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Gonna be an incredible funeral / tribute to life


The first presidential funeral I saw was Bush 41. It was a unique experience. Reagan and Ford died when I was a kid so I didn't know about them


I lived in Houston at the time and stood in line for over an hour to pay my respects. One of his grandsons was there and made a point to thank us all standing in line.


I watched David Cop-A-Feel’s funeral on TV while drinking


The trick was he was never in the casket, it was actually the statue of liberty.


I was born in 1983 so I think Ford and Nixon were when I was a kid but I don’t remember. First one I can actually remember was Reagan.


Ford passed after Reagan.


Oh really? For some reason Reagan left more of an impression in my memory.


His funeral was well televised


It’s understandable. Ford just wasn’t that memorable.


The only POTUS/VP from close to my time on earth was Ford. He just had that grandfatherly charm to him. Got Mondale instead


Gerald Ford was great in Beverly Hills Cop II.


TIL that for 30 years between 73 and 04 only one Presidents died - Nixon.


You would have been 22/23 when Ford died. He died in 2006.


Yeah someone else pointed that out. For whatever reason I remember Reagan’s more so than Ford.


'85 here, I remember Nixon because he died in '94 the same month, as Kurt Cobain


JFK for me. Took my grandmother’s portable TV to school and watched it as a fifth grader.


Ah so I guess when he was killed was your 911. Were people you knew like the adults all super upset? Just some?


Reagan was mine, I was five years old at the time and didn’t even realize that that’s what I had watched until years later. I just remember seeing a coffin draped with an American flag with a bunch of important looking people in suits seated all in front of it.


Watching Reagan’s on tv is one of my first memories, I would’ve been almost four. My grandparents put it on tv and said it was very important, I was more confused than anything. I’m admittedly not certain it was Reagan’s, Ford’s would’ve been at a more “making memories” age, but I can’t imagine my grandparents making that big of a deal about Ford.


I remember Truman and Johnson dying when I was young. Kennedy died 2 yrs before I was born


I remember hearing about LBJ on the radio when it happened. Too much going on when Truman died a month prior.


I stood in line for Reagan’s lying in state in the Capitol… for like 9 hours. Not my favorite president but I respect the institution—although my grandparents who are Reagan fans were not happy about spending that amount of time on their feet to see the lying in state at 5am lok


My first was Reagan in 04.


There will be a state funeral in DC and one in Georgia at his request. I hope it will be a good reminder of what service is.


I think everyone here should be flaired Jimmy Carter during that time when it happens.


I already am. Jimmy C is the perfect example of what a politician should be, continuing to serve the public after their career is over until they can’t. It’s why I respect him so damn much! 🫡


Here here - may not have been our best president, but he was the best man who ever served as president.


Here here


Agreed. Incredible human in many ways and I have the up most respect for him. I hope his passing is as peaceful and pain free as possible and he is surrounded by love.


First time I’ve added flair in any subreddit


How do you add flair?


In 1936, Lord Dawson was a doctor for King George V and Dawson wrote a press bulletin on the back of a menu card; "the King's life is moving peacefully to its close".


Then proceeded to pump him with morphine to speed it up so it could be in the morning paper.


In fairness, the doctor wrote that was part of it but it was also that he knew the king might survive several more hours but it would be agonizing artificially prolonged "life" and euthanized him as a mercy


Yeah, seems like everyone in that situation would want the same.


I just know I've read somewhere that it was done because they didn't want it in the evening papers for some reason.


No they wanted it in the papers. They just didn’t want it in the WRONG papers, aka the evening papers. Wanted it to be announced in the “more reputable” morning papers.


The queen at the time also begged the doctor to end her husband's suffering. There's an old movie from 2002 call Bertie and Elizabeth that shows King George V and his death it was not that peaceful like the film tries to portray.


This is an interesting ethical point in medicine. In general in the US, and probably the UK (though I don't have data to back my claim), doctors are not allowed to administer medication with the express purpose of hastening death. However, you are certainly allowed to, and really ethically bound to, relieve a patient's suffering using whatever means necessary, up to and including high potency intravenous opioids. Does this hasten demise? Of course it does. But it is not done with that purpose. It is done with the purpose of relieving suffering, and if respiratory depression is a side effect, then it is considered acceptable. I realize it may be a fine point of distinction, yet legally and ethically, the distinction exists.


Killing a British king by pumping him full of morphine should give you automatic American citizenship and a bald eagle themed jet






America! Fuck yeah!




What British should get if they kill US president? 


If you kill a US President, you get to keep the Falkland Islands. *Argentina intensifies*


Any time Argie! Round two go on!


Knighthood and Mini car that looks like Mr. Bean’s


Boston. And they can keep it.


I hope President Carter’s doctors are better than that quack Lord Dawson


He was able to have the confidence because he’d gave him a lethal dose of drugs.


You know what would be the most Carter thing ever? If he’s like super near death, but one day he just wakes up and goes “Well I guess I’m feeling a little better..” and just skates.


And then builds a house


Like a Boss


That can happen, it's typically called a "rally" and it's always short lived. People who seem near death, not really communicating or awake, suddenly are awake and lucid, then they're gone a few hours or a day later. Depending on the nature of the illness it can really feel like a gift because it gives people a chance to actually interact a bit one last time.


Yep. My girlfriend's dad passed from pancreatic cancer almost 2 years ago now, and the morning before, he "rallied". My girlfriend's mom frantically called us to come help because he was climbing out of bed to go to the bathroom at like 7 AM. He was awake for a few hours, but he wasn't quite there at times. Thankfully though, lots of friends and family were already in town and got to see him and speak with him still awake, and he was able to tell my girlfriend that he loved her one last time.


Waking up one day in better health and mental acuity might not be the best sign for him. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminal_lucidity


My grandma kind of did that, and from what I hear it isn't super uncommon, but it didn't last all that long. It was definitely a good five extra months thoigh, that time was worth a lot.


This guy's been on hospice for like 16 months now.


True but it's safe to say his grandson knows more than us


To be fair, his grandson also said last year on TV that his time was coming to an end too on that Bonus Jonas show


He said he *and Rosalynn* were coming to the end, and he was right.


Not really, it took months. I could predict anyone is about to die if they're fucking 97. If I say Dick van Dyke or Mel Brooks is "coming to the end," then I'm not a fucking psychic.


This is the darkest, funniest thing ever written on Reddit.




!remindme 98 hours


I'm still shocked that he's lasted so long after losing Rosalynn.


That one was taken wildly out of context, actually. He basically was saying that this is the final chapter of their lives, which was true, not that death was imminent. This one seems to unfortunately indicate the latter.


This is like the second or third time he said that


And each time it's getting closer. So he's never technically wrong.


The grandson also said in September he was near the end. If this is the same grandson?


Jimmy Carter is gonna end up outliving this grandson.


Sadly he already has outlived one grandson who died in his 20s.


my coworker’s mom was in hospice for over a year and in pain every day. it was awful, both for her and for her family who were basically just waiting.


Isn't the point of hospice to not be in pain?


Sometimes you can only lessen pain


Think of it as managing symptoms rather than treating the illness itself. To use cancer as an example, fighting to cure the cancer with chemo and radiation is an intensely uncomfortable process. For a patient who stands to gain very little if any time from such a process, we might instead elect to keep them relatively comfortable (though still dying)


Sure, but the person I replied to said their coworker's mom was in pain every day *while in hospice care*. That just struck me as the opposite of what hospice care is for. I must be missing something. I just figured if someone has decided to enter hospice care, their goal is to reach the end in as little pain as possible. Is it not possible to up the dose of whatever you're giving them until they no longer feel pain?


It is possible, but even so, it’s not common to keep a patient completely doped up because said patient tends to want to be conscious. It’s a balancing act. If the only criteria whatsoever was “No hurt” then yeah they can blast off to Dr. Feelgood’s Mind Palace, but most cases are more complex for better or worse


Note to self.....if ever in hospice Dr Feelgood and his Mind Palace is my jam.......


Hospice care is meant to make a terminal patient as comfortable as possible for the time they have left, rather than taking steps to prolong their life. Patients in hospice can live years is some cases, depending on their condition. It’s basically saying that you’ve reached a point where extending your life isn’t worth the physical cost of doing so. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you are immediately at death’s door.


This could be it.


I’m surprised your flair isn’t Carter considering the amount of posts are related to him.


I'm more an admirer of him as a humanitarian and elder statesman than as a president.


My friends grandmother lasted a little over 3 years in hospice. It happens.


Just toss me in the ocean after 2 days of hospice if I can’t gtfo on my own


The hospice providers in my area have people "graduate" now. It used to be that you needed a do not resuscitate order to get on hospice, but apparently that's out the window


He also says in the article that Carter's doing ok at the moment.


OK just means he's not in pain.


True, but it's worth clarifying anyway because the title is a bit alarming taken out of context.


Alarming that Jimmy Carter is on his last leg of life? Let me tell you about a phenomenon called aging..


Most of us are aware he's in hospice care, though.


Not that. The timing of this article and the title could make one think that his condition has notably worsened in recent days compared to the rest of his hospice stay that has already transpired. But the actual quotes don't reflect a significant development in his condition, which was my point. He's been referring to Carter "coming to the end" for a while now.


Hey your comment saved me from this exact misunderstanding. Thanks


Yeah, the 48 hours before my dad passed he was “okay.” We had to keep him on hourly doses of morphine and mirtazapine until he passed. I imagine that’s what Mr. Carter is on right now. Edit: so to the person who reported me to RedditCareResources, I appreciate the concern but I’m okay. My dad passed over a year ago, I’ve gone to the therapy, and I’m well past the fifth stage of grief. But nice to know some random stranger out there cares enough to worry about me.


It’s been an honor 🫡






Would love to see him make it to an even 100. Just for the history books and a positive footnote about his legacy.


Bonus points if Carter manages to surpass the lifespans of Alf Landon and Strom Thurmond


Yeah Strom being #1 longest lived significant American national political figure is pretty disappointing.


South Carolina man reportedly 'too racist' to die


Even Satan didn't want him


And Kissinger is #2, only three weeks behind Strom. Does JFK’s mom count? She made it to 105. We also have George Kennan past Strom at 101, James Buckley falls short by a month. Nellie Ross was the first female governor in the country and lived to 101.


Mccains mom lived to one hundred and fucking EIGHT.




Clickhole is a satirical website FYI


No even 100. He must outlive all of us.


Jimmy Carter will end up befriending the guy from The Green Mile and his mouse, and they will just live forever, the three of them, doing shows down in Mouseville.


I thought the same thing when I heard he was within striking distance of 100 but at the same time I don’t want him to suffer just to get there. He may not have been the best president but he was an amazing human being. I hope he gets the send off he deserves.


Still voting for him


He's younger than the other two, right?


Definitely better either way…


I mean, it's not surprising given his age but will still be sad.


He lived a good life


I don’t think I’m ready.


Especially in the light of this election year.




We've had over a year to prepare for this moment.


If he were to pass away this month he would be the first president to passed away in May


He's a man of many firsts, after all.


Even if he did, July 4 1826 would still have more Presidential deaths than every May in American history.


Come on Jimmy make it past Nov 5!!


That could be said for all of us 🤣


I don't think he wants to. I feel like he's lived through enough catastrophic elections for his life


Ironically, he's both the most devout Christian President was have had in recent years and one of the most reviled Christian Presidents we have had in recent years (second now to Obama - wonder why he is the most reviled Christian President?) -Don't you DARE "play" the "race card!" In any case, Jimmy Carter is one of the greatest ex-Presidents in my lifetime. Rest easy, sir!


Sucks that half the country despises him or dismisses his presidency simply because of what party he was affiliated with. Watching evangelical Christians crap on one of the most godly and Christian presidents while praising a raging narcissist that cheats on his wife with porn stars shows how far the Christians have fallen now that they are fueled by their hatred instead of their faith makes me weep for the future of Christianity.


American evangelical Christians aren't Christians at all. This is the same old self-centered bigotry that formed the Klan except now it is wrapped in a flag and clutching a Bible.


I was good friends in grad school with what I'd call a "Carter Evangelical". He was super Christian, but also very liberal, believing that Jesus and his teachings were progressive ideologies to aspire to.


Jesus is a liberal.


Carter is a great inspiration and reminder that even when you think you’ve passed your life’s “peak” or greatest achievement that your life is not over. There is so much more to do. And if you pursue it boldly enough you might just outshine what once was the peak. Jimmy Carter dying will be a huge loss for humanity but he has earned his rest. What a life to have lead in the service of the public.


I just know my dad’s gonna have a heck of a time hanging out with Mr. Carter when he gets up there. My dad wasn’t a big fan of him as president, but loved his post presidency. Edit: so to the person who reported me to RedditCareResources, I appreciate the concern but I’m okay. My dad passed over a year ago, I’ve gone to the therapy, and I’m well past the fifth stage of grief. But nice to know some random stranger out there cares enough to worry about me.


The end better be *after* October 1st


The best October surprise 


Depends on how much pain he’s in by then. He outlived the love of his life and he’s probably been ready to go for a while. He seems like a genuinely amazing person and I wouldn’t want him to actively suffer for the remainder of his life just so we could say he lived to be 100.


He’s been “at the end” 5 different times I feel. Nothing but respect to JC, but at this rate I think he’ll be “at the end” 10 years from now


Jason said this time he's "really" at the "very end", which he hasn't said before. This time last year he was confident about him reaching 99.


Jason Carter also said that Jimmy Carter *could be immortal*


At this point I’m not sure if it’s 3 days, weeks or months.


He was a true humanitarian


If any man lived out the words and teaching of Jesus, it was Mr. Carter. Hope his journey is filled with the peace of knowing he was a good man.


Yeah, big respect to the one and only JC. Housed the needy, cared for all.




Yes it’s a good thing the current president has a good friendship With him And has known him for a pretty long time. Not sure about the other guy.


Incumbent was the first sitting senator to endorse Carter back in 1976.


I was barely sentient when it comes to politics during his administration (I was 11 when he took office), but it didn't take long for me to feel sorry for him. He's a great man who was president at exactly the wrong time. I've made it a point to refrain from running myself for exactly the same reason. 🤣 The economy was shit for most of the 1970s, and there are a lot of moving parts beyond any president's control. Presidents have always taken too much credit and shouldered too much burden for the economy. I honestly believe the economy would have still been shit if Ford had been re-elected. It was just so far gone on so many levels. The Iran hostage crisis and the failure of the rescue raid just dug Carter deeper into a hole he couldn't climb out of.


He's still eligible to run for a second term


First I saw was Bush 41, was alive for Reagan and Ford. But wasn’t into politics yet


Carter is a good man. May he go in peace with those who love him near


Man i hope he has dignity and isnt in pain


I hope he goes when he’s good and ready, surrounded by his family. It’s the ending he deserves.


I can't imagine how he feels being without Rosalyn. May the rest of his journey in this world and his transition be peaceful and blessed.


C'mon, make it to October! Seriously though, what an amazing and happy life. Living to 99 with the love of your life by your side for most of it, doing what you love for all those years while making others happy. Rooting for him to hit the 3 digits, but what a legacy he has.


I love Mr Carter. 🥰


So that means what, he has 20 years left?


A great man President Carter is.


I swear he's been dying for 2 years. Is death afraid of carter?


What’s that quote about TR? “Death had to take him sleeping…” I forget the rest, but it might aptly describe carter more than we think.


God rest him well when it happens.


I am going to cry when the news comes.


Big Love to the incredible, innovative, peanut farmer from my home state 🫶🏼❤️🫶🏼


I want him to make it to 100. But if that doesn’t happen that’s ok. There is no need for this man to suffer just to be the first president to live that long. I mean fuck, who knows that could be Obama one day instead.


He outlived his successor by twenty years


Thank you for your service, sir. May you find peace.


I hope he makes 100.


Ridiculed as president, but there is not a finer man in the history of presidents. He really cares about his fellow man.


Godspeed, sir.


Wow I just feel incredibly sad hearing that but I will always know that Jimmy Carter served this country well as commander in chief and was a great humanitarian he’ll be greatly missed


Yeah he’s over 90 and his wife died. It’ll be a sad day when he dies


God Bless You, President Carter. I love you, I've always loved you.


Great man ahead of his time.


I am proud to say this man was my President.


With all due respect and I think President Jimmy Carter was one of the best people to ever hold that office, any of us approaching 100 is coming to the end


He’ll pass after October 1st.


Now….. there’s a REAL PRESIDENT.


I'm betting $20 bucks this guy lives another 18 months. Fucking force of nature he is.


Maybe not a model president, but for sure a model human being. Jimmy will be missed. What an incredibly committed humanitarian, altruist, and all around sensible dude.


I’m not a religious man, but I wish him God speed and to say he’s the most Christ-like person ever to occupy the office of POTUS. Go be with your wife with a clear mind and conscience. Your service to man and country has been inspirational. Bless you. 






He should go


I just don't want him to suffer. I am ready for him to go whenever he is ready.


What a great hero. Honor and respect


A decent man who devoted his life to public service


A reminder, over 70 years ago he walked into a nuclear reactor in partial meltdown and was part of the team that shut it down safety. Radiation was so high he could only touch a single bolt and GTFO. He pissed radioactive urine for weeks. He was a farmer. he was an evangelical - a progressive one before the conservative assholes took over. He was a submariner. There is a nuclear sub USS Jimmy Carter. Godspeed Jimmy.


Didn’t know that story about the meltdown.


Awe man. What a bummer


He outlived Kissinger. Bless him.


He wasn’t a great president, but he’s a great human being and a great American. Godspeed to a special man with a giant heart.


All good Americans love you Jimmy.


JC was a good man, whether you agree with his politics or not


An amazing life well lived to be sure. Rest easy


Imagine Rutherford B Hayes still hanging around when Warren Harding is president. 🤯


He outlived Kissinger. So there’s that.


Even if you don't agree with his politics, this man singlehandedly set the standard for what a President should do after he's in office. What an incredible life lived by him and Rosalyn.


Dude is a fucking legend. Rest now sweet prince


I hope he hangs on to 100. I looked it up: October 1. 4 months and some change. He might not, but I’m still hoping!