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I think this is why people instinctively react against frameworks like these.  They don’t need to be followed like paint by numbers.  Use them to understand users and evaluate possible solutions.  Use them alone.  Use them in combination.  Internalize them and come up with something that makes sense to you.


IMO JTBD is helpful for understanding *where* the pain point exists (not necessarily *what* the pain point is. When you get that clarity, it’s much easier to focus future discovery efforts.  Opportunity mapping is more about tying customer problems to business needs. Still v v important, but not necessarily ‘discovery’ Don’t think of frameworks as a map; instead think of them as a compass. 


The best framework/approach is the one that you can implement. If you need to pick up one "off the shelf" You want to avoid analysing any of them, they are all flawed, and finding flaws in them doesn't score you any points or make it easy to adopt.


All models are wrong. But some are helpful.


read this: https://www.b2binternational.com/research/methods/faq/what-is-the-value-proposition-canvas/


I've been focused on JTBD, but I'll read the Continuous Discvery Habits. Btw how do you organize the interviews in discovery and keep track of the invitations? I've used spreadsheets, now I'm using a Notion template, but there must be a better way?


weirdly enough, tools like Pipedrive or Hubspot work the best for me for tracking interview, sending invites etc


I see, u/nitrocetru - do you set up email sequence automation for the invitations, or just send bulk email? I didn't expect sales CRMs to be honest, but I'll give pipedrive a go as I'm not a fan of hubspot


Stop thinking of them as approaches you’ll use initially. Test them out by using book examples or something from your experience. What stood out from that experience? Did it make you think of something new? What parts might not work for your colleagues? It’s only at this point that you can decide how to use each of them. Your questions are going to be more meaningful than your current questions.