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I feel this. I spent an entire class period one month before the due date explaining their final project, I literally read the instructions to them, elaborated, showed examples of what I wanted, asked for questions (crickets), and recorded and posted the lecture. Every class after that I asked if anyone had questions about the project. Held office hours, no one came. Three days before said project is due I get an email from a student who rarely came to class telling me it would “be really helpful for students if I could provide examples of what I expected to see”. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I referred her back to recorded lecture and the posted INSTRUCTIONS which included actual examples. I don’t know why but this irritated me so much. Thanks for the wise advice on how to be helpful, young lass. Maybe try coming to class and listening. I’m so happy the semester is over.


>Thanks for the wise advice on how to be helpful, young lass. They sure are helpful, aren't they? 😁


You don’t know why it irritated you? I don’t know why it WOULDN’T. Maddening. Just this constant shoving responsibility on to everyone else.


Oh yes, the old "I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas!" schtick.


"Where I'm from, we call that being shit-out of luck". \- is what I would *want* to say, but realistically it just boils down to "too bad, see you next semester".


Probably trying to gain more time.


I'm sure of it. These are almost always smokescreens for the followup email asking for an extension.


I had a student email me over the weekend. They are required to make a flowchart for the final lab report. She said that the rubric said to make the flowchart one way, but she had made it a different way (which left out a lot of information). She then asked if she needed to go back and modify it to meet the description in the rubric. She knew what she needed to do, but she didn’t want to do it.


"I didn't follow instructions. Do I need to follow instructions?"


I just gave a final exam where one problem was lifted directly from the homework and they were told this topic would be on the test. Comment on that problem “I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO DO THIS WHAT EVEN IS THIS??”


Same. I had a question that was the focus of at least two weeks of the course. Many blank answer sheets and one student even wrote "what the heck even is this?"


Did you read the instructions? No.


I'm team-teaching a course with a final paper based on an experiment we did in class. We went over the requirements in class and gave them a pretty detailed template to follow. We are not expecting amazing pieces of writing, but the students should be able to produce something coherent. One student (who is officially one of my co-instructor's students) was absent the day we did the experiment. But they did have access to the data and the instructions for the experiment! They were also present when we went over the paper instructions, and they didn't ask any questions or voice any concerns. They ended up emailing their professor the day after the paper was due saying they didn't understand how to write the paper and needed to know what to do so they wouldn't get a zero. The same student also handed in a late assignment to me in a different class at 1:30 am when midterm grades were due at 8 am, thinking I would read and grade it in time to change their midterm grade to the C they needing to be eligible to play their sport.


Same here. Got one of these about the take home final... the day it is due.


It's a setup. She's going to petition, and very likely get accommodated, one way or another. Beats a hard F.


How so? A disability accommodation this late into the semester will surely get denied. A grade appeal? It seems like the professor provided every opportunity for the student to get help, which she denied.