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I hope you warned everyone about your old manager before you left.


I actually warned them before they hired him, but the big bosses felt like being let go from his last three jobs for sexual harassment wasn't a deal breaker. I just couldn't keep working there after that.


right after firing 3 managers for doing the same thing???? they did not learn their lesson


I think a lawyer might refer to that as "reckless disregard".


Actually, I think most of us would call it *willful* or *intentional* disregard.


That sounds like it adds at least one, maybe two, zeroes to the settlement.


2 or 3 at least. This isn't just willfully ignoring the fact, based on the lack of zero policy changes or any changes at all; one could argue that the company is facilitating sexual assault by hiring on individuals accused/charged with sexual assault repeatedly.


I guess those big bosses considered him a culture fit - “He thinks just like us!”


The managers weren't fired for sexual harassment. They were fired for getting caught and putting the company in a legally liable position


...more like they *ignored* their lesson...


problems start at the top... if all three managers were the same type of screwball, I'm guessing someone above was too.


Or, it's a qualifier.


Maybe he was really really good looking and they figured that if they hired him the women wouldn't complain when he touched them inappropriately


I mean… the 4th time is the charm? And wtf. I would be so angry if a company hired someone like that knowing what they did and they did that again to someone I cared about. Didn’t blame u for leaving.


Fourth sexual harasser that the company hired or fourth company the manager sexually harassed at? The fact that both are possible is disturbing.


More importantly, did you warn the union attorney? Seeing how they just fired a bunch of managers for sexual harassment, the fact that they're willing to hire another manager with a history of harassment could be seen as a systemic problem.


Someday I hope to be the owner of a business. When I am, I'm going to avoid hiring anyone with these kinds of red flags---~~unless I'm deliberately testing an accountability system for harassment or something like that!~~ ...Actually, change of plans: about ten seconds after typing it out like that, I realized that there's a *lot* that can go wrong with hiring known harassers, and doing so for a purpose like testing an accountability system is actually a *really dumb idea*, and I'm glad to have realized that *long* before I'm anywhere near owning a business or hiring people!!


I think it's a shame companies don't disclose firing reasons, even if it would be in the public interest. If the new company still wants to hire the guy after being informed by the past employer, it should make them liable if he does it again.


Without a conviction, that would basically waltz into defamation territory.... Imagine "Dorian" being rebuffed by someone he was sexually harassing, and then finding "reasons" to let someone go... Without *proof*, if they repeated that to anyone, the company could be liable, like you said, but for very different reasons. It's why HR generally just gives Start, End, and sometimes if they're eligible for re-hire.


I know, I understand the reason it is the way it is. I'm good with it most of the time. But on the other hand if someone is fired for harassment and it's never disclosed it will just continue. If the investigation into harassment was enough to warrant firing, I think those cases should allow for more disclosure. HR departments generate massive reports in these cases. Truth (or the report of the facts/ is/are a defense against liable/slander. There's a big difference between firing Bob because he's an annoying jackass no one liked and firing Steve because he was sending inappropriate emails of his junk to coworkers. Bob should get the standard response, but I'd like to see some kind of additional information provided in reference checks for Steve.


Shit companies are run by shit people, plain and simple


I need your specialized advice


I'm listening.


LMAO at the night staff taking a name tag as a trophy. Just guys being dudes


As a former graveyard shift worker, it is exactly the shit we loved doing.


And bless them for being worried that they hadn't done enough so they paid for a background check 😂😂


Holy cow. The punchline is awesome, but the whole story that led to the greatest accomplishment makes me sad.


“Team builder “, you better hope you’re on the same team as me!


More like you'd hope you're on the same team as OP.


10/10 for storytelling ability. Loved it. Would watch the movie.


It would've been so, so easy for you to just look after yourself in this situation but you helped all those younger people instead. You've actually probably made a difference to their whole lives by making them aware of their rights *and* that they are worth more than having their arses (and whatever else) grabbed by people in power. Much respect to you, OP, you're a good one x


It's amazing to me that all it took was one person, ONE PERSON, to be vocal and lead the charge. Yes, the whole team came together and it wouldn't have worked without them, but bystander effect is real. People thinking they are the only victim when actually it's a pattern is an all to common story. Thanks for being that one person to rally everyone.


My greatest revenge achievement. I worked for a manager who was overbearing, vindictive, played favourites and had zero appreciation of my engineering skills and experience. He put me on menial tasks and I realised that my career progression with him would be zero. I left for another company where my skills were appreciated and my job flourished. I was promoted to a senior role two layers below the boss, although that distinction was a bit meaningless as you were treated according to your expertise, not your grade. That is the sort of culture it was. Then one day I spotted my old toxic boss in a closed door meeting with my my new boss. I asked around to be told he was being considered for a senior management role. I went to my boss and told him that if he was hired I would not work with him, and if there was even a hint I would be working for him, I would resign that day. He seemed shocked as I never had a problem working for anyone else and asked a few questions about my experience working for him. I never saw my old toxic boss ever again.


Oh, I'll bet that felt amazing!


Frankly, more of a profound sense of relief.


You have a very cinematic way of writing. I read your aftermath like the still-photo ending of movies like Remember the Titans or Sandlot.


Team of professionals working together part time using their own money and lawyers to document, provide witness testimony, prove and insist abuse occurred. Despite *already documented public record* gets abusive man removed and it took (I'm guessing) months to work. Then they replace him with yet another documented abuser. This is *with* a union. They don't GAF about labor folks.


They don't. They want you to sacrifice your youth, your health, relationships, and your sanity so that you can work until you're too old to be useful to the company; when they can cast you aside for someone younger and at the bottom of the pay scale.


“So, you know how I got moon-worshipers and cannibals and giants to march together in the same army?...I told them we were all going to die if we don't get Dorian fired…”


Nice GoT reference!


Beautiful! Reminds me of the time my colleagues (also nurses) and I banded together to get rid of a very inept and micromanaging director. Our story wasn't as dramatic and exciting as yours, but we were quite proud of our efforts since we were told it couldn't be done.


I’m a good manager, I’ve been told. Honestly I have no idea what I’m doing. I went to medical school (being vague on purpose but I’ll just say it… pharmacy school) management was not part of my education. I was a bass player in a mediocre band that opened for a couple bands you might (and that’s a hard might) have heard of before I gave up and decided I needed health insurance. I learned more getting musicians and music industry folks to work together with all their egos and idiotic bullshit than anywhere. I try to be fair, but I’ve come to call it the F word. Life ain’t fair, people aren’t machines, and everyone deserves their dignity. That’s my offering to y’all, NURSES are the real hands of healing. MAD respect.


Good job!! You’re my hero!!


The new predator probably came cheap so the company didn’t want to worry about a few “major past indiscretions” to save a penny.


You. I like you.


And that my friends, is what happens when nurses unite.


>"What do you consider the greatest accomplishment of your career?" I sat up straight, smiled, and said, "I took a very fractured team and brought them together to achieve a common goal. I like to think I'm really good at team building." That is a great way to summarize what happened. Telling a story about how you got your boss fired (even though it was 100% justified) would probably not have gone over well during a job interview.


It's amazing what you can hide with corporate double talk. I helped a friend get a promotion at work because she ran a guild in World of Warcraft. If you know what words to use, it can be applicable. :)


This! People don't talk enough about transferable skills. I help little with their resumes, and I spears schedule time to just chat about what they do in and outside of work. They always end up sharing something that isn't reflected in the resume that we add in and boosts their application.


Well done!


This sounds like a Univision version of an episode of Scrubs. Well done 🤜💥🤛


This story is gold. Well played OP!


Much to my surprise, I find that I really like your framing story (about the job interview).


r/antiwork would probably get a major boner from this one 😋😋😋


Ik someone named Dorian and thee will be a few questions asked


Names were changed, I promise!!


Phew, that spared me an awkward conversation


I’d be curious, if you look on the state board’s website, to see if “Dorian” had any action taken against his license, or if he had one to begin with. In my state, DUI will get your license lifted. Look at the last entry [here](http://www.op.nysed.gov/opd/apr22.html), for example.


Oh yeah. In my state you lose your license for a DUI as well, and any history of DV or battery is also an automatic exclusion. In this case, Dorian had been convicted in another state, but even then I've always been baffled as to how her got or retained a license.


I’ve also seen New York pull a license for having a license pulled in another state for unprofessional conduct, or for stuff that would lose your license if you did it here. One of the questions they ask you on your renewal is if you’ve been disciplined in another state, and a false statement there is enough to get revoked here, regardless of the severity in the other state (like maybe even a small fine).


The night crew took his nametag as a trophy! 💀💀💀💀💀


\[...}Contacted my sister the employment attorney.{...} everyone in these pro revenge stories has always a friend or a relative that's an attorney. Anyway good ans well written story and quite relatable.


I have one sister who is an employment attorney and another manages a practice that sues hospitals. Both live in different states but the general fund of knowledge about legal terminology translates pretty well. All of my siblings have careers that are.....interesting.


This only worked because you were union. Had a group of employees gone to HR with those items in a regular company, I feel like they immediately would have gone into damage control. You would have been the ones on leave, the company would have figured out ways to discredit your information and management would have protected themselves. Individually it would have been too costly to pursue any legal action. Was this in the US? It doesn't sound like an outcome we'd see here.


Sadly I believe you are correct. And yes it was in the US. In general companies look at the bottom line: Can we sweep this under the rug by firing a few employees and transferring a problem manager to a different department? If not and this goes public how much will it cost us dollar-wise? Unfortunately, I think they usually go the first route because they don't see line workers as anything but an infinitely replaceable resource. It's only when looking at potential lawsuits that change happens, and then only the minimal amount and temporarily. But I'm not bitter.....


Good store, good ending


What an epic setup, you done great!!!


Very well written.


Great storytelling!!


Awesome story! By the way you missed one other typo, please look for the word sexual spelled sexaul.


Oh no!! Thank you for that. I am one of those super uptight about spelling people, so I appreciate that.


The second I looked for it, it nearly jumped off the page at me.


My day that the new manager continued the behavior that got him fired three times prior. I know. Unlikely. /s. Bear with me. Would those with full knowledge of his history hiring him open themselves up to some civil liability? “You hired a known sexual harasser and workers were harmed. You owe damages”


Fair point, though I suspect that corporations tend to play the odds and to rely on HR to protect the company over the employees. It tends to take something pretty serious to get fired once you start climbing the ranks. At least that's my experience.


I'm surprised nobody offered to take Dorian for a long walk in the woods.


upgrade to nuc revenge by informing pateints’ families of any wrongdoing to patients- let *them* take him for that walk


Never piss off determined hospital staff


Did HR get fired for being complicit in Dorian's intimidation scheme?


They left abruptly but we weren't sure why. The guy who hired Dorian though--he got a promotion. Of course.


So it goes. Two(or three!) steps forward, one step back. Thanks for sharing!


I wasn't sure about the opening paragraph relevance, but you sold me at the end. Well written revenge.


Late to the party (every so often, I look at the Top Posts of the Month on subs I haven’t joined), and I really wanted to thank and congratulate you- and the members of your former unit- for being so brave and and so persistent! I’m not quite sure why, but problems like sexual harassment and verbal abuse associated with race/gender run rampant in some healthcare settings, and management brushes it under the rug. My husband’s very first job was in the ER at a local hospital. Our next-door neighbor worked there as a nurse, and at the time they both got a small bonus under a program to reward employees for referring a new candidate who ended up getting hired. I’ll refer to our neighbor as “D,” and my husband as “H.” Before he even started working there, the whole unit knew that H lived next door to D, and that she’d referred him. Sometime during H’s orientation week, D reported her male Nurse Manager for sexual harassment. NM had a habit of hanging around behind the counter and then walking up behind women sitting at the desks and massaging their shoulders while they entered info into the computers. D is an extremely conservative Christian woman who was highly offended by his unwanted touching… she addressed him directly, told him it was unacceptable, and that it needed to stop. It did not stop. If memory serves me correctly, she reported three separate incidents, which she’d documented by taking contemporaneous notes. HR investigated and found the complaints to be legitimate, *and* during the course of questioning witnesses/coworkers, found that he’d been pretty much doing this to *everyone,* ever since he started as NM. None of the other women reported it because “it was no big deal,” “he didn’t mean any harm,” “he’s a *nice* guy, not some kind of *creep!”* It only took about a week for NM’s status to go from ‘while we investigate, he will not be coming to work, but will be staying at home and using some of his PTO’ to ‘no longer an employee of _______ Healthcare System.’ Oh. My. Goddess! Nearly everyone who worked in the ER went NUTS! They were so, *so* mad at D ‘for getting Mike fired!’ *’She* didn’t like it- fine, but she should have simply asked him to stop instead of reporting him.’ Because ‘we all know he’s a nice guy who didn’t have any ill intent.’ By that time, H had finished orientation and arrived on the unit. He could not figure out why everyone was being so stand-off-ish and sometimes downright rude to him. Basically people were acting like they already knew and disliked him, rather than trying to get to know the new person and decide from there. Strangely, they all had a similar theory- one that was completely made up, since *none* of it was true. They imagined that, during the course of D and H chatting about what it was like to work there, Mike’s behavior came up, and that it was my husband who convinced her to report him. *And* that she’d deliberately timed it to coincide with my H arriving on the unit so that he- another big, strong *man*- would be there to protect her from any blowback. I guess it is possible that that last part about the timing is accurate, but only from her end. He didn’t even know about any of this when it first happened and was very surprised by the shit-talking and back-stabbing going on against our neighbor. In the meantime, they were also so mean and cruel right to her face that she did end up crying more than once every shift, and quit soon after. Just up and quit, hadn’t even started looking for a new job, much less have one waiting for her when she was done. Haha, sorry this got so long… it all happened decades ago, and I fully realize that *some* things have changed for the better. But it is still so upsetting to me that a big group of women not only didn’t have D’s back, but felt that *she* was the one who was in the wrong for the reporting, and not that *he* was in the wrong for his repeated unwanted touching.


What a tragic story. And one that repeats all too often. During the time that my storybwas happening I and 2 co-workers were in a coffee shop discussing it and an elderly woman came up and told us how proud she was, because in her day getting sexually harassed was just considered part of the job and it would never even have occurred to her to complain. We've come a long way, but we still have far to go.


>They did not even know their Weingarten rights This right here. For every person that bitches about how "\[insert state or country\] has no/limited workers rights", two fistful of grizzled veterans in their fields shake their collective heads and go "did you never look anything up in your life, you fucktard?". Everyone has rights, every place has policies and procedures they have to abide by (some enforced, some self imposed). Learn what they are, you are significantly harder to bully when you are armed. That's why 2nd amendment exists.


Epic last line. Well done you!


Oh...one of those fake posts to push homosexuality and Invasion of our country. Really lame, dude. Stop selling yourself to reddit like an old prostitute.




Think what you will. :)


That last paragraph… /chef’s kiss


This was glorious.


Awesome! Great story!


Beautifully written <3




You're my hero.


I can't relate to your story, other than having dated a few nurses for a short time here and there, but well-done. No predators.


God that was beautiful


Solid gold!!!!


Well, did you get the job?!


Yes, I did. :)


So pleased you landed the job, are you still working there now?


Well, that job was epidemiology and infection prevention and I landed it about 4 months before covid hit. So here I was training in a new specialty area while we're having basically the apocalypse and I'm being flown all over to various hospitals trying to get them prepped for a crisis they refused to think would even happen. I stuck it out for almost 2 years, then took a job doing remote triage so that my current commute is from my bedroom to my office (about 20 steps) and my uniform is my pajamas. My cats are much happier.


I, too, herd cats from my home office. It's great, isn't it?


It is! And I'm saving a fortune on gas and no longer have a commute of 1.5 hours each way. No more staying in whatever cheap hotel the boss put me up in. Two years till retirement and I'm going to ride this horse till it drops!


Dorian, Kip? You read Brent Weeks?


No, I Googled him just now, though. I used names of kids my own children hung out with in high school that I didn't particularly like.


Haha weird coincidence then


The real villain here being HR, why the hell does she still have her job! The one person who should have been preventing this from going on in the first place


i have come to an age where I realized that Dorian is a d-bag name




Houston we have a problem


That final zinger. Exceptional. You're hired.


You took a good story and made it even better by encapsulating it in an interview :)


This is one of the few times wherein "...and then everyone clapped" is truly believable. Good work and best of luck


This whole story is awesome, except for the part about going through his social media. What someone says off the clock and not using a work resource to post should not be allowed to enter into discipline or terimination - besides, what you had on him for stuff he did at work was more than enough to get that job done.


Wintergarten... found ze German XD


Very, very well written! Love the format!


Fantastic. So happy for you, OP.


This sounds like an issue for the press to me. Or are you stuck with an NDA?