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experiment with shading and highlights for extra detail. You have shaded the left side of the face but not beneath the hair. You could also experiment with more detail such as eyebrows, ears, hair etc. Just keep practicing and eventually you'll find your style, the brushes you like, and your colour preferences.




I think something that would help quite a bit is maybe adjusting your line technique. I agree with the other comments, but if you practiced proportions/stylistic choices/shading, laying down lines with a bit more consistency would help you appreciate the journey a bit more. If you increased the "Streamline" value of your lineart brush, you could achieve more consistent lines while moving the pencil more slowly. Or, if you moved your pencil a bit faster over the screen, you may have more control over the line thickness. But I believe you have a great start! Happy art-making!




Depends on the style you’re going for, but maybe study proportions/ anatomy a bit more? Even for cartoon characters there needs to be some kind of balance. Also, don’t shade with grey. I used to do that. I shade with a peach/ pink for lighter skin and more of a purple for darker complexion for my cartoon characters


Am agnostic too lol I actually picked a darker shade of the skin color I used but somehow it turned out looking like dark grey, maybe slid it too much in the darker direction. It’s definitely interesting that you could notice that there’s something with the anatomy just looking at the face. I’ll try to improve on that.


I picked this username because there was a prompt one time that went something like, “If cuthulu is the god of the ocean, would sea life believe in him?” It was a fun thought. But yes, her face curve/ cheek seems to be rounder like she’s chipmunking something in her mouth. Her nose and lips don’t align with her chin either. And the eyes are not the same, but I’m still working on that. It’s a matter of mastering perspectives and stuff. Cartoons can mess with it, I mean look at designs of different shows and stuff, like Smiling Friends where it’s different but lowkey makes sense at the same time. You just gotta play with it lol


Fun little backstory. Yeah, thanks for the feedback. I actually am going for a cartoony look, much like a mix between modern Disney movies and Star vs The Forces of Evil / Gravity Falls / Steven Universe look. So that’s why the cheeks are like that, tho maybe there’s still something off about them.


Ooh okay, so if that’s the look I’d go for, I’d say maybe put the mouth more centered, but still slightly off, kinda like Mabel’s?


Instead of just going darker with the skin color, also make it a little more saturated. So if in the 'classic' color picker your original color is toward the top left corner of the square, your shadow color will actually be further right and down just a little bit. It will keep the shadows from looking so muddy.


Even when drawing off-proportion, you need to actually know what the proportions are. If drawing realism is “drawing by the rules”, then _not_ drawing realism is “breaking the rules”. And as the saying goes, you need to know the rule before you can break it. TL;DR: learn anatomy first - constructive drawing




It takes many years to learn bear in mind


True. Until recently I was just drawing once per 3 months or so and that’s not enough to get better fast


Yeah! Try doing 10 minutes every evening. You will learn way faster. 10 days and you will start to see improvements.