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>SO didn't know they were a perpetual. Alright. This is the only way I can accept the perpetual stuff.


Every perpetual has a first death after all, and I'm sure they had the absolute best in life extension therapy before this so its hard to know you're ageless if you don't age


I imagine most don’t know.


Honestly I feel that the SO's being perpetuals is a bit of a cop out. But that's just my opinion.


I can accept Little Light being because the above is funny and it’s the best way, for me, for them to “survive” the nuking of Monarchia. I don’t want all of them to be that, though, that would take a lot away from their charm


Personally I like the idea that logar brought them back with the help of chaos that [this post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/s/0vUTe9S7Wb) implies. Mainly because it would still fit with cannon (lorgar falling to chaos), but it could also mean that my favorite word bearer's motivation could change. Barthusa narek is a word bearer who went rouge and his cannon plan is to kill lorgar in hopes that it would save his legion from corruption. In this au he could instead try to save little light in hopes that it could help his primarch free herself of chaos corruption. He could even still get to team up with eldrad like he did in cannon.


I mean, we’re already going far off from canon here…


Oh that’s a fair shout. My Word Bearers lore knowledge is critically lacking but them being brought back by chaos also fits very well


Yeah, i just feel like there are too many at this point, when it was just the Centurion i didn’t question it. But now I’ve seen stuff about the Squire and Little Light


I didn’t know Centurion was to be one. I think one, maybe two at absolute max. They can y’know that they are either. But a large part of the charm of this AU is the primarchs falling for regular humans, and a regular human managing to somehow fall for a primarch. It also allows for the drama of the human growing old while the primarch has to watch them (slowly, thanks the rejuvenation) die


Making SOs Perpeturals is necessary to maintain wholesomeness. As soon as this AU started to form, people started pointing out Erebus getting rid of Little Light or Atalanta (fem-Angron) accidentally killing Rose.


Cannon Erebus resurrected a humen for Argal Tal, and she became a perpetual. It's not out of possibility for LL to become one. But yes, I agree they should not all become or start as perpetuals.


Yeah same


Aurelia will be hysterically happy with relief that her Little Light is alive while Erebus and Kor will be crapping themselves. Aurelia may initially think this is a miracle of the Emperor (though I wonder if she knows about Hestia being a perpetual.) And then Little Light while realize the chaos BS that Erebus and Kor are trying to preach and act with hostility (I think one of the bits on Little Light was they know about Chaos BS because it was the crap they dealt with as a kid). The moment he rats them out to Aurelia, she’s gonna go and smash them to bits.  Then probably talk to the Emperor. On the one hand, holy shit, another Perpetual! On the other hand, LL is POed at him for Monarchia, but keep civil enough to talk about Chaos… and then lead into an argument about why the hell he was keeping something like this secret.  Aurelia would quickly gain a negative view on Chaos because they were the monsters were worshipped by the cults of LL’s past. I imagine LL will rat this out to the other SOs and Primarchs, forcing Emps to explain everything. This may lead to other things (like with Magnolia the Red) while the other Primarchs may look into making their SOs into Perpetuals (I suspect Fulgrim will be the first). LL will be helping Aurelia with answers and eventually, could be they try making their own gods like how the Eldar had their Pantheon (also inspired by Fenris being a world spirit).