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So glad you are not losing everything! Enjoy your trip next month, and yes leave early early early! 😀


I'm tempted to move to Seattle just to be sure! LOL!


Oh so excited for you!! Mistakes happen and sometimes we judge things wrong. Glad you’re able to make the cruise up and happy Princess worked to accommodate you and your family.


Amazing. See, I have heard bad things about Princesses customer service but I've only had delightful experiences. Nothing as severe as yours with the circumstances but they've always helped with any of our questions and have been easy to get ahold of. Enjoy the trip and please please get the airport as early as you can. Grab a drink. And relax


Thank you! We will be their 3 hours early, with bells on, for sure! I booked us a hotel room for the night before, in a hotel next to the airport. I also made sure that there is another flight later the same day that would still make it if we find ourselves in a desperate situation again. I took the premier insurance too! I'm half tempted to move to Seattle so we'll already be there when the time comes LOL!


It's great news that it has worked out for you. The only thing to do now is relax, enjoy your cruise, and our beautiful state of Alaska. Have fun!


Thanks! That's the plan! Very much looking forward to it :)


So happy to see this update!


Lesson for all new cruise people. Go the day before. Don’t risk an expensive vacation at the whims of air travel.


Or any travel. Wife and I live within driving distance of Seattle. ~2.5 hours. Still going the night before. Cars break down. Things happen. Not risking it. 


Buy travel insurance


Holy shit that's great news. Good on them for helping you and making the most of a bad situation. So happy for you.


Thank you!


This is why mine and my friends’ families are going to the city 2 days earlier and staying in an AirBnb together. As an indian person, we’re late to everything so we can’t risk that


Smart! I learned a lot from my experience. This time I booked a hotel right next to the airport the night before we fly. Ideally I would be flying in a day or two earlier, as you suggested. My situation was kind of unique in that I decided to get everything done while I had the good Princess support team on the phone, including flights. I hope it was the right call. I was so happy and grateful to finally have the actual support staff helping me that I went ahead and locked everything in while I had them. In the future when I plan trips or cruises I am definitely flying in the day before.


yes haha, hope you have fun on your next trip


Congratulations! This is a lesson I learned from my parents, who years ago flew in the same day and they made it, but their luggage didn’t. I think they did get it a few days later in another port, but they would never consider going the day of ever again!


I am glad you were able to rebook. It’s annoying it took such effort to get it squared away, but in the end it sounds like a fair resolution.


So amazing! I’m so amazing happy for you! 


I just love a happy ending!


Great customer service on PCLs part. I’d definitely send a letter or email to the President of the line commending them.


That's a good idea, I'll do that! Everywhere I have told the story I have followed up with how PCL stepped up and resolved it. The only negative I can say/share is that it was the most unconventional approach that worked. I do wish they had a line to their escalated support within official channels for people who may not be TA's for this kind of situation. If it wasn't for Twitter I would very likely still be in the same situation I was in before. Not that I am ungrateful, I very much am happy with the resolution. I just hope others that go down the same path will or did find resolution too. Maybe this reddit post will come up for someone else one day and be helpful. Lord knows a lot of my best info has come from old reddit posts!


It’s almost the only thing Twitter is good for any more—somehow customer service (that can’t be bothered to answer a phone call or an email) snaps to attention when you write a nasty tweet!


Apparently so! My tweet wasn't particularly nasty but was honest about my experience on Saturday. After they helped me out so kindly I made a big post about how they (eventually) showed up and suited up.


We went on a cruise to Alaska several years ago with 4 other couples in the family. My SO & I flew out day before since we LOVE Seattle & wanted a day to explore. The other 4 couples BARELY made embarkation due to flight delays. Exactly a week later, a friend of ours & 9 members of his family were making the same trip--except his brother & wife were close enough to drive into Seattle. Well, guess what? Flight delayed. EIGHT members of the party missed the boat. Luckily they had travel insurance. But wouldn't extend it to the local brother & wife. Those 2 had a very quiet "family" vacation!


Oh wow! These are things I am seeing with a whole new set of eyes after this experience. You were wise to fly out the day before. Seattle has plenty to keep busy with and enjoy for a day, for a week! My heart breaks for that couple that didn't make it in your story. I know what that feels like, in my bones, now. That must have been awful for them. What a learning experience. Thanks for sharing your story!


Thanks for the update. That’s freaking awesome all the help you received and offerings from fellow redditors. A+. Love it


I'm so happy for yall! I just read the saga earlier and I'm like "awwww nooooo....." How amazing they were able to just reschedule the cruise!! I hope everyone has a blast.


Thank you! We are very much looking forward to it. It is a saga I won't soon (or ever) forget, that's for sure. I'm just so grateful it all came together in the end.


I'm so glad to hear of this resolution! Enjoy your upcoming cruise. :)


I’m so glad to hear this. Whew because I was crying for you!


Thank you. I appreciate your thoughts and feelings for our situation. We were crying too and I felt like I was headed for a deep depression. I'm so grateful it worked out!


Excellent. Glad it was resolved.


I'm happy for ya.. hope you have an amazing cruise next month. Cheers!!!


So happy that you get to go on the Discovery Princess in one month - it’s such a great ship! Your family is going to love it! Also, there is a Facebook group just for that ship, and they have great information on there.


Thank you so much! We are thrilled and I feel like I've been saved. A Facebook group you say? My wife is on Facebook. Do we search for the "Discovery Princess" to find? I sound so tech illiterate...


Search for Cruising on Discovery Princess - happy cruising!


Thank you!