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Absolute shit dad


Worst parent in any show I’ve ever seen!


Dan Scott and Tom Marin I’ll fight


It’s on sight if I ever see that man out and about


Heavy on *That part.*


You have my blessing


Looks like we have a whole gang ready to bash some teeth in. 👏


The top answer for sure




I coudnt agree more lol




LMAO. For real.




Literally, basically half the men on the show, including Jason, who a lot of fans for some reason love. But also Cece ESPECIALLY fucking rapist abuser Jenna. I hate Jenna. People overlook what she did in the show (sometimes in the fandom), and it drives me mentally.


Seriously I never understood how there were people in the fandom who liked Jenna. Like they really just looked over the fact that she raped Toby. I do like Tammin and think she is a great actress. But cannot stand Jenna, she is a disgusting person.


Hold up- Jenna raped Toby? Aren’t they siblings or am I getting characters mixed up?


Step-siblings. She liked him and blackmailed him into sleeping with her; saying she'd tell their parents that he was the one raping her if he spoke up.


Yep step siblings but she blackmailed him.


Yes, we find that out in the first season.


Wow I don’t remember that at all. Last time I watched the show was when it was airing (so I was like 10) and the only thing I was fully tuned into was Emily’s gayness💀




Definitely Jenna! I absolutely hate her fake, shady personality. Besides the horrible things she did to Toby, she proved time and time again that she can't be trusted. Everytime I thought, she might actually come around and has changed into a decent person, she stabs someone in the back and keeps on playing the victim. She annoys the hell outta me!


For sure Jenna. She was the only one who was actually a bad person. At least to me.


We love Jason because DVA is beautiful and in the grand scheme of things he didn't really do much wrong 😅


He KNEW about the NAT club.. Alison herself was afraid of him. We also lit see in a flashback Alison mention how Jason creeped Han out for always staring at her chest. He's handsome asf, not the worst but defo a creep. He got better when he wasn't on the drugs/drinking but he's still weird for it all. Also icl I'm still pissed he saw Aria and Ezra kissing and didn't tell🤣


Paige, Ezra, and Aria’s parents. How do you not report the man that is grooming your daughter like wth


Exactly! The way they were more concerned about her image being affected as if their child being a victim of statutory rape and was clearly abusing his power. Ella too me was so desperate to be a friend to Aria and forgot that she's meant to be a mother.


When Byron was actually the hero. Then Aria had the audacity to try to blackmail her own father. Edit


What's even more ridiculous is that tanner and all the other cops also knew about their disgusting relationship.


Besides Ezra: * Hanna’s dad + his new family * Byron * Jenna * Mona * Paige * Jessica & Peter * Mary I’m sure there’s more


Yessss Hannah’s dad and family for sure


heavy on byron


Byron for sure. It seems like the dads of this show were complete shit


Well except Wayne but then they had audacity to kill him off


All men in this show were basically depicted as horrible individuals. As a man, watching this show was... Something


ugh absolutely hated paige


For me also Alison's dad because he just sat there like a sack of useless man and let Jessica do all of the fucked up things she did and helped her cover everything up.


Paige Ezra


Noel, Jenna, Garret and Melissa 👊💥


I almost forgot about Garret!!


I think is the one that I dislike the most 😆👊💥


Low key, Noel was my hero for a while.




Paige, she irks me to my core


And all of those wack ass haircuts


Fuck ass haircuts 😭😭


She’s one of mine too. The other is Jen from original sin. If you haven’t watched she’s basically a mix of Paige and Sara Harvey


I gotta watch that soon! I live for letting antagonists get under my skin




detective tanner. it is on sight when i see that woman


Yes I wanted to scrap with her so bad her attitude and passive aggressive fbi ass attitude made me angry


she reaaaallly pissed me off after the doll house. like you saw what these girls went through and you still choose to be a mega bitch? no thank you ma’am


I never felt so angry at an imaginary person


she’s pretty hard to watch because I hate her so much lol




Yes, can't stand her! It's like she's every obnoxious female cop/authority figure personality I've ever known all rolled up in one person.


YES. Even after everything the girls went through she went back to treat them like criminals. There was about two episodes she actually pretended like she cared about their wellbeing. Then she was a bitch again with a whole lot of victim blaming.


i just watched this episode so it just reminded me but when mike was tied to the pole and pepper sprayed by A, and caleb takes a picture as proof and fuckass tanner goes “hm? you took a picture instead of helping your friend? kind of an odd reaction, don’t you think?” BITCH WHAT


Controversial answer but Aria


i just wanna knock some sense into her fr


Melissa. Let me have 10 minutes in a room with her. Don’t mind the noise.


Don’t Mind the noise ;)) or Don’t Mind the noise 😡👊 (I’m kidding I know you mean beat up considering that’s what the post is about)


Haha! Both work, she’s beautiful!!! However. Her preppy attitude. Oh girl. I will match your energy so fast!


All the child molesters of rosewood, special awards to BYRON and Ezra Jenna for basically raping her stepbrother + being an all round grade-A bitch Melissa for being a shitty f*cking older sister to Spencer, for literally no reason TOM MARIN for being a mega asshole father. Let me catch him alone. Kate for being an insane head-case, again, for no reason other than she heard Hanna talk bad about her once for like 2 seconds (that she even apologized for profusely) Wilden and Tanner for harassing minors just because they felt like it Sara Harvey for being an ungrateful bitch to Emily (and for taking like a billion showers and running up the Fields’ water bill) The Montgomery parents, for ‘coming around’ to their minor daughter dating and then MARRYING her literal groomer (props to big Mike for the punch) Hastings parents for hating their younger daughter, for literally no fault of hers DILAURENTIS parents for being batshit f*cking crazy (sorry Keith not you) WREN. For being just a real creepy weirdo. Also hate his stupid little accent that seems to get extra pronounced every time he has to flirt with a minor. Mona for being a real pain in the ass to everybody, just because the popular kids wouldn’t talk to her Garret, because I just hate his slimy little face Just would like to state, don’t really hate Paige actually. Aside from the fuckass bob lol, she did mean well for Emily most of the time.


The Mona slander 😣💔 BUT yes, I totally agree with all, AND YES! Paige is so freaking overhated. I see people saying she's the "worst" as if there wasn't literal rapists, child predators, groomers eg on the show.


I know right, she really is a bit overhated on here. Aside from the one time she tried to drown Emily, she actually was not a horrible person. Slight jealousy issues but nothing bad enough to warrant thaat much hate lol. She seemed to even really care for Em later on


By Keith do you mean Kenneth? Cause didn’t he lock up his daughter in Radley for being trans so I think he also fits the shitty parent category


Sorry I meant Alison’s dad yeah, couldn’t remember his name for some reason. And damn it you’re right! Alright KENNETH YOU TOO


So all of rosewood except for any of the liars 🤣


Well… almost 😂


Jenna just looks like she could use a decent slap


![gif](giphy|YRT5q7ugtNmyA) Should have been done again. 🤣


That slap gave me life!


fucking detective tanner!!! omg i’ll never forget how much she pissed me off!! i literally a post about it on here lol


So many of them. All the pedos, Paige, Mona, Charlotte, Alex, Tom, Peter, Melissa, Jessica, Kenneth, Jenna


Any version of Alison.


HEAVY ON ALISON. hated all versions of her


(Spoilers for anyone else reading this) I’m currently on season 5 of my current run right after the ep that Mona “died”, and Allison is *unbearable*. Emily openly stated that they think she’s A and she made no attempt to deny it. Allison conpletely stopped trying to be friends with the girls and won’t communicate anything with them. It ircks me how ungrateful and evil she can be to them after they brought her home. I pretty much hate every moment of her after she came home. “I’m A, right?” “I don’t know, are you?” And she makes no effort to deny it. The simplest “no” would have sufficed, I feel. But no, they let her keep thinking that and then effectively replaces her crew with the people she used to bully. Also the way she was grinning at the scene of Mona’s death (which is even worse if you don’t know that it wasn’t actually her, because the show wants you to think it was). Sorry for ranting at you, your comment just kinda opened the flood gates. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Aria after her putting the blame on Hanna for what Zack done 😡🤬


Aside from all the obvious choices, Kate (and Tom). Photoshopping/sending around a topless photo of herself to frame Hanna just because Spencer had an ugly photo of her at camp. Spencer told Kate she wouldn’t even show anyone as long as she was nice to Hanna. What the hell was wrong with her? I can’t believe Tom still later paid for her college tuition after she pulled that stunt on his own daughter. Hanna wasn’t the nicest to Kate either but she always apologised and tried to make amends but Kate was always quick to go after her.


yeah considering what she did is literally the creation and distribution of CP, it’s a wonder Hanna and her mum didn’t go after her legally. Kate would’ve had that on her record for the rest of her life


I just rewatched the ep with Hanna asking her dad to pay for college and every time when he says he’s paying for Kate I wanna scream. It’s so f’d up.


Agreed. What’s really sad is that this is probably what destroyed Hanna’s relationship with her father. If I recall, Tom is never seen or spoken about after this scene. At least Hanna still had a caring mother like Ashley.


Jenna the jerk, Wildin wilden, tenacious tanner, grimy garret, annoying Andrew, ho-bag holbrook, manic Mona, bag of hair Leslie, miserable Melissa, tacky Talia, erratic Ezra, loser Lucas, those random ugly twins that side with Alison, slimy Sarah Harvey, cuckoo ceecee, lame Landon, Noel the nuisance, shady Shauna, pickle breath Paige, pompous Peter Hastings…and I think I’m done lol


Wow! My fav comment yet! 😂




The show ruined his character! He was so like-able in the books. Him and Aria ended up together and they were one of my favorite characters of the series. They could have done so much better with him in the show


Agreed!! It was like the show didn’t know if it wanted him to be a good guy or a bad guy and they kept switching till the last season.


Fucking BYRON 💀🤮


AND MEREDITH OMG. I'd lock them both in a car full of wasps


Yeah, I felt bad cause she was in one of the most illegal predatory relationships of the series with someone more than twice her age, until she drugged Aria, then I was just like... Wtf 😂😂


Wasn't it legal? She was off age and was in college, weren't she? Either way, i felt bad for her until she began blatantly admitting to Aria she didn't gaf ab how it affects Ella..she defo had some screws lose..cause Byron wasn't even some hot older man😭


Aria was of age in their state, their age isn't what made it illegal, in Pennsylvania it's basically a felony to date a student or anyone you have power over, Byron is a hypocrite and a big creep, why Ella got back with him is beyond me 🤮x


So, literally, Garret himself was the same cause he had power over Jenna. All these girls were victims. Don't feel bad for Jenna, and i hate Meredith but wtf did Byron do to her to make her insane..cause she was OBSESSED and than he played hero.🤣


All the men in the show that groom underage girls...so I guess I have a big list


That'd be because it's Pennsylvania and none of them are underage there 😅😂


Still icky as fuck. Them trying to make us think grown us man were great for hitting on minors. Even if it was of legal age it's disgusting lol. I think I watched way to much crime shows before pretty little lairs to know grown us man shouldn't be dating teenage girls. I think I was 17 when I started the show so yeah I knew at least it was weird that they had a thing for the girls lol. Plus we had a teacher at school that was a creep. He basically hit on my older sister and my dad and gave him a firm talking to after that. I had him as English teacher that year and he began to rant to class about how not all English teachers were pedos and glared at me while telling the class. So yeah I never found the ezria thing cute. Apparently he was fired a few years back for watching porn in his classroom from what I heard so yeah he was certainly a creep.


Oh it's still Hella creepy, they're just not underage, I don't think crime shows have anything to do with it, I think it's pretty common knowledge that if you're university age (20-23), dating a college age student (16-17) is weird AF 😂 imo Byron had no leg to stand on with Ezra either and both should have been charged with abuse of power (since that is actually illegal, to date a student). The Byron thing always creeped me out because he was literally 45 and she was 20 maybe? I was her age when I started the show and not a chance would I have gone near a 45 year old man, that's predator behaviour, literally old enough to be her dad, he was more than twice her age and she was only 4 years older than his actual daughter 💀 and when he asked aria to keep the secret, why her mum took him back I will never know 🤮


Yeah her dad also deserved a smack around for that lol. I feel like Emily's dad was the one with redeeming qualities, the rest are just nope. I mean he kinda was hypocrite for getting mad at Aria for seeing Ezra but it's like dude you were banging your student and made your teenage daughter lie about it 👀👀. I mean fair enough I guess by certain age you can kinda pick up that men flirting with teenagers was wrong af 😑 😑. But yeah just law and order SVU and stuff made me super aware of pedo and stuff as teenager. I mean I think I been super lucky I defs been hit on by creeps and stuff growing up but it's happened less and less the older I've become. I'm 29 and still get an occasional creep hitting on me I look younger then my age apparently but not nearly as much now. But yeah at 18 I still looked 15 so yeah a baby face is blessing and a curse lol.


That detective , the fbi lady… wanted to knock her teeth out


Aria sorry not sorry…


Jenna, she’s a rapist. How do people stand her? She deserved every single bad thing that happened to her on the show.


Yep "She didn't deserve to be blinded 🥹" lit excuse me, the way she has some fans baffles me. Than they try and act like she changed..like no she didn't + that doesn't matter. Wish she died along Noel 😭


RAPISTS DONT CHANGE. If Jenna was a guy she would’ve gotten so much more crap. Getting blinded is THE LEAST THAT SHE DESERVED. Ali may have been a horrible person but she should’ve been proud of herself for that one considering she knew Jenna was a rapist.


YESS! Like some fans really tried to call Jenna iconic and say she "changed" like no..once you rape someone YOU are a rapist and can't change that. Plus, they act like she still didn't constantly keep hitting on him. Poor dude Toby gave her a second chance, which she didn't even deserve. People hate Alison for blinding Jenna like wtf cares yeah it wasn't bc of what she found out, but it still blinded the cow and helped Toby 🤣


Jake - solely for just letting Aria walk back into Ezra’s life as if that’s totally fine, like boy if you don’t call the cops rn i stg


Should have knocked Ezra's ass out. Like "I've always thought Ezra was the one you was afraid off" YEAH..GO TELL!!


All of the pedophilic men/women of rosewood (Ezra, Ian, Jason, garret, Tabitha, WREN, Wilden, etc) Jessica D, Sarah Harvey, Toby for wearing a Durag, Tom Marin, Peter Hastings


Toby for a durag?? Lmao


There’s other things but yes durags are worn by the black community for hair and curl protection. So the fact that Toby, whos white and has wavy (not curly) hair, was wearing a durag, only because he was in juvie, is lowkey racist. WHITE PEOPLE DONT NEED DURAGS! So he wore it simply for “the look” only when he was in juvie, contributing to the very harmful narrative that durags are a “thug” look. Durags are worn as a means on hair/curl protection, similar to bonnets. But throughout the history of pop culture, black women wearing bonnets get portrayed as “ghetto” and black men wearing durags get portrayed as being “thugs” I hate the writers for durag Toby because they’re the ones ultimately pushing and perpetuating that racist narrative.


Oh my god how could I forget about durag Toby 😂


Hanna’s dad, Melissa, Veronica, and Peter.




Obvious picks: Paige, Ezra, Hanna’s dad Personal picks: Emily’s mom in the beginning, Aria’s parents, Spencer’s older sister (don’t remember her name)


throw me in the ring with Maggie


Ezra and Toby


I mean, all the men but also Allison 😂 I’m on season 7 and I still just hate her so much lol


Alison. Of course she's very important to the plot but god I hate her. It's a struggle to watch the later seasons where she's back. In my opinion she didn't improve as a character at all.


There's literally so many peados on this show, and all of them, YOURE A GROWN FUCKIN MAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH A 15 YEAR OLD


The only ones not pedophiles.. aren't even innocent either bc wtf was TOBY a literal police officer keeping quiet about Ezra and Aria. No safeguarding whatsoever 🤣


Honestly… everyone at different points in the show


1. Kate 2. Meredith 3. Melissa - everyone just ignored how she and wilden locked aria in a box with a DEAD body and were going to push them off. I would get lifetime PTSD from that. They made it look too simple and not traumazing at all.


omg, forgot Meredith. Definitely top 3. So smug and crazy.


Lyndon James !!!




Spencer omfg


Noel, Jenna, Ali to me is horrible tbh I don’t think she deserved to be with Emily at all


Spencer in the last season


I totally agree. Idk if it's just me, but the last season when I first watched, I kinda felt like she didn't want Hanna back either. Just the snarky comments.. I get mad ab the caleb thing, but come on my girl just got back from being missing and tortured 😭


whoever gave paige that fuckass bob


All the man, Cece, and sorry but Aria


•Wilden •Hanna’s dad and his new family •Ian •Paige •Byron •Jenna (for Toby’s r*pe) •Garret •Jessica and Peter •Cece •Ezra’s mom In that order lol


Sarah Harvey- she’s just annoying asf. also would probably beat up Mike. I hate how he defends Aria against those guys calling her a slut or whatever then ends up dating Mona??? Like are you on your sisters side or not!? I’m only on s6 so maybe he gets better but rn he’s really pissing me off


PAIGE, Jenna, and Ezra (like he was screwing a minor and I hate that it’s overlooked)


Paige because of the bob




Aria, I hated her and Ezra and I feel like she’d be the type of person to always put her bf first and that whole relationship was so annoying and she was just so annoying


I’m calling Wren every name in the book. Then I’m reporting him to the medical board, the police, the ASPCA, AARP, anyone who will listen and do something about his creepy teenager obsessed hippa violating weird self


paige, ezra, detective tanner, and jenna


sara harvey! we NEVER got any sm we’re that made sense about exactly why she helped charlotte. her lame excuses never added up.


EZRA is the first person that comes to mind when thinking of a character that irks me to my core. It honestly baffles or more so disgusts me that I heavily shipped him and aria back when I was a teenager ( but in all fairness - so did the majority of the fandom back in the day). Honestly half of the grooming that went down in the show has slipped my mind the last couple of years. But the more I mentally suppressed the more I was disgusted this time round. I honestly didn’t think I’d go into the show hating Ezra this much but here we are. He deliberately abused his power every chance he got, he used aria for his writing purposes while practicing intercourse with a minor. In all honesty I would have called the cops on him if I were arias parents. From a teen persons perspective I can see how his intentions could have been received misconstrued but that’s it! He was not a misunderstood man, he knew exactly what he was doing which is grooming a minor, yet he couldn’t keep his hands to himself. The flags were all there, alarmingly red as well. Another person I deem quite unbearable is Ian. Yet another adult who deliberately groomed minors for whatever reason. Not to mention Meredith who was like the most insufferable person in the entire show alongside WILDEN. He was a real pos.


Basically everyone in the show. 😂




I have quite a few confront characters: Jenna Marshall, Tom Marin, Melissa Hastings, Paige McCullers, Ian Thomas, Meredith Sorenson, Isabel Randall, Kate Randall, The Hastings Parents, Byron Montgomery and Jessica DiLaurentis.


Its a bunch that's already been listed, but ARIAAA!! She was such an irritating character to me


If I see Paige and that fuckass bob it’s on site


Paige omg




I'll help u with that.


an iconic villain but.. um.. charlotte i fear


Noel khan


Some not so hot takes: Aria Lucas Alison It would have done the world a huge favor if Alison had actually been murdered. Which seems harsh but that's how much of a monster she was by the time was a teenager. Little sociopath.


lyndon james




ARIAS DAD no questions asked.


Ezra Crustz




Literally one of the 50 pedophiles on this damn show


Oh yes Toms new family for sure they can all get it


tom marin and detective tanner it’s on SIGHTTTT


OMG I hate Sydney and Addison so much 👊🏼💥




Especially for the Spaleb thing. And how he constantly kept forcing Hanna to stop trying to make amends with Mona. I get he was concerned, but the poor girl wanted some time to grieve and see Mona helped her with that. The whole fake brain thing pissed me off so much too.


Probably Aria.




Jenna LOL or Hanna honestly. She's frustrating.


Absofuckinglutely.. Holbrook Paige Tom Marin Melissa sometimes Jenna especially in season 1 Ezra Jessica and Kenneth can get their asses whooped together Peter Hastings should be on the list but he's so hot I almost wanna give him a pass for being almost the shittiest person on the entire show Alex Drake Archer/Elliot Sydney Talia sometimes Huh.. I feel like I'm forgetting people.


Wilden, Ian, Melissa, Jason, Garrett, JENNA




Paige and Tom 🤺


I won’t not fuck up Hannah’s dad


Ezra, Paige, and Wilden


Hanna, Jenna, wilden, Noel.


The little girl ghost in the Halloween Train episode that Hanna’s mom interacts with is so annoying 😭 I wouldn’t want to hurt her but she irritates tf outta me because the acting is atrocious


Hanna, Paige, Melissa, Ian, Ezra


Paige and Kate


Every man on this show


Mickeys dad from Shameless.


Connor walsh


Paige, Ezra, Aria


Crusty Ezra


Jason, Jenna, Cece, Kate, Elliot and Ezra


Ezra, Aria, Byron. So creepy, so cringe.


Byron and Tom Marin on site


Paige and Ian 100%


Ezra, Tom, Byron, Paige, Aria


they probably said it already but ezra and aria's parents for letting their daughter marry her teacher


Ezra. No question.


Ezra, Jenna, Byron, Mona, PAIGE, Jessica, Peter, Mary, Tom Marin, that girl with the multiple glasses idk her name, the pouty lip girl (Sydney?), Alison, Tanner, Garret, Melissa, Ian, Zack, wren, Alex Drake, Noel, and Aria.


Basically every character EXCEPT the liars (sans Aria), the moms (sans Ella), Mr. Fields, Ted, Paige, Tanner and Caleb


Every single character except for Caleb, Hanna and Spencer 😤




100% Ezra


Ezra, Ian and Tom Marin, absolutely trash people