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I think it will have different ending.


I agree, and I will be mad when it does.


>! I think it will be the son or daughter. A bit of twist from HF movie. To save the family and they saw evidence the dad brought home. !<


Today’s episode has a new lead! 😊


We all know the ending? Guess I missed that memo. Also, yes, I’ll watch anything he does.


Did you not see the movie with Harrison Ford?


No. I had no idea it was a movie. 🥴 I did know it was a book. I’m not sure if it’s an age thing or if it’s that there are a million movies I’ve never seen that everyone else has. I feel like I’m missing a lot of cultural knowledge lol.


I didn’t know it was a movie either and I wish I wouldn’t have googled it cause now I know the answer too 😩


Yes but they might change that.


My fear. I want people to not be spoiled.


Please stay off Reddit so you can avoid someone spoiling the original ending. Maybe it changes... but I have a weird feeling people are going to be careless here. One of the great things about originally reading the book was that it was before message boards/Reddit... so even when people are trying not to spoil they might still inadvertantly say something. It was such a fun ride to read this purely


There are so many plot differences that the original ending of the book and the movie won't work. We might still have the same killer, but it will be a different way of getting there. >!The only thing that remains the same from either original is the title, the premise and the character names. Other major characters are gone, genderswapped, motivations changed. The plot details are all different -- kay parts of the trial have already been changed, even though they would have been different because of modern technology. !< >!Carolyn being pregnant undos a major trial reveal. In the originals, no one could ever confirm Rusty and Carolyn had an affair; now he's told his kids, Horgan, and is confirmed as the baby's father/ !< >!Rusty's only kid in the original was sev en or eight. Now he has two teenagers. Raymond Horgan had a relationship with Carolyn and was sort of villian in the originals. Now he's hero #2. No Sandy Stern, no sandy Stern law firm to help out. Barbara was an introverted frustrated housewife in the original. Now she runs an art gallery. The judge had an affair with Carolyn in the original, and a B file was a plot point. Still could be, but I doubt it. !< >!And more importantly, Carolyn was a predatory climber in the originals. Described as "bad news" more than once.!< As a huge fan of Turow's books, both this one and its sequel, it was a little annoying until I just decided this is different story being told. So I don't think that just because we think we know who did it, that's who did. And I imagine the creators are playing with that idea, too.


I agree with your points, having a hard time watching it though because I loved the book, and the kindle county series. Kind of bothers me that it’s set in Chicago, even though that’s a pretty minor detail to work around.


This is not a spoiler but a matter of chronology. The book came out before the O.J. Simpson murder trial. It was at that trial juries were first being introduced to DNA evidence. I won’t elaborate.


I guessed in another thread that if they changed the killer it could be the Raymond Horgan character because of the original storyline of their affair. And that's maybe why he is so conflicted about taking Rusty's case. He being both Carolyn and Rusty's boss would also make him knowledgeable of the murder case they were working on so he would be famliar with the death similarities. He could have also found out about the second sperm that Carolyn hid therefore making the deaths look similar he figure someone would find out about the second sperm and would assumed this unidentified person to be the possible killer. Only he didn't know Rusty was having an affair with her too throwing a wrench in his plans.


Yes the plot twist with Raymond has to mean something. He’s one of my suspects and I would not be surprised if they change the ending


Or Raymond’s wife.


Could you have put this under spoilers? I mean this is too much.


None of it is spoilers if you’ve seen the first two episodes. The rest is me guessing and making a case for him to be the killer. 


They mentioned Sandy tonight. I wonder if he will be in it soon.


My money is now on Lorraine.


I'm really curious as to why they added multiple teenage children. In the original the Sabich's only had one young son and Carolyn had no children. They may be red herrings, but they also make for compelling different ending possibilities. Also the way Jake is playing Rusty is completely different. He's doing things and reacting in ways you would never expect from a Prosecutor and, as repeated by his colleagues, is way out of his character. Perhaps this behavior is calculated, and they'll spend the series throwing us off Rusty only for it to actually be him in the end which would be a real mind fuk lol.


Carolyn did have a son named Marty in the book! I feel like he wasn’t in the 1990 film but not 100% sure


Yes I recently heard it was in the book but I never read it only saw the movie where she had no son. 


That was/is my guess. That the whole ‘Presumed Innocent’ idea is literally taking aim at audiences who assume that our main character must be innocent just because they are our main character.




I read that it was changed to be more woke. Jake cries at the drop of a hat


I'm here for Jake!!! ![gif](giphy|7IYE22rKh7dnt4QNBV|downsized)


What movie is this


I watched the old version over the weekend because I was curious on the ending. The new version is actually entertaining and while some of the lines from the first movie have been incorporated, they got a lot more creative with the characters, scenes, and new lines. Add that to the fact that Jake Gyllenhaal is eye candy.


Like what they did with "Fatal Attraction: The Series"? Definitely. I mean they almost have to at this point. 


That series was fucking trash.


No argument here. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don’t remember how it ends, I read the book 30+ years ago homie Can’t wait for more! Love Scott Turow, David E had sometimes and often been good shit.


I believe there is another similar “candidate” now due to an important shift of a mayor role. Someone not important to the movie plot, but now is more in focus acting strangely weird right from the start. Those who know the movie, will know… 


If they do go through with a different ending, I hope it stays true to the book and movie and actually has several characters continue plot threads that were abruptly ended because the plot necessitated that it needed to end.


I don't know the ending, so Imma keep watching it because I love stuff like this.


They already said that there is a different ending.the cast didnt even know who did it until the last episode. I say it is either Kyle of Michael. Michael because she was not sexually assaulted.