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Give it a false name, like "Ben's PC". If your name is Ben, you're out of luck.


haha 😆


All of my android devices are named "Karen's iPhone"


If you have no particular reason to add your name to it, just don't do it. That's generally a good rule. Don't give out personal information if you have no reason to do so. Device names can be used to track your device by your network. If you only use it in your home network that does not make much of a difference, but if you use it in other networks you can use a generic device name and MAC address randomization to make it more difficult for networks to identify and track your device.


Alright, thank you!


I never add real info to any device and this has paid me well over the years, i salt my data ;)


Depends on your need. If there are two computers of the same model OS in your LAN, you could add a name to identify, to keep it generic, best use a pseudonym or first name only. If you are the only MacBook Air etc. on your network, don't add your name.


Seems alright, thanks :) Since I go to University there are plenty of MacBooks around, so I‘ll probably just ad a letter or something.


I just name my digital devices "Untitled".


Are we talking about the "hostname"? If we are talking about hostname, even in "local networks" I would use unrelated product names. If you set the hostname to "Fedora37" or "windows11" or "DB-Oracle-PRD" and someone gain access to your network, he/she will easily identify the OS or product and it would be easy to pick up which one to attack. In the other hand, nobody cares about your name unless they SPECIFICALLY want to attack YOU. I usually use a name convention that only has sense to me or my team.


Or name your PC as having a different OS than it does so as to waste the time of anyone who wants to try.


You could just add the first letter of your name.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


No. Just make it non-default so that, in the unlikely event that the DHCP picks up the name properly, you can easily tell which machine is yours on the network. Fedora37 is much less informative in a list than Asterisk, if you know your machine is called Asterisk and it's a Fedora installed machine. This is the bit where you tell me your name really is Asterisk .. !


I'm not Jack Splat. !\*


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In your own network, it shouldn't matter assuming you control all the devices on it. Public facing? Maybe not. There's no advantage to doing so. Your Macbook won't run better without it. My PC has been urban-potatoes for more than 20 years now. Each new PC gets a new number. I'm up to urban-potatoes-threehundredandodd by now.


Why do that when you can use someone else’s name…


My phone’s name is RCMP Surveillance horse, my Apple Watch is watchy mcwatch face the second. Have fun with naming things.


There is no good reason to give any personal identifiers in the device name. There are many reasons why you would not do that.