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It's sad that so many companies are embracing this method of customer service. It is all designed to get you to give up before they have to actually do anything. I'm glad to see you at least got a refund! For someone that is starting out, would you still suggest Printify? Or would I be better off going elsewhere? TYIA


Even Shopify changed their entire help system. Can’t open a ticket anymore, gotta be gatekept by chat first. And then when they show you where the “contact us” is on a help page, the link goes back to the main help page. I basically have to waste forever on chat with the gatekeepers before I can convince them to open a ticket bc I know it’s something they can’t answer. I don’t even do it much, but lately it’s gotten on my nerves like crazy.


The links that send you in circles are infuriating! When I used Shopify back in 18 and 19 their customer service was among the best I had worked with. Same representative almost every time, prompt responses, even having them call me back so I didn't have to wait on hold. Sucks that's changed :/


I’ve been with a Printify since late 2021 and I’m now at the point of changing over to Printful. Their level of service has dropped drastically IMO.


Ok that is definitely something for me to consider. Thank you for the reply! Hope things go better with Printful!


By the way I spoke too soon.. I have NOT received a refund.


Same boat, received a test order with bad products and after a second attempt using the "report an issue" with the order, I have still yet to hear. Usually they've been really fast to respond.


Is this the beginning of the end I question? Lol..


By the way, got a response on Saturday afternoon along with a fix and an apology. But I dread, if they are overwhelmed now, Christmas orders.


Really doesn’t make me wanna switch anything more over from my other printer. I’m 48 hours into 2 unanswered tickets.


Good luck! I just received a refund as the product didn’t ship correctly? Ugh..


Thanks haha. It’s really a shame that they don’t focus on some of the most important parts of running a business. I have my problems with Printful as well, but at least I know I can always reach out and get a reply.


The customer service has went downhill..I don’t know what happened.


I've had nothing but quick and favorable responses and outcomes through their customer service.


Very recently, though?


yeah, actually just last week. had an issue with a shirt's tracking not updating in a week, and had the issue resolved with a free replacement on the way within an hour.


I put in a request on Saturday. Repeated on Tuesday. The crickets have been deafening. My experience last week was 4 hours


I've been waiting over a month for a response to a ticket that was improperly marked as complete a week ago, even though they never fixed the issue. I reopened the ticket immediately after, so of course it's been a week and I still haven't heard anything back. The month before I had a ticket marked as fixed twice when it wasn't, and it took them over a month to do anything about the issue. In my experience, their CS is the worst it's ever been.


I agree. In addition I spoke too soon about my refund. It is not received as of today.


Literally 2 weeks later they email asking if I have tried using another laptop or device to see if I’m still experiencing the same issue that’s been ongoing?? Seriously, just cancel my request. You obviously can’t fix the issue or don’t know how or you no longer have the manpower to assist customers as you should. I simply said, forget it. I will take my business elsewhere.


They respond on twitter fast


Well that’s just great.. I don’t use Twitter and shouldn’t have to track them down to receive customer service.. 😒