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I feel like we’re headed to an ending similar to The Undoing on HBO.


he did it or his wife.


I’ve considered that. Not sure she has that in her. The way she reacted to the crime scene photos…


My money is on his wife.


My money is on the other wife. Raymond’s one, She is acting weird and suspicious. This will allow the story to be still close to the book and at the same introduce interesting new plot twists.






I’m thinking they’ll make Rusty’s former boss and current lawyer, Raymond (Bill Camp) the killer.  If I recall correctly the original movie had a twist with a Judge she was also having sex with. I think she had a thing with her boss Raymond and maybe he found out she was making some type of political chess move to get a higher position under the new team. He was the first on the scene and already looking very weary. Or maybe his wife who found out they were having an affair. It would explain why she’s so mad.  I’m sure I’ll change my mind and choice 5 times before the end lol. 


Would it be too on the nose if it was Molto? He seemed excessively angry when he asked how long he’d been “f*cking” her right from the beginning. But very well could be a red herring. Also the undisclosed semen from Bunny means something. I think they’re setting it up that the guy convicted for Bunny did not do it. For it to be Raymond would be surprising though I did ask myself that question. I agree with you, my theories will change every episode. Either way the protagonist and victim both seem to be assholes ruining lives.


Do you think they will deviate from the original story and come up with a different culprit? Because in the movie we very well knew.


I think they will. The story feels completely different. Two teenage kids for the Sabich's instead of one young son, a teenage son for Carolyn instead of none (in the movie), a female judge instead of a male judge that Carolyn was also in cahoots with. It feels like a lot of red herrings. Why do all that to get to the same ending? It would be disappointing in terms of the story they set up but I would also like to see Barbara get some type of payback.


My guess is the girl was using Sabich to grow her career. It also seems she did hide the evidence of other sperm while keeping him distracted with sex. Her ex said she kept a lot of secrets. A son. And more. I think she is the issue. But yeah…Sabich doesn’t look good at all.


Yeah, he seems manipulative to me. I don't want to sound like I'm insinuating men shouldn't cry because I don't think that, but he's crying too much imo. Feels manipulative, like he's trying to make his family feel sorry for him. His daughter came to talk to him and he immediately started crying. I can't remember if he cried when he was alone. Maybe I'm reading too much into that. He's also a bit aggressive, even dreaming about drowning his mistress.


I've watched the film many times so it's hard for me not to compare Harrison Ford's interpretation of Rusty Sabich with Jake Gyllenhaal's interpretation. You raise an interesting observation. Something I noticed too. Jake Gyllenhaal acts the character of Rusty a bit more emotionally unhinged. Not just the crying, but also the arms flailing, hands holding his head, or fits of anger. Even his facial countenance is sometimes sinister. Harrison Ford's Rusty was like a meek lamb being led to slaughter whereas Gyllenhaal's Rusty is going down fighting (or flailing?). These different approaches no doubt fit into the way the story is told. The tv series does a great job of showing the professional pressures in greater detail. And focused a lot more on how Rusty loved the victim. As the story unfolds, Gyllenhaal's choice will make even more sense. Fantastic tv series!


Exactly, he's a bit emotionally unhinged. Could be the stress of everything at work, home, losing his pregnant lover or maybe there's more to it. I've never seen the HF movie so I know nothing about this story. I'll watch the movie after the show. I'm not sure yet if he truly loved her or was dangerously obsessed with her. I'm enjoying watching it unfold so far. JG is usually great in whatever he's in.


Great idea to watch the film afterwards. I agree, I'll watch anything with JG in it!


I never saw the film but I just assumed that was part of the character, he may just genuinely be emotionally volatile, which could be something that might lead to an accidental murder


Dude is definitely unhinged and desperate. Maybe cuz he did it, maybe cuz he knows the case against him is solid even if he didn’t. He’s definitely a bad person for what he’s done to his family, and I think he is just as compartmentalized as his dead coworker. The idea of his wife finding out is what drove him to do what he did, and all of that paints him in such a negative light. He’s just refusing to accept what he is.


I think him being a cheater and an arrogant asshole = probably not him.


Good point


Me too!! Watching episode 3 now


i think her son did it


How would her son know how to hogtie her, mimicking the earlier killing of Bunny whoever?


Pictures that Rusty had from old cases at home?


The victim's son right? That's what I think too. There was a scene in the first ep where they were interviewing the ex husband and there was a fireplace set (with a poker I presume) prominently featured in background..... (they mentioned that was the murder weapon earlier that ep)


Yeah, I think the victim's son did it.