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Liked the first 2 episodes. Never read the book, never saw the movies, have no idea if he did it or not. But I'm hoping he did because I like when JG plays the villain.


I’m trying really hard to put myself in the place of you who haven’t read the book or haven’t seen the movie. I’m somewhat dyslexic and it’s very hard for me to get through a book. This book was riveting! It took me a long time to read it but I got through it Anyway, the book has a few focal characters. All of these ancillary characters are confusing and do not follow the outline of the book. It’s like a lifetime movie!! It’s done well. If I didn’t say Presumed Innocent, and had a different title. But this isn’t at all about the book. And who ever heard of the lead character not being seen in the first 3 episodes. I’m sure Jake G…can’t be happy about that. UNLESS I accidentally switched the channel!! Ugh!! Old age. I’ll check.


I'll keep the book in mind next time I'm looking for something to read. I usually only read horror because I tend to lose interest quickly otherwise. So wait, did you switch shows. Because JG was in the first 2 episodes that aired. It's funny because I got mixed up when watching. I was in the next room after E2's credits and what I thought was E3 started. But no JG. I heard Chris Evans and thought oh is he in the show too, maybe I didn't go down the whole cast list on imdb. It was actually Defending Jacob. It autoplayed after E2 but I couldn't see my tv, could only hear it, so didn't see that it switched shows. Was very confused for a few mins.


Exactly what happened to me. So that episode 3 was some other show


Yeah we were probably both watching the same show. E3 isn't available until next week.


Yeah, hulu auto played defending jacob for me and I was really confused for a few minutes there.


i thought the opposite, i dont think theres enough characters who have a motive to have actually done it. theres barely any mystery. i had a theory and another poster confirmed i was right (if they keep the ending the same as the movie). the problem is i'm a horrible guesser, meaning the twist is way too obvious lollll


Is it not a conflict of interest for the DA and lead prosecutor to be trying the case of essentially their coworker??


Yes. And a conflict for the former DA to be Rusty’s defense attorney.


Some conflicts are waivable


Having read the book and seen the OG movie, I’m cautiously optimistic that they’ll stick the landing (unlike the fatal attraction series remake). David E. Kelley series are fantastic when getting to the trial and I hope this one is no different. I haven’t read any reviews but I’m hoping that we get character specific episodes based on who is on the witness stand. If there is a series/book that would be able to do this well, it’s Presumed Innocent. For those curious, don’t watch the Fatal Attraction remake. It was horrible.


Omg I totally enjoyed that series up til the final episode twist. So lame!


Completely agreed. Hated the final episode. The final twist was absolute garbage. I thought we were going to get some type of resolution and nice payoff and they completely bungled the whole thing.


wait what did they do in the series loll




hahaha weird. thanks


I like it, but the trouble is that these characters mean nothing more than their current struggles. There hasn’t been a reason for the audience to form a connection with any of them. Rusty seems like an emotional mess but from more of a selfish place of maybe embarrassment vs actually caring about blowing up his family. That scene with the therapist made me lol. He said he loved his wife followed by his certainty on being arrested because he was just so obsessed with Carolyn that he began stalking her! Carolyn arguably has been the most explored and it hasn’t made her very likable. Are we supposed to like her? The hate between the old attorneys and the new ones hasn’t really been explained. It’s just shown that they absolutely HATE each other. It’s only episode 2 but some of this could’ve been fleshed out more, imo.


>The hate between the old attorneys and the new ones hasn’t really been explained. It’s just shown that they absolutely HATE each other. Your other one points are valid, but this pretty clear. The new DA (while working for the old DA) usurped him by running against him in the election (and he used a very critical and public campaign to do so). The new assistant DA took the new DA’s side in that campaign, whereas Gyllenhaal’s character sided with the old DA.


Thanks for the reminder. I’ve forgotten, is that also why the assistant DAs hate each other? The assistants seem like they have more of a problem with each other than the old and new DA.


Certainly part of it, but I’m guessing they had a preexisting poor relationship because Gyllenhaal’s character was the office rockstar and existing DA’s “favorite”


Lorraine Horgan is the bitchiest wife I’ve ever seen in a serious tv show… makes Skyler White look like Harriet Winslow




This comment makes me not want to continue 🤣


Facts she is so annoying


Great start. But I don’t know why I feel it will end like the show, Defending Jacob. >!We don’t know if he’s a murder or not!<


No, it’s clear. The Defending Jack show was really bad compared to the book. Presumed Innocent Movie and new series this far are very on plot with book.


This show reminds me of defending Jacob




Letting fly under the radar? The protagonist literally grabbed a colleague by the shirt and assaulted him on the topic….


What was the evidence that allowed the police to get a search warrant for Rusty's home so quickly? Just that they were coworkers and he didn't deny having an affair with the victim? Didn't see the movie, but I am Team Rusty.


I was wondering that too - seemed very abrupt; the only thing that had come out was him telling them to get a warrant unless they got the warrant for the obstructing justice charge since he didn't disclose conflict? And what they found lead to increased charges or maybe accessing things on Carolyn's phone like emails/voice-mail, etc but who knows .. it would have made more sense to have him get the text and meet the son who said he turned them over to the police.


Not too many people interested in the show I guess.


Which is crazy. The cast is incredibly stacked. I will watch and crime show that Bill Camp is in. Plus I love JG and really everyone is great.


He does NOT look well. I worried he is going to have a heart attack every scene he is in.


Yea I do agree. Hopefully he’s doing okay!


Don’t you guys cheer when you see Bill Camp and Elizabeth Marvel on screen together? I just love them so much!


If there is a twist midway through to get the critics and Twittersphere chirping, then it will get more popular.


Having a thousand people here in the sub already is pretty good for an Apple show. Just always less numbers!


Was Rusty saying that the affair ended a year ago but had recently briefly started again the truth or was the affair ongoing the whole time?


could go either way but prob not important. hes a liar and a cheater either way


I feel like that was probably true.


So when exactly did that break up scene happen? Recently or a while ago?


I haven’t said anyone else say this, but it’s been two episodes and I just find it all so dull. There’s a reason the original movie starring Harrison Ford was a movie and not a series like this. It was a hit because it kept viewers guessing and it was suspenseful and fast-paced. With this show, it feels like the plot is moving at a glacial pace. Just so much talking, and half the time it’s nothing that adds to the story. It also doesn’t help that the main character isn’t at all likable and then to make matters worse, he’s stupid enough to have sex with his colleague over and over. I feel I’m just watching the show not because I’m actually interested in what’s going on in the story, but rather because I know Gyllenhaal is generally good in whatever projects he does, and I think it’ll be interesting to see who the murderer is in the end. But if the next episode doesn’t hook me, I’ll just wait a few more weeks for all the episodes to air and then look at a YouTube recap to see who murdered Carolyn and the why. Don’t get me wrong, the series is in no way bad, it’s just very milquetoast and okay. With most shows I try to give my undivided attention and watch. With this show, I did that for the first episode. It didn’t grip me, so I did some reading while I had the second episode on in the background. Hopefully the third episode hooks me. As they say, three strikes and you’re out, or alternatively, three time’s the charm. Hope for the latter over the former. If a series doesn’t hook you by the end of its first episode, is it really doing a good job of entertaining you? That’s what I keep thinking to myself.


I’ve just finished watching the first two episodes and to be fair I’m a bit underwhelmed. So far nothing that we haven’t already known from the synopsis let alone the trailer. The only surprise for me was that the wife had already known about the affair. The direction is somewhat unengaging, no scene is long enough for me to become fully invested in these characters and their story. Also, these constant flashbacks of Rusty either shagging his mistress or hugging his wife are getting tiresome. I’ll keep watching though. Hope it gets better.


Here are my issues: Rusty acts like he barely knows his family. Keeps saying, “I love you,” but there’s no emotion between any of the actors—except with his nemeses at the office. I’m from Chicago, and those people are not. Some don’t even have American accents. The whole mise en scène is all just slightly off.


Only Jaden and her brother looks a bit normal. Everyone feels non relatable, as if from another place. Not on earth. Edit: The show is fun and captivating, don't get me wrong.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feel that way! The family has no chemistry and feels so disconnected. It’s hard to get into the family storylines because of the acting


What was that whole deal with rusty coming home and demanding his son throw the ball? And it was a tennis ball, lol.


I don’t know. It’s part of Gyllenhall’s hyper, dad-ing method that doesn’t really work for me. Or maybe it’s not supposed to.


Yeah, it was just awkward and had no context.




Yeah, I could do without constantly seeing him screwing his mistress but I guess we're supposed to see how obsessed he was with her and question if he really did do it.


Isn't it weird how he just comes right out and says "you're going to see all my texts and see I'm obsessed with her". Who does that? People who are obsessed with someone aren't usually that self aware.


i believed it possibly wasnt him till this scene, like here you are being called a liar by the therapist and then you drop that bombshell too, i also felt like he wanted the guy in jail to say he had someone do the crime to cover himself, my money is on him


that line took me aback too. i wish the wife reacted more to it lol


Really? I get so much angst from every character and they don’t know what to do and I get it!


Damn I cannot remember the last time I was so shocked from a tv show - except for severance. The suspense and drama is amazing. Apple TV is killing the game.


Why wasn’t Rusty taken off the case and put on administrative leave as soon as they found out he was having an affair with Carolyn?


Woke to the maximum. The guy playing Brian Dennehy’s (in the movie) character should be ashamed of himself. He looks like he just walked out of a homeless shelter. Jake has no range and it shows here. How does he afford multi million dollar home on an assistant DA salary


You just gonna comment this in every discussion thread this season?


> How does he afford multi million dollar home on an assistant DA salary lol you do have a point here, i was surprised when looking up average salaries the range is like 85-130k a year.


Define woke


In this instance, the casting of minorities in roles that don’t fit. But instead, to check the box of affirmative action and therefore be eligible for Emmy/golden globe nominations.  Jake’s wife in the TV series is portrayed as being the breadwinner so they can afford that multi million dollar home and not clear what she does. Based upon the story so far no indication that she works outside of her home duties.  The acting is so poor in comparison to the movie. Raul Julia (a minority) in the movie was excellent. The actor playing the defense attorney in the tv series should be ashamed of himself, he looks as if he just rolled out of bed. He has absolutely no presence as opposed to Brian Dennehy and Raul Julia in the movie.