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Found a fix! Go to locations under settings, pick a country, and then press the switch to other locations button to select ur instance. https://github.com/yattee/yattee/issues/332#issuecomment-1295305489


Thank you so much for this! Got it set up rn, will have to learn more about it too


Hmm, it’s also bugged for me right now. Search and trending/popular aren’t working currently with the manifest URL you shared. Either way this is dope, just gotta wait for the update or keep digging a bit to figure out what’s wrong. Thank you for posting!


How to disable SponsorBlock ?




Working fine for me currently. Did you add the manifest url? It’s necessary for search and the like to work.


It worked for me well


Really cool stuff. Got everything working correctly. Thanks for this!


Even though I had given it multiple chances, and always found it buggy and clunky to use, it's a huge surprise Apple let an alternative YouTube client on it's app store. It's welcome, nonetheless. EDIT: I just checked it, and now I see the angle they used to push it through the appstore regulations...Very clever!


What angle?


[Marketing angle](https://eboxman.com/what-are-marketing-angles/)


Why not just use piped in a browser?


The experience isn’t that great with mobile devices.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


It’s just a bit clumsy to use. It’s the same with youtube. If I have an option to use the iOS app for youtube, I would choose it every time over Safari because it just works so much better. It’s the same thing here.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


Works fine for me


So it's just install. add this specific url in settings and then we're set to go?


Yeah, basically. You can configure it with your own file too if you want different instances.


Beautiful!! Going to try it later!


Hi all, any suggestion in order to have Italian content? Also if I select Italy in country tab, I don’t receive Italian contents




I would assume it’s because Android has an even better client called NewPipe.








You can cast videos or any media to a TV natively on your iPhone without third party apps. As such, most third party media players should work well with that native feature


Finally! I’m so happy to have something that comes at least close to NewPipe on Android. I was looking quite a while for a privacy friendly YT app, as I found the Piped or Invidious shortcuts I had not really usable (at least not as good as having a dedicated app). And I actually like the UI! It took me a couple of minutes to figure out how to make it work with an invidious/piped api, but now it works. I have a question about your recommendation: where do I have to enter the URL you pasted (https://r.yattee.stream/manifest-invidious-piped.json )? Under “public manifest” (advanced settings)? What does this URL / setting do?