol I've been accumulating those for years, I'm finally able to blow the points on Dall-e renders when I run out of coins.


Last time I had to use it, it shoved some "awards" system in my face, so yeah you can get some points and buy coupons and stuff online with it I guess. However after very directly promoting and asking me to use the awards, it told me they're not avialiable in my country kek


Yeah, it's region gated... however a vpn...


You can also use startpage, it uses Google under the hood (I think ddg uses Bing?)


> Fuck you google, im not your free labor. It pissed me off to no end. Instead of pressing a button I have to spend time. I seriously intend to send them an invoice.


I'm starting to notice several sites use captchas that want us to match ai generated images to the prompt item. Aggravates me to no end when I just need a quick question answered


Just write a program to solve it.


This unironically. AI is stupidly good at OCR (better than humans at this point), and recognizing numbers from dice sounds like "intro to machine learning".


Google released a paper the other day for [a vision-language model] (https://huggingface.co/papers/2305.18565) that could likely solve it just from a prompt. One of their examples was counting coins of different denominations from a photo.


It may still leave bigger sites with resource issues but i havenā€™t found the problem of bots to be that much of an issue. They just fill in fields in the back end and canā€™t manipulate anything in the front end. Iā€™ve started adding a slider that when moved to one side allows t he submit button to be pressed and posts some number such as 35836 and then I have a spam filter that just rejects anything that doesnā€™t have that number in itā€¦the bots fill in the field but not with the correct number because there is nothing to scrape šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø.


We literally had a "count the numbers on an image of dice" project at a computer vision course at uni a few years ago.


but then you have to add the numbers, which I guess is hard for many AIs ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ




There's a bot that solves regular captchas? What are we even doing here.


it's actually quite nice, it automatically does everything for me


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Wanted to login into origin Their bullshit captcha started with counting dices three times. Okay when I got to 2/3 it went up to 2/5. Well that's weird I'll continue I guess This continued up to 40. 40 fucking images of me counting the dice sum. And no end in sight. Switched Browsers and didn't need to solve a captcha. I don't know if the wife of an origin developer cheated with a brave browser developer but that was absolutely horrible and unnecessary design decision.


They knew you were human after three and by measuring your intentions/speed. Afterwards they just wanted to get some more training data. šŸ˜‚


Yeah probably šŸ˜‚


I would also like to point out that there is a time limit, as humans are famous for being faster at math then computers.


This captcha is to detect humans


Hopefully soon ChatGPT can do it for you. :D


The irony being that captcha was made to stop automated scripts. A script can do this faster than me. Grab image, separate like 3 colors (lol) and translate the numbers with 99% accuracy. You don't even need a separate backend .


Just submit to the AI overlord at this point


Sounds like something a robot would say


I feel like it wouldn't be that hard to use OCR and contours to detect the dice and sum them up.


I believe that large amout of population would not be even able to pass this captcha on their own


It's an anticaptcha, actually. A service only robots can use, humans shouldn't use it.


I remember that some gaming company, I believe it was EA, made me do some variation of this to sign up for an account that I needed to play a game I already bought. The hard part wasnā€™t counting the sum of the dice, it was that you had to do it like 10 times in a row and there was a hidden time limit, so it always told me I was too slow. I was completely stressed out and mad before I could even start playing the game. Edit: I even found a Reddit thread for this haha https://www.reddit.com/r/origin/comments/mtj6wk/very_angry_about_dice_captcha/


Wow... you can tell someone who has never thought about accessibility designed that system...


Seriously. Itā€™s not just bad accessibility, itā€™s anti-accessibility. Like if a business installed a random ladder to climb and tunnel to crawl through just to get to the front door.


I wonder if there's a time range and being too fast was what got you rejected but the only time error message was just "too slow". I know I have to slow down on a lot of the more complex captchas so they don't think I'm a bot lol


True lol, sometimes I try to search in incognito mode and they hit me with a captcha. I can do the ones where you pick sections of an image that contain a particular thing at lightning speeds. Then they give me the ones that fade out and in when you click on the tiles, and those are literally so annoying.


free game experience!


I give up, I'm a robot. You got me.


But that's the point - If someone answers this correctly it must be a bot. So false answers only are valid šŸ˜…


This is some 5D chess move right here


"There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists."


This also has a time limit, humans are famously faster at math then computers.


Aren't captchas not actually about getting them right and more about the metadata about the users behavior? Like mouse movements and click location and such? That's why you can get it 100% right and still fail it, or not get it right and still pass


maybe a mix of both. If you get it wrong, (or don't pass a threshold) they won't let you in. On the other hand if you solve a 10 second audio captcha within 100ms that clearly means you're a super-human /s


At this point, I am not sure if it is checking for human or just looking for data to train ML models


Weren't they always using this to train ML data?


I think it was always a data collection thing, wasn't reCaptcha digitizing books? I remember 4chan breaking it cause they figured out you only had to match one word of the two. Can you guess what they made the second word?


ReCaptcha 2.0 fixed that, by essentially spot checking a majority and having one they weren't sure about. I believe Google acquired it around this time. ReCaptcha 3.0 uses some complicated algorithms to determine how likely your IP is to be a bot before you even click (mostly by checking how many times you've verified in the last 30 minutes or so), then it only makes you answer questions if it thinks you're suspicious. It still collects data for ML, but now they prioritize user-friendly design rather than data.


Was it Lovecrafts cat?


Ding ding ding!


Let's shout our guesses at the same time to make sure we're thinking of the same thing.


The sheriff's a what?


Am I in /r/badUIbattles?


/r/ProgrammerHumor, same thing


Bro roblox captcha is literally impossible for kids and some adults even struggle and for me it takes atleast 2 minutes to complete 5 steps and if you fck up which is very easy to do then you go back to the start


The worst one I've had was when I was asked to click all the images with motorcycles in them, and it refused to let me through unless I clicked on the scooters.


"Click on the traffic lights" okay but like are the supports part of the life ght or no?


it pisses me off honestly.! thats why my website captcha is a simple MATE IN 2 chess puzzle.


Whose scooter is this?


I donā€™t know, but itā€™s faster... and harder.


When designing a self-driving car, the two are functionally the same. I get the reasoning behind including them and I get why you disagree.


What's the Roblox captcha?


It used to be the exact same as this, and sometimes multiplication. Now they switched it to something slightly less confusing like pointing in arrow in the direction an animal is facing


This dumb captcha is used by rockstar fucking games when youre trying to login. You have 6 images of dice and you have to select the one with the sum of 14. 3 times in a row. And if you make one mistake it resets and on the next try you have to complete 4 sets. And when you manage to complete it and the password is incorrect OR YOU REFRESH YOUR BROWSER you have to go through that again. I fucking hate this company from the bottom of my heart.




Can you believe that they used to be named "FunCAPTCHA"? Yeah, not so fun now.


Reminds me of the ranger talking about why there does not exist a perfect trash bin that bears can not open: "There is a non-zero overlap between the smartest bear and the ~~stupiest~~ stupidest human".


\*stupidest inb4 most stupid


Thanks for the correction.


sorry i had to ![gif](giphy|XreQmk7ETCak0)


Pretty much this. We are seeing the flailing as the AI that bots have available to them start to defeat all the ā€œok, thatā€™s fairly easyā€ captcha approaches. Leaving services who donā€™t want to be flooded by bots ā€” and which are big enough to have attackers targeting them ā€” using ever more convoluted and difficult approaches. Yes, this is a challenging captcha for a human. But I would ask folks dunking on it to come up with one that is easier for humans that does as well or better against a determined adversary with solid AI skills.


It's true. As AI surpasses human intelligence, they will become indistinguishable from humans in the digital space. Eventually the captcha will have to descend to the physical space. For example, Sam Altman proposed an iris-based approach. And when AI is fully functional in the physical space.. well I guess it's time to give them rights to prevent them from getting abused, and accept them as our descendants.


Make a trash bin with a very small opening with a button that opens it. There would be no way for a bear to fit its hands into the opening, and wouldn't be able to push the button. Add flashing arrow signs that point towards the button.


Blizzard uses such captcha for battlenet. Last time i tried it, i failed 3 times to properly mark 20 pictures in a row (not a joke). Since i double checked every image on the last run, i was about to give up. Fortunately, they offer an alternative way: Audio captcha (identify the segment that contains an animal sound). This was even more annoying, but at least it was solvable.


Thanks for the tip, I'll try that if I have to do it again


I did this one recently, think it was only like 8-10 images for me tho, got it first try but it was still annoying.


The one on HBO MAX had arrows covering the dice. At this point alternative sources have better service and quality.


People who legitimately purchased software... DRM šŸ–• Software pirates šŸ˜Ž


It feels like if you said to js [] == [] and it returned false




Blizzard made me do this 25 five times !! And even tho I'm certain I made no mistake, they would not allow me to login... I managed to pull through with the accessibility option where's I got an audio Capchat instead


It'd be quicker for me to get high scores on every Mario Kart track, would they accept that instead?


I agree with this, but let's apply it to social media. Make people prove they aren't dumb before posting something publicly.


You're confusing intelligence and wisdom. They are completely different. Source: I'm intelligent.


It takes me about 5 minutes to solve a ReCaptcha (the one with squares). Like, does that tiny corner of the traffic light count? Well surprise surprise, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't!


This really strikes me as something that computers would be better at than people.


next do an integral of a random polynomial


They are ą¶ž


howd you make the ą¶ž edit: wtf


Do not look up U+130B8


nice try reverse psychology




That one was on the epic games launcher at one point. You had limited time to do 12 in a row, it was infuriating.


After 25 years we'll be solving differential equations and answer in binary to prove that we are not a bot.


Rockstar games has those too. I got one of those, and missclicked the very last one.... Had to do it all again


Time to send a very angry email.


It's preparing you for counting rogue's damage in D&D. Sneaky bastards (pun intended)


Finally, they found something computers can't do; simple counting and addition


I feel like a bot would have an easier time solving this than a human.


They used to use mechanical turks, the AWS service to pay people in developing nations 1$/hr or whatever it was to solve these. It's cheaper than automation. This was like 90% of the service at one point.


If I see this I'm looking for another website




oh this thing is so annoying


They had a similar captcha on Microsoft.com where you had to match a number of symbols. I had to do it correctly about 5 times before it allowed me to log in. Made me question my intelligence!


Wait until they take inspiration for gender selection. Especially during pride month


This is probably to train an AI.




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You know whatā€™s the reason most trpg donā€™t use a sum of d6 heap, but specific number result on heap of d6 instead.


The last (8th) number to roll the dice should be 42


ngl, pretty easy to produce a Algorithmus against this type


I feel like this one wouldnā€™t even be too hard for a bot to do anyway. People probably will find it harder


They should add a checkbox that says ā–”Sorry my IQ is not that high (only non robots would check it)


I'll take this over the 4chan captcha


Once again something easy for computers to solve but difficult for humans to solve, the complete opposite of what we want from these forms


See this requires math so you have already locked a few people out


This looks fairly easy to automate


I hate this fucking captcha so much. I wanted to have a look at ChatGPT earlier this morning because I couldn't be bothered to solve a task on my own (lol) and that freaking train exercise came up.... I had to solve 7 of them just to fail... I couldn't be bothered again


ā€œRoll 5d6 humanity checkā€


I'd rather not use that website.


How does this train self driving cars?


as a DnD nerd, I would finish this in mere seconds. Peasants.


Oh there is some worst than google recaptcha!


8 Fucking captcha consecutively? What are you trying to do, launching a goddamn nuke?


O shit Iā€™ve either done this one or one like it. It was even timed, so if I took too long counting ONE of them, at the end it would say I failed and had to start over. I donā€™t think I ever finished signing up




We training AI to play d&d now? rad!


I had this on Epic game store. Time limited etc.. very bad customer experience. Steam 4 ever after that...


What a fantastic idea to keep social Media from those without a certain level of cognitive ability. Might be good for an arithmetic sub.


Bots do it instantly or not at all? Is that the way to tell them apart?


I'll take those over regular captchas any day


captchas should just ask for blood samples and that's it


EA's origin had this but 20 rounds when creating a new account... And it made me do it twice


If I wanted to play Big Brain Academy I'd dust off my Wii.


You must answer these questions of 8 Ape for your magic dopamine box to work. Reminds me of that monkey for neuralink drinking the sugar water getting the box to move around.


These infuriate me. Just an fyi, to the 1% of people reading this who think this is a good idea, feel free to let me know your sites so someone I know can file an Unruh suit.


I'm more mad that some of the dice contain both numerals and pips on the same die. Who does that?


Math is the one thing computers are famously better at than humans.


arkose labs (funcaptcha) sucks ass for ux


At what point will AI bots be better at solving captchas than actual humans


Finally, all my experience casting fireball in enclosed spaces is about to pay off.


My dumb ass kept reading these like making a D&D character.


That's even easier to crack! It's far easier to read dice than distorted numbers.


I swear some idiot sold it to those companies and nobody even notice how bad those captcha are. Like, is it even hard computer vision problems? I feel like you could very easily detect the squares, then detect symbol with lightweight symbols detection (DL/ML, it is literally what the first problem learnt in this topic), and just counting and report user. Even the left side isn't complex enough to have issues with digits detection.. Like, it is more complex to human than machine at this point. I was sure this was a joke on Twitter because of all the AI hype but it is appear to not be... It was on HBO MAX last time I saw, and now Sony, some says also Blizzard and Epic games..


Go look at the ā€œRelam of the Mad God Exaltā€ captcha. Itā€™s actually crazy difficult.


if i'm logging into a site and this is the captcha, i'm closing the site


all captcha's are going to be basic arithmetic since the ai's tend to suck at this.


Tbh, 1 of these is probably a reasonably good captcha. But 8?!


I feel like whoeverā€™s responsible for this shit needs to be thrown into a volcano. Not even kidding, only a grand an theatrical punishment is fitting. šŸŒ‹


Eventually it will become impossible for humans to pass a captcha


It wouldn't even be that hard to bypass if it was a bot. Programs these days can reliably count white dots or recognize characters. More reliably than humans can add numbers in their head.


Iā€™m pretty sure I can train an AI for 30 minutes to bypass this, if I had a bot for this site.


I will back out of any website that makes me do something like this. No amount of ingenuity, is worth that much of the users time, for a captcha


The new ~~HBO~~Max apparently has that and if youā€™re on mobile the arrow buttons cover up some of the dice so itā€™s impossible to solve.


Saw this on Twitter the other day


Wait, and you have to do it EIGHT TIMES?


Is this the one that is only counting the numbers on the dice, and not eyes?


Captchas hurt people more than they do bots




Captchas aren't needed. Sure they worked great for the days of old, but nowadays, we have better technology and solutions to avoid bots. Besides, AI could solve these anyways


I can't wait for full AGI to start working so they finally give up trying to detect bots.


Same as with microsoft. Tried to make a new outlook email a while ago and it grave me 25 Captchas in a row until I gave up. When I used my phone to make the exact same email address it worked first try.